
Chapter 861 Mochizuki Family

Chapter 861 Mochizuki Family
The medicinal effect of Baixue Dan was far stronger than other healing pills. Not long after Liu Chen took it, he was extremely cold at first, but suddenly felt hot all over.

Coupled with Liu Chen's already strong self-healing ability, Liu Chen regained his mobility in just a moment.

But it will take a long time to rest in order to return to peak condition.

After all, if the power of a sixth-order dragon powerhouse fell on other late-stage powerhouses, they would have died long ago.

"Are you ok?"

Bing Feixue said with a concerned expression.


Liu Chen nodded slightly, then raised his head, looked at Bing Feixue, suddenly felt extremely kind, and naturally reached out to caress her cheek.

"Are you the Liu Chen that Xue Er spoke of?"

Suddenly, the white-haired old man flew down from the moon-watching platform, and looked Liu Chen up and down, as if he wanted to see through him.

Very strong!

This is Liu Chen's first impression of the old man, whose strength is far above that of Dragon Chess.

"Hmm! Thank you, Senior, for your help!"

Liu Chen gave a respectful salute to the white-haired old man, and said politely.

Hearing this, the complexion of the white-haired old man eased a lot.

Seeing this scene, everyone around was stunned. Originally, the strong dragon clan chased and killed the strong dragon clan, but now the Mochizuki family stepped in.

And it seems that the disciples with other surnames of the Mochizuki family have a good relationship with Liu Chen.

It's getting more and more exciting.

"You don't have to thank me, just thank Xueer if you want to thank me, she begged me to come out together."

The white-haired old man looked at Bing Feixue with a smile on his face, and said.

Bing Feixue smiled sweetly, changed the subject immediately, and introduced: "This is Wang Bai from the Mochizuki family, you can just call him Bai Lao."

"Old Bai."

Liu Chen said respectfully.

Old Bai nodded slightly when he heard the words, and immediately waved his sleeves, saying: "Although those guys from the Dragon Clan were chased away by me, I'm curious, why were you chased and killed by the strong Dragon Clan?"

Liu Chen smiled bitterly, and said, "This matter is a long story."

"The current situation is that I killed several strong dragon clans, and they hated me so much that they wanted to take my life."

"You killed the strong dragon clan?"

Bai Lao's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at me in disbelief, as if he was looking at some terrifying monster, and said, "What gave you the courage to dare to kill the strong dragon clan?"

"Although the dragon clan is not the most powerful force in the fairy world, because of the existence of Long Zhantian, the dragon clan is like a giant in the fairy world, and its strength is not weak."

"You are a cultivator in the late stage of transforming gods, and you have no time to hide from them. How dare you kill the strong dragon clan!"

Liu Chen already knew that even if he told it, Bai Lao would not believe it, so he stopped explaining.

But Bing Feixue asked: "What's going on, why did you kill the strong Dragon Clan?"


Liu Chen paused, sighed a long time, and said, "At the beginning, Xiaoqing and I entered the Immortal Realm together, but he was taken away by the elders of the Dragon Clan immediately because of his fifth-order dragon transformation."

"And I worshiped under Immortal Immortal Venerable and became his disciple."

"Later Xiaoqing asked me for help, and I found out that the dragon clan wanted to kill Xiaoqing. After several setbacks, I killed the strong dragon clan who came to intercept me and Xiaoqing."

Old Bai nodded heavily, but a bright light flashed in his eyes.

It turns out that this five-clawed golden dragon came from the fifth stage of evolution, and does not have pure dragon blood, but why did I feel another powerful aura from him?

"Since Xiaoqing was accepted into the Dragon Clan by the elders of the Dragon Clan, why was he hunted down by them again?"

Bing Feixue was full of doubts, and looked at Liu Chen for no reason, she really couldn't figure it out, it didn't make sense at all.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, looked at Xiaoqing beside him, and said, "Just because Xiaoqing has golden blood, she is considered a mutant dragon and is not worthy of living."


Xiaoqing roared, as if she was also mourning for her own tragic experience.

"So it is! So it is!"

Bai Lao suddenly realized, he was wondering why there was a special power in Xiao Qing's body, it turned out to be the golden blood.

"The dragon clan does have such a tradition. In order to ensure the purity of the blood, any mutant dragon will be executed in the end, and the end will be very miserable."

"It's not uncommon for the skin to be peeled off and refined into treasures."

Old Bai said slowly.

Cramp skinning!

Upon hearing these four words, Bing Feixue got goosebumps all over her body, how cruel it must be to do such a thing.

Bing Feixue asked herself to kill many people, but she had never done such a cruel thing.

The scene of the skin being stripped of flesh and blood is terrifying when you think about it, but Xiaoqing is a five-clawed golden dragon with a huge body, so she has to endure that inhuman torture continuously.

"The truth is too cruel."

Bing Feixue said with emotion.

Hearing this, Bai Lao smiled irrefutably, and said lightly: "It's nothing, the fairyland is so big, and there are many more cruel things that you haven't seen before."

"When you see it one day, you won't think this kind of thing is cruel."

"I'd rather not see you."

Bing Feixue's teeth chattered, she shook her head, and said.

Old Bai laughed, and then left with a flick of his sleeves, only Liu Chenbing and Feixue were left, and at this moment, both of them returned to the Wangyue family.

"Xue'er, how are you doing in the Mochizuki family recently?"

Liu Chen asked with a concerned expression.

"Don't worry, husband, I'm fine here, and they all respect me."

Bing Feixue smiled slightly, signaling Liu Chen to feel at ease, and continued: "The reason why the Wangyue family accepted me as a disciple with a different surname and gave me noble treatment is because I have a complete bloodline."

"Coincidentally, Wang Lan, the ancestor of the Wangyue family, was once a descendant of the fairy clan, and also had the blood of the ice demon. It's a pity that after Wang Lan disappeared mysteriously, the concentration of the ice demon blood in the Wangyue family became lower and lower."

"After thousands of years of inheritance, this bloodline has gradually disappeared, so most of the Mochizuki family members do not have ice demon bloodlines."

"There are only a handful of people with complete blood, and I only have two people!"

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned, and then asked, "Who is the other person?"

"Now the patriarch of the Mochizuki family, Wang Bo."

Bing Feixue looked into Liu Chen's eyes, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one else around, she whispered: "I heard someone talk about it before, the reason why the Mochizuki family made an exception to accept me as a disciple with a different surname, They want me to inherit the position of the patriarch of the Mochizuki family."

"Because the patriarchs of the Mochizuki family in the past have to be of the complete bloodline, but looking at the entire Mochizuki family, there is no second complete bloodline."

"That's a good thing!"

With a smile on his face, Liu Chen looked at Bing Feixue excitedly. If Bing Feixue became the patriarch of the Mochizuki family, it would mean that Liu Chen had a backer in the fairy world.

In the future, relying on the Mochizuki family, they can take over all the other people from the five lands.

"But I don't think so."

But Bing Feixue shook his head and said: "At the end of the day, I am a disciple with a different surname, and Wang Bo will definitely not pass on the position of patriarch to an outsider, so he will definitely try to cultivate another complete bloodline."

"That's the real reason why he took me in!"

After hearing this sentence, Liu Chen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, deep worry appeared in the depths of his eyes, he held Bing Feixue's hand tightly, and said: "Xue'er, what do you mean, they are after you?" Your complete blood!"


Bing Feixue nodded heavily.

"But the blood exists in the flesh. If you die, they will not be able to get the full blood, and unless you voluntarily, they will have no way to get the blood."

Liu Chen looked at Bing Feixue and said slowly.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue nodded slightly, and said: "There are two possibilities at present, but I think the latter is more likely. As for whether they can do anything about it, I don't know. I can only take a step at a time. .”

"Anyway, the Mochizuki family treats me well now."

"What you said is not unreasonable. Even if they want to move you, they must at least let you grow up first, but you can't take it lightly."

Liu Chen reminded.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen changed the subject and asked, "What about Zi'er? After you separated from her, did you still find any clues about her?"

"No, that day I entered the Immortal Realm East with her, and I was directly taken away by the Mochizuki family. When I came out, I completely lost Miss Zi'er's whereabouts."

"I also sent people to search everywhere, but there has been no whereabouts of Miss Zi'er."

Bing Feixue frowned slightly, with a worried expression.

"Could Zi'er have left Immortal World East and gone to other places?"

Liu Chen made a bold assumption.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue shook his head, and analyzed: "It stands to reason that I was taken away by the Mochizuki family, and my life and death are uncertain. Sister Zi'er should stay in the east of Immortal Realm."

"Or go back to the fairyland to ask you for help, but there has been no whereabouts of Miss Zi'er for so long, I suspect that Miss Zi'er is in danger."

In fact, Liu Chen thought so too, but he didn't dare to say it out, Bing Feixue and Zi Xuan were his favorite people, and he didn't want to see any danger.

"Xue'er, if you continue to use the power of the Mochizuki family to search in the east of the fairy world, you should be able to find Zi'er's whereabouts."

"I will also let people pay attention to Zixuan's news in the fairy world."

Liu Chen frowned, and suddenly felt a huge stone pressed against his heart, which was heavy and very uncomfortable.


Bing Feixue nodded slightly, and immediately said: "By the way, I received a mysterious letter a few days ago, which contained nothing but this."

"Take it out and show me!"

A gleam flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he spoke immediately.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue immediately took out a small piece of iron from the savings bag, showing a purple-blue color, very gorgeous, and faintly lingering with the power of thunder and lightning.

"This is... the Purple Thunder Sword!"

Liu Chen was shocked, and immediately took a small piece of iron from Bing Feixue's hand, muttering to himself: "This is Zier's Zilei Sword! He is indeed in danger!"

"Who sent you the letter, can you still contact him?"

"As long as we can find him, we can find Zi'er!"

Liu Chen said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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