
Chapter 863

Chapter 863
But just as Liu Chen was about to mobilize the spiritual power in his body and start warming up the Shennong Ding, he let out a muffled grunt, and spurted out a big mouthful of blood, which splashed directly on the Shennong Ding.

Liu Chen only felt a huge pain in his chest, and then passed out and lost consciousness.


At this moment, Bing Feixue was full of disappointment, obviously she didn't find out about Zi Xuan's whereabouts, she was still thinking about how to tell Liu Chen the bad news, so she pushed the door open and entered.

But what she saw next made her look pale.


Bing Feixue rushed over with a stride, and immediately helped Liu Chen up from the ground, and said with a concerned look: "Husband! What's wrong with you? Talk!"

"Obviously you were fine when I left, why did you suddenly become like this?"

"Husband, don't scare me. I have already found the news about Sister Zi'er. Wake up quickly."

Bing Feixue's eyes were moist, and two lines of hot tears could not help but flow down.

After a while, Bai Lao came over and saw the unconscious Liu Chen, with a rare look of surprise on his face, why did he suddenly become like this when he was fine the day before.

"let me see!"

Originally, he personally delivered the elixirs here just to witness Liu Chen's demeanor in alchemy, but he did not expect to encounter such a thing.

Bai Lao immediately walked over, fed Liu Chen a pill, and then took it back to his residence.

"Xue'er, bring a basin of water!" Bai Lao ordered.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue went out obediently immediately.

"An Jin? A strong man in the Void Refining Realm! Could it be that sixth-order Dragon Race strong man?"

Boss Bai was shocked. At that time, Liu Chen was chased and killed by the strong dragon clan. Although he escaped by chance, he must have been attacked by the strong dragon clan during the battle, leaving hidden dangers in his body.

It's just that Liu Chen didn't notice it all the time, only those who are strong in the Void Refining Realm can perceive it.

This is incredible too!
After being hit by the dark power of the sixth-level powerhouse, he can still be safe for so many days. If he were an ordinary person, his body would have exploded long ago.

Suddenly, Bai Lao turned his gaze and looked at Liu Chen's chest. His heart was beating very well, not at all like a human heart.

"This kid has a lot of secrets."

Old Bai muttered to himself, he could see that this heart was very difficult, if it wasn't for this heart suppressing the dark energy, Liu Chen's body would have exploded long ago.

It's just that he didn't see that this heart contained the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart.

At this moment, Bai Lao took a look at Liu Chen from head to toe, almost no part was intact, the skin all over his body was flushed, and blood oozed from many places.

The limbs and torso swelled in a circle, like a balloon, which would explode if it was pricked!
"It hurts too much." Bai Lao sighed, the pill can only protect Liu Chen's heart, but it still needs a lot of effort to wake him up!
The frightening thing is that there is a tyrannical dark energy remaining in Liu Chen's body, rampaging in his body, Bai Lao dare not make a casual move, if the dark energy is detonated, Liu Chen will undoubtedly die.

After a while, Bing Feixue came in with a basin of clear water, and said, "Old Bai, water..."


Bing Feixue saw the bloody man on the bed at a glance, that familiar face had turned into this appearance, and suddenly her body trembled slightly, as if all the strength in her body was drained, she kicked away the basin and walked to the bed.

Eye sockets were moist, two lines of hot tears fell uncontrollably, lying on the bedside, holding Liu Chen's bloated hand, crying: "Husband, why did you become like this?"

"Husband. Wake up and see if I'm alright, husband..."

The more Bing Feixue cried, the more powerless she became, the tears dripped on Liu Chen's arms uncontrollably, she was very sad, seeing that Lao Bai's chest was painful, so she patted Bing Feixue's head lightly, and said: "He It's okay, I just suffered a slight injury, and I will wake up after a short sleep."

"You go and bring a basin of clean water and help him wash it later." Bai Lao said.

"Okay, Mr. Bai, you must find a way to save my husband, you must save him." Bing Feixue firmly grasped Mr. Bai's big hand, and the little eyes that were about to despair gave Mr. Bai an indescribable feeling.

So he nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely save him."

After a few words of comfort, Bing Feixue walked out of the room sobbing.

At this time, Boss Bai waved his hand, and immediately took out another pill, and fed it to Liu Chen. These pills are mild in nature, which is exactly what Liu Chen needs now.


Suddenly, Old Bai raised his brows, and the way he looked at Liu Chen completely changed, because he felt a magical energy circulating in Liu Chen's body!
This energy is gradually absorbing the remaining dark energy in his body, replenishing and repairing himself, but his life force is rapidly disappearing.

In other words, it was only a matter of time before Liu Chen woke up.

Old Bai was full of doubts, that power was so amazing that it could devour other people's life force, this should be Liu Chen's instinctive reaction.

Two hours later, the terrible suction gradually disappeared, and Bai Lao's already old face became even older, with wrinkles on his face, as if half of his foot had stepped into a coffin.

There was a faint air of death all over his body.

In order to save Liu Chen, he also went all out.

Ten days later, Liu Chen moaned, and slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the haggard Bing Feixue. A distressed smile appeared on his face, and he said hoarsely, "Xue'er."

"Husband!" Bing Feixue woke up immediately with all her wits, and tightly grasped Liu Chen's hands, fearing that all this was just a dream, she said excitedly, "Husband, you woke up, you finally woke up!"

"How long have I been asleep?" The thing Liu Chen remembered most clearly before he passed out was that he collapsed in the room, and he didn't know anything about the rest.

"Husband, you have been in a coma for ten days!" Bing Feixue said happily.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded, unexpectedly, he had already been in a coma for ten days.

At this time, Liu Chen lifted the quilt, and when he was about to get out of bed, Bing Feixue immediately turned around blushing, as if seeing something that shouldn't be seen.

"It's not that I haven't seen it, what's there to be shy about?" Liu Chen said lightly.

Liu Chen let out a long breath, immediately picked up the clothes beside him and put them on, then opened the door and walked out.

I don't know why, when she looks at Bing Feixue again, her eyes always dodge a little.

At this time, Bai Lao came over and saw Liu Chen waking up with a radiant look, so he smiled and said, "Wake up."

"Wake up." Liu Chen replied.

"Since you're awake, I have to tell you two things." Bai Lao changed his tone and continued.

Hearing this, Liu Chen's complexion changed, he looked at Bai Lao seriously, and said, "What is it?"

Could it be that something major happened during the ten days I was in a coma?

Bing Feixue suddenly fell silent, clasped his hands together on his chest, and said as if he had made a mistake, "Husband, your partner has been arrested, and the people from the Dragon Clan have delivered the challenge letter to the door!"

"Passing Water was arrested?" Liu Chen frowned, thinking that Passing Water had left the Immortal Realm East, but he didn't expect to be caught.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Lao took two steps towards Liu Chen and said, "There is another thing!"

"I spent a lot of life force in order to save you. You are an alchemist, so you should have a way to make it up for me."

Hearing this, Liu Chen looked Bai Lao up and down, he was indeed very old, as if he had just crawled out of a coffin, and Liu Chen vaguely remembered that he seemed to be absorbing vitality all the time.

It never occurred to me that that person was Bai Lao.

If it wasn't for Bai Lao, it would be very difficult for Liu Chen to wake up, so he promised firmly: "Bai Lao, don't worry, I will definitely."

"But before that, I have to save someone!"

In any case, Passing Water was because he was captured and had to be rescued, so he immediately said, "Old Bai, I have to go out now!"

"Dragon Chess is a master of Void Refining Realm, don't be impulsive." Bai Lao persuaded.

What can be done to refine the virtual realm? You can't let the passing water be in danger, but remain indifferent.

"Bai Lao, can you help me..."

Suddenly, Bing Feixue looked at Bai Lao pitifully, and said.

Hearing this, Old Bai's complexion darkened, he glared at Liu Chen, and said, "I can help you, but after it's done, you must give me double benefits. Not only will I restore my original vitality, but I will also enhance my cultivation. Elixir."

"no problem!"

Liu Chen resolutely agreed to Bai Lao, and immediately took out a Flawless Barrier Breaking Pill from the Sumeru Ring, saying: "Here is a Flawless Barrier Breaking Pill, after this is done, there will be more pills! "


Bai Lao was also polite, and directly accepted the Breaking Barrier Pill.

"I'll go with you." Bing Feixue rushed over suddenly, hugging Liu Chen's waist tightly.

At this time, Bai Lao also came from a distance, and said: "Then let's go together, and let you increase your combat experience by the way!"

Not long after, the three of them were ready to go and flew towards the place agreed by Longqi.

"Liu Chen, after hiding for so long, he finally appeared!" At this moment, Long Qi came out from the shadows, and a powerful coercion from the Void Refining Realm exploded.

At some point, he actually changed into a human body.

Dragon chess!

Liu Chen's expression darkened, he pointed at Long Qi's nose, stared at him fiercely, and said, "The person you want to deal with is me, let the passing water go!"

"I can't tell, you still care about this trash, okay, if you want to save him, come here yourself!" Long Qi looked at Liu Chen playfully, and said.

"Dragon Chess!"

At this time, Bai Lao came directly from the void, and a more powerful coercion enveloped many dragon powerhouses.

"I'll just give you one chance to release the passing water!"

Seeing the situation, Pai Shui frowned, he never thought that Bai Lao would come, but he still had his cards in his heart, so he wasn't worried at all.

"Old Bai, you probably don't know Liu Chen's real identity yet, do you?"

"If I told you about the relationship between Liu Chen and Passing Water, I'm afraid you wouldn't say that, and you might even kill Liu Chen."

(End of this chapter)

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