
Chapter 864 Reverse Immortal

Chapter 864 Reverse Immortal
Upon hearing these words, Liu Chen's heart shrank, his expression was tense, his heart was extremely disturbed, and he suddenly regretted it.

At that time, he only thought that he would have great confidence in bringing Bai Lao to rescue Passing Water, but Liu Chen never thought that such a thing would happen.

It's just because I didn't think carefully!

Liu Chen heaved a long sigh in his heart.

"Oh? I'd like to hear from you, what is his identity."

Old Bai looked at Dragon Chess with great interest. He was indeed curious. Liu Chen is a powerful alchemist with a strong heart and impressive strength. It must not be easy to be hunted down by a strong Dragon Clan.

"He is the disciple of Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng."

The corners of Bai Lao's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, and he spoke slowly. ,

Hearing this, Bai Lao laughed louder than Longqi, and suddenly realized, no wonder Liu Chen was able to easily take out the Flawless Barrier Breaking Pill.

It turned out to be Lu Qingfeng's disciple, which was not surprising at all.

With such two powerful masters and such a profound background, as long as they don't do anything out of the ordinary, they can walk sideways in the fairy world.

It's a pity that Liu Chen killed the strong Dragon Clan and touched the bottom line of the Dragon Clan, otherwise they would not have chased and killed Liu Chen.

"You even dare to chase and kill Immortal Venerable Immortal and Lu Qingfeng's disciples. If he dies in your hands, aren't you afraid of the crazy revenge of his masters?"

Old Bai frowned, the threat in his words was obvious.

Hearing this, Long Qi smiled disapprovingly, turned his head to look at Liu Chen, and said meaningfully: "If I kill Liu Chen beforehand, it will indeed set me on fire."

"But it's different now. Liu Chen is a Nixian. If I kill a Nixian, let alone an Immortal Immortal Venerable, even Ye Jun's disciple, I should kill him!"

"No one can protect Ni Xian in the fairy world!"

Long Qi's voice became louder and louder, almost roaring, and he pointed at Liu Chen, which was actually extremely fierce, with murderous intent in his eyes.

If it wasn't for Bai Lao still standing here, Long Qi would have rushed up and chopped Liu Chen into pieces to avenge the destruction of his body.

"Reverse Immortal?"

Old Bai frowned, he never thought that Liu Chen was actually a Nixian, but in fact the Mochizuki family did not reject Nixian, and of course they would not take the initiative to accept Nixian.

The Mochizuki family also contributed a lot to the invasion of the fairyland by the demon clan thousands of years ago, but the fairyland was divided into two extremes later.

Regarding the dispute in the fairy world, the Mochizuki family does not want to participate, and Bai Lao will naturally not help Liu Chen repel the dragon chess.

Because once Old Bai still helped Liu Chen even though he knew Liu Chen's true identity, he would be on the same front as Ni Xian.

What this means, he is very clear.

"Reverse Immortal."

Bing Feixue murmured to herself, she has been in the fairyland for so long, especially after entering the Mochizuki family, she has a more and more thorough understanding of the fairyland, so she naturally knows Nixian.

That is the enemy of the entire fairy world, like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats, how could the husband join the Nixian?

Bing Feixue's abrupt voice sounded, she immediately shouted, and retorted: "Since my husband is the disciple of Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng, with such a noble status, how can he join Ni Xian!"

Hearing this, Long Qi smiled irrefutably, turned to look at Liu Chen, and said, "You have to ask him yourself this question."

"It's a fact that Liu Chen is Ni Xian. If you don't believe me, you can ask Passing Water!"

Bing Feixue immediately walked to Liu Chen's side, secretly praying that Liu Chen was not a Nixian, because once Liu Chen was a Nixian, the two of them would become people of two worlds.

Bing Feixue now represents the Mochizuki family, she is the same as Bai Lao.

From the beginning to the end, Liu Chen remained silent, glanced at Long Qi, then looked into Bing Feixue's eyes, and did not speak for a long time.

"Tell me, you are not a rebel."

Bing Feixue looked at Liu Chen excitedly, and continued to speak.

"If he wasn't Nixian, I, Longqi, would cut off his head and kick him like a ball!"

Long Qi speaks lightly, with a full heart.

Immediately afterwards, Long Qi waved his hand and said, "Bring the passing water up!"

As soon as the words fell, two dragon powerhouses at the peak of the fifth level immediately walked up the passing water, and saw that the four joints of the passing water were nailed into thick steel nails, and the spiritual power in the body was continuously draining.

The cultivation base also fell from the peak of the God Transformation Realm to the middle stage of the God Transformation.

If it continues like this, within three days, Passing Water's cultivation base will drop to the Nascent Soul realm, until he completely becomes an ordinary person.

Too bad!
Liu Chen clenched his fists tightly, and there was a strong killing intent in the depths of his eyes, wishing he could tear the dragon chess into pieces and seal his dragon soul forever.

Let him stay in the darkness all his life, never seeing the sun.

"Yes, I am indeed a Nixian, I lied to you!"

Passing Water knew that there was no escape, so he smiled bitterly, looked at Liu Chen apologetically, and said, "In fact, I have always known that you are Lu Qingfeng's disciple, and the reason why I walked with you is because I liked the good things about you .”

"Fart! You two knew each other a long time ago!"

Long Qi suddenly slapped Shi Shui's face, half of his cheeks were swollen suddenly, a few teeth fell out, he looked extremely embarrassed.

"That's not what you said when we tortured you before!"

Holding the head of Passing Water with one hand, Long Qi threatened: "Tell the truth, otherwise I will crush your head right now, and then refine your Nascent Soul!"

Hearing this, Passing Water smiled as if death was at home, and said lightly: "Anyway, I am already a dying person, so there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Kill me!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Chen's eyes were rosy, and a murderous intent filled his heart, but Liu Chen knew very well that Passing Water even sacrificed his life to protect himself.

If he took the initiative to reveal his identity at this time, then Passing Water would really die in vain.

So no matter what, Liu Chen had to hold back and try not to be too obvious, so as not to let them see the flaws.

"Good! Good! Good! Since you want to die so much! Then I will fulfill you!"

Long Qi was furious, said three good words in a row, and immediately struck out with his palm, hitting the face of Shishui.

With a bang, Passing Water's head exploded instantly, blood spattered, leaving a headless corpse on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Nascent Soul of Passing Water flew out and fled towards the distance, but was caught back in Longqi's hand, and said lightly: "As long as the Nascent Soul is still alive, there is still a chance of life!"

"I'm giving you one last chance now, either tell the truth or I'll kill you."

Hearing this, Passing Water simply closed his eyes, and said calmly: "I have already said what I should say. I did lie to him and didn't tell him my true identity."

"Fart! He is also a Nixian!"

Long Qi was furious, and immediately slapped the Nascent Soul in the passing water, and with a bang, the Nascent Soul rolled out like a ball for a long way.

However, he was captured by the rest of the dragon clan powerhouses and handed over to Longqi.

Liu Chen's killing intent was stronger than ever, and he must be skinned and refined into treasures if he has the opportunity.

Finally, Bai Lao couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and said flatly: "Since he is a Nixian, he can do whatever you want, but I have to remind you that now Liu Chen is a guest of our Mochizuki family."

"If you want to do something to him, you have to ask me if I agree first!"

"Husband, are you okay?"

Bing Feixue and Liu Chen had the same heart, others couldn't see it, but she could feel the grief in Liu Chen's heart.


Liu Chen forced a smile on his face, looked at Longqi not far away, and said calmly: "You have traveled thousands of miles to chase me to the east of the Immortal World. I will repay this friendship sooner or later!"

"Hmph! Always be there for me!"

Longqi suddenly grabbed it with his big hand, and the Nascent Soul in the passing water exploded directly, turning into a little bit of starlight and disappearing into the air.


From this moment on, there will never be such a person as Passing Water in Immortal World!
Liu Chen resisted the urge to explode, took two deep breaths, and tightly grasped Bing Feixue's right hand, trying to calm down the excitement in his heart.

Until now, Bing Feixue understood that Liu Chen was indeed Ni Xian, so she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Why did you become a reverse fairy!

"Liu Chen! I won't let you go. If you have the ability, you will stay in the Mochizuki family for the rest of your life and never come out!"

"Otherwise! I will definitely let you die without a place to bury you!"

Long Qi pointed at Liu Chen's nose and threatened.

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a cruel smile, and said lightly, "Don't worry, I will take the initiative to find you. I hope you will still be alive at that time."

After saying that, Liu Chen and others immediately returned to Wangyue's family. Because of Bai Lao's protection, Long Qi didn't dare to do anything directly, so he could only watch them leave helplessly.

Bai Lao seemed to glance at Liu Chen meaningfully, heaved a long sigh, and left immediately.

With his seasoned experience, he couldn't see the clues, but he didn't want to expose it, and didn't want to embarrass everyone.

He didn't support Nixian, but he didn't oppose Nixian either. He didn't mention this matter entirely because of Bing Feixue's face.

"Retreat! Alchemy!"

After Liu Chen returned to Wangyue's family, he immediately locked himself in the room, and kept making alchemy for two months, often making huge noises, which attracted the attention of many people.

But because of Bing Feixue, no one came to bother Liu Chen.

For two full months, Bing Feixue waited outside Liu Chen's room every day besides practicing, waiting for Liu Chen to come out.

Passing water died, Bing Feixue knew that Liu Chen was suffering, but he didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only accompany Liu Chen to bear the pain silently.

Suddenly, Liu Chen kicked open the door, and walked out unkempt, even worse than a beggar.

"I succeeded!"

Liu Chen was overjoyed, and immediately handed two savings bags to Bing Feixue, saying: "Here are two savings bags, one for Bai Lao and the other for Wang Bing."

"I still have very important things to do, so I'll take a step ahead."

After the words fell, Liu Chen didn't even have time to wash up, and left the Wangyue family directly, and flew all the way towards the black market in the fairy world.

(End of this chapter)

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