
Chapter 865 1 Conditions

Chapter 865 A Condition

Looking at the direction Liu Chen was leaving, Bing Feixue really wanted to catch up immediately, but when he reached the door, Liu Chen had already disappeared without a trace, and he didn't know which direction it was at all.

"Actually, it's good for him to leave, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to the Mochizuki family."

Old Bai said slowly.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue looked a little displeased, and immediately turned around and threw all the two savings bags in Bai Lao's hands, saying: "These are the two savings bags left by my husband before he left."

"One of them is yours, and the other is Wang Bing's."

After the words fell, Bing Feixue immediately returned to the room.

Seeing the situation, Elder Bai took a deep breath and muttered to himself: "Hey! After all, he is too young. If he is a Nixian, you will not be from the same world."

"Why don't you understand this point?"

As he said that, Bai Lao slowly opened the savings bag, and saw that there were all kinds of elixirs in it, all of them were high-level elixirs, and there were one or two flawless elixirs.

These elixirs are not particularly precious, but they are also of great value. They can just help Bai Lao recover his vitality, and those few flawless elixirs can also help him improve his cultivation.

This time, the help was not a loss, and even made a profit.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Lao opened another savings bag, which contained only one elixir, but it was crystal clear and exuded bursts of elixir fragrance, which looked extremely extraordinary.

"In just two months, he was able to refine so many pills. As expected of Lu Qingfeng's disciple, his talent in alchemy really surpassed ordinary people."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be a second Lu Qingfeng in the fairy world."

Bai Lao muttered to himself, and immediately hid in the dark with a savings bag.

But Bai Lao didn't know that when Lu Qingfeng was so young, even though he was very talented, he couldn't refine the flawless medicine like Liu Chen.

Especially the Flawless Barrier Breaking Pill!

But at this moment, Liu Chen flew all the way, flying north towards the fairy world.

In two months, Liu Chen didn't use all of it for alchemy, but also condensed two clones, which possessed [-]% of the fighting power of the deity.

One of the avatars was used to attract the attention of Longqi and the others, and the other avatar went to the north of the fairy world to truthfully convey the events here to Nixian headquarters.

The deity went to the black market.

In addition to being angry, Liu Chen was also very anxious. He was not sure whether the headquarters of Nixian would believe him.

If they don't believe it, then Liu Chen really has nowhere to go, and even becomes a stranger inside and out.

Nixian also rejected him, and the fairy world also rejected him, so Liu Chen would have no place to stand.

Even Bing Feixue couldn't keep Liu Chen.

After all, she only has a high status in the Mochizuki family, and she is also the patriarch of the Mochizuki family from time to time.


Liu Chen looked up at the sky, let out a long breath, calmed down his uneasy emotions, quietly left the east of the fairy world, and went straight to the black market.

It might be because the avatar released by Liu Chen had an effect, Long Qi and the others didn't notice that Liu Chen's deity had left.

By the time they realized it, Liu Chen had already arrived at the black market.

Two months have passed since the agreement with Lu Qingfeng, and I don't know what the black market has become, and whether the identity of the mysterious alchemist has been affected.

On this day, Liu Chen quietly entered the black market, and as soon as he entered, he was immediately stared at by countless pairs of eyes.

"You are finally back."

At this time, Long Jiu immediately walked up, patted Liu Chen's shoulder lightly, and said, "Where have you been for the past two months?"


Liu Chen was expressionless, said indifferently, and immediately took out a elixir from his bosom, and said, "It took two full months to refine the Wuxiaduerdan!"

When this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked.

"What! He actually successfully refined the Flawless Duer Pill! How is this possible! You must know that this is a elixir that even Lu Qingfeng could not refine!"

"In my opinion, his alchemy strength has long surpassed that of Lu Qingfeng. Even if he doesn't reveal his identity, he is still No. 1 in alchemy in the fairy world!"

"That's right, his alchemy strength is far superior to Lu Qingfeng's, but since he hasn't announced his identity, he probably doesn't want to participate in various forces, right?"

Everyone talked a lot, and while shocked, they began to guess Liu Chen's real identity, but they never imagined that the mysterious alchemist was Lu Qingfeng's disciple.

Looking at Duer Dan, Long Jiu's pupils shrank suddenly, looked at Liu Chen in surprise, looked up and down several times, and said: "I always thought that your alchemy strength is very strong, even comparable to Lu Qingfeng, but I don't know Never thought of it!"

"You are so terrifying. It took two months to refine the Impeccable Duer Pill. With this strength, no other person can be found in the entire fairy world!"

Hearing this, Liu Chen had no expression on his face. He couldn't be happy at all when he heard everyone's flattery, especially when he looked at Long Jiu in front of him, his murderous intent was overwhelming.

"Isn't he here yet?"

Liu Chen looked around, but he still couldn't find the person who wanted to buy Du'edan last time.

"I am here."

Suddenly, Lu Qingfeng walked out from the crowd, still gave Liu Chen a savings bag, which happened to contain 5000 million fairy stones, and said, "5000 million fairy stones! One is not a lot!"


Liu Chen took the savings bag, and immediately threw Du Erdan to Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng looked at the Du'er Dan in his hand, and checked it dozens of times, wishing he could pick a bone in the egg, but it's a pity that this is the Du'er Dan with no time, without a single flaw.

"It really is no time to save Erdan!"

Lu Qingfeng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt his heart skipped a few beats. He looked at Liu Chen in disbelief, as if he had opened the door to a new world, and asked, "I really want to know, how exactly did you refine the flawless degree?" Erdan."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled irrefutably, and said lightly: "No comment!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qingfeng tore off the mask on his face suddenly, revealing his true face, and said: "As long as you are willing to tell me the method of refining the Wuxia Erdan, and what conditions are available, you can just mention it, and it will be worth hundreds of millions of immortal stones." , I can afford it too!"

Hundreds of millions of spirit stones!As expected of an old-fashioned alchemist, he is so rich, hundreds of millions of immortal stones, probably have half the entire wealth of the immortal world, right?
"He turned out to be Lu Qingfeng!"

"Lu Qingfeng is so powerful that he still needs others to help him make alchemy. It seems that he is willing to bow down."

"That's right, starting today, the No. 1 alchemy in the fairy world is no longer Lu Qingfeng, but him."

Everyone was discussing, and they all looked at Liu Chen with fiery eyes.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen was also shocked. He never thought that the person in front of him was actually a master. Now Liu Chen regretted it a bit.

After earning 5000 million immortal stones from his master, I don't know what expression he will have when he knows the truth!
"I do have one thing that I need someone to help me with, at least it must be a strong person in the continuous realm."

Liu Chen said lightly.

Upon hearing this sentence, the experts in the Void Refining Realm stepped forward one after another. Being able to help such a mysterious alchemist do one thing, the benefits must be indispensable.

"No matter what it is, as long as we can do it, we will help to the end!"

Everyone spoke in unison, and put on an appearance that they were willing to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire for Liu Chen.

Seeing the situation, Long Jiu stood beside Liu Chen, and said via voice transmission: "If you have any difficulties, you can tell me directly, and I can help you solve it with a word."

"I, Lu Qingfeng, are not talented. Although I only have the Great Perfection in the Void Refinement Realm, my words still have some weight in front of those who are strong in the Fusion Realm,"

"If you have anything, you can tell me, and I will help you solve it!"

Lu Qingfeng said confidently.

Indeed, Lu Qingfeng wasn't bragging at all. Many powerful people had been helped by Lu Qingfeng. Now, as long as Lu Qingfeng said a word, as long as they kept their promises, they would help.

Liu Chen looked at Long Jiu, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a mysterious smile, then he shook his head and said, "You may not be able to help with this matter."


Long Jiu frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen turned around, looked at Lu Qingfeng, and said, "I want you to help me find a strong person in the Void Refinement Realm, at least in the middle stage of the Void Refinement Realm, and the late stage is best."

"After five days, kill these people."

"If you can do it, I might consider telling you the method of refining Flawless Erdan."

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately threw out a jade slip, which recorded all the information of Long Qi and others.

However, in order to be seen through, Liu Chen deliberately tampered with the jade slip. Once someone opened the jade slip, the content inside could only be read once, and it would disappear immediately.

The most important thing is that Liu Chen performed the three techniques of memory on the jade slip. After a period of time, people who have seen the jade slip will forget this memory.

That's why he dared to send out the jade slips blatantly.

If it wasn't for Liu Chen's certainty, he wouldn't have done this, because once more people knew about the jade slip, Liu Chen's identity would probably be exposed.

"it is good!"

Lu Qingfeng grabbed it with his big hand, put the jade slip into his savings bag, and immediately turned around to leave the black market. Before leaving, he said, "I'll see you in five days. I hope you won't make me wait too long."


Liu Chen smiled slightly, talked with Long Jiu for a while, took a lot of medicinal materials from him for free, and then left the black market.

For a while, the news that Lu Qingfeng recruited someone to refine the Impeccable Du'er Pill spread throughout the fairy world.

Even the North of the Immortal World, the East of the Immortal World, and other places know that there is a mysterious alchemist in the black market, whose strength is far above Lu Qingfeng, and he is the well-deserved No. 1 alchemist in the Immortal World.

Everyone is guessing the identity of the mysterious alchemist, but they will never guess.

After leaving the black market, Liu Chen quietly went back to the cave to have a look, but found nothing, so he flew west towards the fairy world.

The strong Dragon Clan would never have expected that Liu Chen would hide in the west of the Immortal Realm.

Five days later, Liu Chen entered the black market again and fulfilled the agreement with Lu Qingfeng. However, Liu Chen also had a very headache. What excuse should he find to convince Lu Qingfeng that he can refine the Flawless Duer Pill!

(End of this chapter)

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