
Chapter 866

Chapter 866
In the entire fairy world, the west of the fairy world is definitely the most barren place, but compared to the five lands, it is much stronger.

In the west of the Immortal Realm, you can see foundation building and alchemy practitioners everywhere, and occasionally a few Nascent Soul cultivators, all of whom are elders or even masters of the great sect.

Liu Chen glanced over, and every cultivator who had reached Yuan Ying was at least 50 years old.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen closed his eyes and carefully felt his surroundings. Within a radius of ten miles, there was not a single Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen expert.

Not to mention the powerhouses in the transformation stage.

Even so, this place is still much stronger than the five lands, because the strongest force here is connected to the fairy world.

If you want to leave the West of Immortal World, truly become an immortal, and enter the Immortal World, you must join the strongest force.

Liu Chen was very curious as to which power it was that almost dominated the west of the Immortal Realm, and no power could resist, just like the Immortal Palace of the Five Earths.

It's just that this side is more powerful because they control the power to enter the fairy world.

Flying in the sky, Liu Chen looked down at the west of the Immortal World, couldn't help feeling a lot, and immediately found this force.

"Ascending Immortal Palace!"

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but look at the three big characters on it in shock. It turned out to be the Hall of Ascension to Immortals, which was exactly the same as the five lands!

Such a coincidence is rare.

Just as I was about to go in, I saw a familiar figure coming out of it.

Soul boy?

Liu Chen frowned, and looked at the soul boy in surprise, why did he appear here? Could it be that he has some inexplicable connection with the Ascending Immortal Palace?

Or in other words, the Hall of Ascension to Immortals was originally a force under the hands of the Spirit Race?

Compared with other places in Immortal Realm, Immortal Realm West is so insignificant that it is not worth mentioning. Any cultivator in the realm of transforming gods can destroy this place.

But don't forget that the reason why the Immortal Realm will continue to produce new powerful people is because the Immortal Realm West continuously replenishes the Immortal Realm with fresh blood.

If the Spirit Race controls the Immortal World West for decades, hundreds of years, or even longer.

It's hard to imagine how many strong people there are under the hands of the Spirit Race?
The spirit boy also seemed to have seen Liu Chen, so he walked over with a smile on his face and said, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"But I really admire you. Everyone knows that you went to the east of the fairy world, but you quietly fled to the west of the fairy world. I'm afraid those guys from the dragon clan will not be able to find you even if they turn the east of the fairy world upside down."

"And they would never have thought that you ended up hiding in the west of the Immortal World."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled irrefutably, and asked bluntly, "Why did you appear here?"

"Why can't I appear here!"

"What's more, I have not been hunted down. I can go wherever I want. This is my freedom."

The soul boy spread his hands, shrugged, and said lightly.

"You should understand the meaning, there seems to be some kind of relationship between you and Shengxian Temple."

A gleam flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, he fixed his eyes on the soul boy, and said slowly.

Hearing this, the corner of Lingtong's mouth slightly raised, revealing a mysterious smile, and said, "Want to know? Come with me."

After the words fell, the soul boy immediately walked towards the Ascension Hall.

Seeing the soul boy walking past, the cultivators beside him immediately stopped, no matter men, women or children, they all bowed their heads to salute the soul boy.

They looked respectful and did not dare to slack off in the slightest. Most people did not dare to raise their heads and look directly into the soul boy's eyes.

Occasionally, a few young and energetic cultivators raised their heads, trying to see the appearance of the soul boy clearly, but were reprimanded by the old man next to him.

Seeing this scene, there was a great commotion in Liu Chen's heart. In the eyes of this group of people, the soul boy is like a god.

Everyone respects from the bottom of their hearts.

It's not like being afraid of the soul boy's strength, but another feeling, similar to faith.

Liu Chen was very puzzled, what did the soul boy do to make them change so much.

"Come with me."

The soul boy waved at Liu Chen, and immediately walked into a hall, surrounded by sculptures of different shapes, and in the middle was a huge crystal ball suspended in the air.

Inside the hall, practitioners can be seen sitting under crystal balls to meditate and practice everywhere.

"The aura here seems to be a hundred times stronger than the outside world."

Liu Chen was shocked and said that cultivators under Transformation God practiced in this kind of place, and their speed would be hundreds of times faster than usual.

It is stronger than the environment in the fairy tomb.

Liu Chen looked intently, not only a lot of aura would be released from the crystal ball, but most importantly, there were many fairy patterns in it.

As long as the cultivators in the transformation stage practice here, it will be much easier to absorb the immortal pattern and condense the immortal grid.

"There are two crystal balls in total, which are divided into son and mother balls. This one is a child ball, which is connected with the cue ball and transmits spiritual energy."

"As long as the cue ball exists, the fairy energy from the fairy world will be transmitted to the child balls, which will be released and benefit them."

"The most important thing is that the cue ball can not only transmit immortal energy, but also transmit immortal patterns from the immortal world."

"Otherwise, relying on their strength alone, it will cost more to gather immortality, and there will be fewer people becoming immortals."

Lingtong explained slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded heavily, and immediately looked at the cultivators under the crystal ball, most of them were Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen experts, and there were also many Spirit Transformation stage practitioners.

They are condensing the fairy grid, and once they succeed, they can enter the fairy world.

"The reason why you did this must be for a purpose, right?"

Liu Chen frowned, looked at the soul boy, and asked tentatively.

Hearing this, the soul boy smiled as a matter of course, and said: "It's natural, after all, just building the child-mother crystal ball has consumed a lot of resources of the Spirit Race, and we must earn it back."

"We are not dragons, nor humans. We don't have such big ambitions. We don't want to dominate the fairy world, and we don't want other races to bow down to us."

"We just want to protect ourselves and have a place in the fairy world."

Liu Chen was shocked in his heart, nodded slightly, and when he looked at the soul boy again, he found that his eyes were deep, which suddenly made Liu Chen feel like he couldn't see through.

It turns out that the Spirit Race is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there is a more powerful force behind it.

The members of the Spirit Race are all powerful, but it is a pity that there are few members, and they cannot withstand the huge consumption, so they came up with this method.

"Have you considered what happened last time?"

Suddenly, Ling Tong changed the subject, looked at Liu Chen, and asked.


Liu Chen frowned, looked at the soul boy, smiled slightly, and said, "I thought that incident was over, but I didn't expect you to remember it."


The spirit boy looked serious, looked at Liu Chen solemnly, and said, "You are in a very dangerous situation now, the dragon clan has issued an order to kill you, and they are chasing you everywhere."

"And you offended Gu Jian Xianzun and Qian Zhan Xianzun again. No matter if you are a human race or a monster race, someone will target you."

"Although Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng are protecting you, they cannot protect you all the time."

"However, you promised me that matter, the Giant Spirit God is willing to step forward for you and completely solve the troubles of the Dragon Clan."


Hearing the last sentence, Liu Chen couldn't help but gasp, he never thought that even the Giant Spirit God would be involved in this matter!
The giant spirit god is one of the strongest in the fairy world!

Liu Chen couldn't believe it, so he shook his head, looked at the soul boy half-believingly, and said, "The fairy world is better than me, there must be more outstanding people, why is it me?"

Hearing this, the spirit boy's eyes flashed brightly, he stared at Liu Chen sharply, took a deep breath, and after a long silence, said seriously: "Indeed, there are many people who are better than you in the fairy world!"

"However, there are two things in you that they don't have!"

Liu Chen's heart trembled, and he immediately stared at the soul boy vigilantly, ready to fight.

"Special bloodline and the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart."

The soul boy said lightly, and continued: "The special bloodline is integrated with your body. If you can combine with the spirit clan and give birth to a child, then the child will have a half chance of inheriting the special bloodline."

"The blood essence of the Demon God's Heart has also been completely refined by you, and the child born will have a certain talent of the Demon God Clan."

"Among the ten Eldar women, as long as five of them inherit your bloodline, we will be satisfied."

"If one of them has both a special bloodline and the talent of the Demon God Race, coupled with our careful training, he will definitely become a giant in the fairy world in the future."

The soul boy talked endlessly, and finally told the truth.

Sure enough, the soul boy was trying to convince himself that he really had a plan, but Liu Chen was very curious, how could they know that I have a special bloodline and the blood essence of the heart of a demon god?
Seemingly seeing the doubt in Liu Chen's eyes, he opened his mouth to explain: "Ever since the Immortal Rookie Conference, when you beat the enemy with one move, the Giant Spirit God has seen that you have a special bloodline."

"As for the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, I'm afraid not only the Giant Spirit God, Ye Jun and Long Zhantian have also seen it, but it's just a drop of blood essence, which has no effect on them at all."

"Unless you get the real Demon God's Heart!"

That's it!

In the eyes of those strong, the secrets in my body are just as transparent.

Liu Chen's heart shuddered, he was shocked, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that they were not interested in a drop of blood.

"I've told you all the truth, and I'll give you one last chance to think about it."

"Do you want to continue to live the life of fleeing, constantly being chased and killed by the strong dragon clan, or do you want to return to the fairyland and live a life that countless people envy."

"With the Spirit Race and Immortal Venerable, Lu Qingfeng will support you, and your immortal journey will be smooth sailing in the future."

The soul boy said temptingly.

It would be a lie to say that he is not tempted, but Liu Chen has always had a bottom line in his heart, that is, he has already married two beautiful wives.

If he did such a thing without telling them, Liu Chen would definitely feel very sorry.

What's more, with Bing Feixue's personality, he would not allow Liu Chen to do such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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