
Chapter 867

Chapter 867
Seeing Liu Chen fell silent, the soul boy probably knew what Liu Chen meant, so he didn't force it at all, so he shook his head, walked outside, and said calmly: "The West of Immortal World is very big, and there are many places that we have never explored. "

"Similarly, here, like anywhere else, there are many adventures, and it takes a lot of luck to get them."

"It is completely impossible for the Spirit Race to have all the opportunities, but we will recruit those who have the opportunities and let them work for us."

"Doesn't that mean we have an opportunity?"

The soul boy spoke slowly, then turned to look at Liu Chen, and continued, "Just like the special blood in your body and the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, you must have obtained a great opportunity to achieve today's achievements."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, thinking carefully about everything that happened in the five lands, it was indeed very difficult.

In the beginning, he experienced all kinds of hardships in Daoyangzong, and later he was hunted down many times, and then he went to Zhao Country, Yu Country, Dongling Land, Southern Ring Land, Northern Cold Land, and Xiling Dangerous Region , Zhongtiandidi.

Liu Chen has been to almost every place in the five lands.

Bone Lake, Secret Realm of Reincarnation, Ridge of Snow Mountain, Ice and Fire Canyon, Immortal Tomb.

"Since our deal has not been reached, let it go and act as if nothing happened."

The soul boy shook his head, and after sending Liu Chen out, he walked in again.

But at this moment, more than a dozen strong dragons rushed out from the outside, each of them possessed the cultivation base of the fifth-order peak.

At this moment, even a fool would know what happened, Liu Chen was furious, stared at the soul boy sharply, and scolded: "You betrayed me!"

"I remember I told you before that the Spirit Race has always maintained neutrality and will not participate in any war between the Human Race and the Monster Race."

"Today I met you in the west of Immortal Realm. If I don't tell the Dragon Clan, it will be tantamount to covering you up."

The soul boy said indifferently, and looked at Liu Chen again, full of indifference, as if Liu Chen's life and death had nothing to do with him.

"Hmph! You have already stood on the side of the Dragon Clan!"

Liu Chen scolded loudly.

Hearing this, the soul boy seemed to have never heard of it, spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly: "You are wrong, I am not standing on the position of the Dragon Clan, it is just out of punishment for rejecting my kindness many times. "

After the words fell, the soul boy walked into the Ascension Hall without looking back.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen fifth-rank dragon clan powerhouses rushed forward, and the leader was the five-clawed golden dragon from last time, but he lacked one eye, which looked extremely terrifying.


The five-clawed golden dragon scolded, and the rest of the strong dragons spit out dragon flames one after another, trying to burn Liu Chen into powder.

But at this moment, Liu Chen's spirit beast bag buzzed, and Xiaoqing rushed out from inside immediately, spitting out golden dragon flames, and fought against a dozen strong dragon clans with her own strength.

Although he is very difficult at the moment, he has indeed achieved it. He is also at the peak of the fifth order, but Xiaoqing's strength is far beyond that of the same order.

This is the huge benefit brought by the special bloodline, and as the cultivation base improves, this gap will become more and more obvious.

This is why, the fairy clan is the most powerful existence in the fairy world, because the fairy clan generally has a special bloodline.

"Xiaoqing! Let's go!"

Liu Chen waved his big sleeves, and immediately stood on Xiao Qing's back, one person and one dragon flew towards the west of the fairy world.

In fact, Liu Chen was very worried that if a battle broke out in the West of the Immortal World, it would cause unimaginable damage. A random magic spell could destroy half of the West of the Immortal World.

If he shot without any scruples, Liu Chen, together with the rest of the dragon clan powerhouses, would definitely destroy the fairy world.


With a roar, Xiaoqing turned into a long rainbow and disappeared into the sky, followed by the five-clawed golden dragon.

Liu Chen knew in his heart that in terms of speed, Xiaoqing was about the same as other dragon powerhouses, and at such a close distance, it was almost impossible to get rid of them, and the only way to do it was to rely on other methods.

Head-to-head encounters were impossible, after all, they were numerous and mighty, even if Liu Chen had superpowers, it was impossible for them to be their opponents.

What should I do?
Liu Chen frowned, and racked his brains to think about countermeasures, but he couldn't think of any useful method, unless the sky sent a strange soldier to repel these dragon powerhouses.

Strange Rock!Thank you Bing!
Or Lu Qingfeng, Immortal Immortal Venerable, whoever appears at random can repel them.

But Liu Chen knew very well that this time he entered the fairyland quietly, and no one except the soul boy knew about it, so there was no need to expect anyone to rescue him.

At this moment, Liu Chen had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly remembered that Long Jiu had given him a scale when he was in the black market last time.

With that piece of scale, you can mobilize the powerful dragon clan.

"good chance!"

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and immediately he made a tactic with both hands, and when they were not paying attention, he released a clone and hid in the dark.

The deity and Xiaoqing continued to fly forward, but they were actually making a huge circle, but the five-clawed golden dragon didn't understand it.

By the time they understood, it was already too late.


Liu Chen patted Xiao Qing's head lightly, Xiao Qing understood immediately, roared suddenly, and flew towards the distance.

"This time, you will definitely die, and you don't need to expect anyone to appear suddenly and save you!"

The five-clawed golden dragon's face was gloomy, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was a cold killing intent in the depths of his eyes. He said coldly, and immediately opened his mouth to spit out dragon flames, trying to block Liu Chen's way.

"Even if you can't catch me in Dragon Chess, a sixth-order strongman, you still want to kill me with your mere cultivation at the peak of fifth-order. It's a dream come true!"

Liu Chen's expression was solemn, as if a huge stone was pressed in his heart, he flew forward desperately.

"Hahahaha! If that's the case, why are you running? You can stop and cut us all under the sword!"

The five-clawed golden dragon raised its head and laughed loudly, then winked at the five strong dragons beside it.

After a while, the five strong dragons separated from the team and flew in another direction, seeming to expel Liu Chen in a certain direction.

Obviously, Liu Chen also found out, so he looked forward, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils suddenly, shocked.

Right in front of them was the Dragon Clan's territory. They wanted to lead them around in a big circle, but unfortunately they wanted to push Liu Chen closer to the Dragon Clan's territory.

Once they entered the realm of the Dragon Clan, even if Immortal Immortal and Lu Qingfeng appeared, it would not be easy to save Liu Chen.

"not good!"

Liu Chen yelled that it was not good, and immediately turned around and flew in the opposite direction. At the same time, he urged his clone and took out the scale.


The five-clawed golden dragon and the others frowned, as if they had sensed some information, they all turned their heads to look in the direction of Liu Chen's avatar.

Not only them, but Long Jiu of the Dragon Clan also sensed the scales, so they immediately stopped what they were doing and chased directly towards the location of the avatar.


Liu Chen was secretly delighted, taking advantage of the moment they were attracted by the scales, he unleashed a light curtain of sword rain, and then cooperated with Xiaoqing to forcibly rush out a bloody path.


Even so, Liu Chen didn't feel well, and his right arm was burned by the dragon flame. Fortunately, Liu Chen had a special blood, so he extinguished the dragon flame in time.

Otherwise, even if an ordinary cultivator is only slightly burned by the dragon flame, that flame will swallow him until only ashes are left.

"Chasing! Absolutely don't let him run away!"

The five-clawed golden dragon came back to his senses, pointed at Liu Chen who was going away and shouted loudly.

Before the words were finished, the rest of the Dragon Clan powerhouses had already chased after him, but it was a pity that they were getting farther and farther away from Liu Chen.

They all knew what that scale meant, it was Long Jiu's call to let them go, but unfortunately they didn't know that that scale was not Long Jiu's call for them to go.

It was Liu Chen who wanted to attract their attention.


One of the strong dragon clan looked at the five-clawed golden dragon hesitantly, and asked tentatively.

Hearing this, the five-clawed golden dragon's complexion darkened, looked at Liu Chen who was going away, and said in a deep voice: "Ten people followed me to continue chasing and killing Liu Chen, and the rest went to the place where Long Jiu was."

"it is good!"

The rest nodded slightly and immediately flew in another direction.

But at this moment, Liu Chen was getting farther and farther away from the five-clawed golden dragon and the others. If there were no accidents, he would be able to get rid of them immediately.


Liu Chen suddenly felt a fierce killing intent coming from behind, so he looked back subconsciously, and saw a stream of light coming at an extremely fast speed, much faster than the five-clawed golden dragon and others.

Dragon Nine!

Liu Chen was taken aback, his pupils shrank suddenly, the scales were clearly in the opposite position, why would Long Jiu chase after him, it's simply unbelievable.

The most important thing is that Liu Chen's avatar is hidden in the dark. After they went there, they could only sense the position of the scales, but they could never find the location of Liu Chen's avatar.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Liu Chen, I didn't expect that we would meet here again!"

"However, this time should be the last time we meet."

The corners of Long Jiu's mouth rose slightly, showing a cruel smile, and then slowly raised his right hand, saying: "This time, no one can save you."

As soon as the words fell, Long Jiu dropped his palm suddenly, and suddenly felt as if the world was split, and a dazzling golden light burst out, approaching Liu Chen.

At that moment, Liu Chen's back felt cold, his muscles tensed, his palms were sweating, and he subconsciously accelerated and dodged to the side, but unfortunately it was still too slow.

It's like being locked, and there's no way to avoid it.

At this moment, Xiaoqing roared, her body swelled up several times, golden scales shone all over her body, and her pupils even showed a bright golden color, which looked extremely terrifying.

The golden light landed on Xiaoqing's back, making a huge explosion sound, arousing bursts of energy ripples, spreading in all directions, and reverberating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under this ripple, any cultivator under the late stage of transformation will almost be smashed into powder.

Even Liu Chen felt extremely uncomfortable, he groaned in his chest, and stepped back to the side.

(End of this chapter)

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