
Chapter 868 Dragon 9

Chapter 868 Dragon Nine
So strong!

Liu Chen couldn't help but gasped, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he hid behind Xiao Qing reflexively, and the way he looked at Long Jiu completely changed again.

When he was in the Task Pavilion before, Liu Chen only felt that Long Jiu was very strong, and even thought that he was a sixth-order powerhouse, but he did not expect that he only had the cultivation base of the fifth-order peak.

The most important thing is that, although he only has the cultivation base of the fifth-order peak, the blow just now is enough to instantly kill any strong person in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, even the strong ones of the great perfection of the transformation of the gods dare not show their edge.

I am afraid that only Xiaoqing's perverted defense can resist it.


Xiaoqing roared, obviously angry, so he opened his bloody mouth and spit out raging dragon flames at Long Jiu.

This dragon flame was very flexible, chasing Long Jiu, as if to devour him completely.

At the same time, Liu Chen was not idle either, taking advantage of Long Jiu's blow, he immediately moved around to get behind Long Jiu, and at the same time made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers.

The Sunset Sword pierced through the void, shot out with lightning, and stabbed directly at the back of Long Jiu's head, with extremely fierce momentum.

If this sword hits, Long Jiu's head will explode directly.

However, Liu Chen knew very well that with Long Jiu's strength, the Sunset Sword could not hurt him at all, at most it could distract him.

As long as Long Jiu's attention can be distracted, then Liu Chen's goal will be achieved.

"Kirin Iron Arm!"

Liu Chen yelled, and punched out with his right arm, the unicorn iron arm burst into dazzling brilliance, an explosive force was brewing in Liu Chen's body, and slowly poured into his right arm.

"Tch! How strong can I be as Liu Chen? It turns out that's all there is to it."

"Jian Kui, Jian Mosquito, Jian Xin, Hei Huang, Hei Priest and others died in your hands, probably because of the golden dragon next to you, right?"

"Otherwise, with your strength, you would have been killed by any of them long ago."

The corners of Long Jiu's mouth rose slightly, showing a contemptuous smile, and then he flicked his fingers lightly, and the sunset sword that was close to the back of his head flew out instantly.

The direction was towards Liu Chen, and the speed was even faster, appearing in Liu Chen's eyes almost in the blink of an eye.


Liu Chen's expression was serious, his heart hung in his throat, and he immediately yelled, and the sunset sword stopped when he was two fingers away from Liu Chen.

That sharp sword edge stimulated Liu Chen's pupils and heart, which really made people feel hairy.

Long Jiu's strength is unfathomable.

These words echoed in Liu Chen's mind all the time, he would rather be hunted down by more than a dozen dragon clan powerhouses at the peak of the fifth step.

At least in this case, Liu Chen still has a chance to fight hard with them, maybe there is a slight chance to escape.

But at this moment, being bitten by Long Jiu to death, and followed by ten dragon powerhouses at the peak of the fifth rank, Liu Chen really couldn't escape.

There was still a slight chance before, but now that Long Jiu appeared, Liu Chen didn't even have that slight chance.

What should I do?
Liu Chen frowned, racking his brains to think, but his mind was blank, the more nervous he was, the more he couldn't think of any useful solutions.

"That's right! Clone!"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Chen's mind, and he immediately thought of the clone hidden in the dark.

Liu Chen also discovered that there were originally more than a dozen strong dragon clans, but now there are only ten people left, and a few people have gone after the clone. It is estimated that none of them have found the clone now.

I have to find a way to move the position of the clone.

Liu Chen frowned, staring closely at Long Jiu in front of him, then glanced at the direction of the avatar from the corner of his eye, and immediately shouted: "Xiaoqing! Let's go!"

When meeting Long Jiu, Liu Chen really had no choice but to resort to a dangerous move, which was to destroy the avatar, take out the dragon scales, and pretend to be a mysterious alchemist in the black market.

Although this might arouse the suspicion of Long Jiu and others, Liu Chen had no other way.

It is better to be suspected by Long Jiu than to die in Long Jiu's hands.

"Run? Where can you run?"

The corners of Long Jiu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a playful smile, as if a hunter had discovered the prey, but was not in a hurry to kill it.


Long Jiu waved his big hand, and the rest of the dragon clan powerhouses followed closely behind, staring at Liu Chen firmly.

Under Long Jiu's leadership, they didn't kill Liu Chen immediately, nor did they catch up to Liu Chen, they just followed Liu Chen, bringing him huge psychological pressure.

It seemed that this would satisfy Long Jiu.


Liu Chen looked gloomy, glanced at Long Jiu and the others not far away, then patted Xiao Qing on the back, signaling him to speed up.


With a roar, Xiaoqing's figure surged forward, turning into a golden streamer, and disappeared into the sky in an instant, more than doubling her speed.

Standing in Xiaoqing's sorrow, Liu Chen felt the terrifying air currents on both sides, and couldn't help but secretly startled. It turned out that Xiaoqing was so strong, and he hadn't noticed it before.

"You think you can escape like this?"

Long Jiu smiled disdainfully, and immediately waved his sleeves, took out eleven pills from the savings bag, and said: "Here are ten Yufeng pills, after taking them, the speed will increase several times."

As soon as the words fell, the ten strong dragons immediately took the Yufeng Pill, and Long Jiu was no exception.

It wasn't long after taking the elixir. Before, he had to use all his strength to catch up with Liu Chen, but now he still needed a little effort to bite Liu Chen.

Looking at their calm appearance, they seem to be very relaxed.

Seeing this scene, Liu Chen shook his head, and said to himself: "It seems that this time, it is unlikely to escape."

Liu Chenyang let out a long sigh, and immediately flew to the location where the avatar was.

Anyway, Long Jiu and the others were not in a hurry to kill Liu Chen, this was Liu Chen's last chance.

Liu Chen didn't dare to delay for too long, because Long Jiu might change his mind at any time.

After about half a stick of incense, Liu Chen finally found the clone, which collapsed silently, and Liu Chen disappeared into the distance with the dragon scales.

From the beginning to the end, Long Jiu didn't find Liu Chen's clone.

The dragon scale has been obtained, and the next step is to find a suitable opportunity to change identities. Obviously, the black market is the best place.

The most important thing is that once Liu Chen entered the black market, even if they chased him in, they would not dare to do anything to Liu Chen in the black market.

But at this moment, Liu Chen's heart was shocked, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and the avatar sent to the north of the fairy world unexpectedly shattered.

There was nothing wrong with Liu Chen's feeling, it was broken!
It was killed by a very powerful force, at least a strong person in the Void Refining Realm, otherwise it would be impossible to instantly kill Liu Chen's clone with one blow.

What is going on!

Liu Chen's heart was already very heavy, and at this moment, he never expected that a clone would be beheaded by the strong man from the north of the fairy world.

In other words, Immortal World North also began not to accept Liu Chen.

Finally, what Liu Chen was most worried about happened. Immortal Realm North was hostile to Liu Chen, and it was Liu Chen who was the enemy. Before that, Liu Chen was a rebellious immortal, and was not tolerated by Immortal Realm.

It's just not human inside and out.


Liu Chen looked up to the sky and sighed. I'm afraid that from today onwards, there will be no room for him in the vast fairy world.

Not to mention the Immortal Immortal Venerable, Lu Qingfeng, I am afraid that even the Wangyue family would not dare to make an enemy of the entire fairy world and protect Liu Chen.

It's okay to offend the Dragon Clan, some people dare to help, but if they stand in the camp of Ni Xian, no one can protect Liu Chen.

Regardless of whether Liu Chen is still a Nixian now, at least Liu Chen was once a Nixian.


Thinking of this, Liu Chen couldn't help but feel a sweet throat, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were ashen.


As if sensing Liu Chen's emotions, Xiaoqing gave a comforting growl and rushed to the black market as fast as she could.

It's a pity that no matter how fast Xiaoqing is, Long Jiu and the others can catch up leisurely.

Ahead is the black market!
Finally, a ray of hope bloomed in Liu Chen's eyes again. In this world, the one who is reliable will always have himself.

Only with strong strength can you do what you want to do.

Since I can gradually grow from a qi practitioner in the five lands to the strongest in the five lands, then I can also become the strongest in the fairy world.

If I don't die today, those who have offended me will die in my hands.

It's true that Liu Chen didn't have the strength to kill them one by one, but don't forget that Liu Chen has such a strong alchemy strength that even Lu Qingfeng was willing to bow down.

As long as Liu Chen offered the starting price, he could definitely invite someone who is a master of virtual reality, or even someone stronger, to assassinate Long Jiu.

It's just that Liu Chen is also very clear that at present, he only has the cultivation base of the late stage of transformation, and his hands and feet on the jade slips cannot be seen by people in the realm of refining the void, but this does not mean that people in the realm of fusion cannot see it either.

As the saying goes, sailing carefully can last thousands of years, and it is never wrong to be cautious in everything.

"Stop him!"

Suddenly, Long Jiu shouted loudly, trying to block Liu Chen at the entrance to the black market.

As soon as the words fell, ten strong dragons immediately blocked Liu Chen's way. They all took Yufeng Pill, and their speed was far faster than Xiaoqing's.

It was very simple for them to stop Liu Chen.

Immediately afterwards, Long Jiu looked towards Liu Chen playfully, and said mockingly, "I gave you a chance, but it's a pity that you didn't grasp it yourself, and you were eventually caught up by us."

"How about it, the feeling of burning hope in your heart, but finally shattering it, must be uncomfortable?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen remained silent, but stared at Long Jiu with cold eyes, clenched his fists, ready for a big battle.

Even if it is to burn the soul, it will drag Long Jiu to die together.

"If I told you that I just want to take Xiaoqing away and not kill you, what would you think?"

Long Jiu raised his brows, and looked at Liu Chen with a smile, but suddenly his face darkened, and he suddenly popped out a finger, shooting out a scale, which pierced directly through Liu Chen's shoulder.


With a puff, a blood hole appeared on Liu Chen's shoulder, which was shocking.

"is it possible?"

Long Jiu said, suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, as if seeing something funny, immediately shouted, "Go!"

"Kill Liu Chen and take Xiao Qing away!"

As soon as the words fell, the ten strong dragon clan rushed forward, bursting out with powerful dragon power, and rushed towards Liu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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