
Chapter 869

Chapter 869


Liu Chen yelled inwardly, but looked around, but there was no way out, there were strong dragons in all directions, and there was Long Jiu sitting above, there was no way to escape.

But waiting to die, waiting to die is not in Liu Chen's character, so he suddenly shouted, "Kirin Iron Arm!"

With a buzzing sound, the unicorn iron arm spread out in an instant, expanded several times, and erupted with a dazzling black light.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen boldly took a step, and punched with a force of thunder, which just hit the head of the powerful Dragon Race flying towards him.

Hearing a loud bang, the head of the dragon strongman was shot with blood, like a kite with a broken string, the whole person flew backwards, and the breath of life quickly faded away.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the dragon clan powerhouses were secretly startled, and looked at Liu Chen again with fear in their eyes.

None of them had the terrifying strength of Long Jiu. If they were punched by Liu Chen, they would end up worse than the dragon clan powerhouse just now.

For a while, many dragon clan powerhouses flinched. They all knew that Liu Chen's strength was limited, and it was impossible for him to deal with so many people alone.

But after seeing the scene just now, no one wanted to rush up to be cannon fodder for the first time.

"A bunch of trash! Are you scared like this?"

Standing above, Long Jiu finally couldn't stand it anymore, so he shouted angrily, his figure flashed, and he rushed down quickly, stretched out five fingers, and grabbed Liu Chen's throat, as if he wanted to cut off Liu Chen's neck .

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen frowned, with a solemn expression, and immediately let out a low drink, making a tactic with both hands, and said: "The Wrath of Thunder!"

As soon as the voice fell, the originally cloudless sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and there was a terrifying power in the black clouds, which might erupt at any time.

This power is enough to destroy any dragon powerhouse at the peak of the fifth rank. Even the arrogant Long Jiu frowned and looked up at the dark cloud.

It can be seen that the power of Thunder Fury is very great.

A series of thick thunder snakes descended from the sky, hovering around Liu Chen, blocking the sudden attack of other dragon powerhouses.

At this time, Long Jiu stopped, looked at Liu Chen with a smile, and said with disdain: "Your move is really strong, even I dare not touch it head-on!"

"But we have so many people, you can at most seriously injure one of them, and you still can't escape the fate of being killed in the end."

"As long as you are captured without a fight, I can consider killing you directly, and promise not to let you suffer any torture."

Long Jiu said lightly, as if he was not negotiating conditions, but giving Liu Chen alms.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a crazy smile, instantly burning his soul, because Liu Chen knew it very well.

When the matter developed to this point, no one would come to rescue him, and the only one he could rely on was himself.

It's a death anyway, so he simply burned his soul and fought to the death with Long Jiu and others.

"Burning soul?"

Long Jiu raised his eyebrows, and immediately felt an extraordinary aura, which was very powerful, hidden in Liu Chen's body, and gradually erupted.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled triumphantly, looked at Long Jiu playfully, and said indifferently: "Yes, I burned my soul!"

"Since I have no way out, don't think about it too much."

Liu Chen roared wildly, with the unicorn iron arm in his right hand and the sunset sword in his left hand, he rushed into the crowd in an instant. The terrifying thunder and lightning in the sky was always brewing and did not explode.

It was precisely because of this that Long Jiu didn't dare to act rashly, he was worried that the wrath of thunder would fall on him.

Originally, when Liu Chen hadn't burned his soul, it was already terrifying to cast Thunder Fury.

Now that he has burned his soul, the power of Thunder Fury will only become stronger. Last time he only seriously injured the five-clawed golden dragon, this time it can definitely destroy the five-clawed golden dragon.

Long didn't dare to risk himself, but he was not willing to leave like this.

"Hmph! I'd like to see how long I can last after burning my soul!"

The corners of Long Jiu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile, and immediately folded his arms around his chest, staring at Liu Chen coldly.

"When the soul is burned out, even the Daluo Jinxian will not be able to save your life!"

Long Jiu saw Liu Chen nimbly walking beside many dragon experts, but he was unharmed. He couldn't help but clenched his fists, his teeth itched with hatred, and wanted to rush in immediately.

But he was afraid of the fury of thunder in the sky, for fear of being hit when he was not paying attention.

"Don't worry! I will definitely last until I kill you all."

"My life alone is worth the lives of so many of you!"

Liu Chen's eyes were red, and even his cheeks were bloodshot. He looked extremely hideous, and the soul in his body was burning.

At this moment, Liu Chen could clearly feel that the vitality in his body was rapidly disappearing, and there was no possibility of recovery.

At the same time, Liu Chen also felt the powerful power in his body. He even had an illusion that he could destroy the world, even those who were strong in the Void Refining Realm could be killed.


Liu Chen clenched the Sunset Sword tightly, and suddenly slashed out with a sword. The terrifying sword energy pierced through the void and hit a strong dragon clan. Although the dragon clan's physical defense was very strong, it was still cut in half by Liu Chen's sword. .

Only the dragon soul was left desperately fleeing.

"Jiuli Pot!"

Liu Chen smiled coldly, immediately took out the Jiuli pot, and gave a loud drink.

As soon as the words fell, the Jiuli Pot burst out with a strong suction force, directly devouring the dragon soul of the strong dragon clan.

"Who dares to come!"

Liu Chen's eyes were red, and the rest of the Dragon Clan powerhouses had seen Liu Chen's terrifying strength, and they dared not step forward.

Seeing Liu Chen approaching, they all backed down.

Long Jiu above was afraid of the wrath of the thunder, and knew very well that Liu Chen was definitely at his peak at the moment, and it would be unwise to head-to-head, so he chose to watch the strong dragon die before his eyes.

But he knew better that Liu Chen would die in a short time, and he didn't even need to do anything.

"Hold him!"

Although the Dragon Clan is not as sparse as the Spirit Clan, it is not easy to cultivate a Dragon Clan powerhouse at the peak of the fifth order, and it takes a lot of resources.

Long Jiu didn't want these ten strong dragons to die under Liu Chen's sword, otherwise, even if Liu Chen died in the end, he would have no honor in his face.


The rest were ordered, such as being pardoned, not to support Liu Chen, but to scramble to retreat, for fear of being targeted by Liu Chen.

"whispering sound!"

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile, and he rushed towards one of the strong dragon clan without saying a word, and the unicorn iron arm in his hand burst out with an unprecedented dazzling black light, as if it could swallow the world.


Gradually, Liu Chen felt that the power in his body was passing away, that is to say, the power brought by the burning soul was only for a moment.

He must end the battle in a very short time, otherwise the rest will just disappear.

Liu Chen punched out, the huge inertia led his body to keep leaning forward, and hit a fifth-order peak Dragon Race powerhouse. Without any suspense, he was directly turned into powder under Liu Chen's terrifying power.

Even the dragon soul couldn't escape, which shows how terrifying the power of Liu Chen's punch is.

Even Long Jiu didn't dare to show his edge, so he could only choose to back down.


Liu Chen's face became paler and paler, and immediately he let out a muffled snort, spurting out a big mouthful of blood, and the strength in his body gradually drained away, as if he couldn't even stand still.

The scene in front of him gradually drifted away, and it seemed that Long Jiu's face could not be seen clearly.


Liu Chen panted heavily, feeling his body getting lighter and lighter, and he had the illusion that he could fly freely without using any small tricks.

"Kirin Iron Arm!"

Liu Chen forcibly breathed out, shouted, and suddenly blasted at the five-clawed golden dragon.

But at this moment, Long Jiu rushed up from a distance, holding Liu Chen's arm tightly, no matter how hard Liu Chen tried his best, he couldn't break free.

"The power of the soul has been exhausted, and you will surely die."

The corners of Long Jiu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a playful smile, he was already sure of winning, looking at Liu Chen was like looking at a dead person.

Liu Chen in this state, not to mention Long Jiu, even an ordinary fifth-order peak dragon clan powerhouse could easily kill him.

The most important thing is that Liu Chen's power to burn his soul was exhausted, and he couldn't continue to stimulate the fury of thunder.

Without the support of spiritual power, the dark clouds in the sky gradually receded.

"With the power of the late stage of transforming gods, you have killed four dragon powerhouses at the peak of the fifth step. Even if you die, you are enough to be proud."

Long Jiu said lightly, as if he didn't intend to give Liu Chen any more chances, so the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his eyes filled with cold killing intent.


At this time, Xiao Qing roared, and rushed towards Liu Chen recklessly, the dragon flame in his mouth was blazing like never before.

"Little bastard, I will deal with you later."

Long Jiu winked at the others, and the rest of the Dragon Race experts immediately understood and stepped forward to stop Xiao Qing.

The six dragon clan powerhouses at the peak of the fifth step tried their best, and it would not be difficult at all to stop Xiaoqing.

"Suffer to death!"

Long Jiu used his hand as a knife to cut off Liu Chen's head.

But at this moment, a terrifying buzz sounded, and a violent force erupted in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a figure came out of the void, glared at Long Jiu and the others, roared, and the terrifying coercion of the Great Perfection of the Void Refining Realm exploded.

Long Jiu groaned in the chest, spat out a mouthful of blood, and instantly turned pale.

Under this powerful coercion, he had no chance to resist, so he immediately backed up and stopped until he was far away from Liu Chen.

"How dare you!"

"The last time I snatched the fusion holy water in front of me, and this time I want to kill my disciple again, I really don't take me, Lu Qingfeng seriously!"

Lu Qingfeng was furious, with a cold killing intent in his eyes, he walked towards Long Jiu, and at the same time waved his sleeves, repelling the rest of the dragon powerhouses.


Liu Chen smiled bitterly, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, and immediately passed out.

"Today, the master will support you! No one can hurt your life!"

Lu Qingfeng was extremely domineering, and immediately fed Liu Chen a Resurrection Pill, and immediately grabbed it with his big hand, controlling the rest of the dragon clan powerhouses, except for Long Jiu.

(End of this chapter)

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