
Chapter 870: Poison Pill

Chapter 870: Poison Pill
"Lu Qingfeng! What do you want to do!"

Still in shock, Long Jiu glared at Lu Qingfeng.

The last time he was in the Task Pavilion, the reason why he was arrogant was because there were other powerful dragons nearby, who were able to resist Lu Qingfeng.

But this time, he was the only one, not Lu Qingfeng's opponent at all.

A strong person in the Great Perfection Realm of Void Refining Realm is equivalent to a dragon strongman at the peak of the sixth level, and it is simply a breeze to kill Long Jiu.

"Revenge for my apprentice!"

Lu Qingfeng's face was gloomy, few people saw him so angry, his eyes filled with cold killing intent.

Even though Long Jiu snatched the fusion holy water from the mission pavilion last time, although Lu Qingfeng was angry, he did not show any killing intent.

It can be seen that Long Jiu really touched Lu Qingfeng's bottom line.

At least Lu Qingfeng liked Liu Chen so much that he regarded him as his own. If he knew that Liu Chen was a mysterious alchemist in the black market, he didn't know what kind of expression he would have.

"What do you want? Kill them?"

Long Jiu's pupils shrank suddenly. Looking at Lu Qingfeng's appearance, he suddenly felt a little scared, so he asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled irrefutably, looked at Long Jiu playfully, and said indifferently: "It turns out that the arrogant and domineering dragons will also feel scared!"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Lu Qingfeng smiled coldly, and immediately took out seven emerald green pills from the savings bag, with a strong fragrance of pills flowing on them, and said lightly: "I will give you two choices now, either take the pills, or, die!"

Hearing these words, all the strong dragon clan trembled slightly, their eyes full of fear, especially when they heard the last word.

Everyone's hearts were suspended.

Even if the elixir in Lu Qingfeng's hands contained severe poison, at least there was a glimmer of life, which was better than dying on the spot.

After all, the Dragon Clan also has powerful alchemists, so it may not be impossible to refine antidote elixir.

"I choose the pill!"

"I also choose pills!"


Seven strong dragon clans took the emerald green pills from Lu Qingfeng one after another, holding them tightly in their hands, with extremely hesitant expressions on their faces, and dared not take it for a long time.

"Give you three breaths, whoever refuses to take the pill, I will let him die directly!"

Lu Qingfeng's face was cold, and he said in a deep voice, with a terrifying killing intent emanating from his whole body.

Everyone could feel that this time Lu Qingfeng really wanted to kill, and they didn't dare to rely on the special status of the Dragon Clan anymore.

I can only obediently take the pill.

After a while, all the seven strong dragons took the emerald green pill.

Seeing the situation, Lu Qingfeng nodded in satisfaction, and immediately cast his gaze on Long Jiu, immediately took out an emerald green pill, and said lightly, "You too!"

"What kind of medicine is this?"

Long Jiu looked solemn, staring sharply at the emerald green pill in Lu Qingfeng's hand, and asked vigilantly.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled irrefutably, and repeated: "Either take the elixir, or die!"

"You dare not kill me, my position in the Dragon Clan is very honorable."

"As long as you dare to touch me, the elders of the dragon clan will not let you go, even if you are Lu Qingfeng!"

Long Jiu took two steps back in fear, threatening.


Lu Qingfeng remained silent, but with a sarcastic smile on his face, he immediately shot out with one finger, cut off Long Jiu's shoulder, and said flatly, "If you say one more nonsense, I'll break your right arm!"


Feeling the sharp pain coming from his shoulder, Long Jiu gritted his teeth, and pointed to Lu Qingfeng's nose with his right hand, wanting to curse, but swallowed it back.

Even so, Lu Qingfeng still didn't intend to let him go, and snapped out another finger, cutting off Lu Qingfeng's right arm.

"You are dead!"

With both arms chopped off, Long Jiu's face was extremely gloomy, and his heart was more filled with anger than fear.

With Long Jiu's honorable status in the Dragon Clan, even the elders had to treat him with courtesy when they saw him. As for the sixth-rank Dragon Clan powerhouse, they could only run errands for Long Jiu.

When did he suffer this kind of grievance.

"Anyway, I, Lu Qingfeng, are alone. If the Dragon Clan wants to deal with me, they must be prepared to suffer huge losses."

Lu Qingfeng said lightly.

In fact, what Lu Qingfeng said is not false at all, although he is not an immortal, he also has the cultivation base of the Great Perfection of Void Refining Realm.

The most important thing is that he has superb alchemy skills, as long as he gives an order, countless strong men will follow Lu Qingfeng.

Although it is not possible to provoke a war between the fairy world and the dragon clan, there is definitely a way to cause the dragon clan to suffer incalculable losses.

For example, hiring someone to assassinate at a high price.

After all, the precious elixir produced by Lu Qingfeng has always been a sought-after item that many powerful people scramble for.


Long Jiu had a ferocious face, stared at Lu Qingfeng viciously, and threatened, "So what!"

"You'd better let us go now, or you'll regret it!"

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled disapprovingly, and slapped out suddenly, forcing Long Jiu to forcibly swallow the emerald green Danyang.

"What the hell did you eat for me!"

Long Jiu was furious, but no matter how angry he was, it was useless. Under the huge gap in strength, he had no chance.

"Poison pill!"

Lu Qingfeng said lightly, and continued: "But don't worry, this kind of poisonous pill will not kill you, nor will it make you feel too uncomfortable."

"It's just that your cultivation will stop here for the rest of your life, and it's impossible to make any progress."

As soon as the words were finished, despair appeared in the eyes of Long Jiu and the others, which was worse than killing them.

You must know that the lowest level of cultivation in the fairy world is the realm of transforming gods. Although they are all at the peak of the fifth rank, they are still in the realm of transforming gods, and their status is low.

After taking the poisonous pill, they are doomed to have no possibility in the future, and they will be trampled under their feet for the rest of their lives.

I am afraid that only they will understand the feeling of despair and grief at this moment.

Especially Long Jiu, who probably even has the intention of committing suicide.

At this time, Liu Chen, who had taken the Hunhun Pill, coughed and spat out a big mouthful of blood, and slowly woke up, looking at the blurry things in front of him, with a smile on his face.

The moment before Liu Chen fell into a coma, he felt Lu Qingfeng's breath.


Liu Chen opened his eyes, collected himself, looked at Lu Qingfeng next to him, and said gratefully.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng finally showed a smile on his sullen face, and said, "I have already avenged Xuehen for you."

"What do you mean?"

Liu Chen frowned, apparently not understanding what Lu Qingfeng meant, so he asked.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng pointed to the seven strong dragons and Long Jiu not far away, and explained: "They have all taken the poison pill, and the poison will completely dissolve in their bodies and merge with their blood and bodies. "

"This poison pill will not endanger their lives, but it can stop their cultivation forever."

"In other words, no matter how many resources they spend, they will stay where they are, and there will be no possibility in this life."

Hearing Lu Qingfeng's explanation, Liu Chen felt that there was a bolt from the blue. It turned out that there was such a terrible medicine in the world.

This is definitely more uncomfortable than killing them directly, and it will make them suffer from this kind of mental torment forever.

"You only know that I, Lu Qingfeng, have high attainments in alchemy, and that the pills I sell are very precious."

"But I don't know that I, Lu Qingfeng, are not only refining alchemy, but also proficient in refining many poisonous pills. Today's poisonous pills are just one of them."

"As long as I am willing, I can let your dragon clan's blood flow into rivers without spending a single soldier or clan."

Lu Qingfeng held his head high, looking down at Long Jiu and the others with a fierce aura.

Looking at Lu Qingfeng again, Liu Chen suddenly felt that he seemed to be a different person, a little different.

Maybe it was because he knew that Lu Qingfeng could refine poison pills.

"Let the blood of the dragon clan flow into rivers, Lu Qingfeng, what a big tone!"

Long Jiu didn't know where the courage came from, so he rushed up, seeming to force Lu Qingfeng to kill him, and said ferociously: "If you have the ability, kill us first!"

"I, Long Jiu, want to see what kind of abilities you, Lu Qingfeng, have!"

Hearing this, the corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth rose slightly, revealing a disdainful smile, and said lightly: "Since you are begging to die, I will give you a ride!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qingfeng swung out a palm suddenly, clearly intending to kill Long Jiu.

But at this moment, Liu Chen stretched out his hand to stop Lu Qingfeng, and persuaded him: "Master, there may be room for maneuver after killing other people."

"But if you kill Long Jiu, you will have a death feud with the Dragon Clan, which cannot be resolved."

"At that time, you will be like me, facing the pursuit of the dragon clan everywhere."

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng waved his hands, and said calmly: "So what? I, Lu Qingfeng, are alone, so am I still afraid of being chased by the Dragon Clan?"

"Master, I used to burn my soul and fight to the death because I had no way out, but now you still have a way out."

"There is no need to be hunted down by the dragon clan for me."

Liu Chen continued to persuade.

But Lu Qingfeng seemed to have made up his mind, waved his hand indifferently, and said calmly: "I want to kill him, not because he wants to kill you, but because I want to kill him!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qingfeng slapped down suddenly, hitting Long Jiu's Tianling Gai.

At the very moment, the void shattered, and another figure rushed out of it, leading Long Jiu and disappearing into the void, as if it had never appeared before.

Dragon strong!
Lu Qingfeng frowned, looking at the direction where Long Jiu disappeared, knowing that there was no hope of catching up, he immediately turned his head to look at the remaining seven dragon experts, and slapped out mercilessly.

With a bang, the seven dragon clan powerhouses at the peak of the fifth step were all turned into dust and dissipated in the air, without any chance to resist.

This is the terrifying power of the Great Perfection of the Void Refining Realm, it is simply shocking and unbelievable.

"Master, in this way, I'm afraid you won't be able to retreat unscathed."

Liu Chen frowned slightly, looked at Lu Qingfeng worriedly, and said.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng waved his hands, and said indifferently: "If you kill me, you don't have to worry too much. If they dare to send strong men to chase me down, they will definitely regret it."

Full of confidence, Lu Qingfeng immediately led Liu Chen to the black market.

(End of this chapter)

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