
Chapter 871 Confession

Chapter 871 Confession
The two of them walked towards the black market together, chatting and laughing, but they didn't feel any fear or uneasiness at all because they killed seven strong dragon clansmen.

At this moment, Liu Chen frowned, looked at Lu Qingfeng curiously, and asked, "Master, why did you suddenly appear near the black market?"

Hearing this, the figure of the mysterious alchemist immediately appeared in Lu Qingfeng's mind, and said: "This matter is a long story, do you know the mysterious alchemist in the black market?"

"Slightly heard!"

Liu Chen was startled, and suddenly thought of something, but Liu Chen didn't say anything.

"Before, I only heard rumors in the fairy world that there was a mysterious alchemist in the black market who possessed extremely high attainments in alchemy. Some people even compared him with me."

"Before I saw his abilities, I dismissed such comments until he refined Duedan, although it took a long time."

"But the fact is that he has refined the Impossible Duer Pill. I tried my best to refine this rare medicine, let alone the No Time Duer Pill."

"Let's get down to business, it's because of the agreement between me and the mysterious alchemist, so after the agreement was completed, I rushed to the black market in a hurry, but I didn't expect to feel your breath, so I rushed over immediately."

Lu Qingfeng explained slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded in a sudden realization. He really wanted to tell Lu Qingfeng the true identity of the mysterious alchemist, but he couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

After all, it was difficult for Liu Chen to open his mouth about this kind of thing. The most important thing was that if Liu Chen said it, Lu Qingfeng would probably not believe it.

A disciple who was always by his side turned out to be a mysterious alchemist in the black market, and his alchemy attainments were even higher than his, how could he believe it.

After a while, the two entered the black market. Since they entered through the same entrance as Lu Qingfeng, they also walked together after entering the black market.

Fortunately, Liu Chen was always wearing two masks, so Lu Qingfeng didn't discover Liu Chen's true identity.

But this time because of Lu Qingfeng's company, Liu Chen didn't dare to reveal his identity as a mysterious alchemist on the black market, so he could only accompany Lu Qingfeng to wander around the black market.

After more than two hours, they almost went all over the black market.

"Strange, the appointed time has come, why hasn't he appeared yet!"

Lu Qingfeng frowned, with a displeased expression.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, the mysterious alchemist is right beside you, but he looked hesitant, wondering if he should reveal his identity.

For Liu Chen, Lu Qingfeng had completely offended the Dragon Clan, and he almost wanted to kill Long Jiu just now, which shows how much Lu Qingfeng attaches importance to Liu Chen.

Speaking of power, Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng are now grasshoppers on the same rope.

It's just that Liu Chen has another identity, that is, Nixian, and he will be hunted down by Nixian soon.

Do you want to tell Lu Qingfeng!

Liu Chen was hesitant, but at this moment, Long Jiu came over with his arms cut off, and beside him was accompanied by a strong man with a strong breath, at least a strong man in the Void Refining Realm.

"It turns out that you have already entered the black market, no wonder you can't be sensed outside."

Long Jiu immediately walked towards Liu Chen, but it was a pity that his arms disappeared, which looked extremely strange.

Long Jiu didn't wear a mask, so other people could see it, and the dragon strongman next to him put on a mask and protected him every step of the way.

No one can get close to Long Jiu, as long as he gets a little closer, he will be scared away by the strong dragon next to him.


Liu Chen frowned, looked around, and found that Long Jiu was staring at him.

"I spent a drop of blood essence to forcibly sense the position of the scales. It turns out that you have entered the black market, but since I found you, the loss of this drop of blood essence is not a loss."

Long Jiu smiled bitterly, looking at Liu Chen without airs at all.

So it turned out that it was a forced positioning with the help of essence and blood. Fortunately, Long Jiu hadn't done this before, otherwise Liu Chen's identity would have been exposed long ago.

But now that Long Jiu said it, after today, Liu Chen thought of a countermeasure.

"Your arms?"

Liu Chen looked at Long Jiu pretending to be surprised, pointed at his missing arms, and said.

"It was cut off by the damned Lu Qingfeng, and it is precisely because of this that I came to you."

Long Jiu had no taboo, directly in the black market, in front of many people, his words were full of murderous intent, and he continued: "I want you to help me refine a Flawless Rebirth Pill."

"If you want to restore a broken limb, there are many ways, not necessarily Rebirth Pill."

Liu Chen's eyes flickered, and he spoke lightly.

Hearing this, Long Jiu revealed a bitter smile, and continued, "Actually, it's not just a broken limb, I've also been poisoned by a kind of poison. Currently, there are only two ways to break it."

"Either abandon the physical body and one's cultivation, and occupy another physical body to practice again, but this is a waste of time, and it is not worth it at all."

"Either take the Rebirth Pill, and the body and dragon soul will be reborn together, so as to have a chance."

"I know that you are very accomplished in alchemy. Even Lu Qingfeng is your defeat. If you are willing to make a move, you will definitely be able to refine the Flawless Rebirth Pill."

Long Jiu looked at Liu Chen expectantly.

At this time, the face of the strong dragon clan guarding Long Jiu's side sank, glared at Liu Chen, and threatened: "Promise! Or die!"


Long Jiu's complexion changed drastically, he turned his head and scolded the strong dragon clan, then looked at Liu Chen with a smile on his face, and said with a smile, "Don't take it too seriously."

"It's just a watchdog, how dare you yell at me!"

Liu Chen said lightly, glanced coldly at the strong dragon clan, then looked at Long Jiu, and said lightly: "I can try the rebirth pill, but you have to prepare the recipe and medicinal materials."

"As for success or failure, it all depends on God's will."

Upon hearing these words, the big stone that weighed on Long Jiu's heart suddenly fell, and he couldn't help but take a few breaths, and immediately handed Liu Chen a savings bag, which contained the formula of Rebirth Pill and the required medicinal materials.

Liu Chen opened the savings bag and took a look, there were six or seven parts of the rebirth pill in it.

The last time Liu Chen was asked to help refine Long Xue Pill, he was not so generous, but this time he gave six or seven copies at once, which shows how much he attaches importance to the Rebirth Pill.

Seeing this, no matter how dull Lu Qingfeng was, he should understand.

The mysterious alchemist I have been waiting for is the disciple beside me——Liu Chen!
He turned out to be a mysterious alchemist!

This news hit Lu Qingfeng hard like a bolt from the blue. He couldn't believe that Liu Chen was actually a mysterious alchemist.

Lu Qingfeng looked shocked, watching Liu Chen talking with Long Jiu, he knew very well that this was true, even though he didn't believe it.

He couldn't understand it, obviously he hadn't taught Liu Chen much alchemy skills, but only taught some basic knowledge of alchemy.

Liu Chen learned quickly, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

Later, Liu Chen was hunted down by the Dragon Clan, and he never learned alchemy from him. Why, in just a few months, Liu Chen transformed into a black market alchemist.

His alchemy skills even surpassed Lu Qingfeng's.

"If you screw up, I can't spare you."

The strong dragon clan didn't dare to speak in front of Long Jiu, so he threatened through voice transmission.

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised his mouth slightly, looked away from Long Jiu's expression, looked at him, and said calmly: "Long Jiu, I don't want to hear someone threaten me next time."

"Especially the dragon guy, I hate him."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked, and Long Jiu was even more heartbroken, wishing to stuff him into the ground and make him disappear from now on.

The Rebirth Pill was his only chance, and with the joint efforts of the alchemists of the Dragon Clan, they could indeed refine the Rebirth Pill, but they couldn't refine the Flawless Rebirth Pill!

In other words, Liu Chen is his savior, and even the honored guest of the Dragon Clan. Even Long Jiu, who has always been arrogant and unruly, put down his airs in front of Liu Chen.


Suddenly, Long Jiu made a scene that everyone didn't expect, turned to look at him, and said indifferently: "You said something wrong, why don't you slap your mouth?"

The strong dragon clan was unwilling, but he didn't dare to go against Long Jiu's wishes, so he raised his hand and slapped himself hard on the face.


Seeing this scene, Liu Chen nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Long Jiu with a smile, and said, "I will find a way to refine the rebirth pill, and when I succeed in refining it, I will hand it over to the strong dragon clan on the black market, and you Do not worry!"

Hearing this, Long Jiu nodded slightly, thanked Liu Chen repeatedly, and then left the black market with his bodyguards.

At this time, Lu Qingfeng immediately took Liu Chen's hand and walked to a remote place. Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still couldn't help asking, "Are you the mysterious alchemist?"

"You were also the one who refined Du Erdan last time?"

"Master, I didn't want to hide it from you, but there is really no way."

Liu Chen nodded slightly, and admitted: "I am the mysterious alchemist."

"Then how did you refine the Impeccable Duer Dan?"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, even after hearing Liu Chen's own confession, he still couldn't believe it, and continued to ask: "Okay! Since you are a mysterious alchemist, then tell me, how did you refine the Flawless Elimination Pill! "

"This kind of elixir, currently there is no alchemist in the fairy world who can refine it."

Hearing this, Liu Chen didn't answer Lu Qingfeng's question directly, but asked, "Master, do you still have the Resurrection Pill in your savings bag?"

"Anything else? Does it have anything to do with this matter?"

Lu Qingfeng couldn't understand it, and immediately took out a pill from the savings bag, and handed it to Liu Chen.

"Master, you are watching."

Liu Chen took the high-level Resurrection Pill, and immediately tapped it with a finger, and a steady stream of life force poured into the pill.

All of a sudden, what was originally only a high-level rejuvenation pill turned into a flawless rejuvenation pill in an instant.


It might be because of Liu Chen's serious injury, but after refining a Flawless Resurrection Pill, he spurted out a mouthful of blood and felt limp and powerless.

If Liu Chen was in his peak state, he could refine at least ten Flawless Resurrection Pills, but for Liu Chen now, refining one Flawless Resurrection Pill is the limit.

(End of this chapter)

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