
Chapter 872 Decision

Chapter 872 Decision
"This... what kind of ability is it? How could it be possible to turn a high-level Resurrection Pill into a Flawless Resurrection Pill in an instant?"

Lu Qingfeng shrank his pupils sharply, and looked at the Flawless Resurrection Pill in Liu Chen's hand in shock. He knew countless methods of alchemy, some of which were even less known.

But no matter what kind of alchemy method it is, it is impossible to turn a high-level resurrection pill into a flawless resurrection pill in a breath.

This kind of thing seems to be beyond common sense, it is incredible.

"To put it simply, it is to inject the power of life into the elixir, so as to make the elixir advanced."

Liu Chen explained with a smile on his face that since Liu Chen owned the jade pendant, he has had this special ability, and later the jade pendant was broken, but this ability has not disappeared.

On the contrary, when he became the young master of the grass and trees, he strengthened this ability.

"Injecting the power of life, wouldn't it greatly damage the life force? Over time, will it..."

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen anxiously, and immediately retracted the second half of the sentence.

"I also have a special ability, which is not only injecting life force, but also devouring life force, so no matter how many flawless pills I refine, my life will never be exhausted."

Liu Chen explained seriously.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen with a sparkle in his eyes, as if he had opened the door to a new world. He had never heard of this special ability.

Seemingly seeing the suspicion in Lu Qingfeng's eyes, Liu Chen immediately grabbed the Flawless Resurrection Pill tightly, and a terrifying suction erupted from Liu Chen's body.

After a while, the original Flawless Resurrection Pill immediately turned into a pile of pill powder, and there was no possibility of recovery.

Lu Qingfeng really saw this scene. He saw with his own eyes that the Flawless Resurrection Pill gradually turned into powder in Liu Chen's hands. It really couldn't be explained by common sense.

Although he couldn't accept this special ability, he had to believe it.

At the same time, he is also very clear that Liu Chen has such a powerful ability, and his future achievements in alchemy are absolutely unprecedented and unprecedented.

No one can surpass Liu Chen.

"It's incredible."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, with mixed emotions in his heart, but when he looked at Liu Chen, he was full of relief, and said, "I, Lu Qingfeng, have practiced alchemy for a hundred years and have obtained a lot of secret techniques, but I still have this kind of ability. See you for the first time."

"Master, I have one more thing to tell you."

Liu Chen paused, hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to tell the story of Nixian, so he said: "Actually, I am not only a mysterious alchemist, but also Nixian."


Lu Qingfeng's voice rose several steps in an instant, and he looked at Liu Chen in shock, even more surprised than he knew Liu Chen had special abilities.

Who is Liu Chen, the disciples of Lu Qingfeng and Immortal Immortal Venerable, any one of them is a big shot who stomps his feet and shakes the fairy world.

But Liu Chen joined Nixian, the two masters didn't know how it was possible.

But Liu Chen said it himself, there can be no falsehood, and there is no need for Liu Chen to joke about this kind of thing.

"Not long after I entered the Immortal Realm, a group of people were tempted by Jian Xin and Black Phoenix and forced me to enter the Immortal Realm North, trying to kill me and take away the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart in my body."

"Fortunately, the passing water appeared in the end and saved me. At that time, in order to save my life, I had to agree to join Nixian."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen added another sentence, saying: "Actually, in my opinion, Ni Xian is not as bloodthirsty as the rumors say, doing all kinds of evil."

"I actually think that most of the Nixians are very friendly and have the temperament that an immortal should have."

"It's not like these people in the fairy world, who are full of evil thoughts."

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng let out a long sigh, and said, "The winner is the king and the loser. In that battle back then, the leader of the battle was defeated, so he had to hide in the north of the fairy world."

"Nowadays, the fairyland is the orthodox one. Naturally, Nixian will not be allowed to exist. If you just offend the Dragon Clan, there is still a place for you in the fairyland."

"But if you are against the Immortal, I am afraid that the entire Immortal World will not be able to accommodate you, neither I nor Immortal Immortal Venerable can protect you."

Sure enough.

Liu Chen felt bitter in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and continued, "I have another bad news."

"What bad news can there be, more terrifying than knowing that you are a Nixian?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned, looked at Liu Chen, and asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, and said: "Not long ago, I was forced to enter the east of the Immortal Realm. I met the Passing Water, and was discovered by the strong Dragon Clan as Nixian."

"What's worse is that the strong Dragon Clan killed Passing Water. I sent my clone to the North of Immortal World to explain the matter. Unfortunately, my clone died in North of Immortal World."

"I'm afraid I'm in a situation where there are no people inside and outside. No matter if it's the Dragon Clan, the Immortal Realm, or the Immortal Realm North, they all want to kill me."

Just now he said that Liu Chen had a place to stand, but after hearing these few words, Lu Qingfeng suddenly changed his mind.

Offending so many forces at once, even if the Immortal Emperor stepped forward, he might not be able to save Liu Chen.


Lu Qingfeng sighed for a long time, looked at Liu Chen solemnly, and suddenly felt a severe headache.

When Liu Chen didn't appear before, Lu Qingfeng's life was unknowingly carefree, but since Liu Chen appeared, this situation has suddenly changed drastically.

Even so, Lu Qingfeng also felt very relieved. After all, as an alchemist, the greatest luck in his life was to accept Liu Chen as his disciple.

"Right now we can only take one step at a time."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, racked his brains to think of countermeasures for Liu Chen, and then said: "You can't go to Immortal World North, Immortal World, and Immortal World West isn't suitable for you either."

"There are only Immortal Realm East and Immortal Realm South left. There are countless dangers in the south. I think you can enter Immortal Realm East to hide."

"Because in that place, no matter if it's the Dragon Clan, the Immortal Realm, or those Rebel Immortals, they dare not do anything blatantly."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, and said: "This is the only way to do it now, what about you, master? You killed the dragon strongman and broke Long Jiu's arms, they will definitely not let you go easily."

"Don't worry, as long as Long Jiu survives, they won't dare to do anything to me!"

Lu Qingfeng smiled confidently, and said: "The Dragon Clan wants to kill me, so we have to ask those strong people in the fairy world to agree or not."

"By the way, Long Jiu asked you to help him refine a Flawless Rebirth Pill, do you really want to help him?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned, looked at Liu Chen, and asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head and said, "I can indeed refine the Flawless Rebirth Pill, but I still need the master's help in this matter."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen suspiciously, and asked.

"I want the master to do some tricks in the Flawless Rebirth Pill. On the surface, his injury has been healed, but in fact he is still poisonous."

Liu Chen explained.

"You mean, healed his arms, but didn't cure the poison in his body?"

Lu Qingfeng understood instantly, and asked back.

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a mysterious smile, and said, "That's right, that's it."

"it is good!"

Lu Qingfeng yelled "Hello", and felt extremely relieved for an instant, and then the two quietly exited the black market and flew towards the distance.

Because both of them offended the Dragon Clan, they dared not go back to the cave, but came to a very secret place.

"I usually only come to this place, so you can rest assured."

Lu Qingfeng spoke slowly.

This is a dilapidated cave, but there is a powerful seal outside the cave, such a powerful force that Liu Chen has never seen before.

But Liu Chen had an intuition that the power of the seal was definitely above the realm of refining the void.

Fortunately, Lu Qingfeng has mastered a special method to enter the cave, otherwise he would not be able to enter with Lu Qingfeng's cultivation base of the Great Perfection of Void Refining Realm.

The cave was narrow on the outside and wide on the inside. After walking forward for a while, it suddenly became clear that there was a huge platform directly in front of it, and several wooden frames were placed on the platform.

Liu Chen took a closer look, and there were actually a lot of wooden slips placed on the wooden frame, each of which exuded weak power, and looked extremely old.

"what is that?"

Liu Chen frowned, pointed to the wooden slip not far away, and asked.

Hearing this, the corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth rose slightly, showing a smug smile, and said: "Danfang, every piece of wooden slip is a Danfang."

"The reason why I am able to achieve what I am today has a lot to do with this cave."

Liu Chen immediately walked over, stood in front of the wooden frame, and couldn't wait to look at the wooden slips on it. There were so many pill recipes here, too many for Liu Chen to count.

The most important thing is that a large part of the Danfang Liuchen here has never heard of it, and has never heard of it at all.

But the medicinal effect was surprisingly powerful, beyond Liu Chen's imagination.

At this time, Lu Qingfeng came up and explained slowly: "All the pills here are left over from the battle between immortals and demons."

"Any pill formula here can fetch a sky-high price, but refining it is also extremely difficult."

"At that time, alchemy was very different from our current alchemy. Even I couldn't guarantee that every alchemy would be successful."

Lu Qingfeng took out a wooden slip, handed it to Liu Chen, and said, "The Bloodline Pill can increase the blood concentration of people with special bloodlines."

Hearing this, Liu Chen turned his head subconsciously and looked at the jade slip in his hand. This is simply a fantasy.

There is even a elixir that enhances the concentration of blood vessels!

If Bingmen had mastered this kind of elixir, how could there be any matter about Ascending Immortal Hall, the Ice Clan would have unified the five lands long ago, and even ascended to the Immortal Realm.

"Besides the Bloodline Pill, there are many other miraculous pills, but it is very difficult to refine and the medicinal materials needed are very rare, so I dare not try it lightly."

"But now, maybe we can try."

Lu Qingfeng took out a few more wooden slips from above, handed them to Liu Chen and said.

"Bai Xuedan?"

Suddenly, Liu Chen frowned, and looked at one of the wooden slips in surprise.

The Baixue pill on the wooden slip is simply a holy medicine for healing, as long as it does not hurt the source, it can heal all injuries, and it will heal instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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