
Chapter 873 Refining Rebirth Pill

Chapter 873 Refining Rebirth Pill

Last time Bing Feixue also gave Liu Chen a Baixue Pill, the healing effect was indeed very strong, but compared with the Baixue Pill recorded in the wooden slips, there was still a big gap.

Liu Chen even suspected that the Wangyue family also had a lot of early alchemy recipes. After all, Wang Lan, the ancestor of the Wangyue family, was once a descendant of the fairy clan.

"It's incredible that there are so many powerful pill formulas."

Liu Chen said with emotion.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled slightly, and said: "If you fancy any pill, just take it away, but in the end you have to return the wooden slip."

"it is good!"

Upon hearing these words, Liu Chen's heart was filled with joy, and he couldn't wait to walk among the wooden frames, looking for the prescription he needed.

There are still many alchemy recipes in it, which can only be used by the Demon God Clan, Dragon Clan, or Spirit Clan.

"Long Xuedan!"

Suddenly, Liu Chen's eyes lit up, and he found a wooden slip with the three big characters Long Xuedan engraved on it.

Liu Chen regained his composure, immediately took down the wooden slip, put it in his hand, and looked it over carefully. The medicinal materials needed in it were almost the same as the medicinal materials Long Jiu gave him last time, but there were also subtle differences.

It seems that the heritage of the Dragon Clan is also very deep, and they even have the early-rising Longxue Pill Recipe.

Apart from Long Zhantian, the reason why the Dragon Clan can look down on the Immortal World is probably partly because of their rich heritage.

Ordinary forces are not their opponents at all.

"By the way, you want to refine the Rebirth Pill, and I happened to bring the Phoenix Pill Furnace here."

At this time, Lu Qingfeng seemed to have thought of something important, so he immediately took the Phoenix Pill Stove out of the savings bag, put it on the ground, and said: "In addition to a large number of pills, there are also countless medicinal materials. What do you need? Just take it straight away."

After finishing the words, Lu Qingfeng threw out a dozen or so savings bags, which were full of medicinal materials, worth hundreds of millions of immortal stones, which is unbelievable.

With such a rich reserve, I am afraid that the entire fairy world will not be able to find another person.

"Thank you master."

Liu Chen glanced at the savings bag in shock, and instead of taking the Phoenix Pill Stove, he took out the Shennong Cauldron from the Sumeru Ring, and said, "Master, take a look at this thing."

"Shen Nong Ding!"

Lu Qingfeng was well-informed, and immediately recognized the origin of the Shennong Ding. He couldn't help but exclaimed, looked at Liu Chen in shock, and murmured: "The Shennong Ding! How did you get the Shennong Ding?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly, and said: "At first I was forced to enter the Immortal Realm East. I originally wanted to avoid the pursuit of the Dragon Race powerhouse, but I didn't expect to find the Shennong Cauldron by accident, so I bought it."

"Fortunately, the person who owns the Shennong Ding is not an alchemist, and he doesn't know the true value of the Shennong Ding, otherwise I wouldn't be able to easily get it by spending millions of immortal stones."

"What luck!"

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen enviously, and said, "The names of the Phoenix Pill Stove and the Golden Dragon Pill Stove are both alchemists' favorites, but the value of the Shennong Cauldron is even higher than these two."

"Not only because the Shennong Ding is powerful, but more importantly, the Shennong Ding is the alchemy furnace used by alchemists who get up early."

"There are only a handful of Shennong Ding that can be preserved to this day, and most of them have been damaged. It can be preserved so completely, I am afraid that there is only this one in the entire fairy world."

Lu Qingfeng was filled with emotions, and couldn't help but secretly gasp.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a happy smile, and said, "This Shennong cauldron has a special seal on it, if it wasn't for the seal to support it, when I got it, I'm afraid it would have become a pile of broken copper." Rotten iron."

"Then let's start now, refining the Rebirth Pill."

Lu Qingfeng returned to the topic and said.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, and immediately waved his sleeves. The Shennong Cauldron spun a few times in the air, and finally fell to the ground, stirring up a lot of dust.

Immediately afterwards, a soft green light was emitted from the surroundings of the Shennong Ding. Even though alchemy had not yet started, the inside of the Shennong Ding was already filled with bursts of alchemy, which was very miraculous.


Liu Chen made a formula with both hands, and immediately flexed his fingers, and the three medicinal materials flew into the Shennong cauldron at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the Shennong Ding hummed and burst into raging flames. Strangely, the flames inside the Shennong Ding turned out to be green.

Liu Chen looked calm, and immediately increased the output of spiritual power, and the green flame inside the Shennong Ding became more and more intense until it overflowed the Shennong Ding.

Lu Qingfeng did not make a move from the beginning to the end, but stood quietly by the side, because he had never seriously experienced Liu Chen's alchemy.

So he really wanted to know what level Liu Chen's alchemy level had reached to be able to refine the rebirth pill by himself.

In fact, he was more concerned about how Liu Chen could refine the Flawless Rebirth Pill.

However, he didn't stand on the sidelines either. While watching Liu Chen, he also watched the changes in Shennongding.

Once it came to a critical moment and Liu Chen couldn't control it, he would naturally lend a helping hand.


Liu Chen frowned slightly, the difficulty of refining Rebirth Pill was lower than that of Du Er Pill, but it was not so easy to succeed, so one had to be careful.

Perhaps it was because of being stared at by Lu Qingfeng that Liu Chen was a little nervous and couldn't perform at his peak alchemy level.

The Shennong cauldron buzzed, and the medicinal materials inside were instantly refined into pill powder by the green pill fire, floating in the flames, blending with each other, vaguely about to become pills.

But so far, the refining of Rebirth Pill is only half completed, and there are still several very important medicinal materials that have not been put in.

The medicinal properties of these medicinal materials put in before are very mild, and there will be no repulsion, but the next few medicinal materials are different.

The pill fire and pill powder must be carefully controlled, neither can the pill be made in advance, nor can the pill powder be mutually exclusive, so that the pill cannot be made.


Suddenly, Liu Chen's eyes turned sideways, he bent his fingers suddenly, and put in another medicinal material.

In an instant, the green flames of the Shennong Cauldron rose sharply, and the crazy fire snake devoured the medicinal material in an instant, and within a moment, it was refined into a pill powder.

A miraculous scene happened, these dan powders were like two poles, repelling each other, and they were located at one end of Shennong Ding.

No matter how Liu Chen controlled the pill fire and pill powder, he couldn't make them blend together.

Seeing this scene, Lu Qingfeng shook his head, and said: "There are only two ways now, or quickly refine other medicinal materials and forcibly make pills."

"Either drop a drop of fusion holy water, no matter how repulsive the medicinal materials are, it can easily become a pill in the end."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, and said, "If there is fusion holy water, refining the Rebirth Pill would not be so embarrassing."

Thinking of this, Liu Chen suddenly regretted that he should have asked Long Jiu for some fusion holy water, even if it was only a drop.

"There is no other way, but to forcibly make a pill."

Liu Chen gritted his teeth and put in several other main medicinal materials, and the Shennong Cauldron hummed unprecedentedly, bursting out with a strong light, and the magical runes on the cauldron wall slowly circulated.

From a distance, the Shennong Ding seems to have life, which is extremely miraculous.


Liu Chen made a formula with both hands, carefully controlling the pill fire, neither too violent nor too weak, it had to be just right.

In fact, Liu Chen's requirements are very low, as long as he can make pills, but Lu Qingfeng is different from Liu Chen.

He not only hoped that Liu Chen would become a pill, but he also hoped that Liu Chen could refine high-level pills.

In fact, with Lu Qingfeng's strength, it is not difficult to refine the Rebirth Pill, but it is impossible to refine the Flawless Rebirth Pill.

Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng worked together, one made alchemy, and the other turned the elixir into a flawless elixir, it was terrifying just thinking about it.


Suddenly, Liu Chen frowned, his muscles tensed, and even his spirit became tense. Looking at the Shennong Cauldron in front of him, a large amount of pill powder inside slowly gathered towards the same place.

These dan powders of different colors all have different medicinal properties, and it is extremely difficult to blend with each other at this moment.

Because of the repelling properties of the medicine, the pill fire became unstable, and the entire Shennong Cauldron hummed, as if it was about to explode.

Once the furnace is fried, it means that the alchemy has failed.

"Be calm."

"There may not be no chance to become a pill."

Lu Qingfeng stood by the side, keeping an eye on the Shennong Cauldron, and at the same time reminded him that he would not make a move until the critical moment of frying the furnace.


Liu Chen took a deep breath, tried to steady his breathing, and immediately made a formula with both hands to control the pill fire in Shennong cauldron.

After a while, Shennong Ding gradually returned to normal.

At this time, Liu Chen simply closed his eyes. He didn't need to observe the changes in Shennong Ding with his naked eyes, but relied entirely on his feelings.

In fact, even if Liu Chen closed his eyes, he could still feel the changes in the alchemy powder in the Shennong Cauldron, and it was clearer and more sure.


Liu Chen made a formula with both hands, and bent his fingers again. A large amount of pill powder seemed to be oppressed by a huge force. With the help of pill fire, they slowly fused together, vaguely forming a pill.

Seeing this scene, Lu Qingfeng smiled gratifiedly. Originally, he planned to help Liu Chen refine the Rebirth Pill.

But he never thought that Liu Chen could succeed by himself.

Before seeing Liu Chen refine the rebirth pill with his own eyes, Lu Qingfeng's impression of Liu Chen was still on refining the pill of washing marrow, at most he could refine the pill of washing marrow without time.

Only now did he know that his apprentice had progressed very fast, only a step behind him.

He knew very well that it was only a matter of time before Liu Chen surpassed him.

"Not bad."

Lu Qingfeng applauded again and again, and praised: "It seems that I really underestimated your alchemy strength before, you are already very powerful."

"Even in the fairy world, you can have a place. More importantly, you have the powerful ability to refine the flawless medicine."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly, took out the Rebirth Pill from the Shennong Cauldron, and said, "The Master still needs to do the final processing, and the Rebirth Pill can only be considered successful in refining."

"it is good!"

Lu Qingfeng grabbed it with his big hand, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly flexed his fingers, a stream of emerald green gas overflowed from his fingertips, wrapped around the Rebirth Pill, and disappeared without a trace.

Liu Chen took the Rebirth Pill and looked it over carefully, but found nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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