
Chapter 874 Invite again

Chapter 874 Invite again

It's exactly the same as before, nothing has changed.

Lu Qingfeng nodded in satisfaction, as if he was very satisfied with his work, and immediately nodded to Liu Chen.

"After he takes this rebirth pill, he may doubt the efficacy of the rebirth pill, but he won't doubt me."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile.

Letting Long Jiu stop at the peak of the fifth step for the rest of his life would definitely relieve Liu Chen more than killing him directly.

"It's the best way, isn't it?"

Lu Qingfeng smiled slightly and said.


For the next few days, Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng stayed in the cave, repeatedly refining the elixir, and even tried to work together to refine the magic elixir, but it was a pity that they were unsuccessful.

Maybe apart from adding fusion holy water, there is really no other way to refine the magic pill.

After several consecutive attempts, Lu Qingfeng completely gave up.

Even so, the two of them had gained a lot in the past few days, especially with Liu Chen's help, every pill that Lu Qingfeng refined was flawless.

The value of each elixir is very high, which is enough to cause competition among those in the Void Refining Realm, and perhaps those in the Fusion Realm will also be tempted.

"Two flawless Erdans, two fit pills."

Lu Qingfeng looked at the four pills in his hand, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Two flawless pills can attract at least two cultivators who are in the Void Refining Realm of Great Consummation."

"As for the Harmony Pill, it is very much needed by those who are strong in the Fusion Realm last time, and those who have descended to the God Transformation Realm, especially the No Time Fit Pill."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded heavily.

This kind of fit pill has long been lost in the fairy world, and only the caves have the formula of fit pill.

This kind of elixir has only one function, that is to make the seizing of the soul or soul easy, and it will not have any repulsion with other people's bodies.

Once you take Qi Fudan, other people's bodies will be no different from your original body, which is very miraculous.

"According to the time, it should be almost there."

Liu Chen smiled mysteriously, and immediately left the cave with Lu Qingfeng and flew towards the black market. The ten-day agreement was approaching.

Presumably, Long Jiu couldn't wait to get the rebirth pill, and Liu Chen also wanted to hand over the rebirth pill to him as soon as possible.

Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng are now the main targets of the Dragon Clan, so it is naturally impossible to fly blatantly, so the two conceal their breath and change their appearance, trying to hide it from the Dragon Clan's eyes and ears.

Another very important point is to lock Liu Chen's position in order to prevent Long Jiu from using blood essence to activate the dragon scales again.

So before Liu Chen left, he sealed the dragon scale and did not wear it on his body, so Long Jiu could not find out Liu Chen's whereabouts.

"Have you heard? For Liu Chen, Lu Qingfeng even beheaded the seven fifth-level powerhouses of the Dragon Clan. Later, if the Dragon Clan powerhouses hadn't made the move, even Long Jiu would have died in his hands."

"I saw that battle with my own eyes. Lu Qingfeng not only killed seven dragon experts, but also cut off both of Long Jiu's arms. A few days ago, Long Jiu entered the black market and begged the mysterious alchemist for the no-time rebirth pill."

"That battle really made Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng included in the must-kill list by the Dragon Clan, and now the Dragon Clan is chasing them all over the world."

"That's right, the order to kill the dragon clan has been issued more than once. It seems that this time, no one can save Liu Chen. With Lu Qingfeng's identity and status, there may be a glimmer of life."

Everyone was discussing, but they didn't notice Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng in the crowd.

At this time, another man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes came over, glanced at them coldly, and said indifferently: "Even if the strong Dragon Clan can't kill Liu Chen, he will die in my hands in the end."

"As for Lu Qingfeng, someone will naturally deal with him."

Hearing this, Liu Chen immediately looked in the direction of the voice, and couldn't help being slightly surprised that the person who spoke was actually the eldest disciple of Immortal Qian Zhan.

He has been retreating and attacking the realm of refining the virtual before, but at present, it seems that he should have failed.

Even so, the strength of Black Soil should not be underestimated. After all, he is a strong man who has hit the Void Refining Realm. His strength will definitely be stronger than the God Transformation Realm Dzogchen, but weaker than the Void Refining Realm.

Looking at the strong murderous intent in Heitu's eyes, plus the words just now, Liu Chen already guessed that Heitu should know about Heihuang and Heiyu.

In the past, Liu Chen was surrounded by Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng, almost no one dared to trouble Liu Chen, let alone anyone who dared to blatantly threaten to kill Liu Chen.

But now it was different, Immortal Immortal Venerable was trapped by the elders of the Dragon Clan, Lu Qingfeng was unable to protect himself, and Liu Chen was alone and helpless.

Heitu didn't pay attention to Liu Chen at all.

Invisibly, Liu Chen's status dropped a lot.

This is because the identity of the Nixian has not been spread, otherwise Liu Chen would have become the target of public criticism and would be hunted down by countless cultivators.

But it should be soon, the news from Immortal World North will come soon.

"Don't be impulsive, you can't reveal your identity yet."

Lu Qingfeng was afraid that Liu Chen would be furious, so he couldn't help but make a move, so he tightly held Liu Chen's wrist, and tried to persuade him.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I'm not that reckless yet, and there will be more opportunities to clean up the black soil in the future."


Lu Qingfeng nodded slightly, but he was still not at ease with Liu Chen, so he immediately took Liu Chen away from the crowd and went to the black market.

From the beginning to the end, no one noticed, let alone discovered that the two who left were Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng.

Since that battle, there have been many strong dragon clansmen in the fairy world. These dragon clan strongmen gathered in groups and often appeared around the caves of Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng.

Perhaps it was because Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng made the matter too big, so that the task pavilion and the Dragon Clan, which had been fighting each other and full of gunpowder, died down, and it seemed that the plan could not be resolved.

After all, it is impossible to start a war, and the task pavilion is also very clear that the fusion holy water is obviously impossible to get back.

In addition to letting it go, the Dragon Clan can only make a symbolic compensation for something.

Not long after, Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng entered the black market, only to find that today's black market is extremely crowded with almost a sea of ​​people.

Everyone wore masks to hide their aura and obscure their faces, and no one knew anyone, but there was one person who was very recognizable, and that was Long Jiu.

Because of the entire black market, he was the only one who didn't wear a mask.

"Long Jiu! I brought the Rebirth Pill."

At this time, Liu Chen immediately walked towards Long Jiu, took out the Rebirth Pill from the savings bag, but did not pass it to Long Jiu.

"Bring it!"

Before Long Jiu could open his mouth, the two sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouses next to him immediately made a move, trying to snatch the elixir from Liu Chen's hand.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a playful smile, holding the Rebirth Pill between two fingers, and said indifferently: "If you dare to take a step forward, I will turn the Wuxia Rebirth Pill into powder!"


With a gloomy expression, Long Jiu reprimanded him immediately, looked at Liu Chen with an apologetic smile, and immediately winked at the dragon strongman next to him, saying, "Hurry up and take out the thank you gift I prepared!"


He didn't dare to disobey, and reluctantly took out a savings bag, which contained nothing but a drop of fusion holy water.

A whole piggy bank with just a tiny drop of fusion holy water in it.

"Are you still satisfied with my thank you?"

Long Jiu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a smug smile, looked Liu Chen up and down, and said slowly.

Although there was a mask as a barrier, Long Jiu was able to guess Liu Chen's mood at the moment, so he must be extremely happy.

Because as long as you are an alchemist, you will think of getting fusion holy water, even if it is only a small drop.

"Satisfied! Very satisfied!"

Liu Chen originally thought that the Dragon Clan had used up all the fusion holy water, but he never expected that there was still a small drop left, which is simply unbelievable.

Liu Chen took the fused holy water into his bosom like a treasure, and immediately handed the Rebirth Pill to the Dragon Race expert beside Long Jiu, saying: "No Time to Rebirth Pill, no one owes anyone now."

The surrounding audience exclaimed again and again, and they all looked at Liu Chen in disbelief.

"I'm really curious, who is this mysterious alchemist who has refined Longxue Pill, Du'er Pill, and Rebirth Pill one after another."

"That's right, especially the No Time to Eliminate Pill, which is a powerful pill that even Lu Qingfeng can't refine."

"If I'm not mistaken, he should be a member of the fairy clan, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why he has such a strong alchemy ability."

Everyone talked a lot, even linking Liu Chen's identity with the fairy clan.

But that's good too, the more they fear Liu Chen's identity, the less they dare to do anything to Liu Chen.

At this time, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, watching Long Jiu take the Wuxia Rebirth Pill with his own eyes.

There was no problem with the Long Xue Pill that was refined before, and there was no problem with any other pills, so Long Jiu didn't doubt Liu Chen's identity at all.

Naturally, there is no doubt about the authenticity of the Rebirth Pill.

"This time I came to see you not only to complete the transaction, but also to convey a message to you." Long Jiu said slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned, looked at Long Jiu curiously, and asked, "What news?"

"You also know that in order to refine a kind of elixir, we did not hesitate to snatch the fusion holy water, but it is a pity that so far, we have not succeeded in refining it."

"Therefore, the elders in the clan sincerely invite you, and hope that you can help us. After this is done, you will be the Keqing elder of the dragon clan, with the same status as other elders, even above me."

Long Jiu said excitedly.

Elder Ke Qing!
These four words exploded in everyone's minds like thunder.

That is the Dragon Clan, and all the elders are Dragon Clan, so it is unbelievable for a human cultivator to become the Keqing Elder of the Dragon Clan, and to enjoy the same privileges as other elders.

Nothing like this has happened in thousands of years.

"Elder Ke Qing?"

Liu Chen frowned, and looked at Long Jiu with interest, as if he was thinking about this question.

But Liu Chen understands better that the risks outweigh the benefits. Once he enters the Dragon Clan, he will definitely attract the attention of countless powerful people, and his identity may be exposed at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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