
Chapter 875 Danfang

Chapter 875 Danfang
Just to be on the safe side, Liu Chen still shook his head, and politely refused: "I won't go to the Dragon Clan, but if you can afford the price, I might be able to help you refine the elixir you need."

Hearing this, a bright light flashed in Long Jiu's eyes, and he looked at Liu Chen sharply, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything through the mask.

"Let me think."

Long Jiu pondered for a long time, but he still did not make a decision. After all, such an important matter cannot be decided by him alone.

During the time he was thinking, after taking the Rebirth Pill, the severed arms grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The skin is fair and smooth, just like a baby.

Not only that, but a layer of wrinkled skin has retreated from the whole body, just like a boa constrictor shedding its skin, which looks extremely terrifying.

A moment was good enough, Long Jiu took a step forward, his body trembled slightly, his whole body glowed again, and a heavy dragon's power burst out.

The pinnacle of the fifth order!

"No Time to Rebirth Pill! The effect is really powerful! I have a faint feeling that I am about to break through!"

Long Jiu clenched his fists tightly, extremely excited, and at the same time, there was a cold killing intent in the depths of his eyes.

breakthrough?I think it is impossible for you to break through in this lifetime!

Liu Chen sneered in his heart, after taking the Rebirth Pill, it was just your illusion, it is impossible for the Rebirth Pill to let you break through the sixth order.

"What you said just now, I will seriously consider it with the elders in the clan."

Long Jiu seemed to have received some news, and after a while, he immediately left the black market with the rest of the dragon clan powerhouses and flew towards the distance.

At this moment, Lu Qingfeng quietly patted Liu Chen's shoulder, and said, "I'm curious, what exactly was the task you entrusted to those people last time?"

"Why did they forget what happened before when they came back? How did you do it?"

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and said, "Have they completed the task?"

"Of course, if they didn't complete the task, how could I enter the black market, and I wouldn't have saved you by chance."

Lu Qingfeng explained slowly.

"It's actually very simple. I have tampered with the jade slip. Once they open the jade slip, the three techniques of memory will enter their minds."

"After the task is completed, the content in the jade slip will disappear completely, and at the same time, the memory about this part will also disappear."

"They only know the completed task, but they can't remember the content of the task."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and he looked at Lu Qingfeng triumphantly.

According to what he said, Long Qi and the others had already died in the east of the Immortal World, which probably caused quite a stir.

A mysterious force appeared in the dark and killed many strong dragons. Everyone would definitely think of Liu Chen, but not the mysterious alchemist.

After all, even the people who performed the mission didn't know what the mission was, and Lu Qingfeng didn't know either.

"What mission did you send out last time? Still making it so mysterious?"

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help asking.

"Slay the strong dragon clan."

Liu Chen looked around carefully, making sure that no one was watching, and then transmitted the sound.

Hearing these words, Lu Qingfeng stood on his head covered in cold hairs, and hired someone to kill the strong Dragon Clan. I'm afraid only Liu Chen could have thought of such a crazy idea?

"The Dragon Clan sent Dragon Chess into the east of the Immortal Realm to continue chasing and killing me. Although I escaped, it's a pity that Passing Water died in his hands."

"But now that Longqi is dead, I can take revenge for Passing Water."

Liu Chen shook his head and said bitterly.

Even though he killed Longqi, Liu Chen still felt a little regretful, because he couldn't kill Longqi himself, which would make him happier.

"too crazy."

Lu Qingfeng repeatedly exclaimed.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Liu Chen's mind, and he looked at Lu Qingfeng with joy, and said, "Master, I suddenly thought of a good idea."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Qingfeng raised his brows, he felt more and more unable to see through Liu Chen, he was not at all like other disciples of the Immortal Venerable, on the contrary he seemed very sophisticated.

"We are all hunted down by the dragon clan now, and my embarrassing identity cannot be announced to the public, so I can only walk in the dark."

"But I can't show up, it doesn't mean you can't show up, master."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, and continued: "I plan to set up a pill workshop in the name of master."

"Danfang? What do you mean?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen in surprise, and asked again.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly and explained: "It's similar to the Mission Pavilion, but if you want to buy pills in the Danfang, you have to pay a corresponding price. The price is not the fairy stone, but the completion of the mission issued by the Danfang."

"For example, chasing and killing the strong dragon clan!"


Lu Qingfeng shook his head again and again, and vetoed: "The Dragon Clan has a rich background and is powerful. How could someone know the content of the mission and take the risk of chasing and killing the strong Dragon Clan!"

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled mysteriously and said, "It may not be impossible, as long as our elixir is attractive enough to them."

"In order to break through and advance, some people will definitely take risks."

Listening to Liu Chen's words, Lu Qingfeng thought about it carefully, and there was indeed some truth.

If the Huan Shen Pill was born, I am afraid that even Immortal Emperor Sanwei would try to snatch it, let alone chasing and killing the strong dragon clan.

Possessing a god-returning pill is equivalent to having another life, and it is more secure than a body.

"Master, your attainments in alchemy are higher than mine. If you come to alchemy, no matter the quality of the elixir, I can turn it into a flawless elixir."

"If you and I cooperate, the efficiency will be greatly increased."

Liu Chen spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng frowned slightly, and said: "It's no problem to set up a pill workshop in my name, but if I sell all the Wuxia pills, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of others."

"Anyone who is a little more careful will connect me with the mysterious alchemist, and it will be troublesome then."

Liu Chen nodded slightly, and said: "It is indeed a difficult problem. Do you want to establish an alchemy workshop as a mysterious alchemist?"

Lu Qingfeng lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head to look at Liu Chen, and said seriously, "It might not be impossible."

"Anyway, your current identity remains mysterious. No one knows, and some people even speculate that you are from the Immortal Clan. Then make good use of this mystery."

"If you set up Danfang, you will definitely attract countless people to come here."

Liu Chen thought for a moment, then nodded after weighing again and again, and said, "Alright then!"

"What are you going to do now?"

Lu Qingfeng then asked.

"Set up Dan Fang first."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth raised slightly, showing a mysterious smile, and immediately walked to the center of the crowd, and said loudly, "Everyone, I have something to announce!"

"Mysterious alchemist, he has something to announce, everyone, take a look."

"Oh? Is he going to announce his real identity?"

"It must be from the Immortal Clan, otherwise it would be impossible to explain his great alchemy strength."

Everyone was discussing, looked at Liu Chen and said.

Liu Chen heard all these words, but smiled without saying a word, and immediately looked at the many strong men present, many of whom were in the Void Refining Realm.

"You must be very curious about my identity, so I might as well tell you my name."

"My name is Muli!"

Mu Li!

These two words instantly resounded throughout the black market, and they racked their brains to recall the word Muli, but unfortunately, there is no big family with the surname Mu in the entire fairy world.

Then there are only two possibilities, either the mysterious alchemist lied, or the mysterious alchemist came from the fairy clan.

Compared with the former, they are more willing to believe the latter.

"I hereby declare that Danfang is established."

"Anyone who wants to obtain the Wuxia pill from the Danfang must pay a corresponding price. This price is not the amount of immortal stones, but the completion of the task of the Danfang!"

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and he smiled triumphantly, and immediately waved his sleeves, and took out four pills from his bosom.

They are Wuxia Duer Dan and Wuxia Qihe Pill respectively, and said: "Here are four Wuxia Pills, representing four different tasks."

"That's... Duerdan! There are actually two flawless Duerdans, how did he do it!"

"In addition to Duerdan, there is also Qihedan. I have seen a description of Qihedan in an ancient book before. Now the formula of Qihedan has long been lost."

"To be able to refine Qihe Pill, he must be from the Immortal Clan, and only the Immortal Clan can master the early alchemy."

Everyone looked at Liu Chen with awe.

The appearance of these four pills immediately caused a huge commotion among the crowd, but none of them dared to snatch them on the black market.

One is to be afraid of the power behind the black market, and the other is to be afraid of the power behind Liu Chen.

To be able to cultivate a peerless genius like Liu Chen, the forces behind it must be very strong.

If they knew that the mysterious alchemist was actually Liu Chen who was hunted down, their jaws would drop in shock.

"What task! Count me in!"

Suddenly, one of the strong men in the Void Refining Realm came forward, his voice was sonorous and powerful, and he looked at Du Erdan with longing eyes.

"Enter Immortal Realm South and help me find someone."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately threw a jade slip from his arms, saying: "I have engraved that person's appearance on the jade slip."

"it is good!"

The man opened the jade slip and glanced at it, and the contents of the jade slip disappeared immediately.

"Count me in too!"

Then, another person came up.

After a while, four people took up the task one after another, and the others were eager to try, but unfortunately there was no chance, so they had to give up.

Liu Chen gave a total of four tasks, but none of them was to hunt down the strong dragon clan.

They are looking for Zixuan, exploring the Immortal Hall in the west of the Immortal Realm, looking for the fusion holy water, and inquiring about the news of Nixian's headquarters.

Of these four tasks, the second one is relatively easy to complete, but it is also the most risky.

Because exploring the Palace of Immortal Ascension will definitely find out about the matters of the Spirit Race, and everyone will know what the Spirit Race is doing in the west of the Immortal World, and they will definitely not sit idly by.

Originally Liu Chen didn't intend to do this, but since the soul boy is unkind, don't blame Liu Chen for being unrighteous.

If Lu Qingfeng hadn't appeared suddenly last time, Liu Chen would have died at the hands of a strong dragon clan, and Liu Chen has always remembered this revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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