
Chapter 876

Chapter 876

Once the secrets of the Spirit Clan are exposed, it will definitely not end easily. Anyway, the more embarrassing the Spirit Clan is, the more satisfied Liu Chen will be.

As for the task of finding Zixuan in the South of the Immortal Realm, Liu Chen actually didn't have too high expectations, and the same was true for finding the fusion holy water.

But what if the task is completed?

The only thing Liu Chen is most concerned about right now is to inquire about news about Ni Xian's headquarters, because Liu Chen is also very scared, worried that Ni Xian will announce Liu Chen's true identity.

Originally, Liu Chen and Ni Xian had no enmity, but if they were misunderstood because of this matter and turned against each other, then Liu Chen would really be wronged.

Not long after, Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng withdrew from the black market and returned to the fairy world, still without attracting anyone's attention.

"Aren't you afraid of revealing your identity if you let other people look for Zixuan's whereabouts?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen seriously, and asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen waved his hands disapprovingly, and said, "Master, don't worry."

"There are not many people who know about Bing Feixue, Zixuan and me. You are one of them. There is also the master of reincarnation, the second senior brother. The senior senior brother is not as good as Immortal Immortal Venerable."

"Unless the news reaches their ears, even if others know, it is impossible to guess my real identity."

Lu Qingfeng nodded slightly, but still frowned. He was worried that if his identity was revealed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"I trust your judgment."

Lu Qingfeng took a deep breath, looked around, and said slowly, "What are your plans next?"

"You can only take one step at a time."

Liu Chen smiled bitterly, looking around, he didn't find a place to live, and he didn't dare to go back to the original cave.

"I'm sure I can't stay in the fairyland anymore. If I can, I plan to go back to the east of the fairyland first, but I will leave a clone behind."

With a wave of Liu Chen's big sleeve, another clone appeared.

Liu Chen does not pursue the strength of the clones now, but only the number of clones. During the few days of alchemy in the cave, Liu Chen has cultivated a lot of clones.

They all have half the strength of the deity, and they may be too weak to fight, but if they enter the black market and pretend to be mysterious alchemists, they can almost confuse the real ones.

"OK then."

Lu Qingfeng nodded, and when he was about to leave, suddenly a figure tore through the void and appeared in front of Liu Chen.

"Liu Chen!"

There seemed to be a tinge of anger in that person's voice, and he stared at Liu Chen sharply, a terrifying coercion from the Void Refining Realm erupted.

Seeing the situation, Lu Qingfeng stood in front of Liu Chen without saying a word, glared at the person in front of him, and said, "Who are you?"

"Old Li?"

Liu Chen took a step forward and looked at Elder Li in surprise. Isn't this the strong man who sealed Liu Chen and hid the essence and blood of the Demon God's heart?


Mr. Li snorted coldly, looked at Liu Chen with displeasure, and said, "Follow me back to the headquarters!"

"who do you think You Are!"

Being ignored by Mr. Li from the beginning to the end, Lu Qingfeng suddenly lost his temper and stared at Mr. Li viciously. A terrifying coercion of the great consummation of the Void Refinement Realm erupted and approached Mr. Li.


Old Li's complexion darkened, and he stared at Lu Qingfeng with deep eyes. The two extremely powerful forces were fighting each other, full of gunpowder.

Even though the battle between the two strong men with great consummation of the Void Refining Realm was just a competition between auras, but Liu Chen was beside him, but he also endured this huge pressure, as if they could wipe out Liu Chen in ashes with just one thought.

"Lu Qingfeng! Don't care about your business!"

Old Li stared at Lu Qingfeng with a gloomy expression, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled disapprovingly, and said, "If you want to capture my apprentice, it has a lot to do with me, Lu Qingfeng!"

"Then we can only do it!"

A flash of light flashed in Li Lao's eyes, and immediately he grabbed it with his big hand, the void was torn apart, he pulled out a huge black sword from it, and slashed out.

With a bang, a huge hole was torn open in the void, and countless black wind blades rolled out, attacking Lu Qingfeng from all directions.

Seeing the situation, Lu Qingfeng looked dignified, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, and immediately bent his fingers, more than a dozen balls of golden flames appeared in front of him, and he didn't take half a step back.

"I even took out the virtual treasure, but you don't even use the fairy art, you underestimate me, don't you?" Intense anger flashed in Li Lao's eyes, and immediately he held the black giant sword with both hands, and took a bold step .


Mr. Li's attacks were open and close, without any skill at all, but this kind of attack opened Liu Chen's eyes. The simpler the attack, the more powerful it is.

That sword, as if splitting the sky and breaking the earth, could shatter everything, and the surrounding space was distorted.

Liu Chen's pupils shrank sharply, and his body could not move at all between the two auras. His eyes were locked on Li Lao's virtual treasure, and he secretly said in shock: "The existence of the transcendent treasure actually possesses such powerful power."


Lu Qingfeng's expression remained unchanged, and he did not see any movement. The dozen or so golden flames in front of him immediately flew away.

Before the countless black wind blades got close to the golden flame, they were immediately melted by the intense high temperature, turning into clusters of black aura, which dissipated in the void.

Immediately afterwards, the golden flames formed a circular formation in the air, spinning and flying towards Mr. Li.

"Xianshu! Samadhi true fire!"

The corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile. Immediately, he made a fist with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers. More than ten balls of golden flames erupted instantly, turning into a huge fireball, fragrant to Mr. Li.


Mr. Li snorted coldly, and at the same time as he stepped back, he raised the black giant sword in his hand, and all his spiritual power poured into the giant sword frantically.

It can be seen that Mr. Li is about to display powerful means, but he is different from Lu Qingfeng, all his abilities are concentrated on the black giant sword in his hand.


As soon as the words fell, the black giant sword in Mr. Li's hand slashed down, hitting the fireball.

Zi la la!
The samadhi real fire roasted the black giant sword, making an ear-piercing sound, as if red-hot steel had been put into the water.

Gradually, the strengths of both sides are constantly wearing down, but the strength of the two is almost the same, and no one can do anything to the other for a while.

Unless it is a life-and-death fight, it is difficult to tell the winner.

Suddenly, the samadhi real fire exploded, and Lu Qingfeng and Mr. Li were sent flying out at the same time. The corners of their mouths overflowed with blood, obviously slightly injured.

But at this moment, the two powerful auras gradually dissipated, and Liu Chen regained his ability to move, but he was sweating profusely, his limbs were limp and limp, as if he had experienced a life-and-death struggle.

"Master, Mr. Li, stop it."

Liu Chen took a deep breath, looked serious, looked at Mr. Li and Lu Qingfeng seriously, and immediately said, "I'll go to the headquarters with you."

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng hurriedly flew to Liu Chen's side, and said confidently, "Don't worry, disciple, with me protecting you, he will never forcefully take you back to the headquarters."

"This is the Immortal World, and you are Nixian. The battle we fought just now must have attracted nearby experts. There is still time for you to leave now."

"If it's too late, just wait for the other Nixians to collect your corpse!"

Lu Qingfeng stared at Mr. Li coldly, threatening with words.

Hearing this, Mr. Li acted as if he hadn't heard of it. He just glanced at Lu Qingfeng lightly, and then he turned his eyes to Liu Chen, and said with a serious expression: "If you are really sincere, then I will go to the headquarters, and we will ask you some things."

"After the question is over, if it really has nothing to do with you, we will naturally not embarrass you."

Liu Chen smiled, and didn't answer Mr. Li's question directly, but changed the subject and said, "I just want to know, how did you find me?"

So many people wanted to find Liu Chen, but they couldn't find it, but Mr. Li easily tore through the void and found Liu Chen's location accurately, which made Liu Chen very curious.

"Remember that seal?"

Mr. Li said slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. At first, he thought that this seal would not cause any harm to his body, but now it seems that it is more terrifying than a curse.

Nixian headquarters can know the location of other Nixians at any time. In case someone in the Nixian high-level goes crazy, they have to announce the location of other people.

I'm afraid Nixian will die in less than a month.

It's really dangerous, it seems that I have to find a way to get rid of the seal in my body.

Liu Chen was dumbfounded, raised his head to look at Mr. Li, and said, "I have a clear conscience about the passing water, and it's fine to go back to the headquarters with you."

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng thought he heard it wrong, and tried to persuade him repeatedly: "Don't go back with him! It's too dangerous!"

"Master, don't worry, I will be fine."

Liu Chen smiled comfortingly, and immediately walked towards Mr. Li.

No matter what, Liu Chen had to go to Nixian's headquarters.

Liu Chen is also very clear that doing so is very dangerous, but Liu Chen has to take a gamble, if he can regain their trust, then he can still gain a foothold in the fairy world.

But if even Ni Xian had to deal with Liu Chen, then Liu Chen would really struggle.

What's more, Liu Chen believed in Passing Water and Nixian, so he would definitely make the most correct judgment.

Anyway, Nixian's first impression on Liu Chen was quite good.

"Since you have to go, then I will go with you!"

Lu Qingfeng frowned, as if he had made up his mind, and said.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, and refused: "Master, even I don't know where the headquarters of Nixian is, only very few people know, and outsiders are never allowed to enter."

"Just wait for me in the fairyland, I will be back in a few days."


Lu Qingfeng hesitated to speak, he was really worried that Liu Chen would return to Nixian's headquarters alone.


Boss Li waved his sleeve, took advantage of Lu Qingfeng's inattention, directly tore the void, and brought Liu Chen back to Nixian's headquarters.

"I also believe that you didn't kill the passing water, but the death of the passing water has nothing to do with you."

Back at Nixian headquarters, Mr. Li looked at Liu Chen seriously, and said slowly, "You don't need to rush to explain, because you don't need to explain to me, the key is to convince that group of people."

After the words fell, Mr. Li led Liu Chen to a hall.

(End of this chapter)

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