
Chapter 877 Argument

Chapter 877 Argument
The hall is very wide, and there are two rows of seats on the left and right. There are ten elderly people sitting there.

Just going there, it gives people a feeling of not being angry.

As soon as Liu Chen entered the hall, he was immediately stared at by more than 20 people, making Liu Chen feel uncomfortable.

Including Mr. Li, there are a total of 22 people in the hall, but Liu Chen, as a Nixian, doesn't know 21 of them!
It's ironic when you think about it carefully, Liu Chen, as a member of Ni Xian, only knows Passing Water and Old Li.

"You are Liu Chen?"

A Nixian next to him asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled and nodded slightly to show politeness, but he didn't expect the man's complexion to change suddenly, he glared at Liu Chen angrily, and scolded: "You still dare to laugh when you're here!"

"What? I don't even have the right to laugh?"

There was no need for Liu Chen to show good looks to Liu Chen if others didn't give him good looks, so he gloomyly glared at the man with a needle point to Maimang.

"How dare you dare to contradict the elder!"

Suddenly, another Nixian stood up, pointed at Liu Chen's nose, and scolded.

The rest of the Nixians all cast angry gazes at Liu Chen, accusing them: "If you think you are the disciple of Immortal Immortal and Lu Qingfeng, can you be defiant?"

"Don't forget, you are a rebellious immortal!"

"You are a Nixian for a day, and you will be a Nixian for the rest of your life. You will never be able to escape the fate of a Nixian, even if you become the disciple of the Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng."

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned. He didn't know why, but he felt very disgusted after hearing these words, and the good impression he had kept about Ni Xian was instantly shattered.

Until now, Liu Chen gradually began to understand that as long as there are people, there will be good people and bad people, and Nixian is no exception.

Liu Chen dare not say that these people are bad people, but they are no different from those killed by Liu Chen, they are all rubbish.

"I am indeed the disciple of Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng, but I did not show my superiority because of this. I also know that I am a rebellious immortal, and I have not done anything to betray a rebellious immortal, otherwise the seal in my body would have exploded long ago gone."

"But I don't know where your sense of superiority comes from. You don't distinguish between black and white, and when you come up, you scold your head and cover your face. Don't you all have white heads and can't think?"

Liu Chen's expression was gloomy, and he glared angrily at the twenty Rebel Immortals of Void Refining Realm who were present, trying not to back down, let alone being intimidated by their powerful aura.

Hearing this, the mouth corners of the Void Refining Realm Dzogchen powerhouse above slightly raised, revealing a smile of interest, and continued to pay attention to Liu Chen.

Mr. Li smiled and said nothing, in fact, both of them knew it very well.

As long as Liu Chen came today, it would prove Liu Chen's innocence, but if Liu Chen didn't dare to come, then it would be a big deal.

They will most likely be cleared by someone.

Anyway, with the existence of the seal, it is not difficult to find Liu Chen.

"Is it reasonable for you to contradict the elder?"

Suddenly, one of the Nixians walked directly towards Liu Chen, glared angrily, and scolded: "Believe it or not, I will let you pay for the passing water right now!"

"If you kill me now, it will only prove that you have no brains."

"And you just watched him kill me, which also shows that you have no brains."

"It's ridiculous to kill me without even investigating the matter clearly."

Liu Chen stood where he was, sarcastically mercilessly, and satirized everyone present, even Li Lao and the person directly above him.

Upon hearing these words, the expression of the person directly above obviously changed subtly, but he didn't move at all.

"Okay! Then I'll make you understand!"

At this time, a Nixian elder stood up and said incessantly: "Passing Water's task is to enter the east of the Immortal Realm and purchase a batch of resources. He has done this kind of thing many times. He is familiar with the road and should be able to do it soon. came back."

"But later he sent a letter back, claiming that he met you in the East of the Immortal Realm, and worried that you would be killed by a strong dragon clan, so he continued to stay in the East of the Immortal Realm."

Hearing this, Liu Chen spread his hands, shrugged, and said lightly: "What Passing Shui said is the truth, I am indeed responsible for Passing Shui's death, but it's not that I killed Passing Shui, but you guys want to kill me. what?"


One of the Nixians stood up, pointed at Liu Chen's nose, and shouted: "Don't think we don't know, you were worried that Nixian's identity would be exposed, so you attacked Passing Water and destroyed his Nascent Soul!"

Hearing this sentence, Liu Chen couldn't help raising his brows, looked sharply at the Ni Xian who spoke, and said, "Who told you this?"

"Don't worry about who told me, I'll just ask you, is it true or not!"

Ni Xian forced to ask.

Liu Chen looked serious, looked at the man seriously, and explained: "I did meet Passing Water in the east of Immortal Realm, and both of us were chased and killed by the strong dragon clan."

"In order to escape for our lives, Passing Water and I fled separately, and I took the initiative to hold back the sixth-order strong Dragon Chess, and only a few fifth-order peak Dragon Clan powerhouses chased and killed Passing Water."

"I thought that with Passing Water's Passing Water, even if I couldn't kill those dragon experts, it would be more than enough to escape."

"But I never expected that Passing Water would be captured by Longqi soon after, and destroy his Nascent Soul in front of me."

"Every word I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can ask the Mochizuki family. They were there at the time."

Liu Chen's words were sonorous, and he looked at the twenty pairs of eyes present without retreating.

Hearing this, one of the Nixians sneered, and said flatly: "There are many lies, with your cultivation in the late stage of becoming a god, let alone holding down the sixth-level powerhouse, even the fifth-level peak can easily kill you. "

"Based on strength alone, I am indeed not an opponent of the sixth-order powerhouse, but while purchasing resources with Passing Water, I also bought a fairy talisman——The Hand of the Demon God!"

"It was with the hands of the Demon God that I was lucky enough to destroy Long Qi's body and save a life."

"You can go to the East of Immortal Realm to investigate these things, and you will naturally understand."

Liu Chen remained calm, anyway, what he said was the truth, without any guilty conscience.

"There are many lies! You still want to deny it!"

Immediately afterwards, a Nixian stood up and scolded: "We have already heard the news from the Dragon Clan. It was because you were worried about your identity being exposed, that's why you killed Passing Water."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Chen smiled instead of anger, and suddenly realized that Liu Chen had already guessed that the news was leaked from the Dragon Clan.

"I've already said what I should say. If you don't believe me, you can go directly to the east of the Immortal Realm to find out the truth. When the time comes, you will be killed or cut. I will do whatever you want."

Liu Chen said lightly, directly ignoring the twenty Nixian elders present, and staring straight at the old man directly above.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word, just listened quietly.

Seeing the situation, the old man finally spoke, waved his sleeves, and said slowly: "It is impossible for us to let you go easily just by listening to your one-sided words."

"So before the truth is found out, please stay at the headquarters."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and disappeared into the hall. The rest of the elders also left one after another, but they looked at Liu Chen with anger.

Not only because they thought Liu Chen was the murderer, but also because Liu Chen contradicted them in the hall.

After a while, the hall was empty, only Liu Chen and Li Lao were left.

At this time, Mr. Li came up, looked at Liu Chen calmly, and said, "Do you know who that person was just now?"

"do not know."

Liu Chen shook his head and replied truthfully.

"He is the Great Elder, Wei Xi, a master of the Great Perfection in the Void Refining Realm."

Mr. Li said slowly.

"Actually, from the moment you were willing to go back to the headquarters with me, I have believed in you, not just me, Wei Xi and I have the same thoughts."

"It's just that it takes a process to find out the truth. You should be innocent in a few days."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded indifferently, and said, "Anyway, I have a clear conscience about the passing water."

"Passing Water's death is indeed inseparable from me. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have died at the hands of Long Qi, but I have already avenged him."


Mr. Li was sure that he heard it right, but he didn't understand how a cultivator in the late stage of transforming gods could kill a sixth-order dragon strongman to avenge the passing water?
He didn't believe it, but he believed that Liu Chen would not lie, so he didn't ask.

After a few days, they will naturally receive the news that Long Qi and many other strong dragons were beheaded by the mysterious strong in the east of Immortal Realm.

Old Li would think of Liu Chen, but he couldn't connect with the mysterious alchemist in the black market.

"In the past few days, you are now living in the cave of Passing Water."

Li Lao immediately brought Liu Chen to the cave of Passing Water, and then disappeared into the void.

Liu Chen wandered around the cave of Passing Water, and couldn't help being filled with emotions, and the image of Passing Water emerged in his mind.

Passing water was the first good friend Liu Chen made in the fairy world, he was very upright, but it was a pity that he died in the hands of Longqi.

At this time, Liu Chen took out a Resurrection Pill from the savings bag, and muttered to himself: "It's a pity that Dragon Chess directly destroyed your Nascent Soul, otherwise I could still use the Resurrection Pill to help you rebirth."


Liu Chen heaved a long sigh, and looked up at the window, but no one was watching Liu Chen, perhaps because Liu Chen's cultivation was too low to perceive the strong in the dark.

But no matter what, hearing what Mr. Li said, somewhat reassured Liu Chen.

A few days later, Liu Chen was called to the hall again. Everyone looked serious, including Wei Xi who was directly above him. This made Liu Chen feel uneasy. Did something change?
At this time, Wei Xi looked at Liu Chen with a dignified expression, and said lightly: "Although you didn't kill the passing water, you can't get rid of the death of the passing water."

"As a punishment, you must reflect in Wuwang Swamp for three months!"

(End of this chapter)

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