
Chapter 878

Chapter 878

Liu Chen frowned, and looked at Wei Xi in surprise, somewhat incomprehensible.

"Anyway! Passing Water's death has an inescapable relationship with you, and punishing you for entering Wuwang Swamp is already the greatest forgiveness for you."

"Although you didn't kill Passing Water, it was because of you that Passing Water died. If it wasn't for the kindness of the Great Elder, you would have died thousands of times."

"The Great Elder is kind, why don't you hurry up and thank the Great Elder!"

Everyone talked in one go, satirizing Liu Chen and flattering Wei Xi at the same time.

Sure enough, no matter where you go, you will meet such a group of people, bullying and charming.

"Wei Xi, it's for your own good too."

Suddenly, Mr. Li explained via audio transmission: "There are many people in the headquarters who don't understand your situation. They always feel that the death of Passing Water is directly related to you."

"In addition, Passing Water usually has a very good relationship with people in the headquarters, so everyone transfers their anger to you."

"The reason why Wei Xi did this is to hope that through punishment, everyone's resentment towards you can be eliminated. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, then nodded slightly, looked at Wei Xi seriously, and said, "No."

"Okay, let's start from now on."

Wei Xi waved his sleeves, looked at Mr. Li, and said, "Take him into the Wuwang Swamp!"


Mr. Li nodded, directly tore apart the space, walked in with Liu Chen, and appeared in Wuwang Swamp after a while.

This is a huge swamp, the strange thing is that the bottom is covered with unknown green grass, swaying in the wind, it looks very ordinary, and there is nothing particularly noteworthy.

At a glance, the entire Wuwang Swamp is green.

Maybe in the eyes of others, this place is barren, with nothing but green grass, but in Liu Chen's eyes, these green grasses represent vitality.

The entire Wuwang Swamp is full of surging life force, and Liu Chen can get great satisfaction.

"This is the Wuwang Swamp. You have to be careful of these green grasses. Although they look ugly, these are murderous weapons."

"Once you are entangled by these things, they will suck up all your spiritual power, and eventually even your bones will be corroded."

Mr. Li reminded him kindly, then pointed to the bottom of the swamp, and said, "Besides these green grasses, there are also many dangers hidden under the swamp."

"However, I can tell you very clearly that as long as you don't go under the swamp or touch the green grass, there won't be any danger."

"After three months, I will naturally pick you up."

Mr. Li vowed.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled indifferently, not caring about the Wuwang Swamp at all. After bidding farewell to Mr. Li, Liu Chen flew freely above the swamp, looking at the patches of green grass below, with an expression on his face. Can't help showing a satisfied smile.

"I really want to see what amazing things these ordinary green grasses can do."

Driven by strong curiosity, Liu Chen immediately stretched out his hand to grab a small green grass without hesitating to risk his own life.

At this moment, a miraculous scene happened. The green grass that was originally swaying in the wind soared in an instant, and became as tall as a person. The thick branches were directly wrapped around Liu Chen's legs, and he desperately pulled Liu Chen down.

Immediately afterwards, a few more branches appeared, instantly entangled Liu Chen's limbs, and more and more branches rushed up, as if they were going to wrap Liu Chen into a rice dumpling.

"Spiritual power is indeed passing away!"

Liu Chen's heart was shaken, he was entangled by so many green branches, and the spiritual power in his body was passing away at a fast speed. If this continues, a cultivator in the late stage of transforming gods will be killed in less than half a stick of incense. Blot dry.

As for the Nascent Soul cultivator, they will definitely not be able to last three breaths.

Fortunately, this kind of thing is only available in the fairy world. If it is in the five lands, it is simply a murderous weapon. Once it is entangled, no one can escape.


Suddenly, Liu Chen let out a low cry, and the spiritual power that had been swallowed quickly returned to his body.

Not only that, a large amount of green gas spewed out from these green grasses, these are the power of life, very rich, poured into Liu Chen's body in an instant.

Gradually, the branches that entangled Liu Chen's hands and feet withered and scattered one after another. Liu Chen jumped up, stood in the sky, and frantically devoured a large amount of life force.

"So comfortable!"

Liu Chen opened his hands, feeling the power of life in his body increase little by little, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The life force that was consumed by refining the flawless elixir before has all been replenished at this moment. Not only that, the life force in the body is much stronger.

"This kind of method may be effective against cultivators who transform into spirits, but it will not be of any use if you meet someone who is strong in the realm of refining the emptiness."

Liu Chen shook his head, continued to fly over Wuwang Swamp, and at the same time slapped the spirit beast bag, releasing Xiao Qing.

One person and one dragon are flying in the air, looking very lonely.

"Xiaoqing, speed up and see what is at the end of Wuwang Swamp!"

Liu Chen was curious, what is the mystery of this Wuwang Swamp, which Nixian regards as a forbidden area.


With a roar, Xiaoqing immediately accelerated and flew forward, turning into a golden streamer and disappearing into the sky.

Gradually, Liu Chen began to feel a little disappointed. The Wuwang Swamp had no end at all, as if it was a circular space. No matter how long Liu Chen and Xiao Qingfei lived, they always felt like they were always spinning in the same place.

Even if Liu Chen left a mark on the spot, it was still useless.

"too weird."

Liu Chen shook his head, muttered to himself, simply stopped, and carefully observed the Wuwang Swamp, but still found nothing new.


Suddenly, Xiaoqing roared, and immediately rushed down the swamp.


Xiaoqing roared again and again, standing upside down with scales all over her body, a powerful coercion erupted from her whole body, and immediately spewed out terrifying dragon flames towards the bottom!

The green grass on the swamp was instantly turned into ashes by the dragon flames, which was extremely terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoqing accelerated suddenly, rushed into the swamp, and flew out of the swamp after a while, but there was something black all over her mouth.

"what is this?"

Liu Chen frowned, looking curiously at the black thing in Xiaoqing's mouth.

Before Li Lao said that there are many dangers under the swamp, he should be referring to it, but it seems that there is no threat.

Xiaoqing can easily catch one of them.


Xiaoqing roared, as if telling Liu Chen that he didn't know, and immediately opened his bloody mouth, swallowed the black thing, and nodded in satisfaction.

"You want something black like this?"

Liu Chen and Xiao Qing had the same mind, and immediately understood Xiao Qing's thoughts, he couldn't help raising his brows, and looked at Xiao Qing in surprise.

Liu Chen had no idea what this black thing was, but since Xiaoqing really wanted to eat it, it should be good for his body, so he made a gesture with both hands, and shouted: "Xianju! Light curtain sword rain!"

The buzzing sound continued, and thousands of golden lightsabers appeared out of nowhere in the sky, each of which was sharp and full of danger.


Following Liu Chen's order, thousands of lightsabers fell down at the same time, piercing fiercely into the depths of the swamp.

Puchi Puchi!

There was only a sound of puffing, and black things rolled out one by one, with a golden lightsaber stuck in their belly, dying.


Xiaoqing was so excited that she rushed forward immediately, opened her mouth wide, and swallowed hundreds of them all at once. After a short rest, she rushed forward again.

It was only when he swallowed all the black unknown creatures into his stomach that he nodded in satisfaction.

"What exactly do these things do to you?"

Liu Chen raised his brows slightly, and looked at Xiaoqing curiously. He saw Xiaoqing eat so many unknown creatures with his own eyes, but his cultivation base did not change.

The physical body has not changed too much.


With a roar, Xiaoqing's body swelled several times in an instant, and she was entrenched in the sky. Looking from a distance, she saw a five-clawed golden dragon floating in the air, which was extremely shocking.

Gradually, a magical scene happened.

Xiaoqing's body shrunk rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, until she became the size of a normal human being. Immediately afterwards, Xiaoqing grew arms, and the golden scales on her body gradually faded.

After a while, Xiaoqing completely transformed into a human form.

"Put it on!"

Looking at Xiaoqing's naked body, Liu Chen turned around gentlemanly, and then threw out a long robe.


Xiaoqing's pretty face flushed slightly, and she put on her robe immediately, and said in a very pleasant voice, "This kind of creature is a shapeshifting beast, which is very rare. I didn't expect there to be so many of them here."

"Generally, monster cultivators at the fourth level can transform into human form, but dragons are different. Unless they devour shape-shifting beasts, they will not be able to transform into human form in this lifetime."

"If it wasn't for my good luck this time, I would not have been able to transform into a human form when I encountered so many shapeshifting beasts."

Xiaoqing saw the doubt in Liu Chen's eyes, so she explained slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen suddenly realized that these are shape-shifting beasts.

Originally, Liu Chen was very surprised that even if those big monsters in the dangerous place of Xiling didn't take the transforming grass, as long as their cultivation reached the early stage of the fourth level, they could transform into human forms.

But Xiaoqing is already at the peak of the fifth order, but she still can't transform into form, which is simply unbelievable.

"I really didn't expect that Xiaoqing, you are actually a daughter."

Liu Chen spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Xiaoqing's face became even more rosy, and said: "Actually, I have always been a daughter, but you didn't realize it."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Chen couldn't help feeling extremely embarrassed. Back in the five lands, Liu Chen, Bing Feixue and Zi Xuan had routine intercourse.

And Xiaoqing was hiding in the spirit beast bag, so she witnessed the whole process and felt embarrassed just thinking about it.

"Cough cough!"

Liu Chen coughed twice, trying to resolve the momentary awkward atmosphere.

But at this moment, a terrifying roar sounded, and the originally peaceful Wuwang Swamp suddenly became choppy, and layers of black sludge were rolled up.

(End of this chapter)

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