
Chapter 879 Shapeshifting Beasts

Chapter 879 Shapeshifting Beasts

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Liu Chen could clearly feel the huge fluctuations in the breath coming from the bottom of the swamp, at least it was a fifth-order peak powerhouse, and there were more than one.


Liu Chen yelled, and quickly backed away, staring fearfully at the Wuwang Swamp below.

Swish swish!
The breath in the swamp hadn't rushed out yet, but the green grass suddenly became violent, turned into thick branches, and entangled towards Liu Chen and Xiao Qing.


Xiaoqing let out a roar, and the scorching dragon flames swept up, the originally green grass immediately turned red, and the entire Wuwang Swamp looked like a sea of ​​flames.

Even so, these green grasses did not die immediately, on the contrary, they became more and more fierce, with a breath of flame.


Liu Chen raised his brows, never expecting that these ordinary green grasses could be so terrifying that even the dragon flames could not destroy them.

Fortunately, Liu Chen had the special ability to devour life force, otherwise the two of them really wouldn't be able to escape.

"Suck me!"

Liu Chen opened his arms, devouring the flaming grass with all his might, and the life force in his body was instantly full.

With Liu Chen's current physical body, the vitality is already the limit, and he cannot bear more vitality.

Otherwise, it will explode and die.

But the green grass in Wuwang Swamp is endless, it is impossible to swallow them all, even ten Liu Chen can't do it.

Due to devouring too much vitality, Liu Chen's body swelled abruptly, turning into a big fat man, which looked extremely funny.

Liu Chen was sure that as long as he devoured even a trace of life force, his body would explode.

"It's already the limit."

Liu Chen smiled bitterly, shook his head immediately, swung his sleeves suddenly, and shouted, "Xiaoqing! Let's go!"

Although Liu Chen's body became bloated, his speed did not slow down, so he immediately flew towards the distance.

Fortunately, these green grasses can't extend infinitely. When Liu Chen and Xiaoqing rise to a certain height, these thick branches can't attack them.

But this does not mean that the danger has been lifted, and the things in the depths of the Wuwang Swamp have not yet appeared.

Even so, Liu Chen probably guessed the origin of those things, they should be shapeshifting beasts. Liu Chen killed so many low-level shapeshifting beasts before, which must have aroused the anger of high-level shapeshifting beasts.

Before Elder Li told Liu Chen to be careful of the Wuwang Swamp, Liu Chen hadn't taken it to heart, but now recalling what Elder Li said, Liu Chen couldn't help but smile wryly.


Suddenly, there were bursts of angry roars from below the swamp, and one after another, black shape-shifting beasts rushed out, changing into different shapes, and killing Liu Chen and Xiao Qing.

Immediately afterwards, these black deformed beasts sprayed black sticky matter from their mouths, which looked extremely disgusting.

"Be careful, don't get stuck by these things, otherwise your body will be fixed, and it will be very difficult to get out at that time."

Xiaoqing reminded cautiously.

Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't help being startled, originally wanted to fight off these black goo, but hearing Xiaoqing's words, Liu Chen changed his mind instantly.


Liu Chen's figure flashed, escaped the attack of the shapeshifting beast without any danger, and immediately flew beside Xiaoqing, asking: "Then what should we do? Is there any way to defeat them?"

"It's too risky to defeat them, but shapeshifters can't keep flying for too long. As long as we stand at a relatively high position, they won't be able to attack us."

Xiaoqing explained slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised his brows, and saw the black sticky matter rushing upwards for a certain distance, and then fell slowly under the influence of gravity.

Not only that, after the deformed beast rushed out of the swamp, it could only stay in the air for a short time, and after a while, it would sink into the swamp again, and then jump out again, repeating the cycle.

"Then it's much simpler. As long as we don't go down, there won't be any danger."

Liu Chen said with a smile on his face, anyway, for a cultivator, three months is like a flick of a finger, and it will pass quickly.

Just use these three months to absorb past combat experience and accumulate cultivation.


Xiaoqing nodded slightly.

The two stood in the air, looking down at the deformed beast below, they jumped out continuously, sprayed out black sticky matter, and then sank into the swamp again.

Time flies, two days passed in a blink of an eye, these deformed beasts did not stop for two full days, even though they knew they could not attack Liu Chen and Xiao Qing.

Liu Chen even suspected that as long as they stayed here, the shapeshifting beast would remain like this until three months later.

"It's amazing perseverance."

Xiaoqing sighed with emotion, shaking her head again and again.


Liu Chen nodded, looking at Xiaoqing next to him, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Before Xiaoqing turned into a human form, Liu Chen actually caressed Xiaoqing's head, or Xiaoqing turned into a pocket snake and stood on Liu Chen's shoulder.

But now, after discovering that Xiaoqing is a daughter, and stroking Xiaoqing's head, Liu Chen always felt a little awkward.

"Huh? What is that?"

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Xiaoqing's eyes, staring at one of the deformed beasts, said: "Master, look at that deformed beast, there seems to be something inside him."

Hearing this, Liu Chen looked over at Xiaoqing for a moment, and the shapeshifter had a bulging belly, which was indeed different from other shapeshifter.

If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

Liu Chen looked intently, concentrated all his attention, and suddenly felt a special aura, and this aura just came from the deformed beast.

"Forget it, I don't even know what's in his stomach, so it's not worthwhile to risk yourself."

Liu Chen shook his head, and simply looked away.

After all, there are deformed beasts everywhere in the swamp, if it is hit by the attack of deformed beasts after rushing down, it will be over.

Although Liu Chen said so, his body was very honest, and he kept looking at the deformed beast, but unfortunately, he couldn't perceive the specific things in his body through his physical body.

At this moment, Liu Chen's savings bag buzzed, and two broken maps flew out uncontrollably, which were exactly the two maps that Liu Chen got by accident.

He hadn't looked at it carefully before, but now Liu Chen realized that when the two maps were combined, there were four big blurred characters of treasure of immortals and demons.

There should be four copies of the map, and Liu Chen got two of them, which happened to be the upper half of the map, and the lower half, which was also divided into two.

"Could it be that there is also a map there?"

Liu Chen frowned, looked at the deformed beast hesitantly, and suddenly changed his mind, wanting to rush over.

"I heard that the North of the Immortal World was once the main battlefield of the Great War against the Demon Gods, so there should be many things left by the Demon Gods here."

Liu Chen muttered to himself, and immediately looked around.

"The map of the fairy treasure should be in the belly of the deformed beast!"

Liu Chen's eyes were shining brightly, his fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes were fixed on the deformed beast. After hesitating again and again, Liu Chen finally made up his mind.

So he turned his head to look at Xiaoqing next to him, and said, "Xiaoqing, you cover me, I want to see if there is a map in the belly of that deformed beast!"

"it is good!"

Xiaoqing agreed, and immediately turned into a dragon body, opened her bloody mouth, and spewed out terrifying dragon flames, which just turned into a circle, separating other shapeshifting beasts, making them unable to enter.

"Haha! Well done Xiaoqing!"

Liu Chen laughed triumphantly, and immediately flew down.

Xiaoqing's golden dragon flame separated the other deformed beasts, and their attacks could hardly break through the high temperature of the dragon flame.

In this way, Liu Chen could concentrate on dealing with one of the deformed beasts.

Even so, Liu Chen didn't dare to be careless. After all, this deformed beast has the strength of the fifth-order peak, which is equivalent to the Great Perfection of the God Transformation Realm.

And Liu Chen only had the cultivation base of the late stage of the transformation of the gods.


Liu Chen let out a long breath, stared at the deformed beast with sharp eyes, clenched his right fist, and the unicorn's iron arm burst out instantly, releasing a powerful aura.


The deformed beast roared, and spit out a mouthful of black turbid air at Liu Chen, and then spewed out a large amount of black sticky matter, which looked extremely disgusting and seemed to drown Liu Chen.

"Ice Wall!"

Liu Chen let out a low snort, a strange rune flashed between his brows, and then covered his whole body, exuding an extremely cold air.

Liu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, his face sank, and an ice wall appeared out of thin air, just blocking the oncoming black sticky substance.


Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, and then flexed his fingers again. A long spear shot out from the ice wall, just hit the shapeshifting beast, and stabbed him fiercely into the swamp.

At this time, more than 20 groups of black sticky matter spewed out of the swamp.

Liu Chen's complexion changed suddenly, and he retreated reflexively. At the same time, he made a gesture with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers a little, and the ice wall blocked him.

Bang bang bang!
More than 20 groups of black sticky objects hit the ice wall, causing the original ice-blue ice wall to gradually turn black and sink into the swamp.


Liu Chen took a deep breath, looked around from the corner of his eyes, and found that Xiaoqing's dragon flame would not last long, and those deformed beasts came one after another, and some were about to rush in.

Time to hurry!

Liu Chen gritted his teeth fiercely, slapped the spirit beast bag, and the Sunset Sword appeared out of thin air.

Even if a middle-grade real treasure was wasted, Liu Chen would still get the map inside the deformed beast.


Liu Chen yelled, and the Sunset Sword sank into the swamp, and exploded instantly. The terrifying power spread, blasting a big crater in the swamp.

The soil below the swamp can be vaguely seen, and many deformed beasts were blown up.

Liu Chen glanced across and saw the shapeshifting beast at a glance, so the figure flashed and fled upwards.

At the same time, the golden lightsaber at the center of the eyebrows emerged, pierced into the deformed beast, and took out a broken map, some of which had completely turned black, and the original appearance could not be seen at all.


Liu Chen flew back to Xiaoqing's side, looking at the three-point map in his hand, he could almost confirm the location of the fairy treasure, which was located in the north of the fairy world.

(End of this chapter)

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