
Chapter 880 Battlefield

Chapter 880 Battlefield
This half of the map must have been swallowed by the deformed beast for a long time, otherwise it would be impossible to blur many marks and lines.

But Liu Chen owns three quarters of the map, so he can already try to find the fairy treasure.

Generally speaking, since Immortal World North is the main battlefield of the Great War against the Demon Gods, there should be many traces of the battle here.

But ever since Liu Chen entered the north of the Immortal World, although it was relatively desolate, Liu Chen really couldn't see that there were any traces left by the Demon God Clan.

"There is one last map left."

With a smile on his face, Liu Chen looked excitedly at the three maps in his hand, and immediately put them in the Sumeru Ring.

This is a super treasure, absolutely no one should know about it, after all, the more people know about it, the more dangerous Liu Chen's situation will be.

Even if it was Lu Qingfeng, Liu Chen planned to hide it from him first, and it would not be too late to tell him after he found the treasure.

Immortal Treasure, just thinking about it makes people's blood boil and excitement.


Time flies, three months passed by.

On this day, Elder Li personally followed Liu Chen and Xiao Qing to leave Wuwang Swamp.

"Old Li, I have always had a question in my mind that I can't figure out."

Liu Chen spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Old Li frowned, looked at Liu Chen with a surprised expression, and said, "What's the question? Ask!"

"Since Immortal World North is the main battlefield for the war against the Demon God Clan, why have I been in Immortal World North for so long, and have never seen any traces left by the Demon God Clan?"

Liu Chen asked without hesitation.

The corner of Li Lao's mouth rose slightly, he chuckled twice, and said, "You don't know about it."

"Back when the Demon God Clan attacked the Immortal World on a large scale, the Green Demon God showed great power. They could not only turn the dead immortals into puppets, but also revive the powerful Demon God Clan."

"Although these revived Demon God Clan powerhouses do not have autonomous consciousness, they all maintain the full strength of their previous lives, which is very terrifying."

"So after repelling the Demon God Clan, many experts in the fairy world cleaned up all the Demon God Clan corpses and burned them with dragon flames without leaving any trace."

"Besides, every place where the Demon God Clan has been fought will be carefully inspected by experts to prevent any parasitic beasts or spores from the Blue Demon God."

"Although there are still some scars left after the war, after thousands of years of evolution, those places have long lost their original appearance."

Mr. Li spoke eloquently, his expression seemed to be a little emotional, and then he added, "So it's not surprising that you can't see the traces left by the Demon God Clan."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded with a sudden realization. In fact, no matter what kind of traces the Demon God Clan left behind, they will gradually disappear after thousands of years.

"Why did you suddenly ask this, and said that you found traces left by the Demon God Clan in Wuwang Swamp?"

Mr. Li suddenly frowned, turned to look at Liu Chen, and asked solemnly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head, and replied: "The Wuwang Swamp is basically an endless loop of space, with no end at all. If there are traces left by the Demon God Clan, I will find it here."

"That place was originally taken as a protective measure to prevent the Immortal Realm from attacking the headquarters. It's a pity that the Immortal Realm has not taken any action for so many years."

"That's why Wuwang Swamp has been abandoned, occasionally as a means of punishment."

Old Li Xu explained.

At this moment, Wei Xi came out from the void, looked at Liu Chen seriously, and said, "Listen to what Mr. Li said, you have the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart in your body, maybe the place I took you to It will be of great benefit to your cultivation."

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised his brows, a deep doubt flashed in the depths of his eyes, and immediately looked at Mr. Li.

Old Li nodded slightly at Liu Chen.


Liu Chen looked at Wei Xi and asked.

"One of the battlefields of the battle between immortals and demons."

Wei Xi said lightly, regardless of whether Liu Chen agreed or not, he directly grabbed Liu Chen and walked into the void, and another place appeared in the next second.


Before Liu Chen had time to see the surrounding environment clearly, he felt a piercing killing intent coming from all directions.

Gradually, Liu Chen saw clearly that this was a huge ruin, and there were all kinds of real treasures and even fragments of virtual treasures left in the air.

The void was shattered, revealing a piece of black, and occasionally a few black wind blades flew out of it, which was very dangerous.

Under the realm of refining emptiness, one touches it and dies.

And those bone-piercing killing intents emanated completely from the void. The strange thing was that there was no one else here except Liu Chen and Wei Xi.

In other words, these killing intents have remained for thousands of years, and they are still so strong today, which is simply unimaginable.

"This is a battlefield that was missed at the beginning. There are many traces left by the Demon God Clan. You have the blood of the Demon God's Heart, and you may be able to sense it."

Wei Xi looked serious, as if Liu Chen owed him [-] million fairy stones, he never had a good face.

"Let me try!"

Curious in his heart, Liu Chen immediately closed his eyes, concentrated all his attention, and perceived everything around him.

Gradually, Liu Chen entered a state of ecstasy, leaving only the sound of a strong beating in his heart.

Even though Liu Chen closed his eyes, he could still see everything around him, even more clearly than the naked eye.

Killing intent!
Strong killing intent!
Liu Chen didn't dare to let his divine sense go too far, because those strong killing intents were too terrifying, and he would fall into them if he was not careful.

"Just by looking at this place, one can imagine how tragic the battle was."

Liu Chen was stunned in his heart, even the void was broken, and it could not be restored for thousands of years, but since this is a missed battlefield, why didn't even a single corpse be seen?

This does not seem to be in line with common sense!
Unless someone has been here and has cleaned the battlefield thoroughly.

After a while, Liu Chen still didn't find anything, and the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart didn't move at all.

"do not have it?"

Wei Xi frowned slightly, stared at Liu Chen sharply, and asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, and said: "This place is desolate, except for the strong killing intent, I can't feel anything else."

"That's weird. I thought that these corpses were taken away by the strong Demon God Clan. If that's the case, it would be too terrifying."

Wei Xi said with lingering fear.

Indeed, in the battle thousands of years ago, most of those who died were those in the Void Refining Realm, and many of them were in the Fusion Realm.

In case the Green Demon God turns all these corpses into puppets and hides them in the dark, once an outbreak occurs, Nixian headquarters will be the first to bear the brunt.

"I'm also curious, where did these corpses go?"

Liu Chen shook his head with a surprised expression.

Generally speaking, after one's cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul, even if the body rots, the bones will remain; after one enters the realm of transforming gods, even the body will not rot.

After becoming a fairy, even if the Nascent Soul is destroyed, the physical body can still survive.


Suddenly, Xiaoqing roared, and said via voice transmission: "I know where those corpses went!"

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Qing in surprise. Liu Chen never expected that Xiao Qing could see the whereabouts of those corpses, it was unbelievable.

"When I was in the Dragon Clan, I heard about a kind of creature that walks in the void. No one has ever been able to catch them."

"This kind of creature likes to devour corpses the most. The stronger the corpse, the more attention it can attract."

Xiaoqing explained slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen suddenly realized, and blurted out: "Void beast?"

Liu Chen had also heard of this kind of creature before, but he had never seen it before. He didn't even have an impression in his mind, so he naturally didn't take it to heart.

Hearing Xiaoqing mention it now, Liu Chen remembered it.

"Void beast?"

Wei Xi obviously heard it too, and couldn't help raising his brows, narrowing his eyes slightly, and looked around with all his concentration, as if he wanted to find out the location of the Void Beast.

But if he found it, it would not be a void beast.

What's more, thousands of years have passed, after the void beast devoured these corpses, it may have gone to other places long ago.

"Hearing what you said, it's really very likely that it's a void beast."

Wei Xi nodded slightly, muttered to himself, with a relaxed smile on his face, and said, "That's fine, as long as those corpses don't fall into the hands of the Green Demon God."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Chen suddenly frowned, looked at Wei Xi in shock, and said in disbelief: "You mean, there are still strong demon clansmen in the fairy world?"

Hearing this, Wei Xi shook his head seriously, looked at Liu Chen solemnly, and explained: "I'm not sure about this, but the Cyan Demon God is elusive, and the avatar may be hidden in any corner of the fairy world."

"It would be almost impossible to completely eliminate them, but after the demon gods were repelled, these blue demon gods hid in the dark."

The situation in the Immortal World is already complicated enough. Now that there is another Demon God Clan, just thinking about it gives me a headache.

"Forget it, let's go back. Since we couldn't find those corpses here, let's treat them as being swallowed by void beasts."

Wei Xi waved his hand and simply gave up.

After the words fell, Wei Xi waved his sleeves, and immediately led Liu Chen into the void, exited the battlefield, and returned to the headquarters.

"Lu Qingfeng has been waiting for you in the north of Immortal World for more than a month, and it's time for you to go out and meet him."

At this moment, Mr. Li walked towards Liu Chen.

Hearing this, a flash of obvious surprise flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and his affection for Lu Qingfeng immediately increased a bit.

"it is good!"

Liu Chen agreed, and immediately left the headquarters without stopping.

Seeing the direction Liu Chen was leaving, Wei Xi and Mr. Li looked at each other, and muttered to himself, "Do you still remember the peerless genius who appeared in the battle against the Demon God Clan?"

"We have all experienced that turbulent era, which has long been engraved in our hearts, how could we forget it."

"He, like that person, comes from the five great lands, has a special bloodline, and is very talented. The most important thing is that the experiences of the two seem to be the same."

"Yeah, history is always surprisingly similar."

(End of this chapter)

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