
Chapter 881 Invitation from Mission Pavilion

Chapter 881 Invitation from Mission Pavilion

At this moment, Liu Chen left the headquarters and met Lu Qingfeng.

"Apprentice, did they make things difficult for you?"

Lu Qingfeng said with a concerned expression.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly, shook his head, and said, "Master, don't worry, they didn't make things difficult for me."

"That's good."

Lu Qingfeng nodded in satisfaction, and immediately took out an invitation letter from his bosom, on which were written the three big characters of Task Pavilion.

"what is this?"

Liu Chen raised his brows, with deep doubts in his eyes, he looked at Lu Qingfeng puzzled, and asked, "An invitation letter from the Mission Pavilion?"


Lu Qingfeng frowned slightly, with a dignified expression, looked at the invitation letter in his hand, and said, "Just a few days after you entered the headquarters of Nixian, someone from the Mission Pavilion sent me this invitation letter, wanting someone to be the The chief alchemist of the Mission Pavilion."

"Hehe, how could they have such thick skins? Isn't what happened last time too embarrassing?"

Liu Chen was a little hard to understand, how thick-skinned he had to be to do such a thing.

In the previous auction held in the Task Pavilion, Lu Qingfeng bid sky-high prices in order to obtain the fusion holy water. In the end, the strong dragon clan stepped in and snatched the fusion holy water.

And this already belonged to Lu Qingfeng.

It's a pity that the mission pavilion not only failed to recapture the fusion holy water, but also didn't give Lu Qingfeng any explanation. At this moment, he had the cheek to invite Lu Qingfeng as the chief alchemist of the mission pavilion.


"Master, what do you think?"

Although Liu Chen despised the Mission Pavilion's approach, the key still depended on what decision Lu Qingfeng made, after all, Liu Chen's thoughts could not replace Lu Qingfeng's decision.

"Mission Pavilion invited me to be the chief alchemist, not just as a false title, but also to provide protection to prevent the strong dragons from attacking me."

Lu Qingfeng slowly opened his mouth and said, it was precisely because of this that Lu Qingfeng did not directly reject the Mission Pavilion, but instead approached Liu Chen to discuss this matter.

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned slightly, chuckled twice, and murmured: "The Task Pavilion really knows how to find opportunities."

"Master, you are being hunted down by the Dragon Clan now, and you need a certain force to be your backer. The Mission Pavilion is sure of this, and that's why you will send out the invitation letter."

"In addition, the Task Pavilion and the Dragon Clan have already fallen out, and they offer you protection, and they are not afraid of offending the Dragon Clan."

Liu Chen analyzed.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng nodded slightly, and said with a wry smile: "Why not? Becoming the chief alchemist of the Mission Pavilion has advantages, but there are also many disadvantages."

"I have to refine a certain amount of elixir for free every month. What I can't stand the most is that I have to publish all my elixir recipes for other alchemists in the Mission Pavilion to learn."

"It's just too much!"

Liu Chen was immediately furious, every alchemist knew the preciousness of the alchemy recipes, but the Task Pavilion actually asked Lu Qingfeng to publish all his alchemy recipes.

What's the difference between this and looting?
"But then again, it's been a long time since you killed the dragon strongman, Master. If the Task Pavilion has seen this opportunity, it should have invited you two months ago."

"But why did you wait so long?"

Liu Chen frowned slightly, looked at Lu Qingfeng in surprise, and asked in doubt.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled slightly, looked at Liu Chen, and explained: "Did you forget that you established a pill workshop in the black market two months ago, which attracted the attention of countless strong people."

"So the Mission Pavilion also wants to use this model to call a large number of strong people through my reputation to work for the Mission Pavilion."

That's it!

Liu Chen suddenly realized, and immediately raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile, looked at Lu Qingfeng, and said, "Master, in my opinion, it doesn't matter if you don't go to this task pavilion, anyway, they don't dare to do anything to you."

"Once you agree to them, it will only make them push their noses in the face even more."

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled bitterly, nodded slightly, and said, "I know that too, but we urgently need a place to stay, and we can't just go back to the cave every time."

"If someone finds out, it will be a big trouble."


Liu Chen nodded slightly, agreeing with Lu Qingfeng's opinion. Ever since he was hunted down by the dragon clan, Liu Chen could not find a place to stay in the entire fairy world.

And if Lu Qingfeng didn't agree to the invitation from Mission Pavilion, he might become a bereaved dog just like Liu Chen.

It's just that Lu Qingfeng is different from Liu Chen, he has the strength to complete the realm of refining the void, and more importantly, he is also a master of alchemy.

It is not an easy task for the strong dragon clan to chase and kill Lu Qingfeng.

The only difference between the two is that Lu Qingfeng can walk in the fairyland aboveboard, but Liu Chen cannot.


Lu Qingfeng was in a dilemma, Yang Tianchang sighed, not knowing what to do for a while.

The pills are fine, it doesn't hurt to take out some ordinary pills and publish them. As for those precious pills, Lu Qingfeng will naturally keep them alone.

But it's a bit tiring to greet those people in the Mission Pavilion with a smile even though they obviously hate them.

"Forget it, I have nowhere to go right now, so I can only temporarily agree to the invitation from the Mission Pavilion."

The corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth rose slightly, showing a bitter smile, and continued: "After I become the chief alchemist of the Task Pavilion, I should be able to allocate some of my strength to protect you."

"When the time comes, you will change your face and become my drug boy. With me protecting you, no one will dare to deal with you."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, and suddenly thought of a very important matter, so he immediately asked, "Master, do you know anything about Immortal Venerable?"

"Immortal Immortal Venerable? He seems to be trapped by the elders of the dragon clan. It is estimated that he will not be able to get out in three to five years."

Lu Qingfeng spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, looked at Lu Qingfeng in shock, and asked, "What! Why is this happening? Why is Master trapped by the elders of the Dragon Clan?"

"The thing is like this, you were chased and killed by the strong dragon clan before, and the dragon clan couldn't find you, so they had to ask the immortal immortal to ask the crime."

"However, Immortal Immortal Venerable has a violent temper. If he disagrees with the people of the dragon clan, he fought with the people of the dragon clan. As a result, he was suppressed by many elders of the dragon clan. That battle seemed to have alarmed Long Zhantian."

Lu Qingfeng explained slowly.


Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't help but gasp, he never thought that Immortal Immortal Venerable would have such a personality that he would fight with the Dragon Clan at the slightest disagreement.

The most important thing is that he also alarmed Long Zhantian, that is the strongest immortal emperor, but he is only the strongest immortal emperor, a full level short.

"But you don't have to worry about it. Immortal Venerable Immortal will not be in danger. After all, he is the number one Immortal Venerable. Unless Long Zhantian takes action himself, no one can kill him."

"But if Long Zhantian makes a move, Ye Jun and Giant Spirit God will naturally not sit idly by."

Lu Qingfeng comforted him.

Hearing this, Liu Chen felt at ease now, if the Immortal Immortal Venerable fell because of his own affairs, then Liu Chen would be really sorry.

"What about the senior brother and the second senior brother? There has been no news about them recently."

Liu Chen said with a puzzled look.

"I'm not sure about this, but they have neither offended the Dragon Clan, nor have other enemies, and they are still the disciples of Immortal Immortal Venerable, so there should be no one who is so blind to trouble them."

Lu Qingfeng replied.

As long as everyone is fine, Liu Chen can feel relieved, after all, Qi Yan and Xie Bing have spent a lot of time because of their own affairs.

"There's something else to tell you."

Lu Qingfeng paused for a moment, then continued, "Two of the four missions you sent out before have already been completed."

"So fast, which two tasks are they?"

Liu Chen looked expectant and asked impatiently.

Have you found Zi'er's whereabouts?

"The Hall of Immortal Ascension in the West of the Immortal Realm was dug out. No one really expected that the Spirit Race actually controlled the entire West of the Immortal Realm."

"It's no wonder there hasn't been any fresh blood in the past hundred years. It turns out that these people have been adopted by the Spirit Race for their own use."

"Now the people, demons, and spirit clans jointly manage the Hall of Ascension to Immortals, and the spirit clan will not be the only one."

"The second mission, that person found the fusion holy water, which is located in the north of the fairy world, but there used to be a battlefield for the battle between immortals and demons, it is very dangerous, even those who are strong in the refining realm may never return."

Lu Qingfeng spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen suddenly realized and nodded, then lowered his head and meditated for a moment, then raised his head again, looked at Lu Qingfeng, and said, "We don't need to worry about things in the West of Immortal World, the Spirit Race is naturally busy."

"It's the fusion holy water. Maybe we can try it and see if we can get some."

Speaking of this, Liu Chen immediately took out the small drop of fusion holy water that Long Jiu gave last time, handed it to Lu Qingfeng, and said, "Master, this is the reward that Long Jiu gave me last time, and now I give it to you." .”

"What is it?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen with a puzzled face, but the moment he opened the savings bag, his expression changed completely, and finally froze to excitement.

Simply ecstatic.

He has always wanted to get the fusion holy water, but unfortunately he was snatched away by the dragon clan. Now that he has this small drop of fusion holy water, he can try to refine the god-returning pill.

Once the refining is successful, the influence will rise to a higher level, even surpassing the mysterious alchemists in the black market.

"that is really good!"

Lu Qingfeng carefully accepted the small drop of fusion holy water, then looked at Liu Chen, and said, "That's exactly what I mean."

"When I become the chief alchemist of the Mission Pavilion, I can mobilize the power of the Mission Pavilion to find the fusion holy water."


Liu Chen said with a smile on his face.

It's better to let the people in the mission pavilion go to the battlefield of the fairy-devil war to find the fusion holy water than to take the risk yourself.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen immediately followed Lu Qingfeng to the Mission Pavilion.

It's just that Liu Chen changed his face, pretending to be Lu Qingfeng's drug boy, and entered the Mission Pavilion together.

Ordinary cultivators can't see it, but they can't hide it from the eyes of the strong, but this is enough, after all, Liu Chen's identity as Ni Xian has not been exposed yet.

(End of this chapter)

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