
Chapter 882 Dao Bone Immortal Venerable

Chapter 882 Dao Bone Immortal Venerable
Today is different from the past. Ever since the strong dragon clan snatched the fusion holy water, the status of the mission pavilion has plummeted, and it is even despised by many human cultivators.

In the originally bustling hall, there are only a few cultivators in the realm of transforming gods left to come and go, and there is nothing like the original scene.

Not only that, even the tasks on the light curtain were reduced by almost half.

It can be seen that the decline of the Mission Pavilion has already begun. One of the reasons why they invited Lu Qingfeng as the chief alchemist was to restore the glory of the Mission Pavilion.

"Master, I've always been curious about the background behind this Mission Pavilion, and why so many cultivators can be summoned."

Liu Chen was curious and asked immediately.

Hearing this, the corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth rose slightly, showing a slight smile, and explained: "The mission pavilion has a big background, it is said that Lord Ye and the Giant Spirit God sit in charge."

"However, this point has never been confirmed. When the fusion holy water was robbed before, Ye Jun and the Giant Spirit God did not appear, so it should be fake."

"However, there are five immortals sitting in the town, and their status is transcendent, which cannot be compared with ordinary forces."

Five immortals!

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Lu Qingfeng in disbelief. He never expected that there would be five immortals sitting behind this small task pavilion.

At this moment, another figure came over, it was a skinny old man with sunken eyes, but with a hypocritical smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked extremely terrifying.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, don't come here unharmed."

The skinny old man smiled.

Very strong!Unfathomable!
This was Liu Chen's first impression of the old man. When Liu Chen tried to use his spiritual sense to perceive the old man's cultivation, his body was like a black hole, crazily devouring Liu Chen's spiritual sense.

"This is Daogu Immortal Venerable, don't be rude."

Lu Qingfeng glared at Liu Chen, and immediately covered Liu Chen behind him.

Daogu Immortal Venerable!The second-ranked Immortal Venerable is only second to Immortal Immortal Venerable, no wonder he is so strong.

"It's okay, it's okay, young people are inevitably curious, not to mention he is Lu Qingfeng's disciple."

The corners of Daogu Xianzun's mouth slightly raised, revealing a mysterious smile, and with a wave of his sleeve, Liu Chen immediately returned to his original state.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, you are now the chief alchemist of our Task Pavilion, we will definitely protect your safety, and Liu Chen is not only the disciple of Immortal Venerable, but also your disciple."

"We will also do our best to protect his safety, so you can rest assured."

Daogu Xianzun said with a smile on his face.

But in Liu Chen's eyes, this kind of smile felt very unreliable. This bone fairy was obviously the kind of person who had one thing in his mouth and another in his back.

"Then thank you Dao Gu Xianzun first."

After all, he is the Daogu Immortal Venerable, even though Lu Qingfeng felt disgusted in his heart, he couldn't show it, so he smiled politely and said politely.

Hearing this, Daogu Immortal Venerable waved his hands again and again, and immediately led Lu Qingfeng and Liu Chen upstairs, and said slowly: "From today on, let the Mission Pavilion be his own territory, no matter how arrogant his Dragon Clan is, he will not dare Rushed into the Mission Pavilion to kill."

whispering sound!
Liu Chen snorted coldly, very disdainful for Daogu Immortal Venerable, who had been robbed of the fusion holy water last time by the strong dragon clan, and now he promised so stubbornly.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, the strong dragon clan will enter the task pavilion, kill people and leave, and the final result will still be nothing.

Liu Chen's status is indeed noble, but it has nothing to do with the Mission Pavilion, it has nothing to do with it at all, if he dies, he dies.

Anyway, Liu Chen has no value to Task Pavilion.

"Junior Liu Chen, pay homage to Daogu Immortal Venerable."

Liu Chen looked at the Daogu Immortal Venerable respectfully, and immediately gave a salute.


Daogu Xianzun nodded slightly, looked at the smile with a smile on his face, pretending to have a kind face, maybe only Daogu Xianzun felt kind.

In Liu Chen's eyes, he could only see hypocrisy.

"Since you are already the chief alchemist of the Mission Pavilion, you can keep this thing with you, and you can mobilize any resources in the Mission Pavilion without anyone's approval."

Daogu Xianzun took out a jade tablet from the savings bag, on which was written three-pointed bone characters, which was extremely penetrating.

Liu Chen felt his eyes hurt just by looking at it, which was unbelievable.

It's hard to imagine how powerful the Daogu Immortal Venerable is.

"I really have one thing that needs to be done by the Mission Pavilion."

Lu Qingfeng was not polite to the Daogu Immortal Venerable, and immediately looked at the Daogu Immortal Venerable with a serious expression, and said solemnly: "I found out the location of the fusion holy water, but with my own strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to get it."

"So I want the Mission Pavilion to send someone to help me win the Holy Water of Fusion."

Hearing this, Daogu Immortal Venerable frowned slightly, as if a little unwilling, because the place where the fusion holy water was located was too dangerous, even those who were strong in the Void Refining Realm might perish.

Last time, in order to get such a little fusion holy water, the mission pavilion lost two strong Void Refiners, and they were snatched away by the dragon strong in the end. Thinking about it, I feel angry.

Now that he wants to enter that place again, it means that Daogu Immortal Venerable has to be prepared to sacrifice two strong Void Refiners.

"Can't you?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned, looked at Immortal Daogu with displeasure, waved his hand immediately, and said flatly: "No, it's okay, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Seeing the situation, Immortal Daogu immediately changed his mind, but he still hesitated, so he asked, "What exactly are you going to do with the holy water?"

"Isn't fusion holy water the treasure in the eyes of every alchemist? Of course it is used to refine elixirs."

Lu Qingfeng shrugged and said lightly.

Hearing this, Dao Gu Xianzun frowned even more, lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head to look at Lu Qingfeng, and said seriously: "Let us consider this matter, and we will tell you the answer after we discuss it."

"I do not mind."

Lu Qingfeng said lightly, pretending not to care.

Immediately afterwards, Daogu Xianzun walked into the void and disappeared in place.

"This Daogu Immortal Venerable is so strong."

Liu Chen said with emotion.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled irrefutably, and said: "Among the Nine Great Immortal Venerables, he ranks second, second only to Immortal Immortal Venerable, so his strength is naturally beyond doubt."

"Master, do you think they will agree? I just saw that Dao Gu Xianzun seemed very unwilling."

Liu Chen frowned slightly, with a worried expression on his face.

"I see it too."

The corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth rose slightly, showing a confident smile, and continued: "I don't care if I'm not worried at all, anyway, they will definitely agree."


Liu Chen asked immediately.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled mysteriously, and explained slowly: "I just joined the Mission Pavilion and became their chief alchemist. If they refuse my request again, they don't have to expect me to work hard in the future."

"The Mission Pavilion and I have what we need. They want to take advantage of my fame and alchemy strength, and I need the blessing and resources of the Mission Pavilion. They will agree."

Sure enough, after waiting for about half an hour, Dao Gu Xianzun came out from the void again, almost elusive.

Liu Chen didn't notice the breath of Dao Gu Xianzun at all, until he appeared beside Liu Chen, Liu Chen didn't notice.

"After careful discussion, we decided to agree to you, but we still have one condition."

Daogu Xianzun looked at Lu Qingfeng seriously, and said slowly.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng frowned, and said lightly, "What conditions?"

"We can help you seize the fusion holy water, but after you get the fusion holy water, you must give us half of the elixir you refined."

Daogu Xianzun's voice was unquestionable, as if as long as Lu Qingfeng dared to say no, he would immediately refuse, very decisively.

Lu Qingfeng really couldn't bear to refine a God Returning Pill from a drop of fused holy water, and it might not be able to be successfully refined, so half of it was given to the Mission Pavilion.

"Half is too much!"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, and said, "The elixir I refine requires a lot of fusion holy water. Maybe the fusion holy water we obtained is only enough to refine one."

Hearing this, Daogu Xianzun smiled slightly, shook his head, and said lightly: "I don't care about other things, anyway, we must share half of the elixir you made with the fusion of holy water."

"If you agree, I can send someone to find the fusion holy water in the north of the fairy world right now, but if you don't agree, I will pretend that you never mentioned this matter."

"Master, let's take half and half. Anyway, how many pills will be refined, and what kind of pills will be refined, isn't it up to us?"

Liu Chen transmitted the sound carefully, for fear of being overheard by Daogu Immortal Venerable.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng nodded reluctantly and said, "Okay! I'll give you half of it!"

"make a deal!"

Immortal Daogu smiled triumphantly, then waved his sleeves, stepped into the void again, disappeared without a trace, but the voice of Immortal Daogu echoed in the hall.

"I will send someone to leave immediately!"

At this moment, Liu Chen took two steps forward and stood beside the Daogu Immortal Venerable, frowning slightly, he said, "Master, go to the north of the Immortal World immediately, shall we go there together?"

"Of course I want it, just in case the Mission Pavilion is playing tricks."

A strong light flashed in Lu Qingfeng's eyes, and immediately flew towards the outside of the mission pavilion.

Because Liu Chen's disguise was destroyed by Dao Gu Xianzun, when Liu Chen was walking in the task pavilion, he immediately attracted countless pairs of shocked eyes.

They could understand that Lu Qingfeng appeared here, but they couldn't believe that Liu Chen dared to appear aboveboard.

Aren't you afraid of the assassination of the strong dragon clan?
For a moment, Liu Chen became the focus of the audience, which naturally attracted Heitu's attention.

Heitu stared fiercely at Liu Chen with a fierce look in his eyes, and a strong killing intent filled the depths of his eyes.

"Finally let me meet you, I must kill you and avenge my juniors!"

Heitu clenched his fists tightly and made a creaking sound, a terrifying coercion of the great consummation of the God Transformation Realm erupted, and everyone around him was so shocked that they dared not stand beside Heitu.

At the same time, Liu Chen also noticed the black soil in the crowd, couldn't help chuckling, and then looked ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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