
Chapter 884 The Black Cleaver

Chapter 884 The Black Cleaver


Liu Chen groaned inwardly, and retreated reflexively, for fear of being hit by the black cutter.

It's sizzling!

Heitu held the black cutter tightly with both hands, and slashed down suddenly. A hole was torn in the void, which was extremely terrifying.

Tearing the void is the ability of those who are strong in the realm of refining the void, but the black earth can tear apart the space even though it has only the cultivation base of the Great Perfection in the realm of transforming the gods.

It shows the great power of the black cutter.

Liu Chen carefully stared at the black cutter in Heitu's hand, and kept backing up to avoid Heitu's attack.

Just horrible!
Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Hei Tu in horror.

Because the power of the black cutter was too great, Liu Chen didn't dare to confront it head-on, let alone let Xiaoqing charge up.

Although Xiaoqing's defensive power is astonishing, almost no one in the same level can break through it, but what Heitu holds in his hand is the ultimate treasure.

The power is astonishing, Xiaoqing may not be able to stop it.


Liu Chen took a deep breath, staring at Hei Tu with a solemn expression.

This is not the way to go.

Liu Chen frowned, clenched his right fist, and the unicorn's iron arm spread out in an instant. He had to find an opportunity to try the strength of the black cutter, so that Liu Chen could have confidence in his heart.

"Kirin Iron Arm!"

Liu Chen mobilized his whole body of spiritual power, shouted suddenly, and a terrifying fluctuation of spiritual power erupted outside his body, spreading in all directions, and the smoke and dust scattered in all directions, looking extremely gorgeous.

Just hearing a buzzing sound, all the scales of the unicorn's iron arm stood upside down, and there was a sharp breath on each scale, absolutely cutting iron like mud.

"A top-grade treasure, how can it withstand the powerful power of the black cutter."

Heitu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile, and immediately grabbed the black cutter with his hands, and charged at Liu Chen with a thunderous force.

It's sizzling!

As the black cutter fell, another black hole was torn open in the void, and gusts of strong wind rushed out from inside, blowing Liu Chen's clothes flutteringly.

"Kirin Iron Arm!"

Liu Chen's eyes turned sideways, he gritted his teeth and shouted, and immediately crossed his right hand, trying to block Heitu's attack.

There was only a bang, and the black cutter hit the unicorn's iron arm. There was no sound of metal colliding, let alone intense sparks from friction, but a small black spot appeared instead.

Gradually, a tiny black crack appeared under the blade of the Black Cutter's axe.

In an instant, Liu Chen could clearly feel that the scales on the unicorn's iron arm were being sucked into the void one by one.

If it continues like this, it will definitely not exceed five breaths, and the Qilin Iron Arm will be destroyed.

In desperation, Liu Chen had no choice but to make a tactic with one hand, and suddenly flexed his fingers, a strange rune flickered between his eyebrows, and an extremely cold air erupted quietly, covering all directions.

Heitu raised his brows, unknowingly felt a chill, and even slowed down his movement speed a little, which was very strange.

The most important thing is that layers of frost appeared on the outside of the body surface.

You must know that he is a strong person in the Dzogchen realm, and he will hardly feel the cold, and it is even less likely that frost will appear on his skin.

Although Heitu was shocked, he didn't stop. Instead, he increased the output of spiritual power, as if he wanted to destroy the Qilin Iron Arm with one blow.


Heitu's arms were bulging with blue veins, his face was ferocious, and he burst out with a powerful momentum. He forced the black cutter down, embedded it in the unicorn's iron arm, and missed Liu Chen's arm by a hair.

With the sharpness of the black cutter, without the unicorn's iron arm, cutting off Liu Chen's arm is absolutely a piece of cake.

At the critical moment, Liu Chen made a tactic with one hand, and immediately flexed his fingers, more than a dozen ice thorns appeared in front of him, piercing Heitu's eyes at the same time.

The eyes are the most vulnerable part of the human body, once hit, it will cause great damage to the black soil.

Seeing the situation, the black soil condition fired and covered his eyes with his hands.

good chance!
At this moment, Liu Chen made another one-handed tactic, and suddenly shouted, "Xianshu! Light curtain sword rain!"

Hearing a buzzing sound, the golden marks on Liu Chen's eyebrows emerged and turned into golden lightsabers covering the sky. Some of the golden lightsabers fell into the void and were directly smashed to pieces by the black wind blades.


Liu Chen's face darkened, a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he roared angrily.

The buzzing sound continued, and the golden lightsaber shot out from the sky, killing the black soil in an instant.

Even though the black soil blocked his eyes behind him, he could clearly feel countless lightsabers heading towards him, and his perception became several times more sensitive.

"Xianju! Black Defense!"

Heitu pulled out the black cutter in an instant, and at the same time retreated, he made a gesture with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers, a black mask appeared around his body.

Bang bang bang!

The golden lightsaber hit the black mask, making a crisp sound, causing ripples.

Liu Chen looked solemn, frowning, carefully observing every corner of the black defense, even though the energy ripples on the black mask continued one after another.

But Liu Chen knew very well that the black soil's magic trick was very strong, and with the power of the light curtain and sword rain, it couldn't break through the black defense at all.

However, it was able to trap the black earth for a short time, preventing him from continuing to attack.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Chen glanced at the unicorn iron arm on his right arm, and there was a gap two fingers wide, and most of the scales were crushed to pieces, or deformed, it was too horrible to look at.

What used to be a good top-grade treasure now looks no different from trash.

And the Qilin Iron Arm is Liu Chen's only top-grade true treasure, and the remaining Jiuli Pot is useless at critical moments.

You can't count on the Jiuli Pot to repel the black soil.

At this time, the black soil mobilized all the spiritual power, making the black defense stronger, and the black mask suddenly expanded and became thicker.

like a black ball.

Before, Liu Chen could still see the black soil inside the mask, but now he couldn't see it at all, and even his divine sense couldn't penetrate it, full of unknowns.

With the sound of a huge explosion, the black mask suddenly exploded, and the terrifying energy ripples crushed all the golden lightsabers.

Liu Chen frowned, clenched his fists, and a look of difficulty flashed deep in his eyes.

Looking at the dots of golden stars in the sky, Liu Chen knew in his heart that there were only two ways to defeat the black soil.

Teaming up with Xiaoqing, they unleashed the fury of thunder and defeated Black Earth by surprise.

Or burn the soul and fight the price of serious injuries to defeat the black soil.

Anyway, Liu Chen had a Flawless Resurrection Pill in his hand, but Liu Chen would never do this until the last moment.


Liu Chen slapped the spirit beast bag, and Xiaoqing immediately rushed out of it, roaring angrily at the black soil, and spewed raging dragon flames from his mouth.


"I've heard that you have a mutated five-clawed golden dragon. Seeing you today is nothing more than that!"

Heitu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a disdainful smile, and pointed at Xiaoqing with the black cutter, and said flatly: "Under my black cutter, no matter how amazing your defense is, there is only one end in the end."

"That is to be cut into pieces by me!"

After the words fell, Heitu laughed crazily, his eyes were full of violent bloodshot eyes, like a madman.

Hearing this, Xiaoqing roared angrily, a touch of gold appeared in her pupils, and then a miraculous scene happened.

Xiaoqing's body seemed to be plated with a layer of gold, which looked extremely dazzling, as if every dragon scale reflected light.

"Golden blood."

Liu Chen was stunned in his heart, and muttered to himself: "It seems that Xiaoqing's golden bloodline has strengthened a lot, and I don't know when it will become a full bloodline."


Xiaoqing roared at the black soil again and again, the momentum was shocking.

At the same time, Liu Chen was not idle, the Qilin Iron Arm was destroyed, and the Sunset Sword blew itself up in order to get half of the map.

At this moment, there is no real treasure at all.

But this does not mean that Liu Chen has no other means of attack.


The weird rune between Liu Chen's eyebrows covered his whole body in an instant, and with a sudden clenched right hand, an ice-blue long sword appeared in an instant, and the cold air permeated people.

"Special bloodline?"

Seeing this scene, Heitu understood it no matter how dull he was.

There are only two kinds of people with special bloodlines, either the immortals or the descendants of the immortals, but no matter what they are, they are all very powerful.

In the fairy world, almost no one dares to mess with it.

Heitu's pupils shrank suddenly, looked at Liu Chen in shock, and muttered to himself: "No wonder the Immortal Immortal Venerable accepted such a waste as his disciple, it turns out he has a special bloodline."

"But what about the special bloodline, just like this, it can't be my opponent!"

Heitu's face was gloomy, he was already determined to kill Liu Chen, regardless of whether Liu Chen had special blood, he would kill Liu Chen.

"Ice armor!"

Liu Chen made a tactic with one hand, then flexed his fingers, and immediately a set of ice blue armor appeared on his body, which looked extremely gorgeous and had amazing defensive power.

Although it was impossible to completely block the black soil's attack, at least it could delay a little time and give Liu Chen a chance to escape.


With a roar, the black soil immediately ran wildly, and swung the black cutter in his hand, splitting the void immediately.

Looking closely, Liu Chen found that the voids torn by the black cutters would automatically recover after a period of time.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Liu Chen's mind, and he took it into consideration.

It happened that there were still many cracks in the void behind Heitu that hadn't healed, so Liu Chen's figure flashed and hid in the void.

Xiaoqing, on the other hand, attracted Heitu's attention head-on.

In the next second, Liu Chen jumped out of the void, and the whole process definitely did not take more than one breath.

Without the protection of a strong Void Refining Realm, Liu Chen was imprisoned by a powerful force as soon as he entered the void. Fortunately, there are many cracks in the void here.

Otherwise, Liu Chen might be able to get in but not get out.

"Thunder Fury!"

A gleam flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and immediately he made a fist with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and a thick thunderbolt fell down with lightning speed.

(End of this chapter)

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