
Chapter 885 Encountering the Dragon Again 9

Chapter 885 Encountering Dragon Nine Again
The thick thunder and lightning descended, like a thunder snake, descending from the sky, and the surrounding air condensed, as if time stood still.

There was only a bang, and the fury of thunder hit the black earth.

But at the very moment, Heitu's face was gloomy, and he made a lot of tricks with both hands, and shouted: "Xianju! Black defense!"

The buzzing sound continued, and the fury of thunder was like a berserk thunder dragon, hitting the black mask hysterically, arousing bursts of black and blue flames.

The black mask was even more shaky, as if it might explode at any time.

At the same time, the power of Thunder Fury and the black defense offset each other and became weaker and weaker. Even so, Black Soil did not dare to withdraw the black defense for fear of being hit by Thunder Fury.

The power of Thunder Wrath is incomparably tyrannical, under the Void Refining Realm, almost no one dares to resist, otherwise they will definitely regret it.

The five-clawed golden dragon was hit by Liu Chen's thunderous fury before, and half of his life was lost immediately.

The premise is that the five-clawed golden dragon with the strongest defense of the dragon clan, if it is replaced by black soil, it may be blasted to the point where there is not even scum left.

"Black cut!"

Heitu tried his best, gritted his teeth and mobilized all the remaining spiritual power in his body, and crazily injected it into the black mask, making the mask completely black, making it impossible to see the situation inside.

However, Liu Chen could clearly sense that a powerful force was brewing inside the mask, full of danger.

After a while, a gap appeared in the black mask, and a black battle ax rushed out of it, emitting black light from the whole body, extremely sharp.

During the rotation, the surrounding void was directly split, and several black wind blades were drawn out, killing Liu Chen.

"not good!"

Liu Chen yelled that it was not good, and retreated conditionally. The black cutter was already scary, but there were black wind blades beside the black cutter.

Let alone Liu Chen being hit, even if Xiaoqing was hit, there would be no benefit at all.

Even though Xiaoqing's defense was amazing, Liu Chen didn't dare to let Xiaoqing put himself in danger, after all, he was not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case.

"Ice Shield!"

Liu Chen and Xiao Qing retreated rapidly, only a hair away from retreating into the void.

Liu Chen had already tried to venture into the void by himself before, even if he only stayed for less than a second, it was still fresh in his memory.

Even if it is the battle of the burning soul and the black soil, it cannot be approached into the void, otherwise it will undoubtedly die.

Hearing the buzzing sound, Liu Chen spared no effort to expend all the cold energy in his body, and formed a huge ice shield in front of him, which was tens of meters wide, but clear and clear.

Through the ice shield, he could clearly see the black cutter coming towards Liu Chen.

Suddenly, the black cutter hit the ice shield, and with a bang, the ice shield was immediately smashed into a big hole, and then countless black wind blades swept across, piercing into the ice shield with ease.

And the black cutter continued to go deeper under the control of the black soil, cutting a huge hole in the ice shield abruptly.

"I can't stop it, I can only delay for a while."

Liu Chen looked solemn, frowned, shook his head, and muttered to himself.

According to the speed of the black cutter, within ten breaths, the ice shield will be completely repelled. At that time, Liu Chen has only one choice, which is to burn his soul and fight the black soil to the death.

Liu Chen grabbed it with his big hand, looked at the Resurrection Pill in his hand, hesitated for a long time to hold it in his mouth, and did not swallow it immediately.

Things have not reached a point of no return.

Liu Chen clenched his fists tightly, and immediately glanced at Xiaoqing, each with an unprecedented high-spirited fighting spirit in his eyes.


With a roar, Xiaoqing spewed raging dragon flames from her mouth, bypassing the ice shield and the black cutter, and appeared in front of the black mask.

As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king, now Liu Chen has no means to repel the black cutter, so he can only find a way to attack the black soil.

Force him to take back the Black Cutter, or kill Black Soil directly to release the control of the Black Cleaver.

Facing the double attack of Thunder's Fury and Dragon Flame, the black defense gradually couldn't hold up, and cracks appeared on the mask, which might split open at any time.

At this moment, the ice shield is about to be broken.

At this time, Liu Chen, like Heitu, was fighting for time, and it was up to him to see who could defeat the other first.

A moment later, the ice shield exploded with a bang, turning into fragments all over the sky, the strange rune on Liu Chen's brow disappeared, his whole face was as pale as paper, without the slightest trace of blood.

Looked terribly weak.

The black cutter belt came in an instant, and continued to kill Liu Chen. The black wind blade beside him made a whistling sound, like a roar before death.

But at this moment, the black mask suddenly shattered, and the wrath of thunder hit the black earth's sky spirit cover.

With a bang, the head exploded together with the Nascent Soul, and dissipated in the thunder, leaving only half of the scorched black body.


Liu Chen stared at the black cutter in horror, panting heavily, only a little short of that, and he couldn't escape.

"Little Qing."

Liu Chen waved at Xiao Qing, and immediately flew back to Liu Chen's side.

At this time, Liu Chen grabbed the black cutter with a big hand, and put the black cutter into the Ring of Sumeru, and immediately walked towards the remnant of the black soil.

Looking at the black soil that was bloody and burnt, Liu Chen looked indifferently, shook his head, and said indifferently: "You have to blame yourself, you can't blame others."

At this moment, a group of people came out through the void, and the leader was actually Long Jiu, and beside him, there were several sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouses, all staring at Liu Chen covetously.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I have never heard of a disciple who killed Qian Zhan Xianzun being so righteous."

"The six disciples of Immortal Master Lian Zhan Gu Jian and Qian Zhan, even though you have the protection of Immortal Master Immortal and Lu Qingfeng, don't you worry about them secretly attacking and killing you?"

"You have to know that with their cultivation base of the Great Perfection of the Void Refining Realm, it is simply a piece of cake to kill you."

The corners of Long Jiu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile, and walked towards Liu Chen unhurriedly.

At the same time, the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouses beside Long Jiu gradually dispersed, presenting a semi-encirclement to trap Liu Chen.

Blocked all of Liu Chen's escape routes, forcing Liu Chen to only enter the void.

"They wanted to kill me, but it was a pity that their skills were not as good as others, and they died in my hands. Immortal Gu Jian and Immortal Qian Zhan are both sensible people, so naturally they would not do things like assassination to lower their status."

Liu Chen's expression was solemn, his heart came to his throat, and he said lightly, while crushing the jade plaque Lu Qingfeng left before.

A flash of light flashed in Long Jiu's eyes. He obviously noticed Liu Chen's little move, so he immediately stepped forward and said with a murderous intent, "The majesty of the Dragon Clan cannot be violated."

"You killed so many strong dragons, I will definitely not spare you!"

"Wait for me to kill you first, and send Lu Qingfeng down to accompany you in a few days."

After the words were finished, Long Jiu didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately waved his hand, and the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouses rushed forward, killing Liu Chen from different directions.

These people were all powerhouses of the sixth rank, and Liu Chen didn't have any chance at all, so he just stood there quietly.

Anyway, Burning Soul is not their opponent, so we can only hope that Lu Qingfeng will come out sooner.

Suddenly, one of the sixth-order dragon clan powerhouses struck out with a palm, and the terrifying power directly shattered the void, bursting out a coercion unique to the powerhouses of the Void Refining Realm.

Being able to shatter the void with one palm, and using the best real treasure to cut the void are completely two different concepts.

At the very moment, a figure rushed out of the void behind Liu Chen, quickly slapped him, and then blocked Liu Chen.

When the two palms collided, Lu Qingfeng stood still at the same spot, but the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse was blown away.

Lu Qingfeng is the Great Perfection of Void Refining Realm, and that person only has the strength of the late sixth stage, how could he be Lu Qingfeng's opponent.

It's normal to be knocked out, but it would be really strange if it wasn't knocked out.

"Lu Qingfeng!"

Long Jiu's eyes were fixed, and there was a look of embarrassment in his eyes. He never expected that Lu Qingfeng would appear so timely.

But Lu Qingfeng is not the only one who is strong in the Void Refining Realm.

Before entering Immortal World North, Long Jiu had inquired about the whole situation, so he specially brought along a sixth-order peak powerhouse.

Daogu Xianzun and others entered the depths of the void, and it took a lot of energy and time to obtain the fusion holy water.

There was at most one Lu Qingfeng left, but Long Jiu not only brought a sixth-order peak powerhouse, but also brought two sixth-order late-stage powerhouses.

There are a total of three strong men in the Void Refining Realm. If they can't kill Liu Chen and capture Xiao Qing, Long Jiu would rather cut off their heads.

"It's just Lu Qingfeng! Give it to me!|"

With veins on Long Jiu's face, he was very angry, and immediately pointed at Lu Qingfeng and shouted.

As soon as he saw Lu Qingfeng, Long Jiu became furious. If the elders of the Long clan hadn't made a timely move last time, Long Jiu wouldn't have had a chance to stand here.

Even so, he had his arms cut off by Lu Qingfeng. He had to pay back such a shameful humiliation.

Not only did he want to kill Lu Qingfeng, but he also wanted to refine his Nascent Soul, allowing him to endure hundreds of years of endless suffering, allowing him to experience the feeling that life is worse than death.

As soon as the words fell, the three strong dragon clan rushed forward and besieged Lu Qingfeng from three different directions.

But at this moment, Liu Chen and Xiao Qing stared at Long Jiu sharply, racking their brains to think of countermeasures.

Although Lu Qingfeng is a strong person in the Great Perfection Realm of Void Refining Realm, but he can't beat four hands with two fists. He can't be the opponent of the three sixth-level Dragon Clan strongmen, and he will be defeated sooner or later.

We can only attack Long Jiu!

Liu Chen's eyes turned sideways, he immediately swallowed the Resurrection Pill, and quietly burned his soul, unleashing unprecedentedly powerful fighting power.

A terrifying energy fluctuation slowly spread, which immediately attracted Long Jiu's attention, and a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes involuntarily.

"Why did it suddenly become so strong?"

Long Jiu frowned, staring at Liu Chen vigilantly.

"Xiaoqing! Let's go!"

Liu Chen yelled, tapped the ground with his toes, and rushed towards Long Jiu in an instant.

Xiaoqing roared, and immediately chased after him, spitting out raging dragon flames from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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