
Chapter 886 Dinghai Bell

Chapter 886 Dinghai Bell

"not good!"

Seeing Liu Chen and Xiao Qing attacking Long Jiu, one of the sixth-rank Dragon Clan powerhouse yelled that he was not good, and immediately rushed towards Liu Chen, as if he wanted to kill Liu Chen before Liu Chen attacked Liu Chen.

With his sixth-level powerful strength, as long as he gets a little closer to Liu Chen and out of Lu Qingfeng's attack range, he can easily kill Liu Chen.

It's a pity that Lu Qingfeng will never give him this chance.

"Leave them all to me!"

Lu Qingfeng's complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately shouted, and reached out to grab the sixth-rank dragon strongman, preventing him from attacking Liu Chen.

At the same time, two other dragon clan powerhouses surrounded him.

After a while, Lu Qingfeng and the three Dragon Clan powerhouses fought together. The battle was inseparable, and it was impossible to tell the winner half of the time.

It's just that Lu Qingfeng was obviously at a disadvantage, and he was barely able to deal with the three dragon powerhouses, but he couldn't last for too long.

At this time, Liu Chen rushed to Long Jiu, grabbed his right hand suddenly, the Sumeru Ring flickered, and the black cutter appeared out of thin air.

Liu Chen has the special ability to devour life force, so it is a piece of cake to forcibly regain the spirit of the Black Cleaver.

So as long as Liu Chen holds the black cutter with his hands, he can basically imprint his divine sense and establish a connection with it.

It's sizzling!

Liu Chen held the black cutter and slashed down hard, and a huge hole was cut in the void.

Before Liu Chen was not familiar with the feeling of tearing the void, but now holding the black cutter in his hand, it suddenly became clear.

When the void is split, it's like drawing waves in the water with a sword, but there will be no waves in the void.

"You don't have the ultimate treasure!"

The corners of Long Jiu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile, and immediately slapped the savings bag, and a clock appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The whole body of the clock is golden yellow, with complex patterns engraved on it, like graffiti, completely incomprehensible, let alone anything special.

Strangely, as soon as the clock appeared, Liu Chen felt a strange aura.

With Long Jiu as the center, the surrounding air within dozens of meters seemed to be still, and even the debris in the air could not move.

Gradually, Liu Chen entered into a strange aura, which was particularly strong.

That feeling was like rushing into the mud, it was difficult to move, and the speed was even slower than a snail. Most importantly, the more Liu Chen struggled, the stronger the feeling.

"This bell is called Dinghai Bell, and it can form a powerful aura around the user, greatly affecting their speed."

"As long as I have the Dinghai Bell to defend myself, you will not be able to kill me, but you will become a fish on my chopping board."

The corners of Long Jiu's mouth rose slightly, showing a smug smile, and immediately took out a high-grade real treasure long sword from the savings bag, which was actually all made of dragon bones, and the blade was inlaid with dragon scales, with a very cool appearance.

This long sword also exudes a terrifying dragon power.

"Lu Qingfeng is in danger now, so don't expect him to save you."

Long Jiu laughed triumphantly, walked towards Liu Chen unhurriedly, raised the keel sword in his hand slowly, pointed at Liu Chen's throat, and said lightly: "I wanted to kill you with a single sword, but now I want to kill you with a single sword." Changed my mind."

"You killed so many strong dragons, it's too cheap to kill you like this."

After finishing speaking, Long Jiu slashed out with a sword, as if he wanted to cut Liu Chen in half.

Anyway, Liu Chen is now a fairy body, even if his body is destroyed, he will not die immediately, but will suffer great pain.

But at this moment, Liu Chen made a move in an instant, grabbed the keel sword, held it tightly with five fingers, and never let go.

The sharp dragon scales cut Liu Chen's palm, and traces of bright red blood left along the palm, which looked shocking.

"It's wishful thinking to use your body to resist the attack of the keel sword."

Long Jiu was startled for a moment, then smiled disdainfully, and pulled the long bone sword out of Liu Chen's palm with great force, making a creaking sound.

It was completely the sound of flesh and blood rubbing against the keel sword, and the scalp of those who heard it was numb, and goose bumps appeared all over the body.

Fortunately, the divine soul was burned now, otherwise Liu Chen would not be able to withstand such a terrifying power with his original physical strength.

"I want to see how many swords you can block!"

With a ferocious face, Long Jiu raised his keel sword and slashed towards Liu Chen again.

Swish swish!
Long Jiu didn't intend to kill Liu Chen directly, but cut several bloody wounds on Liu Chen's body.

From a distance, Liu Chen looked like a bloody man, but when he walked in, he was shocked.


Liu Chen's throat was sweet, and he spat out a big mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as paper.

In the previous battle with the black soil, Liu Chen had almost exhausted the spiritual power in his body, and he was at the end of his strength, in order to fight Long Jiu.

Liu Chen took the Resurrection Pill again, burning his soul and bursting out with powerful fighting power.

However, the fighting power erupted by the burning soul is limited, and it will gradually fade away when the time is up, and Liu Chen will not even have the strength to fight.

Any ordinary person could easily kill Liu Chen.

It just so happened that Ding Haizhong imprisoned Liu Chen, even if Liu Chen had a strong combat power, he might not be Long Jiu's opponent head-on.

It's a pity that Liu Chenkong has strength, but he has no chance to explode.

In the distance, Lu Qingfeng obviously noticed the battle situation here, but it's a pity that he couldn't protect himself, he couldn't escape at all, and it was impossible to support Liu Chen.


Liu Chen panted heavily, sweating profusely, the blood and sweat fused together and became very viscous.


Xiaoqing roared again and again, each roar was full of anger, but unfortunately she was also affected by the Dinghai Bell, so she moved very slowly.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn!"

Long Jiu glanced at Xiao Qing, with a strong killing intent in his eyes, and immediately held the keel sword, and slowly walked towards Liu Chen.

Counting the time, Daogu Immortal Venerable and the others are about to return from the depths of the void. In order to avoid complications, they still kill Liu Chen first.

Long Jiu's expression sank, and he grabbed the keel sword and dropped it, slashing straight at Liu Chen's Tianling Gai.

If this sword hits, it can definitely split Liu Chen's body in half, even the Nascent Soul can't escape, even with the Resurrection Pill, it won't help.

A powerful aura of the fifth-order peak exploded, accompanied by the vast dragon's power, and landed on Liu Chen's head.


At the critical moment, Xiaoqing roared again and again, her body collided several times suddenly, the golden scales all over her body shone with dazzling light, her defense power was astonishing.

Long Jiu's sword fell, just slashing on Xiaoqing's back, the golden scales fluttered, removing most of the power of the dragon bone sword.


Long Jiu raised his brows, a look of horror flashed in his eyes, he looked Xiaoqing up and down, he never thought that Xiaoqing's defensive power was astonishing and terrifying.

This is a top-grade true treasure, and it can explode with powerful power with just one blow.

And Xiaoqing blocked the sword, but was unscathed, it was unbelievable, if it was another five-clawed golden dragon, even if he didn't die, he would still be injured.

But looking at Xiaoqing's appearance, where does he look injured in the slightest?
"Little Qing."

Liu Chen smiled rejoicingly, and tried his best to retreat. Even if he couldn't kill Long Jiu, he must get out of Ding Haizhong's attack range.

After the words fell, Xiaoqing spat out raging dragon flames knowingly, and at the same time blocked Liu Chen with her body, buying time for Liu Chen to retreat.

"Little bastard! When I skin your cramps, let's see if you will still be so stubborn!"

Long Jiu was furious, and immediately charged up with the keel sword in his hand, attacking Xiaoqing like crazy.

Bang bang bang!

The keel sword slashed at Xiaoqing's back one after another, fierce sparks followed one after another, and a muffled groan sounded.

Even though Xiaoqing's defense was amazing, she couldn't hold back the stormy attack.


Xiaoqing roared angrily, and wanted to shake her body and rush out, but unfortunately the Dinghai Bell was too powerful, no matter how hard Xiaoqing tried, she couldn't get out.

On the contrary, he became a living target of Long Jiu and was constantly attacked.

"Black cut!"

Seeing Xiaoqing being attacked continuously and roaring, Liu Chen couldn't help but his face darkened, and he immediately made a tactic with both queens, pointing his fingers.

Hearing a buzzing sound, the black cutter broke through the air and killed Long Jiu not far away.

It's sizzling!

A huge hole was torn open in the void in an instant, reaching the limit that Liu Chen could control, and a large number of black wind blades gushed out of it.

This is a black wind blade that even those in the Void Refining Realm are afraid of, and Long Jiu definitely doesn't dare to resist it.

After a while, the black cutter rushed into Dinghai Zhong's attack range, and his speed slowed down all of a sudden.

Even so, Long Jiu didn't dare to rush forward, but backed away, for fear of being hit by those black wind blades.


Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, controlling the black cutter to slowly approach Long Jiu.


Long Jiu snorted coldly. He wanted to use the dragon bone long sword to repel the black cutters, but he didn't dare to risk himself. If he was cut by those black wind blades, the gain would outweigh the loss.

At this time, the two figures hidden in the void finally couldn't bear it anymore, so they both made a tactic, pointing their fingers.

The original power of Dinghai Bell disappeared temporarily.

Although it was only for a short time, Liu Chen immediately seized this opportunity, a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and the figure flashed, and rushed up in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen held the black cutter with both hands, only to see the black light flash and disappear.

Long Jiu reacted sensitively. When he sensed the moment when the Dinghai Bell failed, he made a tactic with both hands, which made the Dinghai Bell expand several times, and blocked it in front of him.

It happened to block the black cutter's attack, otherwise that blow could completely destroy Long Jiu's body.

Even so, the black cutter still left an irreparable black mark on the surface of Dinghai Bell, which greatly reduced the power of Dinghai Bell.


After the blow, Liu Chen did not stop, but circled behind Long Jiu, gathered all his strength, and punched out suddenly, hitting Long Jiu's spine.

Hearing the sound of clicking, Long Jiu spurted a big mouthful of blood, leaning on the keel sword, he couldn't even stand upright.

(End of this chapter)

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