
Chapter 887 Killing

Chapter 887 Killing

Obviously, Liu Chen's blow just now directly shattered Long Jiu's spine. Fortunately, Long Jiu's body was so strong that it was basically no different from the body of a fairy.

Otherwise, if you were an ordinary person, your spine would be broken, and you would have died long ago.

Even so, the piercing pain still stimulated Long Jiu's nerves, making him want to roll on the ground, but the more he moved, the more intense the piercing pain became.

Long Jiu's face was distorted, the veins on his face were exposed, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and he looked extremely terrifying.

Liu Chen stood where he was, leaning on Xiao Qing's sadness, panting heavily.

In fact, Liu Chen also wanted to rush forward and give Long Jiu a final blow, but unfortunately, the power of burning soul was exhausted, Liu Chen was very difficult to move even a single step.

If Xiaoqing hadn't helped Liu Chen, I'm afraid Liu Chen would have fallen directly from the air, and he might have been seriously injured to death.

One could imagine how weak Liu Chen was.

A battle between reality and the black soil exhausted the spiritual power and the power of the ice demon blood, and then burned the soul and fought with Long Jiu.

Even a fairy body can't bear such a terrifying consumption.

Only Liu Chen's recovery ability was astonishing, coupled with the assistance of pills, he could barely keep his consciousness clear, otherwise he would have passed out long ago.


Liu Chen spat out several mouthfuls of blood, leaned on Xiaoqing's back, looked up at the sky, smiled bitterly, recalling the moment when the Dinghai Bell failed, he couldn't help but be full of doubts.

I have come here, who else can help me?

But if the mysterious person hadn't made a secret move, maybe Xiaoqing and I would have died in the hands of Long Jiu.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xi and Mr. Li in the void nodded in satisfaction, but did not leave immediately. After all, they were still not at ease with Liu Chen.

What if Long Jiu has other means?

One must know that Liu Chen no longer has any power, and any supernatural power can kill him.

To be on the safe side, it's better to observe for a while.

But at this moment, the battle between Lu Qingfeng and the three sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouses has basically come to an end. Lu Qingfeng was seriously injured, and the three dragon clan powerhouses were poisoned.

It can be said that both sides suffered losses, and each retreated.

With the strength of the great consummation of the Void Refining Realm, he was able to fight against a sixth-order peak and two late-sixth-order dragon powerhouses. It can be seen that Lu Qingfeng's strength is terrifying.

"This Lu Qingfeng really shouldn't be underestimated. He was able to defeat three sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouses by himself."

"Being able to step up to where he is today by relying on his own strength, there must be something special about him, but I never imagined that Lu Qingfeng would actually be able to refine poison pills."

Wei Xi and Mr. Li's eyes flickered as they discussed.

Hearing this, Mr. Li nodded slightly, and said: "In the past, I only heard that Lu Qingfeng was the No. 1 alchemist in the fairy world. The strength should not be underestimated."

"That's right. Poison pills only appeared in the era of the war between immortals and demons. They appeared to deal with the demon clan. After thousands of years, most of the poison pill recipes were taken away by the fairy clan."

"In my opinion, Lu Qingfeng should have obtained a huge opportunity, and that opportunity must be related to the fairy clan."

A bright light flashed in Wei Xi's eyes, and he said with certainty.

At this moment, Lu Qingfeng clutched his chest, and slowly retreated to Liu Chen's side, with a bitter smile on his face, he said, "Apprentice, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, how about you, master?"

There was also a bitter smile on the corner of Liu Chen's mouth, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Don't worry, they still can't kill me, but the poison in their bodies is enough to make them miserable for the rest of their lives."

A cold light flashed in Lu Qingfeng's eyes, and he sneered immediately, staring viciously at the three dragon experts beside Long Jiu.

I saw their faces turned green, but their lips turned white, their limbs trembled slightly, especially when they looked into their eyes, they clearly showed deep fear.

Obviously, they have felt the explosion of toxins in their bodies, and even smelled the breath of death.

At this time, Daogu Xianzun and others came out from the void. Originally eleven people went in, but only nine people came out, including Daogu Xianzun.


Dao Gu Xianzun raised his brows, looked at Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng in surprise, and then looked at Long Jiu and the others, couldn't help chuckling twice, and immediately flew towards Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng.

"How is this going?"

Daogu Xianzun said lightly and asked.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng glanced at him blankly, pretending that he didn't hear it. It was obvious that Lu Qingfeng looked very unhappy.

So he immediately changed the subject and said, "Have you got the thing?"

"Because of this thing, I lost two capable assistants. You must share half of the refined medicine with me."

Daogu Xianzun looked serious, looked at Lu Qingfeng solemnly, and said.

"it is good!"

As soon as he heard that Immortal Daogu got the fusion holy water, Lu Qingfeng was overjoyed immediately, wishing he could immediately take the fusion holy water from Immortal Daogu and put it in his arms.

Hearing Lu Qingfeng's answer, Dao Gu Xianzun nodded in satisfaction, immediately took out a savings bag and handed it to Lu Qingfeng, saying: "Everything is in here."


Lu Qingfeng looked excited, took the savings bag with trembling arms, opened it carefully and took a look.

When he saw the fusion holy water in the savings bag, he couldn't help but exclaimed, his eyes gleamed with a strong light, and he put it in his arms immediately, for fear of being snatched away again.

"Long Jiu, the last time you snatched the fusion holy water from the mission pavilion, you thought that the big thing would be reduced to a small one, after all, the Dragon Clan also showed their sincerity."

"But now, if you send people to hunt down my chief alchemist and his disciples, don't you think too much of my Mission Pavilion?"

"Even if your father, Long Ji, met me, he would still give me a three-point face, but you are so arrogant, I must teach you a lesson!"

As soon as the words fell, Immortal Daogu's complexion suddenly sank, and strong anger burst out in his eyes, and he immediately grabbed it with his big hand.

In an instant, a powerful force erupted from the void, immediately controlling the bodies of Long Jiu and the other three dragon experts.

Forcibly dragging them close to Daogu Xianzun.

Under this force, even the Dragon Clan powerhouse at the peak of the sixth step has no chance to resist.

Liu Chen stood there with a shocked expression, seeing with his own eyes that Daogu Immortal Venerable easily controlled the four dragon powerhouses, it was inconceivable.

One of them is the peak of the sixth order, which is equivalent to the cultivation base of the Great Perfection of the Void Refining Realm.

How powerful is that bone immortal?Going beyond the realm of refining the void to achieve great perfection?Fusion state?

"New and old grudges, we will settle them together today!"

Daogu Xianzun's face was gloomy, and there was a faint killing intent in his eyes, and he slapped it with a palm, and one of the late sixth-order dragon powerhouses died instantly.

Even before the screams could be heard, the dragon soul had no chance to escape, and it directly turned into a cold corpse.


Long Jiu stared angrily, but due to the terrifying strength of Daogu Xianzun, he didn't dare to attack.

Because Long Jiu knew very well that the initiative was now in the hands of Immortal Daogu, even if Immortal Daogu killed these three sixth-level powerhouses, he would have nothing to do.

Unless Longji appears.

"This palm is my revenge for stealing the fusion holy water!"

As soon as the words fell, the Daogu Immortal Venerable struck out again, and with a bang, the body of another late sixth-order dragon powerhouse exploded, turning into blood rain all over the sky, and the dragon soul scattered into little stars, and finally dissipated.

"This palm is my revenge for chasing and killing my chief alchemist!"

Dao Gu Xianzun's voice was cold, full of endless killing intent, just like the kind of killing intent that burst out occasionally in the void, it was extremely terrifying.

Looking at the Daogu Immortal Venerable at this moment, coupled with his face, Liu Chen couldn't help but make his hair stand on his head, and his heart was filled with fear.


Long Jiu yelled angrily, the two dead were both sixth-order powerhouses, even for the Dragon Clan, they were very important resources.

If even the remaining sixth-level peak powerhouses died in the hands of Daogu Xianzun, even if he survived by luck, after returning to the Dragon Clan, he would have no face and would only be blamed.

Even with Longji's protection, his status would be much worse than before.

"It's not enough!"

The corners of Daogu Xianzun's mouth slightly raised, showing a playful smile, his eyes moved on Long Jiu and another sixth-level peak powerhouse, and he said lightly: "The remaining palm is to avenge the disciple of the chief alchemist!"

As soon as the words fell, the Daogu Immortal Venerable struck out a palm with the momentum of thunder, hitting the sixth-level peak powerhouse.

Also before he could even scream, his body and dragon soul were annihilated by this terrifying force.


Deep in the depths of Long Jiu's eyes was a deep fear, he was really scared, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his whole body trembled, and he swallowed his saliva.

Seeing Daogu Immortal Venerable walking towards him, he subconsciously backed away.

"What do you want to do! I am the son of Longji, if you dare to kill me, my father will definitely not let you go!"

Long Jiu threatened.

Hearing this, Daogu Xianzun smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "This is the north of the fairy world, even if I kill you here and throw your body into the endless void, no one will know that I killed you .”

"How could Longji find me on my head?"

Seeing this scene, Liu Chen couldn't help sneering in his heart, and suddenly hoped that Daogu Xianzun would take action against Long Jiu, and it would be best to kill him directly.

This prevents Liu Chen from making a move and triggering the wrath of the Dragon Clan powerhouse.

At this time, Lu Qingfeng said via voice transmission: "Did you feel a mysterious force just now?"

Hearing this, a flash of light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he immediately thought of the moment when the Dinghai Bell failed, so he nodded repeatedly and said, "Master, did you feel it too?"

"Well, if it wasn't for that mysterious force that restrained the three strong dragon clan for a little bit, I'm afraid I would have died in their hands."

Lu Qingfeng said with lingering fear.

"Me too, thanks to the mysterious power that appeared at the critical moment, making the Dinghai Bell ineffective, I had a chance to defeat Long Jiu."

Liu Chen spoke slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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