
Chapter 891 2 choices

Chapter 891 Two Choices

As soon as Liu Chen walked out of the mission pavilion, he saw an ice bird flying towards him, it was Bing Feixue's letter bird.

"come over."

Liu Chen grabbed the ice bird with a big hand and controlled it to fall into his hand. After a while, the ice bird melted and turned into a puddle of ice water, as if nothing had happened.

Even though Lu Qingfeng stood beside Liu Chen and witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he didn't know what kind of information Liu Chen had received, which caused his face to change drastically.

"what happened?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned and asked with concern.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head solemnly, and said solemnly: "Master, maybe I have to go to the East of Immortal Realm again."

"Did something happen?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned slightly, and asked.

Liu Chen nodded heavily, and explained: "Xue'er is in trouble with the Mochizuki family, and I didn't go to help her."

"Do you need my help?"

Lu Qingfeng got straight to the point.

Liu Chen shook his head with a wry smile, and refused: "It's unnecessary this time, I believe I can handle it well, not to mention it's not a big deal."

"Okay, if you need any help, you can come to the Mission Pavilion directly to find me."

Lu Qingfeng smiled slightly, then patted Liu Chen on the shoulder, and left the Mission Pavilion without knowing where he was going.

Watching Lu Qingfeng leave, Liu Chen instantly turned into a long rainbow, disappeared in the fairyland, and headed to the east of the fairyland.

Not long after Liu Chen left, another figure came out from the shadows and followed Liu Chen to the east of Immortal Realm.

This person was none other than the soul boy, his eyes were full of hostility, and he stared at Liu Chen with a vicious expression.

"Liu Chen, you killed yourself, you can't blame me!"

The soul boy clenched his fists tightly, and when he thought of the torture he suffered in the Spirit Race, he concentrated all his hatred on Liu Chen.

At the beginning when he posed Liu Chen in the west of the Immortal Realm, he called many dragon clan powerhouses, but he never expected that Liu Chen would also ally him.

Announce the secret of Ascending Immortal Palace to the public.

The Immortal Ascension Hall in the west of the Immortal Realm has always been in charge of the soul boy. Apart from the Spirit Race, only Liu Chen knows about this matter.

But some time ago, for some unknown reason, a group of people suddenly rushed into the West of Immortal Realm, clamoring to announce the secret of Ascending Immortal Palace to the public.

And this incident happened shortly after he tricked Liu Chen, so he could conclude that Liu Chen must have done something secretly.

In fact, the soul boy did not guess wrong at all, but if he wanted to deal with Liu Chen, it was probably impossible for him to achieve it.

On this day, Liu Chen entered the east of the Immortal Realm, and found the Wangyue family with ease, but did not go in immediately, but lurked outside the door.

"According to Xue'er's letter, they should be at the moon-watching platform now, but if I go directly to the moon-watching platform now, will it be too obvious?"

Liu Chen muttered to himself.

At this moment, Bing Feixue came out from the door and immediately sensed Liu Chen's aura, so she walked to Liu Chen's side and said pleasantly, "Husband, you are here."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded with a smile on his face, no matter what humiliation or difficulty he encountered, as long as he heard Bing Feixue's "husband".

Liu Chen was instantly elated.

"This is one of my clones. My true self is at the moon-watching platform, but husband, don't come over now, we will go back later."

Bing Feixue said slowly.

Liu Chen frowned slightly, wondering, "What's going on now?"

"Husband, the Mochizuki family gave me two choices, either sacrifice my bloodline and help other disciples of the Mochizuki family awaken their special bloodlines, or complete an almost impossible task."

"But as long as I complete that task, I can officially become the young patriarch of the Mochizuki family and change my name to Wang."

Bing Feixue explained.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile, the Mochizuki family seemed to have given Bing Feixue two paths, but in fact there was only one.

That is to seize the ice demon blood from Bing Feixue, and it is very likely that the Mochizuki family has such a goal from the beginning.

It's just that some people in the Mochizuki family objected, or they didn't dare to make it too obvious, so as not to be criticized by others.

That's why there are two options.

"What mission?"

Liu Chen asked immediately.

Bing Feixue was silent for a long time, then raised her head, frowned and said, "They asked me to go to the south of Immortal Realm and collect ten ice crystals of despair."

"Ice crystal of despair? What is that?"

Liu Chen frowned slightly and asked.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue sighed, and explained: "I don't know what it is, if it wasn't for them, I would never have heard of Despair Ice Crystal."

"However, one thing is certain, the Despair Ice Crystal can help the members of the Mochizuki family to awaken special bloodlines, or increase the concentration of bloodlines."

Liu Chen nodded slightly, his brain was running fast, thinking about this matter, and finally locked on the black market.

Since the Mochizuki family put forward such a condition, it is definitely not easy to obtain the Ice Crystal of Despair, and the Immortal Realm South is also very dangerous.

It is possible that the hopeless ice crystal was not obtained, and instead, he spent his life there.

However, there is never a shortage of people who are not afraid of death in the Immortal Realm, as long as Liu Chen's reward is generous enough, there will be no worries about no one entering the Immortal Realm South.

After thinking for a while, Liu Chen immediately had an idea in his mind, so the avatar controlling the fairy world issued another mission.

Enter Immortal South and look for the Ice Crystal of Despair.

One Ice Crystal of Despair can be exchanged for a Flawless Erdan, or a Flawless Rebirth Pill.

These two kinds of elixirs, no matter which one they are, can set off a bloody storm in the fairy world.

"Xue'er, don't worry, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain."

Liu Chen stroked Bing Feixue's hair comfortingly, and then added, "I've already given the order. If everything goes well, there should be an answer in a few days."

Hearing these words, Bing Feixue's eyes suddenly burned with hope, she looked at Liu Chen incredulously, and said, "Husband, you actually have such great power in the Immortal Realm, can you order the strong to enter the Immortal Realm South?"

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a mysterious smile, and said: "Although I am a disciple of Lu Qingfeng and Immortal Immortal Venerable, I don't have such great power."

"It's even more impossible to just say a word casually, and let someone enter the south of the fairy world and work for me."

"However, I still have a mysterious identity. As long as this mysterious identity is not revealed, I can attract a steady stream of strong people to work for me."

"Let's just go to the south of the Immortal Realm to find the ice crystals of despair, even if they are chasing and killing the dragons, they will flock to them."

Liu Chen said confidently.

Bing Feixue was shocked, looked Liu Chen up and down, and murmured: "Husband, is everything you said true?"

Bing Feixue looked at Liu Chen dubiously. She thought that her strength and status could be improved quickly after joining the Mochizuki family.

This would help Liu Chen, but she never thought that even if she joined the Mochizuki family, there would still be a big gap with Liu Chen.

Unless she becomes the young patriarch of the Mochizuki family and has more power.

"Well! Don't worry."

Liu Chen felt confident, and immediately patted Bing Feixue on the cheek, comfortingly said: "If they can't find the Despair Ice Crystal, at worst, I will accompany you to the South of Immortal Realm."

"It just so happens that I also want to see what is the secret of Immortal World South, which is listed as a place of adventure by everyone."

Hearing this, Bing Feixue felt warm in her heart, but suddenly she frowned and said apologetically, "Husband, I have sent people to search for dozens of days, but I still haven't seen Miss Zi'er, let alone any news about Miss Zi'er. .”

"Will it be..."

Liu Chen immediately interrupted Bing Feixue, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, maybe Zi'er joined the big family like you?"

"After all, the cultivation base has reached our level, and it may take several years or even decades to retreat casually."

"I believe we will definitely find Zi'er."

Liu Chen had a smile on his face, his eyes were firm, but there was an imperceptible sadness in the depths of his eyes.


Bing Feixue nodded heavily, and immediately took out a jade pendant from the savings bag, which was engraved with the word "Watch", and there was a vague spiritual flow, which looked very extraordinary and full of immortality.

"what is this?"

Liu Chen frowned, and asked with a surprised expression.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue smiled mysteriously, and explained: "This is something unique to the Mochizuki family. It is called the Mochizuki card, and its effect is very powerful."

"It's a pity that with the fading of the special bloodline of the Mochizuki family, the Mochizuki card has gradually been shelved. I also got two pieces by chance."

"Husband, don't underestimate this moon-watching card."

As she said that, Bing Feixue waved her big hand, a strange rune flickered between her eyebrows, and the moon-watching card in her hand instantly turned into an ice-blue long sword.

The ultimate treasure!

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but be astonished. This moon-watching card was fused with the blood of the ice demon, and it turned into a top-quality treasure!
Simply incredible.

As if seeing the shock in Liu Chen's eyes, Bing Feixue handed the moon-watching card to Liu Chen, and explained: "This is the power of the moon-watching card, which can be combined with the power of blood to transform into various weapons .”

"The most powerful thing is that the level of the weapon transformed by the moon-watching card will increase with the improvement of the user's cultivation."

Upon hearing these words, Liu Chen's complexion changed suddenly, he looked at Bing Feixue in shock, and said, "Xue'er, didn't your cultivation level break through to the Great Perfection of the God Transformation Realm?"

Liu Chen clearly remembered that Bing Feixue hadn't stepped into the God Transformation Great Perfection the last time he came to the Immortal Realm East.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue smiled and said, "Husband, have you forgotten that we are all of complete blood, so naturally we can increase the effect of the moon-watching card to a higher level."

"For example, Husband, you have the strength of the late stage of transforming gods. When you cast the Wangwang moon card, you can transform into the best real treasure."

That's it!

Liu Chen suddenly realized, and immediately put away the moon-watching card as a treasure, and couldn't help but fantasize: "Then if I step into the realm of transforming gods into the Great Perfection, wouldn't I be able to transform into a virtual treasure?"

"That can't be done, the moon-watching card limit is the ultimate treasure."

Bing Feixue smiled bitterly, shook her head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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