
Chapter 892 Elder Bai's Oppression

Chapter 892 Elder Bai's Oppression
Hearing this, Liu Chen was a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, it might not be a good thing to have a top-quality treasure that can change its shape at any time.

The most important thing to be a human being is contentment, not to mention that this moon-watching card was taken for nothing.

At this time, Bing Feixue frowned, and then disappeared, saying: "They are back, and you are here."

"it is good."

Liu Chen nodded slightly, and sat in the room.

Sure enough, after a while, Liu Chen felt many powerful auras pouring into the Mochizuki family, among them there were many who were strong in the Void Refining Realm, and of course there were also many juniors.

Most of the cultivation bases are kept in the realm of transforming gods, and Bing Feixue is one of them.

Immediately afterwards, Bing Feixue separated from the others and walked towards the room where Liu Chen was. Besides Bing Feixue, there was another person.

This person is none other than Wang Bai, Elder Bai, who had saved Liu Chen before.


Bing Feixue pushed open the door, walked in, looked at Liu Chen with a smile on her face, and said, "Husband."


Liu Chen nodded slightly, and immediately turned his gaze to Wang Bai. Looking at his expression, he always felt that he had something to say.

At this time, Mochizuki took the initiative to find a place, and immediately took out a diamond-shaped crystal from her arms, and explained slowly: "Xue'er should have told you that she is in a very disadvantageous situation in the Mochizuki family."

"Currently there are only two options, either go to the south of the fairy world to find the ice crystal of despair, or sacrifice the bloodline."

"What I have in my hand is the ice crystal of despair, which can help the cultivators of the Mochizuki family awaken their special bloodline. This kind of ice crystal of despair is very difficult to obtain."

"What's more, you only have the cultivation of the realm of transforming gods. I'm afraid you can't even enter the forbidden area in the south of the fairy world, and it's even more impossible to obtain ice crystals of despair from it."

Having said that, Wang Bai sighed a long time, glanced at Liu Chen, then turned his gaze to Bing Feixue, and persuaded, "Compared to entering the south of Immortal Realm and looking for ice crystals of despair, I suggest you sacrifice your blood."

"Although you don't have a special bloodline, your cultivation level will not decrease, and you will become a benefactor of the Mochizuki family. Both your cultivation resources and your status in the Mochizuki family will be improved."

"On the contrary, if you insist on keeping the special blood, there will definitely be someone in the Mochizuki family who will attack you."

Wang Bai's eyes are full of helplessness, it can be seen that he cares about Bing Feixue very much, but it's a pity that he is just an ordinary elder.

The power of life and death of the Mochizuki family has nothing to do with him, and he also wants to keep Bing Feixue's special bloodline, but this kind of thing cannot allow him to decide.

He can only do what he can to save Bing Feixue's life.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a bitter smile, and said, "No matter what, I can't sacrifice my blood. If they want to awaken their special blood, then let them go to the south of Immortal Realm to find the crystal of despair."

"Why put all the pressure on me alone, I, Bing Feixue, don't owe them anything!"

Hearing this, Wang Bai smiled helplessly, and said: "What you said is not wrong at all, you don't owe the Wangyue family anything, and you don't need to make any sacrifices for the Wangyue family at all."

"However, your current identity is a disciple with a different surname of the Mochizuki family, and you are also a part of the Mochizuki family. You should make due sacrifices for the prosperity of the Mochizuki family."

At this time, Liu Chen finally couldn't listen anymore, stood up and interrupted: "What nonsense, if you really regard Xue'er as a member of the Mochizuki family, you won't let her sacrifice her blood, let alone bring up such a thing. a harsh condition."

"The way I see it, you're basically keeping Xue'er in captivity, and when the time is right, you're going to take Xue'er under the knife."

"Everything sounds good, but in fact, all of them are hypocritical."

Liu Chen sarcastically said without reservation, even though Wang Bai had saved Liu Chen, Liu Chen's reward was very generous.

He couldn't help but help Wang Bai recover his life force and improve his cultivation.

"That's right, maybe Xue'er was taken in for this purpose, but that was all the decision made by the patriarch and the elders."

"I'm just an ordinary elder, and I have very little say in the clan. Although I also like Xue'er very much, I can only do things that are beneficial to the Mochizuki clan."

Wang Bai had a difficult expression, his eyes were full of helplessness, he sighed, looked at Liu Chen and said.

"We will give you three days to think about it. After three days, if you still have no results, we may take strong measures to directly seize the special blood in your body."

Mochizuki's complexion suddenly darkened, and a powerful coercion erupted, deterring Liu Chen and Bing Feixue.

Under the terrifying coercion of the Void Refining Realm, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue wanted to resist, but they were unable to do so.

"I hope you can understand the situation in front of you."

Wang Bai let out a long sigh, and immediately walked away with a flick of his sleeves.

Watching Wang Bai leave, Liu Chen clenched his fists tightly, bursting out with high fighting intent, his eyes were full of hostility, and said angrily: "What kind of shit is the Wangyue family!"

"Xue'er, let's not stay here anymore, let's go back to the fairyland."

Liu Chen took Bing Feixue's hand and walked outside.


But Bing Feixue shook her head with firm eyes, pushed Liu Chen's hand away, and said with a stubborn smile: "Husband, I can't go back to the fairyland with you."

"I don't want to hide behind you all my life. I also want to become stronger. I want to help you. I don't want to be powerless every time I see you."

"Sister Zi'er and I are your wives, and more importantly, your right-hand men, not just vases that can only be placed at home."

While talking, Bing Feixue's eyes turned red, and then she added, "I must complete the task and become the young patriarch of the Mochizuki family."


Hearing this, Liu Chen heaved a long sigh, looked at Bing Feixue with complicated eyes, and persuaded: "Xue'er, even if you have completed the mission and obtained ten ice crystals of despair, you will become the young patriarch of the Mochizuki family."

"Do you think they will give up like this? They will definitely have new methods to deal with you until you obtain the blood of the ice demon in your body."

Bing Feixue's eyes showed a rare strong hostility, and she said with a murderous intent: "It seems that I have been too easy-going in the Mochizuki family on weekdays, so that anyone dares to think of me."

"Husband, if you can step from a weak cultivator to where you are today, then I can definitely become the young patriarch of the Mochizuki family."

"No! I want to be the patriarch of the Mochizuki family!"

Bing Feixue clenched her fists tightly, and a high-spirited fighting spirit burst out in her eyes.

The Mochizuki family is definitely the dominant force in the East of the Immortal Realm. Once Bing Feixue becomes the patriarch of the Mochizuki family, not to mention the East of the Immortal Realm, his words will be very important when looking at the entire Immortal Realm.


Liu Chen originally wanted to persuade a few more words, but it can be seen that Bing Feixue is so persistent, Liu Chen simply kept silent, instead of persuading Bing Feixue to give up, it is better to support her a lot.

What's more, Liu Chen believes in Bing Feixue, has experienced so many things, and has been a demon storage, so she understands many things in her heart.

"Okay then, be careful everywhere and protect yourself."

Liu Chen patted Bing Feixue's shoulder lightly, comforted him, and then walked out the door.

Seeing the situation, Bing Feixue couldn't help being stunned for a moment, looked at Liu Chen, and wondered: "Husband, are you leaving?"

"Well, I'm going to enter Immortal World South in three days. I need to understand the information about Immortal World South first."

Liu Chen smiled at Bing Feixue, and immediately rushed straight to the Immortal Realm. Originally, Liu Chen had the Moon Watching Card, and was going to run into a strong Dragon Clan and fight with them, and try the power of the Moon Watching Card by the way.

But Liu Chen never expected that after walking all the way for so long, he was about to enter the fairy world, but he didn't even see a shadow of a strong dragon clan.

Could it be that the Dragon Clan gave up on chasing me?

It would be a great thing for Liu Chen if the Dragon Clan turned all their attention to the Task Pavilion, at least he would not have to worry about the strong Dragon Clan being chased and killed all the time.

But at this moment, a cold light flickered and charged towards Liu Chen from behind.

In an instant, Liu Chen was sweating coldly on his back, and a dangerous breath penetrated from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. At that moment, Liu Chen felt the breath of death.

Liu Chen reacted sensitively, subconsciously dodged to the side, and at the same time slapped the spirit beast bag, Xiaoqing appeared immediately, and instantly transformed into a huge monster, protecting Liu Chen inside.

The person who shot secretly was very good at hiding his aura, and he almost killed Liu Chen when he shot at such a close range, but Liu Chen didn't sense where that person was.

"who is it!"

Liu Chen frowned tightly, with a solemn expression, and shouted loudly.

Liu Chen knew in his heart that the person who made the secret attack must not be the Dragon Clan, otherwise, with the Dragon Clan's temperament, he would have rushed forward to do it hard, and he would never sneak around.

But Liu Chen really couldn't understand, besides offending the Dragon Clan in the fairy world, who else had he offended?

The disciples of Immortal Master Qian Zhan and Immortal Gu Jian had all been killed by Liu Chen, and they promised not to embarrass Liu Chen, so who else?

"Tch! You were lucky enough to escape, and you won't be so lucky next time!"

The soul boy pursed his lips, snorted coldly, and immediately disappeared into the dark, without making any movement from the beginning to the end, nor did he attract Liu Chen's attention.

Until the soul boy disappeared completely, Liu Chen didn't notice where the soul boy was.


Liu Chen stayed in place for a long time, but did not find any clues before returning to the mission pavilion.

Probably because of the official fight between the Mission Pavilion and the Dragon Clan, all those Dragon Clan powerhouses who were searching for Liu Chen's whereabouts in the Immortal Realm disappeared and returned to the Dragon Clan.

The attitude of the Task Pavilion is the same as that of the Dragon Clan. Any Dragon Clan who dares to enter the fairyland will be repelled or even killed by the people of the Task Pavilion.

Back in the Task Pavilion, Liu Chen immediately found Lu Qingfeng, asked him about the black market, and asked him about the crystallization of despair.

With Lu Qingfeng's experience, he will definitely know more about the crystallization of despair.

"You are looking for the Crystal of Despair!"

Lu Qingfeng's pupils shrank suddenly, looked at Liu Chen incredulously, and repeated: "You want to find the crystal of despair?"

(End of this chapter)

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