
Chapter 893 Crystallization of Despair

Chapter 893 Crystallization of Despair
"Well, I must find the Crystal of Despair."

Liu Chen looked serious, looking at Lu Qingfeng solemnly, he didn't seem to be joking at all, and Liu Chen was not good at joking either.

"This kind of thing can only be found in dangerous places like Immortal Realm South, and the number is very rare, so it is very difficult to find."

"More importantly, where there is a crystallization of despair, there must be great danger hidden."

"Based on your current cultivation, listen to Master's advice, don't enter the Immortal Realm South, otherwise the king will loose his life in vain."

Lu Qingfeng looked serious, looked at Liu Chen solemnly, and tried to persuade him.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I have made up my mind, I must go to the South of the Immortal World, but before that, I have released a new mission."

"If they can bring out ten despair crystals from Immortal Realm South, then I don't have to venture into Immortal Realm South."

Lu Qingfeng has been struggling in the fairy world for so many years, so he naturally heard the mystery from Liu Chen's words, so he asked: "What happened?"

"Why did you go to the East of the Immortal Realm, and when you come back, you will crystallize in despair?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, then looked at Lu Qingfeng, and explained: "The thing is, Xue'er, like me, has a special bloodline."

"And the members of the Mochizuki family gave Xue'er two choices, either sacrifice her bloodline to fulfill the Mochizuki family, or go to the south of the fairy world and find ten crystals of despair."

"If Xue'er finds ten crystals of despair, then she can become the young patriarch of the Mochizuki family."

Liu Chen explained slowly.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but sneered twice, and said, "Heh! The Mochizuki family only wants the special blood in Bing Feixue's body, what nonsense are ten crystals of despair!"

"On the surface, it seems that Bing Feixue is given two choices, but in fact, he is forcing Bing Feixue to die, or sacrifice a special bloodline, that's all."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Qingfeng waved his big sleeves and said, "If that's the case, then you can just bring Bing Feixue back."

"It is precisely because Xue'er is unwilling that I came back to find a way to see if I can get the crystallization of despair."

Liu Chen smiled wryly.

Hearing these words, Lu Qingfeng was helpless, looking at Liu Chen, he didn't know what to say.

He really couldn't figure out what he was obsessed with when his life was at stake. He wished he could break Bing Feixue's head and see what he was thinking.

"The crystal of despair exists deep in the southern part of the fairy world. It is very mysterious and few people have seen it. Most importantly, the crystal of despair has a special function."

Lu Qingfeng spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen asked, "What special effect?"

"It can help people with special bloodlines awaken their bloodlines, or enhance their bloodline concentration, but there is a drawback to doing so."

"That is to use the special bloodline awakened by the crystal of despair. It is impossible to break through the state of fusion in his life, which is equivalent to putting a shackle on his future."

Lu Qingfeng explained again.

Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't help showing a bitter smile, and murmured: "The Mochizuki family must know the side effects of the crystallization of despair, but they insist on doing this, I really don't know what they think!"

"No! You are wrong!"

Lu Qingfeng's face suddenly changed, and he explained: "The Wangyue family has a large number of people, including many geniuses, but there are also many wastes."

"Throughout their lives, these wastes may not be able to step into the Void Refining Realm, let alone the Fusion Realm. Such a group of people will only waste family resources."

"But with the crystallization of despair, it can help this group of people awaken their special blood. Once the blood is awakened, their strength and talent will be improved."

"Just imagine, the waste in the clan has turned into a Void Refining Realm expert, what a terrifying thing that is."

Lu Qingfeng looked excited, and continued: "You must know that looking at the entire fairy world, the vast majority are those in the Void Refining Realm, and they can have a place anywhere."

"It's no exaggeration to say that if the Mochizuki family can possess a large number of despair crystals, it may become the largest family in the fairy world within a hundred years, and even the Dragon Clan can't compete with him."

Hearing Lu Qingfeng's explanation, Liu Chen couldn't help taking a breath, and finally understood the role of the crystallization of despair in the Mochizuki family.

In a family, there are always less than one-tenth of the outstanding people, five-tenths of them are ordinary people, and the remaining four-tenths are mediocre.

Imagine that the Mochizuki family can see strong people in the Void Refining Realm everywhere, so the scene is unimaginable.

"However, the crystallization of despair is not easy to obtain. The Mochizuki family has entered the Immortal World South many times, but it is a pity that they suffered heavy losses and finally found nothing."

"Gradually, they gave up on obtaining the Crystals of Despair from Immortal World South. It is simply impossible for you to find ten Crystals of Despair this time."

"Not to mention ten crystals of despair, as long as you can find one, it will greatly exceed their expectations."

Lu Qingfeng flicked his sleeves and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Liu Chen almost despaired, and couldn't even think of going to the south of the Immortal Realm to find the crystallization of despair.

But Bing Feixue insisted on going, even if there was no despair crystallized in Immortal Realm South, Liu Chen would go with Bing Feixue.

There is no other reason, just because Bing Feixue is Liu Chen's wife.

"There are still three days left. I hope those who enter the Immortal World South will bring me good news."

Liu Chen smiled helplessly, and couldn't help but heaved a long sigh, and then took out a round lump from the Sumeru Ring, which looked a bit like a crystal, but was very soft and very magical.

"Master, look, what is this?"

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng turned his eyes, looked at the round lump in Liu Chen's hand, and was immediately taken aback, looked at Liu Chen in horror, and said, "Why do you have such a thing in your hand?"

"what is this?"

Liu Chen asked, but before Liu Chen finished speaking, Lu Qingfeng immediately snatched it from Liu Chen's hand, and immediately dropped his palm, and the round lump instantly turned into powder.

"Why didn't you take it out sooner!"

Lu Qingfeng blamed.

Liu Chen was confused, he didn't know what the mystery of the round lump was, and he didn't know why Lu Qingfeng blamed him.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Qingfeng slowly explained: "That kind of round block is something unique to the Spirit Race. It can be used for assassination and monitoring."

"Did you go to the east of the Immortal Realm, did you have contact with the strong spirit clan?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head with a puzzled face, and said, "This trip to the east of the Immortal Realm, I will be the only one from the beginning to the end."

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Liu Chen's mind, and he said, "But when I came back, I was attacked by a mysterious person, and that's when I got this round lump."

as predicted!

Lu Qingfeng suddenly realized, with a serious expression, looked at Liu Chen solemnly, and reminded: "You have been targeted by the strong spirit clan, and they have heard our conversation just now, you have to be careful."

Seeing that Lu Qingfeng was so nervous, Liu Chen didn't dare to take it lightly, so he frowned and racked his brains to think who would attack him.

Soul boy?

After thinking about it, Liu Chen found that among the strong spirit clansmen he knew, there was no one other than the soul boy.

But Liu Chen didn't know what could make the soul boy kill him!
"Apprentice, you are now being targeted by people from the Dragon Clan and the Spirit Clan. You are in a very dangerous situation. In my opinion, you should not go to the South of the Immortal Realm."

Lu Qingfeng said worriedly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head firmly and refused, "No! Even if they find out about their whereabouts, I must go to Immortal Realm South."

How could Liu Chen let Bing Feixue enter Immortal Realm South alone.

Zixuan's whereabouts are unknown, no matter what, Liu Chen must protect Bing Feixue so that she cannot be in danger.

"That's all, you won't listen to advice, but if you enter the South of Immortal Realm, you'd better be fully prepared."

"It's not just about dealing with the danger in Immortal Realm South, but also be careful about the attacks of the Dragon Clan and the Spirit Clan."

Lu Qingfeng reminded cautiously.

Hearing this, Liu Chen felt warm in his heart, nodded, and said, "Master, I understand."

"I have a fairy talisman here, which is enough to kill those who are strong in the Void Refining Realm, and two Resurrection Pills. With your ability, you should be able to refine it into the Flawless Resurrection Pill."

"There are two more Baixue Pills, take them both."

Lu Qingfeng took out a bunch of things from the void and handed them to Liu Chen, for fear that Liu Chen would be in danger in the south of the Immortal Realm.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen accepted all of them unceremoniously. After all, these things are likely to be used.

Especially the Immortal Talisman, which can definitely turn the tide at critical moments. Both the Resurrection Pill and the Baixue Pill were refined into the Impeccable Pill by Liu Chen, and the income was extremely high.

The preparations were not limited to these, Liu Chen also wanted everyone to inquire about all the information about Immortal World South, especially the road map, which was extremely important.

Three days passed in a flash, but it's a pity that those who entered the south of the fairy world did not bring any useful news to Liu Chen for the whole three days.

So many people entered Immortal Realm South, but they didn't even find a crystal of despair.

This can't help but disappoint Liu Chen. From the very beginning, he didn't even intend to find the crystal of despair, but only wanted to protect Bing Feixue's safety.

On this day, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue met to enter the Immortal Realm South. It was strange that the Mochizuki family didn't even send a single person to protect Bing Feixue's safety.

In the end, only Wang Bai sent Bing Feixue into Immortal Realm South, and then backed out.

What the Mochizuki family did really chilled Bing Feixue, and also made Liu Chen see through.

Not long after Liu Chen and Bing Feixue entered the Immortal Realm South, two more groups of people came in one after another, namely the spirit boy and the strong dragon clan.

It's just that neither side found the other's existence.

But that's good too, it gave Liu Chen a big chance, otherwise the Spirit Clan and Dragon Clan would join forces, and it would be much more difficult for Liu Chen to escape.

"Xue'er, you accept these two pills first."

With a big hand, Liu Chen took out the Flawless Resurrection Pill and Baixue Pill from the Sumeru Ring.

(End of this chapter)

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