
Chapter 894

Chapter 894

"Flawless Bai Xuedan?"

Bing Feixue accepted the pill, looked at Liu Chen with a face full of shock, and there was a hint of doubt in her eyes, the one in her hand seemed to be Baixue pill.

But the Bai Xue Dan in her hand is slightly different, it seems that the Bai Xue Dan in her hand is not only higher in grade, but also more powerful in effect.

Just taking a deep breath of Danxiang, one will feel refreshed, as if the pores of the whole body are open, that feeling is very comfortable.


Liu Chen smiled slightly and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Bing Feixue pointed to another pill and said, "What is this?"

"The Resurrection Pill, the effect is very powerful. It can save people who have lost their souls. To put it simply, as long as you have a Resurrection Pill, you don't need to be afraid even if you burn the power of your soul."

Liu Chen explained confidently that he had already taken a Resurrection Pill before, so Liu Chen was very sure.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue's pupils shrank suddenly, she had never heard of this miraculous elixir, even though she entered the Mochizuki family and her knowledge expanded a lot, she still hadn't heard of it.

But she believed in Liu Chen very much, and naturally believed in the powerful effect of the Resurrection Pill.

"Such a precious elixir was given to you by Senior Lu, right?" Bing Feixue knew that Liu Chen and Qingfeng Lu were Liu Chen's master, and even more that Qingfeng Lu was a master of alchemy in the fairy world, so she asked.

Because she really didn't believe that these two flawless pills were made by Liu Chen.

In fact, this is indeed the case, but as long as Liu Chen is willing, he can refine the Flawless Resurrection Pill and Bai Xue Pill.

As for the recipe of the Resurrection Pill, as long as Liu Chen asked, Lu Qingfeng would definitely give it to Liu Chen.


After all, the identity of the mysterious alchemist will continue to remain mysterious, and it is not appropriate to tell too many people, even Bing Feixue.

Anyway, when they arrive, they will know.

"This is the south of Immortal World."

Liu Chen changed the subject.

Following Liu Chen's gaze, the surroundings were pitch black, but there were large and small stones floating around, and occasionally a few bright lights appeared in the depths of the darkness.

When I arrived at this place, I rarely saw cultivators walking, and occasionally I saw a few people, but they were all in a hurry or with injuries on their bodies.

The strange thing is that these big and small stones will fly automatically, and some huge stones are enough to bombard and kill the powerhouses in the realm of transformation gods.

I don't know why, these floating stones are very hard, and ordinary real treasures may not be able to break them.

"I was ready before I came."

Suddenly, Bing Feixue took out a map from the savings bag and said, "I asked for a map of the South of the Immortal World from Bai Lao. This is our current location."

Bing Feixue pointed to a point on the map and explained slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, and glanced at other places on the map, feeling a little disappointed.

This map is exactly the same as the one I got, there is nothing worth noting at all.

"There are dangers everywhere in the south of Immortal World, we must be careful."

Bing Feixue reminded cautiously.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, for the possible danger in Immortal Realm South, Liu Chen had already kept in mind.

At this time, Liu Chen swept his eyes and saw a huge stone flying towards him, as huge as Xiaoqing's body.

As the stone got closer and closer, it gradually blocked Liu Chen and Bing Feixue's entire line of sight.

In front of this huge rock, the two of them were as weak as ants, and it was obviously not a wise decision to crush the rock.

So the two flickered to the side, just in time to escape the attack of the stone.

But just after the stone flew past, a bright light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he saw a tiny crack appear in the void, hidden among the broken stones.

If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all.


Suddenly, Liu Chen yelled, pulled Bing Feixue's arm reflexively, and stepped back frantically, for fear of being sucked in by that black crack.

"Look over there."

Liu Chen said.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue looked over at Liu Chen in an instant, and saw an ever-expanding crack between the piles of rubble, from which black wind blades were released from time to time.

Puchi Puchi!

It only took a few seconds, and the gravel was smashed into pieces by the wind blade in the black crack, with great power.

If Liu Chen and Bing Feixue accidentally broke in, their bodies might have been turned into meat paste, and even Nascent Soul might not be able to escape.

"Fortunately, you found out early, otherwise I would have walked in just now."

Bing Feixue gasped heavily, with lingering fear in her heart.

Hearing this, Liu Chen looked solemn, looked around carefully, and said: "There are dangers everywhere in the south of the Immortal World, you must be vigilant at all times, and you must not take it lightly."

"Also, apart from the embarrassment of Immortal Realm South, we must always pay attention to other places. Maybe someone will attack us suddenly while we are unable to make a move."

Hearing these words, Bing Feixue couldn't help raising her brows, looked at Liu Chen in surprise, and asked, "What do you mean? Is there anyone else following us into the Immortal Realm South?"


Liu Chen nodded heavily, and said, "It is very likely that the strong spirit clan and the dragon clan have also come in, and their purpose is to kill me."

"But you don't have to worry too much. It's okay if they don't make a move. If they dare to make a move, I will let them come and go."

A gleam flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and his face was full of hostility, and he immediately walked forward.

Gradually, the two of them were about to pass through the southern periphery of the Immortal Realm, and there were more and more rocks and cracks. If you were not careful, you might be hit by rocks or cracks.

"Let's stop here for a while."

Liu Chen's eyes shone brightly, and he spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue was taken aback, she didn't understand why Liu Chen did this, but she knew that since Liu Chen did this, there must be his reasons.

So I stopped for two days, while looking at the surrounding situation, while observing the situation in the depths.

"I have a very bad premonition that the strong men of the Spirit Race and the Dragon Race have already arrived, but they are hidden in the dark, and I cannot perceive their existence."

Liu Chen's expression was solemn, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he looked back immediately, muttering to himself: "The strong people of the Spirit Race are very good at concealing their aura, so be careful."

Hearing this, Bing Feixue nodded heavily, and immediately waved her jade hand, a strange rune flickered between her brows, and an extremely cold air burst out instantly, sweeping all directions, and even the speed of those chaotic rocks slowed down a lot.

There were bursts of cold air in a radius of tens of miles.

"You're wasting too much energy."

Liu Chen frowned slightly, somewhat objecting to Bing Feixue's approach.

"Do not worry."

Bing Feixue raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a mysterious smile. After a while, the strange rune between her eyebrows disappeared, explaining: "They are in the dark, we are in the light."

"We can't perceive their existence, but as long as I release the extremely cold air, they will definitely be able to feel it."

"Once they feel this chill, they must think that it will make them more vigilant."

Immediately afterwards, Bing Feixue added another sentence, "I just want to remind them so that they don't act rashly."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately stopped talking, took Bing Feixue's hand, and flew to the depths of the southern part of the Immortal Realm.

After crossing the southern periphery of the Immortal Realm, the situation inside is more complicated. There are not only rocks and cracks, but also some unknown and terrifying creatures.

Generally, when one arrives at this place, even those who are strong in the Void Refining Realm will find it difficult to retreat completely.

With the strength of Liu Chen and Bing Feixue, it is almost impossible to find the crystal of despair in this place.

Even if the two of them found the Crystal of Despair, it would be difficult to take it out.


Suddenly, Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he rushed up in an instant, directly smashing Bing Feixue away.


Not long after Bing Feixue was knocked away, a crack in the void erupted, and a large number of wind blades rushed out of it.


Fortunately, at the critical moment, Xiaoqing rushed out, with a strong body and golden blood, the wall blocked the attack of the black wind blade.

Otherwise, Liu Chen would have turned into meat sauce.

Even so, Xiaoqing was not feeling well, several pieces of golden scales had fallen off her body, and she was crying in pain.

"Husband, are you alright!"

Bing Feixue turned pale with fright, rushed over immediately, and looked Liu Chen up and down.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly and said, "Thanks to Xiaoqing, but don't worry, I'm fine."

Liu Chen patted Xiaoqing comfortingly, then looked at Bing Feixue and explained.

"We can't go any further, let's look around and see if we can find the Crystal of Despair."

Liu Chen said decisively.

The deeper you go into the south of the Immortal Realm, the more dangers you will have, and of course the greater the possibility of finding the Crystal of Despair.

But the premise of finding the crystallization of despair is to save your life. To be on the safe side, it's better to stop first.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue nodded heavily, and immediately the two began to search around.

At this moment, the strong spirit clan and the dragon clan were also ready to attack Liu Chen.

"Huh? Apart from us, it seems that someone else has their eyes on Liu Chen."

The dragon strongman came out from the darkness, glaring at the void.

After a while, the soul boy also came out from the darkness, looked at the many strong dragon clansmen with a smile on his face, and said indifferently: "Oh? Such a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"It seems that your purpose is the same as mine, to kill Liu Chen?"

Hearing this, the leader of the dragon clan powerhouse nodded slightly, and said: "That's right, Liu Chen has repeatedly provoked the dragon clan's majesty, he will definitely die."

"But I'm curious, when did Liu Chen offend the Spirit Race again, causing the strong Spirit Race to chase after him?"

The corners of the soul boy's mouth rose slightly, revealing a cruel smile, and said lightly: "Liu Chen didn't offend the Spirit Race, but just me."

"What's more, if I want to kill someone, do I need to explain to you why?"


The leader of the dragon tribe snorted coldly, then stopped talking and flew towards Liu Chen's direction.

Seeing the situation, the soul boy followed closely behind, and said sarcastically: "A group of idiots, let you go to die first."

(End of this chapter)

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