
Chapter 896 Clues

Chapter 896 Clues
Abandoning the physical body, only the dragon soul is left, which is more likely to be swallowed by the Jiuli pot, so Liu Chen will never let go of such a good opportunity.

So he immediately made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers, the Jiuli pot hummed, and a powerful suction and light burst out, instantly devouring the two strong dragons.

The strong dragon clan all died.

The soul boy in the dark couldn't believe his eyes. He knew that Liu Chen was very strong, and he also knew that those strong dragons were definitely not Liu Chen's opponents.

But he never expected that Liu Chen would be so strong. Apart from Liu Chen, Bing Feixue's strength also far exceeded his expectations.

The two worked together, plus Xiaoqing, he was not sure at all.

It is definitely not possible to force it, it seems that it can only be outsmarted.

A flash of light flashed in the soul boy's eyes, and he immediately backed away, disappearing in the dark.

But at this moment, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue let out a long breath, and they looked at each other with a smile, and they could see the excitement in each other's eyes.

Originally, Bing Feixue had nothing to do with the Dragon Clan, but because of today's incident, the Dragon Clan will definitely list Bing Feixue as a target for hunting.

If Bing Feixue returned to the Mochizuki family and had a high status, then naturally there was nothing to be afraid of.

But the key point is that Bing Feixue is now facing a huge test, and only after this test is successful, can she be fearless.

But if it fails, the end is unimaginable.

The Mochizuki family only has Bing Feixue's special blood, while the Dragon Clan only has Bing Feixue's life, the two do not conflict with each other.

Therefore, it is very likely that the Mochizuki family will use up Bing Feixue's blood first, and then throw her to the dragon family.

After all, for a useless disciple with a foreign surname, it is too uneconomical to have friction with the Dragon Clan.

"The strong Dragon Clan will definitely go forward, we must think of a perfect plan."

Bing Feixue frowned, with a dignified expression, and said worriedly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded heavily, then turned his head around and found nothing suspicious, so he said, "I can only take a step and watch, anyway, the Dragon Clan will send strong men to hunt us down again. There was no trace of us either."

"Xianjienan is so big, whether or not we can meet them are two different things."

"The most important thing right now is to find the crystallization of despair."

Liu Chen changed the topic, and continued: "It's not a solution for us to search aimlessly like this. It's better to go to the nearest trading market to inquire, maybe we can find useful clues."

"it is good!"

Bing Feixue nodded, and the two immediately went to the nearest trading market.

Most of them here are those who are strong in the realm of refinement, and it is rare to see cultivators in the realm of transforming gods, because cultivators in the realm of transforming gods are relatively weak.

In case of danger, it is likely to die in a short while.

At least those who are strong in the Void Refining Realm can cross the void without being trapped to death in the void.

But in the south of the Immortal Realm, the void cracks are the most numerous, and almost all the strong people who dare to come to this place are led by strong people.

Like Liu Chen and Bing Feixue going there alone, not even one out of a hundred people.

Because in their view, there is no difference between breaking into the south of the Immortal Realm with the cultivation base of the realm of transforming gods, and sending them to death.

"It's over there!"

Liu Chen pointed forward and said with a smile.

For some reason, seeing so many cultivators in the dangerous South of the Immortal Realm, Liu Chen suddenly felt familiar, and at the same time, he felt more vigilant.

Following Liu Chen's gaze, he saw booths floating in the sky, and behind each booth was a strong man.

Without exception, these people are all experts in the Void Refining Realm. Occasionally, a few experts will stop, take a fancy to something, and buy it immediately, for fear of being preempted by others.

As soon as Liu Chen and Bing Feixue appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"This is the south of the Immortal Realm, how could there be two guys from the late stage of transforming gods breaking in?"

"The man next to him is named Liu Chen, and he is the disciple of Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng. With such a noble status, how could he go to the south of the Immortal Realm alone? In my opinion, there must be a strong person secretly protecting him."

"I know that woman. She seems to be called Bing Feixue. It is said that she is a disciple with a different surname from the Mochizuki family, and her status is quite high."

"I heard from my friends that she is the best among her peers. She not only has a special bloodline, but also a complete bloodline."

Everyone talked a lot, and after a while, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue were known to everyone, but they didn't know the dangerous situation of Liu Chen and Bing Feixue at the moment.

On the contrary, he was very afraid, after all, one was a disciple with a different surname from the Mochizuki family, with complete blood, he could not be offended.

The other one is the disciple of Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng. With the support of such two powerful masters, who would dare to offend him.

"But what are they doing in Immortal Realm South? Could it be that they are here to practice?"

"Compared to this, I am more curious about how the disciples of Immortal Immortal Venerable are mixed with the disciples of the Mochizuki family with other surnames."

"That's right, one is in the Immortal Realm, and the other is in the east of the Immortal Realm, and the Mochizuki family has nothing to do with Lu Qingfeng and the Immortal Immortal Venerable, so how can these two people get together?"

Everyone's eyes were full of doubts, and they looked at Liu Chenbing Feixue curiously.

Gradually, Liu Chen dragged Bing Feixue into the crowd, and flew past each booth, but did not find the Crystal of Despair.

Instead, he saw a lot of novel things, many of which Liu Chen had never seen before, only seen in books.

There are also some medicinal materials for alchemy, which can only be found in the South of Immortal Realm.

Anyway, the Immortal Stone is not bad, since it is here, it must be bought, so Liu Chen bought all those precious medicinal materials.

"It seems that there is no place here, shall we change to another place?"

Liu Chen took a deep breath, comforted Bing Feixue, and spoke slowly.

Someone in the crowd seemed to have noticed that Liu Chen and Bing Feixue were looking for something, so he immediately stepped forward and said calmly, "Both of you, are you going to the South of Immortal Realm to find something?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen's eyes flashed an imperceptible brilliance, and he immediately looked at this person and said seriously: "That's right! The things we are looking for are very rare and very mysterious."

"Oh? What exactly is it, why don't you tell me about it, maybe I can help you two."

the man continued.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly, and only uttered four words, saying: "The crystallization of despair."

"Crystal of Despair, what do you two want Crystal of Despair to do?"

The man had a serious flash of suspicion, and asked in bewilderment.

Liu Chen's complexion changed, and he said lightly, "I just need you to tell us the clue of the crystallization of despair. As for why we need the crystallization of despair, is it necessary to tell you?"

As the apprentice of Immortal Venerable Immortal and Lu Qingfeng, he had to be a bit airy, otherwise he really couldn't restrain this group of people.

Sure enough, seeing Liu Chen's strong attitude, the man immediately gave in, smiled resentfully, and said slowly, "That's not what I meant."

"I know where the crystallization of despair is. Come with me, both of you."

After finishing speaking, the man added another sentence, saying: "My name is Xiang Li, if you wish, you can call me Senior Xiang."

"Senior Xiang, why have we searched for so long in the South of the Immortal Realm, but still haven't found any clues about the crystallization of despair? What's the secret behind it?"

Liu Chen asked tentatively.

The most important thing is to confirm Xiangli's identity, if what he just said was all lies, then Xiangli must have other purposes.

No matter why, as long as he has a purpose, he must be careful to guard against it.

"You don't know that the crystals of despair only exist in two places. The first is the place where void beasts gather. It is almost impossible to get the crystals of despair in this kind of place."

"Another place is easier to get, and that is the abyss in the void."

"The so-called abyss is actually the scene left after the void is shattered, but that kind of place will not affect anyone, and cultivators in the realm of transforming gods can also enter and exit freely."

"The only difficulty is that the abyss moves and doesn't always appear in the same place."

Xiang Li spoke eloquently and explained slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue looked at each other, both of them had enlightenment in their eyes, and their faces were full of surprise.

No wonder after searching for so long, there is not even a clue.

Looking for a moving abyss in the vast south of the Immortal Realm is like looking for a lone boat in the endless sea, the difficulty can be imagined.

As for the Void Beast, Liu Chen didn't even dare to think about it. Even if there was a mountain formed by the crystallization of despair, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue couldn't get it.

Because they have not cultivated to the realm of refining the void, they cannot cross the void.

Once strayed into the void, it will only be trapped in it forever, until it dies under the black wind blade.

"It seems that Senior Xiang has already grasped the position of the abyss?"

Liu Chen asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Xiang Li raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a smug smile, nodded, and said, "That's right, I did find the exact location of the abyss a few days ago."

"It's just that I'm not interested in the crystallization of despair, so I don't pay much attention to it."

"But since you need the crystallization of despair, it doesn't matter if I tell you. What's more, the two of you are distinguished, and you will definitely not treat me badly afterwards."

When he said this, Xiang Li deliberately emphasized the last half of the sentence, and immediately turned his head, looking at Liu Chen and Bing Feixue meaningfully.

"That's natural. As long as we can find the crystallization of despair, the benefits will definitely be indispensable to Senior Xiang."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately took out a savings bag from the Sumeru Ring, saying: "There are 200 million immortal stones in here, and I gave them to Senior Xiang."

"After finding the abyss, I will offer another 200 million fairy stones."

"If there are enough crystals of despair in the abyss, I am willing to offer 200 million fairy stones."

Liu Chen said generously.

Hearing this, Xiang Li's expression was agitated, and he was so excited that he entered the south of the fairy world and worked hard to have the chance to earn 600 million immortal stones.

Today, if you lead the way easily, you can earn 600 million immortal stones, which is unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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