
Chapter 897 The Abyss

Chapter 897 The Abyss
That's 600 million fairy stones, a total of 600 million fairy stones. Among the people who ventured into the south of the fairy world, a large part of them can't earn 600 million fairy stones.

Because the good things outside the south of the fairy world are basically picked up by people, and the depths of the south of the fairy world are too dangerous. Unless they are very confident in their own strength, generally no one will enter.

600 million immortal stones is not too much, but it can be said that it is not a lot, but just to lead the way, it cost 600 million immortal stones, which is definitely a huge sum of money.

No matter how rich you are, you can't spend like this.

Xiang Li even wondered if there were hundreds of millions of immortal stones in Liu Chen's savings bag, otherwise how could he take out 600 million immortal stones in a calm manner.

But after thinking about it, Liu Chen's master is Lu Qingfeng, who used to be the No. 1 alchemist in the fairy world, so there must be no shortage of fairy stones.

It is reasonable to be able to take out 600 million fairy stones.

"How long will it take to reach the abyss?"

Liu Chen frowned and asked.

Probably because of the promise of 600 million immortal stones, Xiang Li smiled flatteringly, and immediately walked to Liu Chen's side, respectfully said: "Fly a little further and we'll be there."

He didn't have the slightest stance that a strong person in the Void Refining Realm should have. Looking at him like that, he was almost becoming Liu Chen's servant.

"it is good!"

Liu Chen was expressionless and nodded slightly.

"Is this Aikasa reliable?"

Bing Feixue carefully sized Xiang Li, and immediately transmitted a voice to Liu Chen, saying cautiously.

Hearing this, Liu Chen remained calm on the surface, and replied: "Judging from his explanation just now, it doesn't sound like a lie, not to mention that he is neither from the Dragon Clan nor from the Spirit Clan, so he has absolutely no reason to harm us. "

"Nevertheless, we can't take it lightly, let's be careful."

Bing Feixue took a deep breath and transmitted the voice again.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded heavily.

After about half an hour, Xiangli's flying speed gradually slowed down, and there were few people around.

At first I could see a few figures, but now I couldn't even see half of them, looking very desolate.

Liu Chen opened his mouth and looked around, observing the surrounding environment carefully. This place is the same as other places in the south of Immortal World, and there is nothing special about it.

If I had to say it, there were a lot of void cracks here, and there was no one there yet.

"Is the abyss here?"

Bing Feixue's eyes were full of suspicion, she stared at Xiangli solemnly, and asked.

Hearing this, Xiang Li raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a confident smile, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, and let out a low drink.

Just hearing a buzzing sound, those void cracks instantly shattered and turned into a piece of black.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen subconsciously protected Bing Feixue behind him, staring at Xiang Li with sharp eyes, spiritual power surged in his body, once he found anything wrong, he would strike without hesitation.

Xiangli is a strong person in the realm of refining the virtual, and he is definitely not his opponent in a frontal attack.

But Liu Chen still has the fairy talisman left by Lu Qingfeng in his hand, and at critical moments, he will definitely be able to beat him, and even kill him directly.

The reason why Lu Qingfeng left this fairy talisman for Liu Chen was to prevent the Dragon Clan from sending out sixth-level powerhouses.

"Don't be nervous."

Aikasa smiled bitterly, and pointed again, a staircase slowly appeared in the black void, extending to the outside world.

Following this ladder, you can just enter the void.

"Abyss stairs, practitioners under the realm of refining the void can walk on the stairs without being affected by the void."

Akasa explained.

Hearing this, Liu Chen looked at Xiang Li with half-belief, but unfortunately there was no record about the abyss ladder in his memory, so he naturally didn't know if what Xiang Li said was true or not.

So he turned his head to look at Bing Feixue, only to see Bing Feixue's face full of astonishment, obviously he didn't know whether the abyss ladder was real or not.

Seemingly seeing the concerns in Liu Chen and Bing Feixue's eyes, Xiangli took the initiative to walk on the steps of the abyss, and explained: "The steps to the abyss have always been there, but no one knows why there are steps to the abyss."

"I, Xiangli, swear by my Dao heart, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the abyss ladder. If you have the slightest intention to do anything wrong to the two of you, your Dao heart will be broken, and your cultivation base will fall from then on, and you will fall into a place of eternal doom!"

Aikasa had a serious look on her face, and she swore solemnly, and it didn't look like she was lying.

After all, there was absolutely no need for him to do this in order to harm Liu Chen and Bing Feixue, not to mention that he was neither a dragon nor a spirit, but a human.

Naturally, there is no reason to work for the dragon and spirit clan.

"Xueer, what do you think?"

Liu Chen looked hesitant, his eyes still struggling, so he turned his gaze to Bing Feixue and asked.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue shook her head solemnly, once she entered the void, if something happened, it would be too late.

Because both of them are strong in the realm of transforming gods, it's like people who can't swim fall into deep water, and they can't do anything except wait for death.

Although Bing Feixue desperately hoped to find ten crystals of despair, compared to this, he hoped that Liu Chen would be safe.

If the person leading the way today was someone she knew, such as Bai Lao, then Bing Feixue would have rushed in long ago.

But they didn't know Xiang Li before, and the most important thing was that they fought against the Dragon Clan before, and later learned that Liu Chen not only offended the Dragon Clan.

They also offended the Spirit Race together.

For these reasons, Bing Feixue became more cautious.

"Senior Xiang! Otherwise!"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Chen's mind, and he had an idea, so he looked at Xiang Li with a smile on his face, and said, "Please trouble Senior Xiang to go in for us. We only need to find ten crystals of despair. 1000 million fairy stones."

"1000 fairy stones?"

There was a buzzing in Xiangli's mind, his face full of incredulity, and he repeated that he couldn't believe what Liu Chen just said was true.

There is no danger in the abyss, just go in like this, and you can get 1000 million fairy stones. Is there such a good thing in the world?

What is the difference between this and picking up 1000 million fairy stones for nothing?
The sudden happiness made Xiang Li feel a little overwhelmed. He stood there for a while, then asked repeatedly: "I'll go in and help you find ten crystals of despair, and you'll give me 1000 million fairy stones as a reward?"

"Not bad! 1000 million fairy stones!"

Liu Chen smiled and said, afraid that Xiangli would not believe it, Liu Chen immediately took out 500 million immortal stones from the Sumeru Ring and threw them to him, and said flatly: "The 200 million just now is not counted, and I will give you another 500 million immortal stones. When you come out with ten despair crystals, I will give you another five million immortal stones."

Oh my God!Back and forth, 1000 and [-] million immortal stones, fully doubled!
Xiang Li looked at Liu Chen in disbelief, and then counted the fairy stones in the savings bag in his hand, there were indeed 500 million, one not too many, one not too many.

All of this is true, a total of 1000 to [-] million immortal stones are placed in front of him.

"it is good!"

Xiang Li didn't say anything, and immediately flew up the steps to the abyss.

At that moment, a faint light was released from the stairs, making Xiangkasa's whole body look extremely blurred, even distorted, very terrifying.

Gradually, Xiangli's figure became more and more blurred until he was completely invisible, as if he had merged with the darkness.

"That's 1000 to [-] million immortal stones, is it too much?"

Bing Feixue didn't know how rich Liu Chen was, so she asked tentatively, after all, she was the one who wanted to get the crystal of despair, and Liu Chen would feel heartache and reluctance to let Liu Chen give away the 1000 immortal stones for nothing.

However, if Bing Feixue knew that Liu Chen was the true identity of the mysterious alchemist, she probably wouldn't have asked such a question.

Even Lu Qingfeng, who is the No. 1 in alchemy in the fairy world, is willing to help him, so is there still a mere 1000 or [-] million immortal stones missing?
Just a joke!
Not to mention 1000 or 2000 million, even [-] million, as long as Liu Chen is given time, he can get it.

"I'm Lu Qingfeng's disciple. As a disciple of an alchemy master in the fairy world, I'm sure I won't be short of this fairy stone. You can rest assured."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile, and immediately looked in the direction of the abyss.

It was pitch black inside, and nothing could be seen, except for the abyss stairs which were very obvious. Ever since Xiangli walked up the abyss stairs, there was always a faint light emitting from the abyss stairs, which looked very mysterious.

And Liu Chen and Bing Feixue were standing beside the abyss stairs, both of them were full of curiosity and wanted to step on the abyss stairs.

But he didn't dare to act rashly. After all, there is an endless void in front of the abyss stairs. In case of any accident, there is really no way to make up for it.

You must know that there are many dangers in the south of the fairy world, and what is even more frightening is that there are strong dragons and strong spirits watching.

They all waited for Liu Chen and Bing Feixue to encounter danger, and then killed Liu Chen and Bing Feixue effortlessly.

Time passed minute by minute, and I don't know how long it has passed, but the faint light on the abyss stairs has not changed in any way.

And Aikasa didn't come out from inside, as if nothing had happened.

"Will Aikasa encounter any danger inside?"

Bing Feixue frowned slightly, wondering.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head, if there was real danger in the abyss, Xiang Li must be sure to deal with it, otherwise it would be impossible for him to die for 600 million immortal stones.

So instead of worrying about Xiangli being in danger, Liu Chen was more worried about whether Xiangli would get 600 million fairy stones and leave Immortal Realm South directly.

After all, neither Liu Chen nor Bing Feixue knew where the other end of the abyss ladder led.

"Probably not. Let's wait and see. With his strength in the Void Refining Realm, he won't die here."

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately closed his eyes, quietly feeling the breath fluctuations in the abyss, looking forward to Xiang Li's appearance.

About two hours later, a figure in a state of embarrassment came out from the inside, and this person was none other than Xiang Li.

His body was covered with scars, and his whole body was soaked in blood, especially on his face, which left five deep blood marks, as if he had been scratched by some claw.

"Senior Xiang, are you alright?"

Liu Chen exclaimed, and immediately went up to meet him, helping Xiang Li to stand in a safe place.

(End of this chapter)

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