
Chapter 898

Chapter 898

Xiangli gasped heavily, with fear still in his eyes, and looked in the direction of the abyss stairs with lingering fear in his heart.

He couldn't believe what existed in the abyss.

If it weren't for Xiangli's high cultivation, he might have died in it long ago.

At this moment, Liu Chen was standing next to Xiang Li, so he could clearly see that there was indeed a lot of blood on his body, most of it might not be his blood at all.

In addition, the scars on his body did look terrifying, but none of them were fatal, they were all minor injuries.

You only need to take a healing pill, and you can recover easily, without any harm at all.

"Senior Xiang, what is in the abyss? Why did it make you so embarrassed?"

Bing Feixue asked, secretly rejoicing that even a Void Refining Realm expert like Xiang Li was in a panic.

If cultivators like them in the realm of transforming gods broke in, they might not even be able to leave the whole body behind.

"Void Beast!"

Xiangkasa's pupils shrank suddenly, as if everything that happened before was still vivid in his mind.

Fortunately, the Void Beasts don't like to kill, otherwise so many Void Beasts would have killed Xiangli long ago, but Xiangli has all entered, thinking that he can't go in for nothing.

So he desperately got ten crystals of despair, and was harassed by a large number of void beasts just to get these crystals of despair.

Those Void Beasts were very capable of escaping, Xiangli couldn't track him down at all, let alone attack them.

And the Void Beast's attack is not painful, and cannot cause fatal damage to Xiangli, but there are a lot of Void Beasts.

One claw of a Void Beast can completely tear Xiang Li's body into pieces.

So after he got ten despair crystals, he flew out non-stop, he didn't even want to stay in the abyss for a moment.

"So it turns out that there are void beasts in the abyss."

Bing Feixue was taken aback, and immediately took out a Baixue pill from the savings bag, and handed it to Xiangli.

Seeing the situation, Xiangli gave a thankful voice, and immediately took Bai Xuedan, and his injuries instantly healed, and the claw marks on his face returned to normal, and he didn't look at the embarrassment just now.

It's just that the blood stains on his body can't be removed with pills.

"That's not an ordinary Bai Xuedan, it's very precious, you wouldn't give it to Xiangli, would you?"

Liu Chen looked at Bing Feixue in shock, his face full of distress, he brought a total of two Baixue Pills, one of which was given to Bing Feixue.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a sly smile, and said via voice transmission: "Don't worry, I will keep the two pills you gave me carefully. Bring it out."

"That's good. The Bai Xue Pill I gave you is made from the early rising pill recipe. Its effect is far superior to that of the Mochizuki family. It can save a life at a critical moment."

Liu Chen spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue smiled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, both of them turned their gazes to Xiangli at the same time. Since he came out of the abyss safely, he should have obtained the crystal of despair.

So he immediately asked, "Did you get the crystal of despair?"

Liu Chen asked.

Hearing this, the corners of Xiang Li's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a bitter smile, and he took out ten black crystals from his bosom, and said, "The ten crystals of despair are all here, one is not many, and one is not."

Seeing the situation, Bing Feixue was overjoyed, and immediately took ten despair crystals from Xiangli, looked them over several times, and finally confirmed it.

"This is the crystallization of despair, exactly the same as what I saw in the hands of Elder Bai."

Bing Feixue looked excited, and said.

Hearing these words, Liu Chen's tense spirit gradually relaxed. As long as he found ten crystals of despair, Bing Feixue's status in the Mochizuki family was basically confirmed.

In other words, it will not be Bing Feixue relying on Liu Chen in the future, it is likely that Bing Feixue's help will be needed for many things.

"That's good."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately took out 500 million immortal stones from the Sumeru Ring, handed them to Xiang Li, and said with a smile: "Senior Xiang, this is the remaining 500 million immortal stones."


Xiang Li smiled bitterly, and accepted the savings bag, without even counting it, because Liu Chen was able to take out 800 million immortal stones.

Up to now, he will definitely not leave a bad reputation for 500 million fairy stones.

"Now we're clear."

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately flew out of Immortal Realm South with Bing Feixue.

Now that the things have been obtained, there is no reason to stay in the South of the Immortal World. The most important thing is that the South of the Immortal World is full of dangers, so it is better to leave early.

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, Xiangli stood up and stopped him: "I advise you not to leave now."

"Huh? Why?"

Liu Chen frowned, stared at Xiang Li vigilantly, and asked.

Hearing this, Xiangli looked left and right, as if looking for something, and after making sure that there was no one else around, he slowly said, "I can feel that there is a strong spirit clan staring at you, but his whereabouts are erratic."

"It seems that there is a hidden aura of some kind of powerful treasure. Even if I am one realm higher than him, I can't accurately lock his specific position."

Hearing these words, Liu Chen's originally relaxed heart hung up again, and he carefully looked around, but he couldn't see any clues.

The same is true for Bing Feixue, but they believed it without hesitation.

Because that was the case, both the Spirit Clan and the Dragon Clan sent strong men into Immortal Realm South, ready to kill Liu Chen.

As for whether the Dragon Clan sent other strong men, Liu Chen couldn't be sure, so he couldn't take it lightly.

"Senior Xiang, what do you mean?"

Since Xiang Li prevented them from staying, Liu Chen guessed that Xiang Li already had an idea in his mind, so he asked.

Hearing this, Xiangli smiled mysteriously, and said, "No matter what the purpose of that person in the dark is, as long as I'm by your side, he will definitely not dare to do anything."

It seems that Xiangli still doesn't know what happened in the fairy world, but that's fine, if he knows that Liu Chen has offended the Dragon Clan, he probably won't be so protective of Liu Chen and Bing Feixue.

"it is good!"

Liu Chen looked at Bing Feixue, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and immediately followed Xiang Li, slowly flying towards the trading market.

Because walking in that direction is the closest to Leaving Immortal World South.

"Senior Xiang, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Liu Chen said respectfully.

Hearing this, Xiang Li waved his hand, and said indifferently: "I took you 1000 to [-] million immortal stones, what a small favor!"

In fact, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue didn't know about it, Xiangli thought that someone was protecting them secretly, and the reason why they did this was to leave a good impression on Liu Chen and Bing Feixue.

In the future, no matter whether he went to the Immortal Realm or the Immortal Realm East, he could have a relationship with Liu Chen and Bing Feixue.

Anyway, that person in the dark is not as powerful as Xiangli, he is fearless.

Xiangli lost a little time this time, but he could leave a good impression on Liu Chen and Bing Feixue, so why not do it?

If Liu Chen and the big shots behind Bing Feixue took a fancy to them and rewarded them with anything, it would be a treasure.

After a while, the group of three returned to the trading market, no different from before they left. Although there were many people, they were all reticent and seemed very deserted.

"Isn't that guy Liu Chen? Why did he appear here?"

Suddenly, one of the virtual practitioners looked at Liu Chen in shock and said in disbelief.

The rest of the people immediately discussed and explained with a smile: "Liu Chen has come to the south of Immortal Realm a long time ago, it seems that you have just come here not long ago, right?"

"Liu Chen is the disciple of Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng. Since he dares to come to the south of the Immortal Realm, he must be secretly protected by someone strong."

"No, no, I'm not curious why Liu Chen entered the South of the Immortal Realm alone. I'm just wondering why the strong dragon clan has already entered the South of the Immortal Realm to hunt him down. Why hasn't he left this place?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked and there were many discussions.

"The strong dragon clan wants to chase and kill Liu Chen? Don't they know that Liu Chen is the disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng?"

"What did Liu Chen do? He actually provoked him to be chased and killed by a strong dragon clan?"

"This is incredible! Is everything you said true?"

The audience was in an uproar, and all eyes fell on Liu Chen, even Xiang Li, who subconsciously asked, "The Dragon Clan wanted to hunt you down, what did you do?"

"It's just killing a few dragons that don't open their eyes."

Liu Chenfeng spoke lightly, and immediately walked forward swaggeringly.

Now that Xiangli knows the truth, he definitely won't continue to escort him, but the fairyland is not far away, so Liu Chen can go out with Bing Feixue.

Looking at the direction in which Liu Chen and Bing Feixue were going away, the trading market was completely silent. They all stared at Liu Chen and Bing Feixue intently, and their hearts were shocked.

They couldn't imagine that killing a few strong dragon clans and saying it from Liu Chen's mouth was so understatement, as if it was very insignificant.

Although they had lived in Immortal Realm South for a long time and had no news from the outside world, they all knew how terrifying the Dragon Clan was.

Every dragon strongman is very arrogant, and almost no one dares to offend.

Even though Liu Chen was the disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng, and his status was the most noble, he was not so honorable enough to casually kill the strong dragon clan.

Could it be that if Liu Chen did this, Immortal Immortal and Lu Qingfeng would not intervene?
It's just that they didn't know that Immortal Immortal Venerable wanted to take care of it, but he was trapped by the elders of the dragon clan, and he couldn't get out for a while.

And Lu Qingfeng was also hunted down by the dragon clan, so he had no choice but to live under the fence and become the chief alchemist of the Mission Pavilion.

"Huh! Let's go! I feel like someone is catching up!"

Liu Chen yelled, took Bing Feixue's hand, turned into two rainbows, and flew forward at a high speed, not far ahead was the fairyland.

"It's almost here, the fairyland is ahead."

Bing Feixue said nervously.

It's a pity that Liu Chen and Bing Feixue didn't know that there was a large group of strong dragons waiting for them in the fairyland. Since the strong dragons who entered the south of the fairyland died, these strong dragons had been guarding here.

(End of this chapter)

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