
Chapter 902

Chapter 902
Breaking into the void will not only fail to help Liu Chen, but may also become a burden to Liu Chen, and will only drag Liu Chen down in the end.

Staying here, I can't help Xiaoqing, I can only watch Xiaoqing being tortured.

In desperation, a flash of light flashed in Bing Feixue's mind, and she immediately thought of the Crystal of Despair, since the Crystal of Despair can increase the concentration of blood vessels.

Then Xiaoqing has golden blood, if Xiaoqing devours the crystal of despair, maybe he can use the power of blood to break through the entanglement of bone erosion.

After making up her mind, Bing Feixue immediately took out a crystal of despair from her savings and threw it at Xiaoqing without saying a word.

Although Bing Feixue knew in her heart that after taking the Crystal of Despair, Xiaoqing would stop at the peak of the fifth order in this life, and would never be able to step into the sixth order.

But, compared with life, what if you can't step into the sixth level?

Bing Feixue believed that if Liu Chen stood here, he would make the same choice, and more importantly, Xiaoqing also knew the side effects of the crystallization of despair.

Whether or not to devour the crystallization of despair depends on her in the end.


Xiaoqing roared, staring at the crystal of despair for a long time, his eyes were full of hesitation, as if he was extremely unwilling.

"Xiaoqing, there is no other way."

Bing Feixue shook her head again and again, if there were other ways, Bing Feixue would have acted long ago, taking the Crystal of Despair, this is also the most helpless way.


Xiaoqing roared, and the powerful sound wave shook away the crystal of despair, and continued to struggle against the entanglement of bone erosion.


Bing Feixue sighed for a long time, and said comfortingly: "Xiaoqing, gobble up this crystal of despair first, no matter what, the most important thing is to save your life first."

"What's more, my husband has superb alchemy skills, maybe he can help you break through and offset the side effects of the crystallization of despair."

"Xiaoqing! It's important to save your life!"

Bing Feixue kept persuading, she also knew that this was a very difficult choice, but what could be more important than life?

One side is the future, the other is life, it is not difficult to choose.

As long as you are still alive, everything has a chance, but if you lose your life, everything else is vain.


Xiaoqing roared, her eyes full of hesitation, but the great pain made her finally choose to give in, and swallowed the crystal of despair in desperation.


Xiaoqing swallowed the crystal of despair, and suddenly a miraculous scene happened.

A layer of black light appeared outside Xiaoqing's body. This layer of black light covered Xiaoqing's scales, making the originally golden scales gradually turn black, as if covered with a layer of black gauze.

Immediately afterwards, a vast dragon's power erupted, and Xiaoqing exuded a terrifying aura all over her body, like a black dragon.

It looks terrifying.

At this moment, even Xiaoqing's breath turned black, and Long Yan also turned black.

However, these black auras gradually assimilated those gray auras, and even the gray chains in Xiaoqing's body were broken.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoqing roared, stretched her body suddenly, became straight, and a layer of black powder fell off the black scales all over her body.

Under the black powder, there are golden scales, which have become more pure than before.

Not only the color, but more importantly, Xiaoqing's breath.

Although his cultivation is still at the peak of the fifth order, his golden bloodline has become stronger and seems to have reached the full bloodline.

Wherever Xiao Qingguang stood, it gave Bing Feixue a feeling of being as towering and powerful as a mountain.

Even if Bing Feixue used the Ice Demon Arrow again, it might not be able to break through Xiaoqing's defense. The five-clawed golden dragon's body and powerful golden blood were like a mobile fortress.


Xiaoqing roared excitedly, obviously the gray aura in her body had all subsided.

However, this does not mean that Xiaoqing can rush into the void, because he is no different from the Great Perfection of the Transformation God Realm.

It is impossible to enter the void if the cultivation base has not stepped into the sixth level.

In fact, Xiaoqing may not be able to enter the void for the rest of his life, because he took the crystal of despair.

Xiaoqing's life was saved, but her future was lost, and Bing Feixue also lost one crystal of despair, leaving only nine crystals of despair.

But the Mochizuki family's request is ten, that is to say, Bing Feixue is still one step away from fulfilling the Mochizuki family's request.

Returning to the Mochizuki Clan with these nine crystals of despair, those elders will definitely deny it.

But at that time, Bing Feixue couldn't think of that much at all, the only thought was to save Xiaoqing, as for other things, there was no time to think about it.

And at this moment, in the void.

Liu Chen's body was pierced with five holes by the soul boy. If it weren't for Liu Chen's powerful healing ability, his body would have collapsed long ago.

In addition, the soul boy didn't attack the vital parts, so with the strength of the fairy body, it wouldn't collapse so easily.

But if five more holes were pierced, even a fairy body would not be able to bear it.

Once the physical body collapses, the special bloodline will disappear, Liu Chen's strength will be greatly reduced, and the Nascent Soul will be trapped in the void forever.

Without anyone as a carrier, Liu Chen would lose any chance.

"Seeking your own way."

The corner of the soul boy's mouth was raised slightly, revealing a mocking smile. He probably walked in front of Liu Chen, holding the dark gun, and said calmly, "Look, the power of the soul is gradually fading, and you won't last long."

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a mysterious smile, and said seriously: "I will definitely kill you before the power of the soul completely disappears."


As if hearing the funniest joke in the world, the body of Lingtong Xiao trembled slightly, and stabbed a bloody hole in Liu Chen's body.

Immediately afterwards, the laughter stopped abruptly, staring at Liu Chen's eyes with a fierce look, he said coldly: "It's up to you, what will you use to kill me?"

"You are like an ordinary person who has fallen into a quagmire. You can't protect yourself. You still want to kill me. It's just a dream!"

After the words fell, the soul boy stabbed out again, directly piercing Liu Chen's shoulder, and his entire arm fell limply.

"Hehe, open your eyes and see clearly."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth turned up slightly, he was breathless after suffering such a serious injury.

"I'd like to see what you can do to kill me."

After finishing speaking, the soul boy deliberately took three steps back, clenched the dark spear in his hand, and stared at Liu Chen with cold eyes.

After a while, Liu Chen still stood where he was, without any movement, let alone any breath fluctuations.

Otherwise, with the keen perception of the soul boy, he would have discovered it long ago.

"It's a bluff, or are you delaying time on purpose, waiting for your master to come and save you?"

The soul boy raised his brows, a gleam flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled irrefutably, and said lightly: "Master has located my exact location, and he will come here in a short time."

"If I were you, I would have run away long ago. Otherwise, if my master saw you, he would definitely not let you off lightly."

Hearing this sentence, Lingtong smiled instead of anger, and said lightly: "Since that's the case, then I should kill you first, and then run away."

After the words fell, the soul boy raised the dark spear in his hand, aimed at Liu Chen's eyebrows, and said with a murderous intent: "As long as I shoot down, I will definitely smash your Nascent Soul together."

"I'm afraid you haven't had that chance."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile, and immediately raised his right hand, and suddenly bent his fingers, the Dark Cutter appeared out of thin air, and cut the soul boy's body in half.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of black wind blades appeared, twisting the soul boy's body into pieces in an instant, leaving only patches of blood mist.

"how can that be……"

The soul boy Yuanying escaped with an incredulous expression on his face. He never imagined that Liu Chen could sacrifice a real treasure.

A cultivator under refining the emptiness enters the emptiness, isn't it impossible to move?
Why is Liu Chen okay?
In fact, the soul boy didn't know that when Liu Chen first entered the void, he really couldn't move. Fortunately, Liu Chen burned his soul and burst out with great strength, so he could barely walk.

But that speed is the same as that of a snail, very slow.

However, Liu Chen deliberately stood where he was, letting the soul boy stab so many bloody holes in his body, waiting for this moment.

Because Liu Chen was accumulating strength.

Just accumulating strength is not enough, because Liu Chen can kill the soul boy in one blow only at a very close distance.

It just so happened that the spirit boy was full of confidence, and he walked up to Liu Chen, only one shot away, so when Liu Chen sacrificed the Dark Cutter, he could easily cut the spirit boy to pieces.

"Jiuli Pot!"

Taking advantage of the last bit of strength, Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly flexed his fingers, the Jiuli pot flew out in an instant, bursting out with a powerful light, and sucked the soul boy's Nascent Soul into it.

After doing all this, the golden light on Liu Chen's body gradually disappeared, and he fell limply into the void.

He really felt the crazily passing of life force in his body, but he couldn't do anything by himself.

Because those actions just now had consumed all of Liu Chen's strength, and he couldn't even swallow Bai Xuedan at this moment.

perish together!

There was a bitter smile on Liu Chen's face, fortunately his back was facing Bing Feixue, otherwise Liu Chen really didn't know what expression he should use to face her.

The black cutter was suspended in the void, the Jiuli pot was just above Liu Chen, and there was silence in the black void.

Liu Chen and the two real treasures stood there quietly, as if they were still.


Bing Feixue shouted loudly, but it was a pity that Liu Chen stood motionless in the void as if he hadn't heard it.


Bing Feixue yelled again and again, and even thought of burning her soul, but she also understood that even if she burned her soul, she might not be able to bring Liu Chen out of the void.

At this moment, a familiar figure flew over, this person was none other than Xiangli from before.

Seeing Liu Chen trapped in the void, he hesitated, and after a while, he still flew in and brought Liu Chen out.

"For the sake of the 1000 to [-] million immortal stones, I'm helping you once."

After leaving these words, Xiangli turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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