
Chapter 903 Adventure into the Abyss

Chapter 903 Adventure into the Abyss
Liu Chen opened his blurred eyes and looked at Xiang Li who was gradually going away. In fact, he really wanted to say thank you, but found that he couldn't move at all, let alone open his mouth.

Even opening the eyes requires a lot of effort, and the eyes are closed uncontrollably, leaving only the consciousness in the body.

At this moment, Liu Chen couldn't even feel the existence of his physical body.

That is to say, the physical body is close to collapse.

At the critical moment, Bing Feixue took out a Baixue pill from the savings bag, and immediately fed it to Liu Chen.

Suddenly, a miraculous scene happened, the blood hole on Liu Chen's body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, even the injuries in the body have almost recovered, and more importantly, the Nascent Soul reunited with the physical body.

Liu Chen gradually felt the existence of the physical body, moved his fingers a little, and then shook his arm, everything was the same as before.

Bai Xuedan is really miraculous.

This is not the first time Liu Chen has taken Bai Xue Dan, but every time he takes it, Liu Chen will admire the alchemist who made the formula of Bai Xue Dan.

It is simply unbelievable that such a miraculous pill can be refined.

"Husband, are you alright?"

Bing Feixue was apprehensive, and looked at Liu Chen apprehensively, for fear that Liu Chen would have any accidents.

Hearing this, Liu Chen stood up, caressed Bing Feixue's cheek, and comforted: "Fool, take Bai Xuedan in time, the injury has already recovered, and there will be no problem."

"But, I just saw with my own eyes that you burned your soul, is there no problem?"

Bing Feixue asked tremblingly.

At least in Bing Feixue's understanding, if a cultivator burns his soul, it is equivalent to giving up hope of life, and there is no way to save it.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled triumphantly, and said, "Don't worry, I took the Resurrection Pill long before burning the soul, and nothing will happen."

"If there is a problem with my soul, how can I stand in front of you now?"

Liu Chen smiled slightly, supported Bing Feixue to stand up, and then his eyes fell on Xiaoqing, feeling that Xiaoqing had become different.

But for a while, I couldn't tell what was the difference.

Seemingly seeing the doubt in Liu Chen's eyes, Bing Feixue took the initiative to confess: "Husband, I let Xiaoqing swallow a crystal of despair."


Liu Chen was taken aback. Lu Qingfeng had clearly explained to Liu Chen what the crystallization of despair was.

Taking the crystal of despair will indeed increase the strength in a short period of time, and at the same time increase the blood concentration, but the price is quite heavy.

Xiaoqing took the Despair Crystal, wouldn't that mean that Xiaoqing would stay at the peak of the fifth order forever, and would never have the chance to step into the sixth order in this life!
"Xiaoqing was in great pain at the time. I couldn't find a good way, so I had no choice but to let her take the Crystal of Despair. If you want to blame me for making claims, I will admit it."

Bing Feixue lowered her head, her face full of guilt, even though she saved Xiao Qing's life.

Hearing this, Liu Chen heaved a long sigh. Of course he knew that Bing Feixue's actions must have been helpless, there was no other way.

Compared with the future, life is obviously more important.

At this moment, Xiaoqing turned into a human form, walked slowly to Bing Feixue, looked at Liu Chen, and explained: "It's because I can't bear the pain of bone erosion, that's why I take the initiative to swallow the crystal of despair, don't you?" Blame Miss Xueer."

"I don't mean to blame anyone."

Liu Chen shook his head, and immediately changed the subject: "Since the deal is done, now we can only think of a way to see if we can solve the side effects of the crystallization of despair."

Liu Chen frowned, at least he couldn't solve the side effects of the crystal of despair, but Lu Qingfeng was well-informed and should know a lot about the crystal of despair.

Might be able to ask him for help.

Xiaoqing is Liu Chen's most important partner. He has saved Liu Chen's life countless times. Liu Chen will never give up on Xiaoqing just like this.

We must find a way to save him.

"Xue'er, now that one crystal of despair is missing, it looks like we have to go into the abyss ourselves."

Liu Chen frowned, and spoke slowly.

In the place of the abyss, even those who are strong in the realm of refining the void are in a state of embarrassment. Of course, he knows that cultivators in the realm of transforming gods will not get any benefits from entering.

But there is no way, there are only nine crystals of despair left, and they must be entered again.

And this time, no one will help them.


Bing Feixue nodded heavily.

Immediately, the group of three returned to the abyss. Before Xiangli led the way, Liu Chen had already recorded the route to the abyss.

The three of them arrived at the abyss again with ease. Looking at the abyss stairs in front of them, they fell into silence again.

There are a large number of void beasts at the end of the abyss stairs. Although the void beasts are not bloodthirsty, they will definitely be attacked by the void beasts if they break into the territory of the void beasts.

And the three of Liu Chen are all cultivators in the realm of transforming gods. If they are hit by a void beast and fall from the abyss stairs, they will really fall into a place of eternal doom.

This time, there will be no Xiangli to bring them out.

Once falling into the void, there is no way to get out, either to be killed by the void beast, or by the black wind blade.

If you are lucky, you may die of old age in the void.

"I'll go in."

Bing Feixue pondered for a long time, then raised her head, looked at Liu Chen with a serious expression, and said solemnly: "This is my own business, husband, you don't need to risk yourself for me."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Chen immediately became angry, and said slowly: "Xue'er, you are my wife, and it is my responsibility to go through fire and water for you."

"We go in together, and we overcome any difficulties together."

At this time, Xiaoqing stood up, with a solemn expression, and said, "Stop arguing, all of you, I swallowed the crystal of despair, so I should bring this crystal of despair back."

"You two just wait outside for my good news."

Hearing this, Liu Chen grabbed Xiaoqing's wrist and said, "The three of you can go in together, and you can take care of each other."

"Listen to me, let's go in together."

After the words fell, Liu Chen stepped onto the steps of the abyss without looking back.

There is endless darkness all around, but the abyss stairs emit a faint light. Walking on the abyss stairs, it is indeed not controlled by the special power in the void, and can move freely.

But beyond the scope of the abyss ladder, that power will appear.

The abyss ladder is very narrow, only one person can walk, and a group of three people stepped on the abyss ladder one after another.

Liu Chen walked in the front, Bing Feixue followed behind Liu Chen, and Xiao Qing walked in the back.

"Be careful, don't fall."

Liu Chen reminded.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue and Xiaoqing nodded at the same time.

Walking on the void stairs, I didn't feel anything special, but some floating objects in the abyss attracted Liu Chen's attention.

"Demon God Clan?"

Liu Chen raised his brows, he could vaguely feel the aura of the Demon God Clan from these floating objects, although it was not particularly strong.

But Liu Chen was sure that it was the breath of the Demon God Clan.

"what is that?"

Liu Chen looked intently, and saw a black floating object flying over the abyss stairs, which seemed to be a severed arm.

Because one end of the floating object is obviously a palm, but the arm part is rotten and turned into a piece of black, like rotten wood.

"It seems to be the wreckage left by the Void Beast when it devoured the corpse of the Demon God Clan."

Liu Chen muttered to himself.

Since there are a large number of void beasts here, there must be a lot about the Demon God Clan.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen suddenly became excited, and looked around sharply, to see if he could find anything useful.

Even if you can't get it for the time being, as long as you know the news, you will be able to get it when you step into the realm of refining the void and then enter the abyss in the future.

Suddenly, Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he actually saw a pair of black eyes staring at him in the void.

Gradually, Liu Chen saw the whole appearance of that thing clearly, it seemed to be a void beast.

The whole body is black, without limbs, like a ball, but it has a pair of black eyes and a huge mouth.

"That's the Void Beast?"

Bing Feixue asked curiously.


Liu Chen nodded slightly, expressing his affirmation.

The group of three looked at the Void Beast, and that Void Beast also looked at Liu Chen and the others.

As he walked forward, there were more and more void beasts in the void. Liu Chen roughly counted, there were about five or six hundred of them, and these were not all the void beasts.

"The crystallization of despair!"

Suddenly, a bright light burst out from Liu Chen's eyes, and he saw a large pile of despair crystals in the void, at least thirty or fifty of them.

As long as you can get one of them, you're done.

It's a pity that there were several void beasts beside the pile of despair crystals, and the void beasts stared at Liu Chen and the three of them motionlessly, making Liu Chen dare not act rashly at all.

Once the Void Beast is angered, the consequences will be disastrous.

More importantly, the three of Liu Chen walked on the abyss ladder, even if they saw the crystal of despair, the three of them could not leave the abyss ladder to get the crystal of despair.

"What should we do now? The crystallization of despair is right in front of us, but it is not easy to get the crystallization of despair."

Bing Feixue smiled bitterly, looking at the crystallization of despair not far away, her heart was full of helplessness.

Hearing this, Liu Chen also smiled bitterly, and said, "Let's think of a way together, the crystallization of despair is right in front of us."

"let me try!"

Xiaoqing's eyes burst into light, and she immediately transformed into her main body, trying to cross the void, but unfortunately, the huge force in the void directly imprisoned her, making her unable to move.

Fortunately, half of her body was still standing on the steps of the abyss, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to come back.

After several trials to no avail, Xiaoqing had no choice but to change back into a human form, with a look of pity on her face.

The three of Liu Chen looked at each other, staring at the crystallization of despair not far away, but unfortunately their minds went blank and they couldn't think of any solution.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in Liu Chen's mind, and he immediately shifted his gaze to the Void Beast next to him.

It's a pity that I didn't find out the preferences of the Void Beast, otherwise I can let the Void Beast help to obtain these crystals of despair at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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