
Chapter 904 Another Use of the Immortal Stone

Chapter 904 Another Use of the Immortal Stone

Although there are no thoughts in the mind, it is more reliable to try one by one than to stand on the abyss ladder and wait for the void beast to send those despair crystals.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen glanced at the Sumeru Ring, and immediately took out all the useless things inside, and placed them in the void one by one.

"Husband, what are you going to do?"

Bing Feixue looked at Liu Chen with a dazed face, and asked.

Hearing this, Xiaoqing also turned her head and looked at Liu Chen in bewilderment. She really couldn't figure it out. Liu Chen suddenly took out so many useless things, what was he going to do?
Could it be possible to obtain the Crystal of Despair by relying on these things?

Liu Chen saw the doubt in their eyes, so he smiled mysteriously. In fact, he had no idea at all, so he threw all these things into the void, and flew towards those void beasts.

Most of these things were obtained by Liu Chen in the Five Great Lands, and now that he entered the Immortal Realm, these things have lost their effect.

Even if it was lost in the void, Liu Chen would not feel it a pity.

"Husband, why are you doing this?"

Bing Feixue was puzzled, so she asked.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth raised slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, pointing at the floating objects in front of him, and said: "Instead of the three of you standing here helpless, why don't you think of another way."

"For example, establishing a connection with one of the void beasts, even if it is just a void beast, can also obtain the crystal of despair for us."

"It's a pity that I don't know what the Void Beast likes, so I can only throw all these things out. If the Void Beast is interested in the items, it will naturally come forward."

"At that time, we will have the opportunity to establish contact with the Void Beast, and we will be able to obtain the Crystal of Despair."

Liu Chen explained slowly.

Hearing Liu Chen's explanation, Bing Feixue's Xiaoqing suddenly realized that Liu Chen's brain had opened up, because they couldn't think of such a way no matter what.

Even when they heard Liu Chen say it now, they still found it inconceivable.

But if you think about it carefully, this is indeed a good way. You don't need to risk yourself, and you won't offend the Void Beast, which will attract the Void Beast's retaliation attack.

Following Liu Chen's gaze, the Void Beasts still stayed where they were, showing no intention of moving at all, and didn't even look at the items Liu Chen threw out.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Void Beast, those things are no different from garbage, far inferior to the corpses of the Demon God Clan.

"But don't void beasts like to devour corpses? The stronger the corpse, the more it can attract their attention."

Xiaoqing muttered to herself.

Hearing this, black lines appeared on Liu Chen's forehead, he gave Xiaoqing a blank look, and then fell silent.

This is the abyss, there are only three of them on the abyss ladder, where to find a powerful corpse for the void beast.

Devouring corpses is the survival need of Void Beasts, just like people need to eat while alive, but some people like to collect antiques, some like to travel around, and some like special utensils.

For example, the dragon clan, they all like gold and silver treasures, these things are of no use to them at all, and they are not currency in circulation.

But everyone in the dragon clan likes to collect gold and silver treasures and place them in caves.

The Void Beast is no exception, but no one knows about it, and no one has even thought of such a bold idea.

Suddenly, one of the Void Beasts moved, walked to the top-grade spirit stone, opened its mouth and swallowed it suddenly, then shook its head, with a hint of disappointment in its eyes.

As for the other things, the Void Beast didn't even look at them, only those top-quality spirit stones caught his attention.

"Exquisite Spirit Stone?"

Liu Chen touched the savings bag, took out all the top-grade spirit stones, and immediately threw them at the void beast.

Seeing the situation, Bing Feixue was not idle either, imitating Liu Chen and throwing those top-quality spirit stones.

But at this moment, the Void Beast glanced at the top-quality spirit stone flying towards him, hesitated for a moment, and chose to swallow it.

These top-quality spirit stones are like chicken ribs to void beasts, tasteless to eat, and a pity to discard.

Seeing this scene, a bolder idea suddenly burst into Liu Chen's mind, so he slapped the Sumeru Ring and threw a hundred thousand fairy stones directly.

The dense fairy stones are like a galaxy, spanning the void, forming a fairy stone bridge.

As soon as the [-] Immortal Stones appeared, the Void Beasts next to them were about to move, and then rushed forward, and one of the Void Beasts suddenly opened its mouth and sucked.

The mouth was wide open, occupying almost 90.00% of the body, filled with black, swallowing [-] to [-] immortal stones in an instant.

There are hundreds of void beasts here, and [-] fairy stones are not enough for two void beasts to fit between their teeth.

After a while, the hundred thousand fairy stones were devoured, and the rest of the void beasts turned around and flew towards Liu Chen, looking at Liu Chen pitifully, as if they wanted more fairy stones.

Especially those void beasts that have not devoured the fairy stone, the desire in their eyes is even stronger.

"They... seem to like fairy stones?"

Bing Feixue's pupils shrank suddenly, her eyes were full of shock, as if she had discovered a new continent, it was unbelievable, she had never heard of it before.

It turns out that apart from devouring the corpses of strong men, void beasts also like to devour fairy stones.

"This is too incredible. After so many years, almost everyone knows that void beasts devour the corpses of strong people, but they don't know that void beasts also like to devour fairy stones."

Xiaoqing muttered to herself.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile. Since Void Beasts like fairy stones, it is not difficult to obtain the crystallization of despair.

The next step is to communicate with these void beasts. Unfortunately, the void beasts have low spiritual intelligence, just like three or four-year-old children, and it is extremely difficult to communicate.

"Xue'er, take out the crystal of despair."

Suddenly, Liu Chen turned to look at Bing Feixue.

Bing Feixue immediately took out a crystal of despair from the savings bag, and handed it carefully to Liu Chen.

Liu Chen took the Crystal of Despair, held it in his hand, gave it to the Void Beast in his eyes, and immediately threw out another [-] Immortal Stones.

There was a bang, the void vibrated, and a terrifying wave erupted, almost knocking Liu Chen and the others off the abyss stairs.

It can be seen how fierce these void beasts are fighting for the immortal stone.

Two void beasts can devour a hundred thousand fairy stones in just one breath, and there are hundreds of void beasts here.

One can imagine that scene, as if a piece of meat suddenly appeared among five or six hundred wolves, and the fierce competition was simply shocking.

After the hundred thousand fairy stones were devoured, these void beasts turned around again and looked at Liu Chen pitifully, as if they still didn't understand the meaning.

They just wanted to devour more fairy stones, but they didn't understand why Liu Chen took out the Crystal of Despair.

"You give me the Crystal of Despair, and I give you the Immortal Stone, it's as simple as that."

Liu Chen tried to explain to these void beasts, but found that he was playing the piano to the cows, no matter what he said, they couldn't understand.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen waved the crystal of despair in front of many void beasts, then took out a fairy stone in his hand, waved it at them, and said, "Exchange? Do you understand?"

The Void Beast was expressionless, staring at Liu Chen motionlessly.

In the endless void, there were five or six hundred pairs of black eyes staring at Liu Chen. The feeling really couldn't be described in words. I just felt the cold sweat on my back and my heart felt weak.

"Immortal stone! The crystallization of despair!"

Liu Chen shook the crystal of despair in his hand, and then threw out one hundred thousand fairy stones, but unfortunately no Void Beast understood what Liu Chen meant.

In desperation, Liu Chen simply put away the fairy stone, and held all the remaining nine despair crystals in his hands.

The Void Beast looked at Liu Chen, and Liu Chen also looked at them.

The two sides immediately fell into a stalemate, and no one moved.

After a while, some Void Beasts seemed impatient to wait, and roared at Liu Chen again and again, threatening them, but did not step forward to attack Liu Chen and the others.

Seeing this scene, Bing Feixue and the others were more or less panicked. After all, once they fell from the abyss ladder, the consequences would be disastrous.

Finally, one of the Void Beasts understood Liu Chen's meaning. In order to get more immortal stones, he opened his mouth to swallow a few crystals of despair, and spat them out in front of Liu Chen.


Liu Chen laughed triumphantly, then waved his sleeves, and immediately threw out a hundred thousand fairy stones, looked at Bing Feixue excitedly, and said, "Xue'er, I got it."


Bing Feixue was very pleasantly surprised, the original task only needed ten crystals of despair, but at this moment, Bing Feixue had twelve crystals of despair in his hand.

It can be said that the task was overfulfilled, and after returning to the Mochizuki family, no matter how hard those elders tried to embarrass Bing Feixue, they were speechless.

After all, the facts are right in front of you.

"Since we have obtained the crystallization of despair, let's leave."

Liu Chen looked at Bing Feixue with a smile on his face, and then at Xiao Qing, the two nodded slightly at Liu Chen to express their agreement.

Immediately, a group of three walked out of the abyss.

But at this moment, more and more void beasts spit out the crystals of despair, and a large number of crystals of despair forcibly blocked the way of Liu Chen and the three of them.

"They... seem to want more crystallization of despair..."

Bing Feixue smiled bitterly, looking at the large number of despair crystals in front of him, there were at least two hundred, and this was not all.

Because more void beasts are flying towards this side.

"I want as much as I have."

Liu Chen was not stingy either, he accepted the two hundred crystals of despair on the abyss ladder, and immediately waved his sleeves, and a total of two million immortal stones flew out.

As soon as the fairy stone appeared, the void beasts swarmed away, and after a while, the 100 million fairy stones were all scrambled.

But at this moment, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue had already exited the abyss safely and flew towards the fairy world.

"These two hundred crystals of despair, you should take them back together, anyway, it's useless to stay with me."

With a big wave of Liu Chen's hand, he put two hundred crystals of despair in a savings bag and handed it to Bing Feixue.

Seeing the situation, Bing Feixue was not polite, just accepted it, and said slowly: "The task is completed, I have to rush back to report."

"Husband, when I become the young patriarch of the Mochizuki family, I will come to the fairyland to pick you up."

"No matter what dragon race or spirit race, I won't allow them to hurt you."

(End of this chapter)

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