
Chapter 905

Chapter 905

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a warm smile, and immediately nodded at Bing Feixue, saying: "Okay!"

Bing Feixue is definitely not that kind of soft and weak woman, she also has a strong competitive spirit, and she also wants to pursue greater strength.

Especially after entering the fairy world, this becomes more obvious.

No matter for Liu Chen or Bing Feixue, this is not a bad thing, at least Bing Feixue now has a clear goal.

She will work tirelessly towards this goal, and that's a good thing.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue parted ways.

Bing Feixue flew directly to the east of the Immortal Realm, and rushed back to the Mochizuki Clan to report back. I don't know what kind of expressions those stubborn elders will have when they see so many crystals of despair.

But one thing is certain, Bing Feixue's safety is guaranteed, because those elders have no reason to deal with Bing Feixue.

One thing is certain, that is, Bing Feixue's status will be higher than before. As for the young patriarch of the Mochizuki family, this position is not so easy to obtain.

Even if Bing Feixue overfulfilled the task and got 210 two crystals of despair.

These more than 200 crystals of despair are definitely a huge wealth for the Mochizuki family, and they can train more than 200 strong people in the virtual refining realm for them.

In less than five years, the overall strength of the Mochizuki family will rise to a higher level, and by then it will not be one of the most powerful forces in the east of the Immortal World.

It is very likely to become the strongest force in the East of Immortal Realm.

After bidding farewell to Bing Feixue, the smile on Liu Chen's face gradually froze. Even though Bing Feixue had completed the task, Liu Chen couldn't help but worry.

Worried that Bing Feixue would make things difficult for the elders of the Mochizuki family, and worried that they would turn their faces and deny anyone.

Worrying is all about worrying, but Bing Feixue has to face some things alone. The only thing Liu Chen can do is to do his best to help Bing Feixue when she needs help the most.


"Xiaoqing, let's go back."

Liu Chen Yang let out a long sigh, the matter of crystallization of despair has been resolved, Bing Feixue has also returned to the east of the Immortal Realm, there is only one thing Liu Chen has to do next.

That was the side effect of getting rid of the crystal of despair for Liu Chen.


Xiaoqing nodded, and immediately one person and one dragon turned into Changhong and disappeared into the sky.

The soul boy who followed Liu Chen into the South of the Immortal Realm and many dragon clan powerhouses were all dead, so Liu Chen and Xiaoqing were not hindered by anything, and went directly out of the South of the Immortal Realm and returned to the Immortal Realm.

But what he saw next took Liu Chen by surprise.

At some point, more than a dozen strong dragon clansmen appeared outside the Immortal Realm South, the leader being the sixth-order powerhouse, and the rest were also at the peak of the fifth-order cultivation base.

"After waiting for so long, you finally came out. I thought you died in the south of Immortal Realm."

The sixth-rank dragon powerhouse smiled jokingly, his eyes filled with cold killing intent, and a breath unique to the sixth-rank powerhouse instantly locked onto Liu Chen.

No matter what little tricks Liu Chen made at the moment, he would notice it.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "I'm fine, but it's a pity that all the guys who didn't open their eyes died inside."


The complexion of the sixth-order dragon powerhouse suddenly changed, he was furious, and he suddenly yelled, the surrounding air seemed to be still, and a majestic coercion burst out, descending from the sky, and landed on Liu Chen and Xiao Qing.

The pressed Liu Chen couldn't breathe, his face turned red, and he desperately wanted to stop his body, but found that the more he resisted, the stronger his force would be.

Xiaoqing stood there without fear, like a normal person, much stronger than Liu Chen.


The sixth-order dragon powerhouse raised his brows, looked at Xiaoqing with a surprised expression, and immediately burst out with more forceful coercion, and hit all his strength, specifically targeting Xiaoqing.

In this way, Liu Chen's pressure was reduced, but Xiaoqing was under pressure.


Xiaoqing roared, a touch of gold appeared in her penetrating pupils, following Xiaoqing's roar, a vast dragon's power erupted.

This dragon power is not as strong as the sixth-order dragon powerhouse, but it is thicker than him.


Suddenly, the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse waved his sleeves, turned his head to stare at Liu Chen, and said with a murderous intent: "Not long ago, my younger brother Long Qi was ordered to chase you down and enter the east of the Immortal Realm."

"It's a pity that he was killed by a mysterious strong man not long after. I suspect that you secretly instigated it."

Hearing this, Liu Chen spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and said disapprovingly, "Since you were killed by a mysterious strong man, then you should track down the clues and find those mysterious strong men who killed your brother."

"You tried so hard to kill me, can you avenge your brother?"

Liu Chen smiled disdainfully.

Hearing this, Long Qin couldn't deny his smile, and said lightly: "Although the fairyland is big, but there are no such people who dare to kill the strong dragon clan unscrupulously."

"However, after my younger brother chased you and entered the Immortal Realm East, news of his death came not long after."

"Anyone else but you."

Long Qin sneered.

"Maybe it's because Long Qi is naturally arrogant and offended the powerful forces in the East of the Immortal Realm, so it may not necessarily be quietly obliterated."

Liu Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Long Qin smiled jokingly, stared at Liu Chen fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "Whether you admit it or not, I will kill you today to avenge my brother and those dead fellow Dragons." .”

As soon as the words fell, Long Qin's eyes flickered coldly, his figure flashed, and he rushed over immediately, grabbing Liu Chen's throat with one hand, clearly intending to wring Liu Chen's head off.

Seeing the situation, Xiaoqing reacted quickly, and suddenly roared, turning into a five-clawed golden dragon, her huge body protecting Liu Chen inside.

Hearing a bang, the golden scales all over Xiaoqing's body moved, obviously receiving a huge impact, trembling all over, but he just blocked the blow of the sixth-order dragon powerhouse.

Simply incredible.

If Xiaoqing hadn't devoured the crystal of despair, she might barely be able to block this blow, but now that Xiaoqing has taken the crystal of despair, the golden bloodline has been greatly strengthened, and her defense has become even more terrifying.

Bian easily blocked Longqin's blow.

"Hmph! As expected of a mutated five-clawed golden dragon, its defense is indeed much stronger than that of an ordinary five-clawed golden dragon."

"But in that palm just now, I only used [-]% of my strength. In the following palm, I will directly slap you into meat paste."

Long Qin's complexion darkened, and his killing intent was instantly overwhelming.

Although the task assigned to him by the elders of the Dragon Clan was to kill Liu Chen and capture Xiaoqing alive, he couldn't care less when he was furious.

Not only did he want to kill Liu Chen, but also Xiaoqing.

Anyway, what the Dragon Clan wants is just the dragon ball in Xiaoqing's body, as for Xiaoqing's life, it doesn't matter at all.

As long as Long Qin gets the Dragon Ball, even if Xiao Qing is killed, the elders of the Dragon Clan will not blame him for the dead Xiao Qing.


Xiaoqing roared, and stared at Longqin contentedly and fearlessly, the golden scales all over her body seemed to be plated with gold, making her look even more eye-catching.

Not only that, standing in Xiaoqing's protective circle, Liu Chen could clearly feel a heavy feeling.

Liu Chen even had the illusion that even with Thunder Fury, Xiaoqing's defense might not be able to break through with all his strength.

And Thunder's Fury is already Liu Chen's strongest method, assuming even Thunder's Fury can't break through Xiaoqing's defense.

Then below the sixth level, I am afraid that no one can defeat Xiaoqing.

After all, if you want to defeat Xiaoqing, you must first break through Xiaoqing's defense. If even Xiaoqing's defense cannot be broken, then defeat will only happen sooner or later.

Because Xiaoqing can spit out dragon flames without any scruples, as long as the opponent is contaminated, he will be severely injured.

Long Qin slapped his palm down, and the terrifying coercion of the sixth level erupted, forming a powerful aura, and the rest of the fifth-level peak powerhouses retreated one after another.

Afraid of being sucked in by this aura.

"Long Qin's full blow can definitely instantly kill anyone below the sixth level. Although the defensive power of that mutant dragon is amazing, it will not be Long Qin's opponent."

"Just wait to be blasted into a meat paste."

"Fortunately let him live for so long, it's time to die."

Many dragon clan powerhouses were talking about it, and it seemed that Xiaoqing's body had been blasted into meat paste by Long Qin.

Liu Chen's heart also rose, he knew that Xiaoqing's defensive power was amazing, but the person standing in front of him was a sixth-level powerhouse, which was equivalent to the cultivation base of the Void Refining Realm.

Will Xiaoqing be able to block the full blow of a Void Refining Realm expert?

It seems impossible, but after thinking about it, Xiaoqing's golden bloodline has improved again, maybe it can really resist it?

Long Qin slapped down and hit Xiaoqing, only to hear a bang, Xiaoqing's huge body flew upside down instantly, and the golden scales all over his body moved regularly, removing most of the power of the palm.

Even so, the remaining strength is enough for Xiaoqing to bear.


Xiaoqing roared in pain, rolled around in the air, and flew to Liu Chen's side again.

Looking intently, Liu Chen clearly saw an obvious palm print on Xiao Qing's body, which should be the palm that Long Qin had made before.

It was completely branded on Xiaoqing's golden scales, showing how terrifying that palm was.

If it hit Liu Chen's body, his body would probably collapse directly, and even Nascent Soul would not be able to dodge it, but Xiao Qingduo could resist this blow.

Simply incredible.

"Xiaoqing, are you okay?"

Liu Chen looked concerned and asked.


Xiao Qing roared, eyes full of anger, staring at Long Qin who was walking towards him, and spit out raging dragon flames.

"It's really good to be able to block my palm, but so what, I, Longchen, want to kill you, and no one can save you!"

Long Qin's eyes were full of jealousy, and he was immediately overwhelmed by crazy killing intent, and he struck out three consecutive palms with awe-inspiring killing intent.


Liu Chen exclaimed, and immediately took out the Immortal Talisman Lu Qingfeng gave him from the Sumeru Ring.

Xiao Qing has already been hit by Long Qin's palm, even if Xiao Qing can bear it, she will still be hurt, after all Xiao Qing is not a sandbag, so she cannot let Long Qin attack.

(End of this chapter)

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