
Chapter 906

Chapter 906

Xiaoqing had no chance of winning against Longqin.

So Liu Chen immediately sacrificed the fairy talisman, made a talisman with both hands, suddenly pointed his fingers, and shouted: "Reaper's harvest!"

After the words fell, there was a buzzing sound, and a pair of blackened arms emerged from the fairy talisman. These arms looked like dead wood, but they exuded a thick black air.

The black air is full of the breath of death.

Looking closely, two meniscus sickles gradually protruded from the black arms. The tails of the sickles were black, almost the same color as the arms.

But the sickle blade is glaring white, very sharp, even if you glance at it inadvertently, you will feel the pain of the needle pricking your eyes.

So Liu Chen and Xiao Qing immediately turned their heads, trying not to look at the two crescent sickles.

Not only Liu Chen and Xiaoqing, but also those Dragon Clan powerhouses at the peak of the fifth order.

Seeing the appearance of the fairy talisman, Long Qin's complexion changed suddenly, deep fear was revealed in the depths of his eyes, and he subconsciously backed away.

But he was surprised to find that his body couldn't move, as if he was held by a stronger force.

In front of this force, he was as insignificant as an ant, without any possibility of resistance, he could only watch the two black crescent sickles approaching him.

At that moment, he really felt a strong breath of death.

Since stepping into the sixth level, Longqin has never been in such a mess like now, let alone feel the breath of death so close.

He suddenly felt that he might die under these two black crescent sickles.

What kind of fairy talisman did the master give me? It is so powerful, it is several times stronger than the fairy talisman I found in the east of the fairy world last time.

Liu Chen was shocked, the last time he used the Immortal Talisman to attack Dragon Chess, his Dragon Soul escaped.

But this time using the fairy talisman given by Lu Qingfeng, it turned out to be so terrifying, it seemed that even a sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse could be easily killed.

Simply incredible.

Liu Chen turned his head curiously, before he could see the two black scythes clearly, bright red blood flowed from the corner of his eyes, and he had to look away.

"it hurts."

Liu Chen clenched his teeth, screamed, and said in pain.

Seeing Liu Chen's appearance, Xiaoqing didn't dare to turn her head to look at the black sickle even though she was very curious.

What kind of powerful existence could make Liu Chen's eyes bleed just by looking at it.

"Take it! Take the fairy talisman! I'll let you go!"

Long Qin's eyes were full of fear of death. When facing death, he was more willing to let go, even if he was punished by the elders of the dragon clan.

As long as you can save your life, other problems are not a problem.

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the fifth-order peak dragon clan powerhouses were stunned. Long Qin, who had wanted to kill Liu Chen before, could change his face faster than turning the pages of a book.

Liu Chen also didn't expect that Long Qin would be so spineless, he surrendered directly, and immediately had a bad impression of the Long Clan.

"Immortal Talismans are all one-time consumables. Once activated, there is no way to stop them."

With his back turned to Long Qin, Liu Chen spoke lightly, without any intention of stopping.

What's more, even if Liu Chen wants to stop, does he have the strength to forcibly remove the power of the fairy talisman, unless the power of the fairy talisman disappears automatically.

And there is only one possibility for this situation, that is, Longchen is dead.

Or he has a more powerful way to deal with this fairy talisman.

But at present, Long Qin seems helpless, otherwise he would not pin his hopes on Liu Chen.

"I beg you... please forgive me, I don't want to die yet, and I don't want to avenge my brother."

"As long as you let me go now, I can pretend that nothing happened. If you continue to stay in the fairy world, I will definitely not appear in front of you again."

Longqin was weeping, seeing the two black crescent sickles getting closer, his legs became weak with fright, his heart was surrounded by the fear of death, and his eyes were full of despair.

He desperately wanted to retreat, but found that he couldn't do anything. He could only watch the two black scythes approaching him.

Gradually, the two crescent moon sickles got closer and closer, and finally landed on his shoulders. The two crescent moon sickles faced each other and aimed at his neck respectively.

It only takes a little force from those arms to chop off his head.

"go to hell."

Although Liu Chen turned his back to Long Qin, he could clearly see what happened behind him through his perception, so he said lightly.

Hearing this, Long Qin's eyes erupted with strong anger again, he roared suddenly, and shouted: "Anyway, we all die together, at worst we die together!"

As soon as the words fell, Long Qin's body swelled and turned into a giant dragon, with blue flames burning all over his body, looking extremely gorgeous.

"Lord Longqin burned his dragon soul, is he planning to die with Liu Chen?"

"This is too unbelievable? Liu Chen is only a cultivator in the late stage of transformation, but he can force Master Longqin to burn his dragon soul."

"No, if there is only one Liu Chen, Lord Longqin can kill him with one hand. The key is that the fairy talisman in his hand is so powerful that he has to burn the dragon soul."

The rest of the dragon clan powerhouses were talking about it.

After Longqin burned his dragon soul, his fighting power increased exponentially. Even so, Death Reaper still didn't let him go.

There was a clicking sound, and the black crescent sickle easily cut off half of Long Qin's body.

Even if he burns the dragon soul, he can't escape, let alone resist the terrifying power of the fairy talisman.


Blood sprayed in the air, and Long Qin's two bodies fell from the air, hitting the ground hard, causing a lot of dust.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the fairy talisman was exhausted, and with a buzzing sound, the pair of black arms disappeared, and the terrifying coercion also disappeared.

At this time, Liu Chen took a step forward, looked at the half-dead Long Qin on the ground, showed a sneer, and said lightly: "You have to blame yourself for this, you can't blame others."

Hearing this, Long Qin spat out another mouthful of blood angrily, struggling to kill Liu Chen, but it's a pity that he can't even move his body now.

It is even more impossible to fly again, and the blue flame on his body is getting weaker and weaker, and it will be completely news in less than three breaths.

Originally, Long Qin could burn the dragon soul for at least half a stick of incense, but his vitality was rapidly draining.

Even if the power of the dragon soul is not exhausted, without the body as a carrier, the power of the dragon soul will only gradually dissipate.

After a while, Longqin lost his breath, the blood was billowing, staining the ground for miles around, and there was a strong smell of blood everywhere.

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Liu Chen withdrew his gaze from Long Qin, immediately raised his head, stared coldly at the remaining dragon clan powerhouses, and said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, most of the Dragon Clan powerhouses took a step back in fear. After all, they all saw the sixth-rank powerhouse Long Qin die in Liu Chen's hands.

How could these fifth-order peaks be Liu Chen's opponents?
"Don't be afraid, everyone. The reason why Liu Chen was able to kill Lord Longqin was nothing more than an immortal talisman, but now he has used up the immortal talisman."

"That's right. We have a large number of people. As long as we work together, it's not difficult to kill Liu Chen. What's more, if we fail to complete the task assigned by the elders, we will only be cruelly punished when we go back."

"Just go together, even if Liu Chen has three heads and six arms, he can't be the opponent of so many of us."

Among them, several of the strong dragon clan looked ferocious, and their eyes burst out with high fighting intent. They didn't take half a step back, but approached a few steps forward.

Hearing these few words, the rest of the Dragon Clan powerhouse followed timidly, with hesitation in the depths of their eyes.

But no one will be the first deserter, because there is no good end to being a deserter.

What's more, they all have a little luck in their hearts, that is, with so many of us, it may not be impossible to kill Liu Chen.

There are a total of more than a dozen dragon powerhouses at the peak of the fifth order, and Liu Chen only has the cultivation base of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and at most Xiaoqing who is at the top of the fifth order.

But so what, split half of the strong dragons to deal with Xiaoqing, and the remaining half of the strong dragons, I don't believe that Liu Chen can't be killed.

After many dragon clan powerhouses made up their minds, they turned their eyes away one after another, staring at Liu Chen with murderous intent, roaring angrily.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen frowned, thinking that killing Long Qin would solve everything, but unfortunately he seemed to be wrong.

After killing Long Qin, he had to deal with these powerful dragon clans in front of him.

"If you are not afraid of death, come here!"

Liu Chen's face was cold, and his sharp eyes swept over every strong dragon clan, scaring them so much that they didn't dare to meet Liu Chen's gaze.

It might be because Liu Chen killed Long Qin, even though they said they wanted to kill Liu Chen, no one dared to be the first to do it.

They all knew in their hearts that the first person to make a move would definitely be hit by Liu Chen crazily, and there would be no benefit.

For a while, the two sides fell into a stalemate again, Liu Chen did not make a move, and the strong dragon clan did not dare to make a move.

At this moment, another group of figures flew over from a distance.

Seeing this group of people, Liu Chen's heart suddenly stopped, his breathing became short of breath, and he stared at the group of people sharply.

I'm afraid it's the reinforcements of the dragon clan and the strong spirit clan.

After a while, the appearance of the group of people gradually became clear, and Liu Chen's hanging heart finally fell.

This group of people neither belonged to the Dragon Clan nor the Spirit Clan, but belonged to the Mission Pavilion. Many of them Liu Chen had met in the Mission Pavilion before, but they were not very familiar with them.

"It was just in time."

The leader is named Du Gao, who is an early-stage cultivator in the Void Refining Realm, and behind him are ten Dzogchen masters in the Transforming God Realm.

"Liu Chen, are you okay?"

Du Gao glanced at all the strong dragon clan, and immediately swaggered towards Liu Chen.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "I'm fine now, but if you guys come a little later, maybe something will happen."

Du Gao smiled, did not speak, and immediately turned his head to scan all the strong dragon clan, but suddenly found a corpse.


They are all in the same realm, Du Gao naturally recognized the corpse on the ground, isn't it Longqin?

The sixth-order dragon powerhouse!How could he die here?

Was it killed by Liu Chen?

Du Gao thought it was incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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