
Chapter 907 The Method of Rescue

Chapter 907 The Method of Rescue
You must know that Long Qin is a genuine sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse, Du Gao asked himself, and he was at least [-]% sure of a decisive battle with Long Qin.

Although Liu Chen is the disciple of Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng, it can't change the fact that Liu Chen has cultivated in the later stage of becoming a god.

A cultivator in the late stage of Transforming God beheaded and killed a dragon strongman in the early stage of the sixth level.

If this matter gets out, I'm afraid the word Liu Chen will cause an uproar in the fairy world again.

Du Gao was shocked, looked at Liu Chen incredulously, and then looked at Long Qin's body on the ground, as if he was asking Liu Chen, did Long Qin really die at your hands?

"Longchen deserved his own fault, and I have already killed him."

Liu Chen spoke lightly, with a calm expression on his face, as if beheading Long Qin was not a difficult task at all, it was a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning.

Hearing Liu Chen's affirmative answer, Du Gao's pupils shrank suddenly, he looked at Liu Chen in horror, and immediately sized Liu Chen up and down.

He really couldn't understand how Liu Chen could have such a strong combat power.

Since Liu Chen's fighting power is so powerful, why did the Mission Pavilion send me to escort him?

Seemingly seeing the doubt in Du Gao's eyes, Liu Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, and then explained: "I know you are curious, why I was able to kill Long Qin."

"It's actually very simple. Long before the departure, the master gave me a fairy talisman. It was because of that fairy talisman that I could easily kill Long Qin."

Liu Chen said lightly, then looked impatiently at these powerful dragon clansmen, and said lightly: "Since you are here, let's go and return to the Mission Pavilion immediately."

"I still have very important matters to ask the master."

After the words fell, Liu Chen immediately flew towards the outside of the crowd, and the ten task pavilion experts stood on both sides, not daring to stop them.

And the rest of the dozen or so strong dragon clan looked at each other in blank dismay. Before, they planned to fight Liu Chen head-on, but now the task pavilion came to help.

Especially with the emergence of a Void Refining Realm expert, they did not dare to act rashly.

And the Task Pavilion will not take the initiative to trouble the dragons, even if they trouble them, it is impossible to kill them.

After all, the Mission Pavilion is not as arrogant as the Dragon Clan.

"let's go!"

Du Gao said lightly, and immediately waved his sleeves, and everyone immediately returned to the Mission Pavilion.

Seeing the direction in which Liu Chen and the others left, the strong dragon clan looked at each other with helplessness and unwillingness on their faces.

"Just let them leave like this? How should we explain when we go back?"

"What else can we do if we don't let them leave? Who among us can beat Du Gao, but this time the mission failed again, and we will be punished when we go back."

"Hey, even Longqin is dead, I'm afraid the punishment this time will only be more severe."

The strong dragon clan was dejected, and immediately turned into long rainbows and disappeared into the sky, returning to the dragon clan.

But at this moment, Liu Chen and Xiao Qing thanked Du Gao, returned to the Mission Pavilion, met Lu Qingfeng, and told Lu Qingfeng everything that happened in the South of the Immortal World.

"And this kind of thing, I have never heard of it."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes were full of surprise, and he immediately planned to use the fairy stone to lure the Void Beast, but unfortunately his current whereabouts are being closely monitored by the Mission Pavilion.

It is impossible to have the opportunity to enter the Immortal World South in a short time.

"However, you were able to find more than 200 crystals of despair, which is really beyond my expectations. You must know that the Mochizuki family once couldn't find ten crystals of despair in a year."

"For the sake of ten crystals of despair, they sometimes even sacrifice a strong man in the realm of refining the void."

Lu Qingfeng spoke slowly.

Hearing this sentence, Liu Chen couldn't help but gasped, it was so tragic, then this time Bing Feixue brought back more than 200 crystals of despair, wouldn't that be a great achievement!
It is equivalent to ten years of hard work of the Mochizuki family.

And there is nothing to lose.

"Apprentice, you don't have to put too much pressure on Longqin's death. I will arrange for strong people in the Mission Pavilion to protect you in secret in the future."

Lu Qingfeng was afraid that Liu Chen would be worried about the Dragon Clan's revenge, so he patted Liu Chen on the shoulder and comforted him.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said, "From the moment I killed the strong dragon clan, I have never been afraid of the dragon clan's pursuit."

"As long as it is a dragon strongman who wants to kill me, I will never let it go."

Speaking of this, a sharp coldness flashed in Liu Chen's eyes.

These words were not just words, Liu Chen actually did it, those dragon clan powerhouses who wanted to kill Liu Chen, all died in Liu Chen's hands now.

Among them were two sixth-tier dragon powerhouses. As for the remaining dragon powerhouses, Liu Chen would not let go of the opportunity if they had a chance in the future.

Just let them live a few more days now.

"It's a good thing to be sharp, but remember not to be too sharp, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Lu Qingfeng said meaningfully, as if he was implying something to Liu Chen, but unfortunately Liu Chen didn't understand at all, thinking that Lu Qingfeng was talking about the Dragon Clan.

In fact, Liu Chen didn't know, because the matter of beheading the Dragon Clan consecutively, as well as the disciples of Gu Jian Xianzun and Qian Zhan Xianzun, gradually attracted the attention of the three disciples of the Immortal Emperor.

It's just that Liu Chen's cultivation base is too low to alert them to take action.

"it is good!"

Liu Chen nodded slightly, then pointed to Xiaoqing beside him, frowned slightly, and said, "Master, is there any way to resolve the side effects of the crystallization of despair in Xiaoqing's body?"

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng frowned, thinking about the countermeasures, but it's a pity that he has been practicing alchemy for so many years, and he has only heard of the crystallization of despair, but has never come into contact with it.

I didn't have a deep understanding of this, so I shook my head and replied: "If there is really a way to resolve the side effects of the crystallization of despair, then the Mochizuki family should have discovered it long ago."

"It's a pity that for so many years, even the Mochizuki family has been unable to break through the confinement. I'm afraid I can't do anything as an alchemist alone."

Hearing this, Liu Chen was a little disappointed in his heart. He had high hopes for Lu Qingfeng at first, and he could find a solution in the future, but unfortunately, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Not to mention any feelings in Xiaoqing's heart, she lowered her head and didn't say a word, her eyes were ashen.

Xiaoqing is now at the peak of the fifth order, that is to say, in the next few decades, or even hundreds of years, she will not have any possibility of breakthrough.

It must be very uncomfortable to watch the people around you gradually improve, but the feeling of being stagnant.

This feeling is like suddenly knowing that I am terminally ill, there is no cure, and I can only wait to die.

Just hopeless.

"Xiaoqing, don't worry, there must be other ways."

Liu Chen patted Xiaoqing's shoulder lightly, comforting her.

Hearing this, Xiaoqing smiled bitterly, with a deep look of disappointment on her face, but forced a smile and said: "It's okay, I was ready to bear the consequences when I swallowed the crystallization of despair."

After finishing speaking, Xiaoqing withdrew from the Mission Pavilion, not knowing where to go.


Seeing Xiaoqing's leaving direction, Lu Qingfeng sighed a long time, and said, "Xiaoqing is very talented and has a special bloodline. He is likely to become a giant in the future."

"It's a pity that I swallowed the crystal of despair and will stop at the peak of the fifth order forever. What a pity."

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head stubbornly, and said with firm eyes, "Master, there must be a way."

"I was hit by the curse of darkness at the beginning, and I couldn't make any progress in my cultivation, but in the end, I broke the curse differently."

"I believe Xiaoqing is the same, I will definitely find a way."

Liu Chen clenched his fists tightly, and bursts of light burst out from his eyes.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng sighed, shook his head, and said, "If you really want to try it, I suggest you go back to the cave. There are a lot of early pill recipes there, and even I haven't read them all."

"Maybe there, you can find a way to treat Xiaoqing."

Yes indeed!How did I forget that place!

Liu Chen suddenly realized, so he immediately bid farewell to Qingfeng Lu, found Xiaoqing, and flew towards Qingfeng Lu's hidden cave.

"Xiaoqing, you must cheer up, I will find a cure for you soon."

Liu Chen tried to comfort him.

"Even the Mochizuki family can't find any remedy, how can we find a way to resolve the side effects of the crystallization of despair?"

Xiaoqing became more and more desperate, and even began to give up on herself.

Although he survived by luck after taking the Despair Crystal, what's the point of living like this, as he will never be able to step into the sixth level in his life.

I have never experienced the feeling of crossing the void in my life.

"The Mochizuki family can't find a way to resolve the side effects of the crystallization of despair, it's because they don't have that luck."

"But we are different. My master has a large number of early pills. With the help of these resources, it will definitely help you resolve the side effects of the crystallization of despair."

Liu Chen continued to comfort him.

After the words were finished, Liu Chen and Xiao Qing entered the cave, found these wooden prescriptions, and began to search for them one by one, not letting go of every kind of prescription.

There are not [-] Dan recipes here, but also [-]. More importantly, it takes a long time to check the Dan recipes.

Because Liu Chen needs to understand, the more he understands, the more time he will spend.

As for the matter of finding the pill, Xiaoqing couldn't help at all, so she could only stand by the side blankly, looking at Liu Chen's busy figure, the despair in her eyes grew stronger.


"This is not right either!"

"It's not right!"

"There must be a cure for Xiaoqing! There must be!"

Liu Chen shuttled among many pills, and countless kinds of pills have been imprinted in his mind, among which there are many rare and rare pills, similar to the resurrection pill.

It's a pity that Liu Chen didn't have time to be pleasantly surprised, instead he looked disappointed.

As the search time got longer and longer, Liu Chen became more and more impatient, and gradually began to lose his temper, throwing some pills on the ground.

But at this moment, Liu Chen's eyes burst into a gleam, and immediately rushed over, excitedly saying: "I found it!"

"Nine-turn Absolute Sun Pill!"

Liu Chen read out the name on the prescription, and immediately waved his hand at Xiaoqing, saying, "Xiaoqing, I have a way to resolve the side effects of the crystallization of despair!"

(End of this chapter)

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