
Chapter 909 Preparations Before Entering the Dragon Clan

Chapter 909 Preparations Before Entering the Dragon Clan
The reason why Liu Chen agreed to Long Jiu had also been carefully considered. Of course, he knew the danger behind this matter.

But this is the best opportunity to refine the Nine Revolutions Absolute Sun Pill, only the Dragon Clan with rich heritage can come up with so many pills.

Of course, the Immortal World is so big, the Dragon Clan is definitely not the only force that can produce these rare medicinal materials.

However, with the current situation, the identity of the mysterious alchemist is unknown. If Liu Chen releases news, he wants to obtain these rare medicinal materials.

The rest of the forces would naturally swarm over, but at that time the initiative was no longer in Liu Chen's hands, so they could only sit on the ground and raise the price.

The price to pay at that time is far more unworthy than entering the Dragon Clan.

If you want to help Lu Qingfeng hit the realm of fusion and help Xiaoqing resolve the side effects of the crystallization of despair, then entering the dragon clan to help alchemy is the fastest and most effective way.

However, the elders of the Dragon Clan will definitely investigate Liu Chen's identity, but they will not take action against Liu Chen. This is what Liu Chen really needs to pay attention to.

"Is this true?"

Long Jiu was taken aback, his eyes were full of shock, and he was very excited immediately. He never thought that he would fail countless times before, but this time he succeeded.

With Liu Chen's help, he was sure that he could refine that elixir, and bringing Liu Chen back to the Dragon Clan would definitely be a great achievement.


Liu Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Long Jiu nodded heavily, threw out a savings bag without saying a word, and said, "There are some rare medicinal materials in here."

"After the alchemy is over, I will definitely offer the remaining rare medicinal materials with both hands."

"it is good!"

With a wave of his sleeve, Liu Chen put away the savings bag, opened it, and found that there were indeed those rare medicinal herbs inside, but the quantity was very small.

In addition to these rare medicinal materials, there are many precious medicinal materials that are usually invaluable, but now they can't attract Liu Chen's attention at all.

Seeing this scene, Long Jiu was basically sure that the elixir that Liu Chen wanted to refine must be very important.

Otherwise, he was also Xu Yizhongli the previous few times, but Liu Chen still refused, but this time he succeeded, doesn't it mean that Liu Chen urgently needs these rare medicinal materials?

"Apprentice? You are crazy! Do you know what it means to do this?"

Lu Qingfeng turned pale with shock, tightly grasping Liu Chen's shoulder, and said in disbelief, he still couldn't believe that Liu Chen agreed to Long Jiu's invitation.

Entering the Dragon Clan is equivalent to breaking into the Dragon Lake and Tiger's Den. Once the identity of the mysterious alchemist is exposed, even if Liu Chen has three heads and six arms, it will be useless.

Even if Lu Qingfeng persuaded the Mission Pavilion and let the Mission Pavilion go all out, it would be impossible to rescue Liu Chen.

After all, the Task Pavilion is only composed of a few immortals. If such a strong person rushes into the Dragon Clan's realm to save people, Long Zhantian can't sit idly by.

"It's too dangerous for you to do this for a Nine-Turn Absolute Sun Pill."

Xiaoqing shook her head again and again, her eyes full of annoyance, if she had known that one of the conditions for solving the side effects of the crystal of despair would be to let Liu Chen enter the Dragon Clan.

Then she would rather stay at the peak of the fifth step for the rest of her life. If something dangerous happened to Liu Chen after entering the Dragon Clan, I'm afraid Xiaoqing would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"Don't worry, since I agreed to Long Jiu, then I have certain confidence."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, and he immediately explained: "When I was looking for the Nine Turns Absolute Sun Pill in the cave, I found another medicine."

"This elixir has only one effect, and that is to make the breath of the person who takes the elixir thicker, and no one can perceive the specific cultivation level of the person who takes the elixir."

"Just like when the Nascent Soul expert detects the cultivation of the Huashen expert, there is chaos and unfathomable. As long as I take the elixir, even if Long Zhantian comes personally, it is impossible to see through my specific cultivation."

"It's even more impossible to perceive my real appearance."

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng was startled. He knew a Yirong Pill, the effect was similar to what Liu Chen said, but not as powerful.

You must know that Long Zhantian is one of the three immortal emperors, his strength is unfathomable, and there is no way to escape his eyes.

Not to mention taking Yi Rong Pill, even a clone with [-]% combat power of the deity would be easily spotted by him.

After all, there are so many strong people in the combined state of the immortal world, but there are only three immortal emperors, not only because their cultivation has reached that level.

More importantly, they have many methods and superior strength, which is convincing.

"What kind of elixir is it? It has such a powerful effect that even a strong man like Long Zhantian can't perceive it?"

Xiaoqing frowned, and looked at Liu Chen with a surprised expression. She didn't believe that what Liu Chen said was true, but thought Liu Chen was deliberately weaving a lie to make them feel at ease.

"Invisible Disillusionment Pill."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile, and immediately weighed the savings bag in his hand, and said, "I was having trouble finding so many rare herbs, but I never thought that Long Jiu would personally deliver them to my door."

"There are several main medicinal materials in this savings bag. As for the remaining medicinal materials, as long as we think of a way, it is not difficult to get."

Hearing Liu Chen's explanation, Lu Qingfeng looked at him dubiously, racking his brains to think, he vaguely remembered that there really seemed to be a pill in the cave called Invisible Disillusionment Pill.

It's just that too much time has passed, and he has kind of forgotten it.

But it's not difficult at all to judge whether what Liu Chen said is true or not, as long as Lu Qingfeng returns to the cave, he can naturally judge.

So there's no need for Liu Chen to lie, because it doesn't make any sense.

"Leave the rest of the ingredients to me."

Xiaoqing recommended herself.

In order to help her refine the Nine-Turn Absolute Sun Pill, Liu Chen did not hesitate to risk his life to enter the Dragon Clan's alchemy, but she was too embarrassed to sit back and enjoy the benefits, so she could only feel better if she worked hard.

"it is good."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately told Xiao Qing the names of the remaining medicinal materials. Anyway, these are not very rare medicinal materials, as long as Xiao Qing uses her brain a little, she should be able to get them.

What's more, even if Xiaoqing can't find it, there is Lu Qingfeng next to her.

With the two working together, it is not difficult to get together the medicinal materials for refining the invisible disillusionment pill.

Dispelling the worries in the hearts of the two, Liu Chen turned around immediately, looked at Long Jiu with a smile, and continued: "Give me five days to prepare, and I will go to the Dragon Clan in person in five days."

Hearing this, Long Jiu smiled in satisfaction, nodded slightly, and said respectfully: "Okay! In five days, I will be waiting for you at the Dragon Clan."

After saying that, Long Jiu and the others immediately bid farewell to Liu Chen, turned and left the black market.

But at this moment, Liu Chen took two steps forward, stopped Long Jiu, and said, "Wait!"

"Is there anything else to explain?"

Long Jiu raised his eyebrows, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, so he asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen chuckled twice, and said lightly: "I may not be able to successfully refine the elixir that even many alchemists of the Dragon Clan can't make in one go."

"Why don't you tell me the name of the elixir first, and I will take advantage of these five days to prepare well so as not to mess up your alchemy plan."

Hearing this, Long Jiu's eyes first flashed a hint of vigilance, after all, this matter is a secret of the Dragon Clan, and only the dignified Dragon Clan powerhouses are qualified to know.

Not every member of the dragon team is qualified to know, if Liu Chen was told at this time, it would be inappropriate.

But after Long Jiu hesitated, he still gritted his teeth and told Liu Chen, and said via voice transmission: "Dragon God Pill."

Anyway, the mysterious alchemist has already agreed to help with alchemy, so telling him five days in advance won't matter, on the contrary, it can make him fully prepared.

After all, if the mysterious alchemist forges the Dragon God Pill in one go, Long Jiu will have face, and the credit will only be greater.

Dragon God Pill!
These three words sounded like Hong Zhong Da Lu in Liu Chen's mind, making his brain go blank for a short time.

Liu Chen didn't know where he had seen these three characters, but he couldn't remember them for a while. He didn't know the specific function of the Dragon God Pill, nor did he know the formula of the Dragon God Pill.

I just know I've seen it somewhere.

The Dragon Clan almost put all their energy into refining the Dragon God Pill, which is enough to prove the strength of the Dragon God Pill, and only one person is qualified to enjoy such a pill.

That is the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, Long Zhantian.

Perhaps the strong dragon clan snatched the mission pavilion fusion holy water, which happened under the premise of Long Zhantian's acquiescence.

It seems that Long Zhantian is not satisfied with the Immortal Emperor, he wants to become the ruler of the Immortal World and control all races, and the Dragon God Pill is one of the keys.

After the words fell, Liu Chen and the others and Long Jiu left the black market respectively.

On the way back, Lu Qingfeng and Xiaoqing kept asking.

"Long Jiu has repeatedly invited you to join the Dragon Clan for alchemy. What kind of elixir are you trying to refine?"

"When I was still in the Dragon Clan, I heard that they were going to refine a heaven-defying elixir. Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, I didn't know what the elixir was."

Hearing this, Liu Chen looked serious, looked at Lu Qingfeng seriously, and said slowly, "Master, do you know Dragon God Pill?"

"Dragon God Pill!"

Upon hearing these three words, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help taking a breath, and immediately said: "I saw these three words in the cave, but the pill recipe was incomplete, only the Dragon God pill three Just a word."

"Could it be that what the Dragon Clan wants to refine is the Dragon God Pill?"

Lu Qingfeng's eyes widened, and he looked at Liu Chen in disbelief, how terrifying it must be to make a pill that can be refined by a race with all its strength.

The effect must definitely be higher than the God Returning Pill.

In case the dragon clan is successfully refined, the consequences will be terrible when you think about it.

The dragon race is not a peaceful race. If the strength of the dragon race surpasses that of the human race and the spirit race in an instant, it will be obvious what will happen next.

I'm afraid that the scene of the battle between immortals and demons will reappear, but this time it's a war within the immortal world.

It's inconceivable that just one elixir can give the Dragon Clan such confidence.

But the more this happened, the more Liu Chen couldn't let the Dragon Clan's plan succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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