
Chapter 910 Entering the Dragon Clan

Chapter 910 Entering the Dragon Clan
For the next two days, Xiaoqing was responsible for collecting the medicinal materials needed to refine the Intangible Disillusionment Pill, while Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng were responsible for searching for any information about the Dragon God Pill.

In order to know more about the Dragon God Pill, Liu Chen entered Nixian's headquarters twice, but unfortunately, he still found nothing.

After all, the search for information about the Dragon God Pill can only be done in secret, and if any news leaks out, it is likely to be closely monitored by the strong dragon clan.

It's okay to be hunted down by the strong dragon clan at that time, if Liu Chen's identity as a mysterious alchemist is revealed, it will be over.

Task Pavilion will definitely be the first to turn his face and control Liu Chen.

"The time to refine the Invisible Disillusionment Pill is getting tighter, why hasn't Xiaoqing come back?"

Liu Chen stood at the main entrance of the Mission Pavilion, looking into the distance, and muttered to himself.

Xiaoqing has been away for three days, even if she has been looking for medicinal materials day and night for three days, she should come back and report a letter, if it is not possible, then let Lu Qingfeng and Liu Chen handle it.

After all, in addition to looking for medicinal materials, it also takes time to refine elixirs.

Liu Chen has already made an appointment with Long Jiu, and he will leave for the Dragon Clan in five days, and now three days have passed.

Liu Chen had never refined the Invisible Disillusionment Pill before, so he was not sure at all, and he didn't know how long it would take to refine it.

But one thing is certain, that is, it is definitely not easy to refine the invisible disillusionment pill, at least it will not be easier than Duerdan.

"With Xiaoqing's cultivation at the peak of the fifth level, plus she has a golden blood, no one in the same level is her opponent, unless someone who is strong in the Void Refining Realm makes a move."

"But Xiaoqing has no enemies in the Immortal Realm except for being hostile by the strong dragon clan, and no one will deliberately deal with her."

"We are waiting patiently, we should be back soon."

Lu Qingfeng explained slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen showed a bitter smile on his face, but was extremely anxious in his heart.

Not only was Liu Chen worried that Xiaoqing would come back too late, which would not be conducive to refining the invisible disillusionment pill, but he was even more worried about Xiaoqing's safety.

Suddenly, a golden rainbow pierced the sky and appeared in the Mission Pavilion. It was none other than Xiaoqing who had been missing for three days.

"I am back."

Xiaoqing looked a little tired, but his eyes were full of excitement. He immediately took out a savings bag from his bosom, handed it to Liu Chen, and said excitedly, "I have found all the herbs you want."

"Thanks a lot."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately took the savings bag from her hand.

At this time, Xiaoqing revealed another shocking news, saying: "I found another terrible news in the process of searching for the elixir."

"It is said that there is an ancient dragon sealed in the southern part of the fairy world. This dragon was seriously injured in the battle between immortals and demons thousands of years ago."

"I don't know what happened later, Shenlong was sealed by the immortals in the south of the fairy world. As time went by, almost everyone forgot about it."

"I was also heading to the South of the Immortal Realm, and I overheard someone talking about it, so I asked a few words, but I don't know if it's true or not."

Xiaoqing said slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Xiao Qing in horror, with a deep sense of disbelief in his eyes.

"Could it be that the Dragon God Pill refined by the Dragon Clan with all their strength is not for Long Zhantian, but for the sealed Dragon God in the southern part of the Immortal Realm?"

Liu Chen muttered to himself, puzzled.

They are also dragons, and the dragon god who was sealed in the south of the fairy world will definitely stand on the side of the dragons, and he is eligible to be sealed by the fairy, but he is not a killing existence, so his strength is naturally beyond doubt.

If the Dragon Clan has such a strong man sitting in the town, I am afraid that there is no need to start a war, and only need to send invitations to other forces one by one.

No one dares not to invite the strongest of all major forces to join the dragon clan, because they dare not offend the ancient strong, the dragon god.

But if you go, it will be like fish on the chopping board, you can only choose to surrender, because those who don't surrender will probably die directly in the dragon clan.

It feels terrible to think about it.

But this matter is only word of mouth, and the credibility is not high, but it cannot be completely disbelieved.

"Dragon God? I always thought it was a legend during the war between immortals and demons. Could it be true?"

Lu Qingfeng said in disbelief.

Then he added another sentence, saying: "Actually, after the Great War between Immortal and Demon, many legendary legends have been spread, and Dragon God is one of them."

"It's just that these legends are used as talking points, chatting occasionally, and never taking it seriously. After all, no one in our era has personally experienced the battle between immortals and demons."

Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't help but raised his brows, and said in surprise, "No one in this era has personally experienced the battle between immortals and demons?"

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng nodded heavily, with a bitter smile on his face, and immediately explained: "Thousands of years have passed since the war between immortals and demons, but the lifespan of ordinary immortals is only a few hundred years."

"Even if one's cultivation reaches the state of body integration, the lifespan is only a thousand years. Only by surpassing the state of body integration can it be possible to live the same life as the world and achieve the goal that cultivators dream of, that is longevity."

Lu Qingfeng looked yearning, but he sighed again, and continued: "The battle between immortals and demons lasted for hundreds of years, and now the last batch of cultivators in the fairy world who participated in the battle between immortals and demons, now use one finger You can count your heads."

"They are the three immortal emperors, and the Immortal Immortal Venerable."

"Even if it's the four of them, they only witnessed the final moment of the battle between immortals and demons. As for what happened in the previous hundreds of years, even they don't know."

"Looking at the entire fairyland, including the four directions of the fairyland, the southeast, the north, and the west, only the four of them know more. Apart from them, there are only fairy people left."

"Because the lifespan of the immortals is generally longer, any immortal can live for thousands of years, and the immortals with advanced cultivation can even live for ten thousand years or even longer."

"Many of the legends about the era of the war between immortals and demons came from the population of the immortals, and then spread to the immortal world and passed down from generation to generation."

"I see."

Liu Chen suddenly realized and nodded. In fact, it was not only those four people who knew the truth about the war between immortals and demons, but many others.

It's just that these people are not in the fairy world now, but are trapped in the five lands, and they have no chance to ascend again.

Because their immortal bodies degenerated, unless Liu Chen could bring them the marrow washing pill again.

In fact, the fairy master in the fairy tomb is kind to Liu Chen. When he is free, Liu Chen can indeed bring a large amount of marrow washing pills to help those people ascend to the fairy world.

Those immortals were all very high in cultivation, and after entering the fairy world, they might be of great help to Liu Chen because of their gratitude to Liu Chen.

In addition to those immortals who have not yet entered the fairy world, there is one person who may know more about the situation right now.

That is the servant of Immortal Immortal Venerable, the Lord of Reincarnation, he was once one of the members who hunted and killed the Demon God Clan and entered the five lands.

Whether the legend about the Dragon God is true or not, you only need to ask the Lord of Reincarnation, and you should be able to find out a lot.

It's just that time is running out now, and the Lord of Reincarnation has disappeared, so it is not easy to find him.

But the most urgent task is to refine the invisible disillusionment pill first.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen immediately entered the alchemy room, while Lu Qingfeng ordered the experts in the Mission Pavilion to start searching for the Lord of Reincarnation in the fairy world.

It would be much more convenient if he could find the Lord of Reincarnation before Liu Chen entered the Dragon Clan.

At this time, Liu Chen entered the alchemy room, followed by Lu Qingfeng, and the two worked together to refine the invisible disillusionment pill, and the success rate and efficiency would be greatly improved.


With a wave of Liu Chen's big sleeve, the savings bag flew out immediately. The savings bag opened an opening, and a large amount of medicinal materials flew out, floating in the air one by one.

"Shen Nong Cauldron! Get up!"

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen slapped the Sumeru Ring, and the Shennong Cauldron appeared out of thin air, and immediately spun in the air, with blue flames rising from inside.


Liu Chen's face darkened, and he bent his fingers suddenly, and the medicinal materials floating in the air fell into the Shennong cauldron one after another.

With so many experience in refining pills, and Lu Qingfeng was there to assist him, even if Liu Chen was refining the Invisible Disillusionment Pill for the first time, his movements were smooth and smooth, as if he had practiced it countless times.

There was only a buzzing sound, and the medicinal materials were instantly wrapped by the green pill fire, and instantly turned into pill powder, floating in the Shennong cauldron.

At this time, Lu Qingfeng took a step forward, and made a tactic with both hands. Suddenly, he flexed his fingers, and the pill fire in the Shennong Cauldron instantly strengthened, directly enveloping the five Chinese medicinal materials and refining them at the same time.

A master is a master, and his control over the pill fire is far better than mine.

Liu Chen was secretly startled. With his current strength, he could at most refine three medicinal materials at the same time, but Lu Qingfeng could simultaneously refine five Chinese medicinal materials.

The most important thing is that this is not the limit of Lu Qingfeng, as long as he is willing, he can refine nine kinds of medicinal materials at the same time.

The premise is that the medicinal properties of these nine medicinal materials will not repel, otherwise even if there are only two medicinal materials, it is impossible to refine them at the same time.

The pill fire in the pill furnace continued to rise, and the medicinal materials were refined one after another, and the distance from refining the invisible disillusionment pill was getting faster and faster.

To be on the safe side, Liu Chen planned to refine a few more invisible disillusionment pills. After all, one invisible disillusionment pill can only last for six hours.

In case of being forced to stay in the Dragon Clan by the elders of the Dragon Clan, in order to avoid revealing his identity, the Invisible Disillusionment Pill is the best life-saving straw.

What's more, there is not too much of this kind of elixir, even if you leave the Dragon Clan, you still have a chance to use it.

Two days later, Liu Chen came out of the alchemy room, his face was flushed, and there were ten more invisible disillusionment pills in the Sumeru Ring.

Looking at the ten invisible disillusionment pills, Liu Chen nodded in satisfaction, and muttered to himself: "With these invisible disillusionment pills, you should be able to safely pass through the dangerous period of entering the dragon clan."

As he said that, Liu Chen immediately took an invisible disillusionment pill, and his figure changed suddenly. A layer of white mist appeared all over his body, blurring his face, and he couldn't see clearly at all, even with divine sense perception.

(End of this chapter)

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