
Chapter 911 The best treatment

Chapter 911 The best treatment
In just two days, Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng worked together to refine ten Wuxia Invisible Disillusionment Pills.

It's a pity that in these two days, the Lord of Reincarnation was not found.

Not only did the Lord of Reincarnation disappear, but he also didn't hear from Xie Bing and Qi Yan. Liu Chen almost forgot the last time he saw them.

If Xie Bing and Qi Yan disappeared, Liu Chen could still understand it. After all, they were all cultivators of the Void Refining Realm, so they would naturally wander around in pursuit of a higher realm.

But the lord of reincarnation is just the servant of Immortal Venerable, no matter when Immortal Venerable Immortal has a thought, he will appear beside Immortal Immortal Venerable, and it is absolutely impossible to disappear.

Coincidentally, this time when I entered the Dragon Clan, I would like to find out where Immortal Immortal Venerable was sealed by the elders of the Dragon Clan. If there is a chance, Liu Chen will help Immortal Immortal Venerable escape.

With excitement and apprehension, Liu Chen flew straight to the Dragon Clan's territory.

Because of the special situation this time, Liu Chen left Xiaoqing in the task pavilion, so as not to be perceived by the strong dragon clan's breath of Xiaoqing.

Not long after, Liu Chen entered the realm of the Dragon Clan, and a group of strong men flew towards him, the leader was none other than Long Jiu.

And behind him, there are still many strong dragons standing, without exception, they are all sixth-order dragons, there are more than 20 people.

These more than 20 strong dragon clans all transformed into their original forms, and they pulled a sedan chair together.

This sedan chair is very luxurious, the whole body is golden yellow, and some places are covered with unknown crystals, even though this sedan chair is worthless.

However, in order to welcome Liu Chen, the dragon clan made such a big battle, and let twenty sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouses carry sedan chairs, which is enough to prove how much they attach importance to Liu Chen.

"Elder Mu, please get on the sedan chair."

Long Jiu looked respectful.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately sat on the sedan chair, allowing twenty strong dragon clansmen to carry him into the interior of the dragon clan.

At this moment, an old man in gray robe appeared beside Long Jiu. Liu Chen looked at this person familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

Suddenly, Liu Chen remembered, isn't he the elder who accepted Xiaoqing into the Dragon Clan?

For him, Liu Chen didn't feel any gratitude in his heart, instead he was full of anger. If he hadn't brought Xiao Qing into the Dragon Clan, Xiao Qing wouldn't have been subjected to that inhuman torture, and even almost died.

"Elder Mu, the palace of the Dragon Clan is ahead."

Long Jiu put down his airs completely, and said with an apologetic smile. There was a strong difference from the previous arrogant posture, which suddenly made Liu Chen a little uncomfortable.


Liu Chen spoke lightly, without even looking at Long Jiu.

If you come here, you have to put on the airs of a mysterious alchemist. Anyway, the more high-profile you are, the more you will make them feel jealous.

On the contrary, if Liu Chen had shown an easy-going attitude, it probably wouldn't be the case now.

"Elder Mu, this way please."

After a while, the sedan chair stopped, and Long Jiu supported Liu Chen and walked down. The remaining twenty sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouses did not leave, but followed behind Liu Chen like bodyguards.

Twenty sixth-rank Dragon Clan powerhouses carry sedan chairs. I am afraid that even if the Immortal Emperor visits, he will not get this kind of honorable treatment, right?

You must know that the dragon clan is arrogant by nature, even if a strong man in the combined realm tames a dragon to become a mount, he will be chased and killed by the strong dragon race.

Because the proud dragon clan absolutely does not allow anyone to use a dragon as a mount.

Looking at the entire fairy world, Immortal Venerable Immortal, Dao Gu Immortal Venerable and others, even the Immortal Emperor, have never owned a dragon as a mount.

But today, the Dragon Clan took the initiative to send twenty sixth-rank Dragon Clan powerhouses to carry Liu Chen into the Immortal Realm.

It can be seen how much they value Liu Chen, Long Jiu even directly called Liu Chen an elder.

Throughout the ages, it is unbelievable that the only elder Keqing in the dragon clan is not a dragon clan.

Thousands of years later, Liu Chen will also become a legend and be recited by the world.

Unlike the buildings of the human race, the palaces of the dragon race are resplendent and magnificent, and there is almost no place that does not exude brilliant light.

These building materials are not expensive, but they prefer to look good.

Most of them are gold and crystal, and occasionally some places are inlaid with bright gemstones, which look extremely luxurious.

Looking at the palace of the dragon clan, Liu Chen suddenly thought of the palaces of the five earths and the human world.

When he was just an ordinary person, he followed his father into the palace. The emperor's palace was also extravagant, but compared with the dragon palace in front of him.

Just like a simple latrine and a luxurious palace, they are not at the same level at all.

The most important thing is that the palace built by the Dragon Clan is very beautiful and well-defined.

"Elder Mu? Is this your first visit to the Dragon Clan? There will be plenty of opportunities to visit in the future."

Long Jiu smiled triumphantly, and immediately led Liu Chen forward, introducing: "Now I will take you to the place where you live."

After the words fell, Long Jiu jumped up and turned into a Changhong and flew towards the distance.

Hearing this, Liu Chen immediately followed, flying in the air, overlooking most of the Dragon Clan, there was a huge palace in the middle, and many small palaces beside it, like stars surrounding the moon.

There is no doubt that the most luxurious hall in the middle must be the palace of Long Zhantian, and the palaces next to it are the elders of the Dragon Clan.

The closer to the luxurious hall in the middle, the higher the status in the dragon clan. On the contrary, those who live in the outermost places are without exception dragon cultivators with weaker cultivation bases.

"Elder Mu, from today onwards, you will live here."

Pointing to a splendid palace directly in front of him, Long Jiu said with a smile, not daring to show any disrespect.

Hearing this, Liu Chen followed Long Jiu's gaze and saw that it was actually located next to Long Zhantian's palace, which was closer than any palace of the elders of the Long clan.

A complex look flashed in the depths of Liu Chen's eyes. Living so close meant that the Dragon Clan attached great importance to Liu Chen, but there was another problem that followed.

That was so close to Long Zhantian, Liu Chen was always under Long Zhantian's surveillance range.

If you accidentally show your feet, there is really no way out.

With just one thought from Long Zhantian, Liu Chen would be wiped out without even a chance to escape, without any suspense.

"What's wrong? Elder Mu is not satisfied with this palace?"

"If Elder Mu has any conditions, you can tell them directly, and I will try my best to meet them."

Long Jiu swears, and pats his chest to promise.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly and did not refuse, and said flatly: "The palaces are densely packed here, I like a quieter place, and it is best that no one can disturb me."

Hearing this sentence, Long Jiu was taken aback for a moment. The reason why Liu Chen was assigned this position was because they valued Liu Chen and wanted to give Liu Chen the best treatment.

Otherwise, how could an outsider live so close to Long Zhantian? You must know that many dragon clan elders do not have this qualification.

But Liu Chen refused, even though Long Jiu was puzzled, he didn't dare to ask more, so after thinking about it, he immediately took Liu Chen to another place.

According to Liu Chen's request, he must be quiet, so Long Jiu took Liu Chen to the edge of the Dragon Clan.

The farther away from Long Zhantian's palace, the thinner the aura and the fewer people there will be.

However, this was just in line with Liu Chen's requirements. The fewer people there were, the less likely they would be found out.

"Just here."

Liu Chen said lightly, then turned to look at Long Jiu, and asked in surprise, "When will you start refining the Dragon God Pill?"

Hearing this, Long Jiu smiled mysteriously, and continued: "The elder said, there is no rush to refine the Dragon God Pill. After Elder Mu adapts to the life of the Dragon Clan, someone will come to support Elder Mu."

"It won't be too late to discuss how to refine the Dragon God Pill."

Adapt to the life of the Dragon Clan first?
Liu Chen raised his brows, with vigilance and doubt in his eyes, he muttered to himself: "Could it be that the Dragon Clan wants to verify my identity first?"

"After all, refining the Dragon God Pill is of great importance. Before they find out my identity, they will definitely not take the risk."

Liu Chen guessed the real purpose of the Dragon Clan in his heart, and immediately grasped the invisible disillusionment pill in the Sumeru Ring.

An invisible disillusionment pill can only last for six hours, and Liu Chen has ten invisible disillusionment pills in his hand.

That is to say, Liu Chen can only stay in the Dragon Clan for five days, and after five days, no matter whether he has refined the Invisible Disillusionment Pill, he must leave immediately.

Otherwise, the identity is likely to be exposed.

In five days, I don't know when I can start refining the Dragon God Pill.

If the Dragon Clan planned to let Liu Chen dry for three to five days before discussing alchemy, it would be a big trouble.

Because Liu Chen can't afford to waste it at all now.

It seems that they have to find a way to let them act in advance, or take the initiative to attack.

A bright light flashed in the depths of Liu Chen's eyes, since they want to verify my identity, then let them do it.

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, and immediately fixed his eyes on Long Jiu.

The Dragon God Pill is also an early pill formula, and Liu Chen has a variety of early pill formulas in his hands.

As long as Liu Chen refines a large amount of early pills, it will definitely attract the strong attention of the alchemists of the Dragon Clan. However, in today's Immortal World, there are only a few big forces with deep foundations or connections with the Immortal Clan.

No one had ever owned the early alchemy recipes. Liu Chen had refined so many early alchemy pills at once, which would definitely make the dragon clan associate Liu Chen with the fairy clan.

As long as they are sure that Liu Chen is the alchemist of the fairy clan, then the next thing will be much easier.

The existence of the fairy clan is like the overlord of this world, no one can shake it, especially the alchemists of the fairy clan, their status is naturally more noble.

"Long Jiu, I still need an alchemy room."

After making up his mind, Liu Chen immediately spoke.

Hearing this, Long Jiu smiled, nodded slightly, and said: "The alchemy rooms of the Dragon Clan are all gathered together. Elder Mu has worked hard all day today, why don't you take a rest first, how about I take Elder Mu to the alchemy room tomorrow?"

Liu Chen waved his hand and said lightly, "It's okay, just take me there now."

"I also want to see how the dragon alchemists do alchemy."

(End of this chapter)

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