
Chapter 912 Demonstrate strength

Chapter 912 Demonstrate strength
"This one……"

Long Jiu frowned slightly, with a look of embarrassment on his face. Before he came, he had received instructions from the elders of the Dragon Clan, that is to let Liu Chen stay in the palace first.

No matter how you say it, you must find out the details of Liu Chen first. After all, the Dragon God Pill is related to the future of the Dragon Clan, and it is the most important thing. Any mistakes are absolutely not allowed.

But when Liu Chen first arrived, he was about to enter the Dragon Clan's alchemy room, so it was really difficult for Long Jiu.

Because there are many secrets about the Dragon God Pill in the alchemy room, with Liu Chen's superb alchemy skills, even if the elders of the Dragon Clan hide it well, Liu Chen will still be able to detect a trace of it.

"If it's difficult, don't go."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, waved his hands immediately, and said lightly: "It just so happens that I brought the alchemy furnace myself, I just need you to provide the resources, and I can make alchemy in the palace."

"No problem, my Dragon Clan doesn't have many other resources, but when it comes to medicinal materials, if you look at the entire fairy world, there is absolutely no force that has more foundation than our Dragon Clan."

Full of confidence, Long Jiu said goodbye to Liu Chen, turned around and flew in another direction, probably to inform the elders of the Dragon Clan and bring medicinal materials to Liu Chen at the same time.

Long Jiu left, but the twenty sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouses did not leave, they were still standing beside Liu Chen, motionless, like wooden stakes.

Liu Chen knew in his heart that these people were protecting in name, but they were actually responsible for monitoring Liu Chen's every move.

However, Liu Chen was too lazy to pass through this layer of window paper to avoid everyone's embarrassment. Anyway, Liu Chen has the invisible disillusionment pill, even if Long Zhantian came, it would be impossible to see through Liu Chen's details.

After a while, Long Jiu came back, with a few elders behind him, the leader was an old man in gray robe, with a pair of unusually sharp eyes, looking up and down at Liu Chen.

"Strange, I always feel that there is a mysterious power in this person, and I can't perceive his appearance and cultivation."

"I also met it. It's very strange. There are only two possibilities. Either he has a powerful treasure that can hide his breath and blur his appearance, or his strength is far superior to ours."

"It doesn't matter how strong or weak he is, or what he looks like, as long as he can be sure that his alchemy attainments are higher than ours, that's enough."

"Anyway, when the time comes to refine the Dragon God Pill, Long Zhantian will personally sit in charge, so there is no need to worry about what tricks Muli can play."

Many elders of the dragon clan talked about it, completely putting their hearts in their stomachs.

They never thought that Liu Chen would dare to destroy the refining of the Dragon God Pill in the Dragon Clan. In their view, Liu Chen had no conflict of interest with them.

On the contrary, there are a lot of benefits in helping to refine the Dragon God Pill.

"I've heard about Elder Mu's name for a long time, and seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation. Even I can't see through Elder Mu's cultivation."

An elder in gold robe walked towards Liu Chen and said with a smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining two gold-robed elders and gray-robed elders slowly stepped forward and smiled at Liu Chen.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly, gave them a slight signal, and immediately turned his gaze to Long Jiu, and asked, "Did you bring everything?"


Long Jiu nodded, and immediately took out a savings bag respectfully, handed it to Liu Chen, and said, "The medicinal materials that Elder Mu needs are all in here."

"it is good!"

Liu Chen looked at Long Jiu with satisfaction, nodded immediately, and said proactively, "I'm here, don't let me sit here, and discuss alchemy by the way."

Liu Chen knew a long time ago that the purpose of this group of people was to watch him practice alchemy, so instead of waiting for them to speak out, he might as well invite them.

Hearing this, several Dragon Clan elders smiled and replied: "That's exactly what they mean."

After the words fell, a group of people flew into the palace where Liu Chen was.

Because this place is very remote, the palace is naturally not that big, and 30 to [-] people all rushed in at once, and it seemed very crowded immediately.

In the end, several Dragon Clan elders waved their hands and signaled the twenty sixth-rank Dragon Clan powerhouses to retreat, so that the space was a little more spacious.

Otherwise, in the situation just now, it would be difficult for Liu Chen to make alchemy.

"I've always heard that Elder Mu is the No. 1 alchemist in the fairy world, and even the mighty Lu Qingfeng beat you."

"Elder Mu is unrivaled in the refining of elixir, and he is firmly seated on the throne of No. 1 alchemy in the fairy world."

"It just so happens that today I have the opportunity to see Elder Mu refining the elixir with my own eyes. Elder Mu won't mind if I watch and learn from it?"

Several golden-robed elders are all alchemists of the Dragon Clan, pretending to say.

Jindu came in, isn't it just to watch me refine the elixir?Even if I let you go out now, I'm afraid you have a reason not to go out.

Thinking this way in his heart, but Liu Chen didn't say anything on the surface, so he smiled slightly and said, "Of course not."

"The alchemists of the dragon clan are unique. I just want to take this opportunity to learn from my colleagues and further improve my alchemy strength."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately waved his sleeves, the Shennong Cauldron appeared out of thin air, spun around in the air, emitting a soft green light, and then landed firmly on the ground.

As soon as they saw the Shennong Ding appear, they even ignored that Liu Chen did not directly take out the Shennong Ding from the void, but from the Sumeru Ring.

Surprise was written on everyone's face, and the depths of their eyes were filled with deep disbelief.

The Shennong Ding was the special alchemy furnace for the early alchemists. Unfortunately, as time went by, there were fewer and fewer Shennong Dings, and almost none of them could be found.

Even Lu Qingfeng didn't have a Shennong Ding, and the Dragon Clan didn't have a Shennong Ding either.

The Shennong Ding is almost the symbol of the early alchemists. Some people suspected that Liu Chen was an alchemist of the fairy clan, because Liu Chen had many early alchemy recipes, and his alchemy attainments surpassed that of Lu Qingfeng.

Now seeing the Shennong Cauldron, the elders of the Dragon Clan already regarded Liu Chen as a member of the Immortal Clan in their hearts.

"The Shennong Ding! It turned out to be the Shennong Ding!"

"This person has superb alchemy skills and has a large number of early alchemy recipes. Now he has even produced the Shennong Cauldron. It seems that his identity is not far from what we guessed."

"After seeing the Shennong Cauldron, we can't draw conclusions right now. We have to look at his alchemy skills. If it is true that he has always refined flawless pills as rumored, then there should be no mistake."

Several elders of the dragon clan talked a lot, looking at Liu Chen full of expectation and shock.

In fact, they all hope that Liu Chen is the alchemist of the fairy clan, because in this way, the possibility of refining the Dragon God Pill will be greater.

The most important thing is that it is possible for the Dragon Clan to establish a relationship with the Immortal Clan through this line.

The benefits of this can be imagined.


The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile, this is what he wanted, luckily he got the Shennong Cauldron back then.

Otherwise, if you use a separate alchemy furnace at this moment, it will definitely not achieve such a good effect.

As soon as the words fell, the Shennong Cauldron buzzed, and a green pill fire was born inside.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen made another fist with both hands, bent his fingers again, and the savings bag was immediately opened, and a large amount of medicinal materials flew directly into the alchemy furnace.

There are a total of 28 medicinal materials, although they are all the most common medicinal materials, but it is not easy to refine 28 medicinal materials at the same time.

Fortunately, the Shennong Ding was powerful, otherwise Liu Chen would have failed in the first step.

"Refining 28 medicinal ingredients at the same time, what does Mu Li want to do?"

"It's not difficult to refine a variety of medicinal materials at the same time. With our strength, sometimes we will refine six or seven medicinal materials together, but Mu Li can refine 28 medicinal materials as soon as he makes a move. Could it be that his control over Pill Fire is already strong enough?" Is it this level?"

"Look carefully, although there are 28 medicinal materials, they are all ordinary medicinal materials, and there is not much difficulty."

"Yes, with our strength, we may not be able to reach this level if we get serious."

Many elders of the dragon clan talked about it, saying this, but their eyes were still full of shock. After all, there were 28 medicinal materials, which formed a huge visual shock.

Even the elders of the dragon clan are like this, not to mention Long Jiu, he is also a five-clawed golden dragon, and he also knows how to make elixirs.

But compared with Liu Chen in front of him, it's like heaven and earth, there is no comparable opportunity at all.

In front of Liu Chen, he was as small as dust.


Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, suddenly bent his fingers, and immediately gave a low shout, the Shennong cauldron buzzed, and the cauldron wall that originally exuded a soft light turned slightly red.

Seeing the Shennong cauldron turning red, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a satisfied smile, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, pointing his fingers.


As soon as the words fell, the Shennong Ding's pill fire was loud, directly covering a large amount of pill powder, and gradually formed a pill.

These are the most basic marrow washing pills, but they are not flawless pills.

So, at this time Liu Chen made a bold move, reaching out to hold the Shennong Ding.

"What is Mu Li going to do?
These dragon clan elders may have been refining pills longer than Liu Chen had lived, but they had never seen that when someone was refining pills, they needed to touch the pill furnace with their hands.

Doing so is very dangerous.

Because the temperature of the body will affect the temperature of the elixir furnace, resulting in the failure of the elixir, or lowering the grade of the elixir.

More serious, may be injured by Dan Huo.

Seemingly feeling the fiery eyes of many elders of the Dragon Clan, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, and his hands slowly landed on the Shennong Cauldron.

Just hearing the sound of humming, the pill fire was extremely powerful, and then a strong life force was poured into the pill furnace.

Soon, the marrow washing pills turned into flawless pills.

"It's done!"

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and with a wave of his sleeve, all the marrow washing pills in the Shennong Cauldron flew out, there were twenty pills in total, and each one was flawless pill, exuding a strong fragrance of pills.

"All of them are flawless marrow washing pills!"

The elder of the dragon clan was taken aback. With his strength, it was not difficult to refine the flawless marrow washing pill, but the difficulty was that each one turned into a flawless pill.

This is almost impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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