
Chapter 914 Weird Palace

Chapter 914 Weird Palace
Up to now, Liu Chen's identity has basically been determined, and they will not have any doubts, and the rest is to report to Long Zhantian.

After the report is over, the refining of the Dragon God Pill will almost begin.

Seeing their expressions at the moment, Liu Chen was more or less agitated, because his identities had not been found out, and more importantly, they were mistaken for them as members of the Immortal Clan.

The status of the Immortal Clan is high, even if Liu Chen is just an ordinary Immortal Clan member without any special features, he will receive extremely high treatment in the Dragon Clan just because of his status as an Immortal Clan.

But the Liuchen fairy clan is not only a fairy clansman in their eyes, but also a fairy clansman with strong alchemy strength, and the treatment will only be higher.

"Today is indeed a worthwhile trip. Since alchemy is over, we will not disturb Elder Mu to rest."

The dragon clan elder said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly, glanced at everyone, and said slowly, "It's okay."

As soon as the words fell, many dragon elders left the palace one after another, not only they left, but also the twenty sixth-rank dragon experts who were in charge of monitoring Liu Chen's actions were also withdrawn.

It seemed that they had completely trusted Liu Chen's identity.

This is definitely great news for Liu Chen.

Liu Chen was wandering in the palace, thinking about how to get the formula of the Dragon God Pill. After all, gaining their trust was only the first step, and the second step was to get the formula of the Dragon God Pill.

Only by knowing the formula first, can Liu Chen think of a way to crack it, perhaps secretly.

After all, when the Dragon God Pill was actually being refined, so many elders of the Dragon Clan were present, maybe even Long Zhantian was there, so it was impossible for Liu Chen to act in full view.

Once discovered, the consequences would be disastrous, and Liu Chen would not be able to keep his identity as a fairy.

If the identity is also found out, then there is no doubt that he will die.

If they knew that the real identity of the mysterious alchemist was actually Liu Chen, they would have no idea what kind of expression they would have.

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth raised slightly, revealing a playful smile, and the smile on his face widened when he saw the departing dragon elder.

Besides finding out the formula of the Dragon God Pill, Liu Chen had another thing to do, and that was to find out the whereabouts of the Immortal Venerable.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen didn't even need to rest, and flew out of the palace directly, heading to the left.

Flying in the air, looking down at the Dragon Clan below, Liu Chen was filled with emotion, and occasionally saw a few strong Dragon Clan members.

In fact, Liu Chen was very curious, why there were so many strong dragons, but no dragons below the fifth rank.

Any dragon strongman that Liu Chen saw had at least a fifth-level initial cultivation base, and none of them was lower than the fifth level.

Simply incredible.

Could it be that the strong dragon clan possessed the strength of the fifth level from the moment they were born, which is too appalling.

If this is true, then as long as the dragon race reproduces crazily, only one out of ten people should step into the sixth level, and among the ten sixth-level powerhouses, only one person should step into the seventh level.

And then, among the ten seventh-level powerhouses, as long as one person steps into the eighth level.

In the case of a large enough dragon population base, such a cycle, then dominating the fairy world is just around the corner, and it is not difficult at all.

No matter what kind of fairy clan or demon clan, they can't stop the army of dragon clan.

But God is fair. He bestowed the dragons with a strong body, a long life, and powerful talents, but it weakened the dragons' ability to reproduce.

Similar to the Spirit Clan, it takes at least a hundred years for the Dragon Clan not to give birth to a baby dragon, and the chances of the Dragon Clan getting pregnant are very low.

Many adult dragons, by the time of her death, were childless.

Suddenly, Liu Chen felt a strange energy fluctuation, and immediately looked in that direction, but the wonderful energy fluctuation disappeared again, as if it had never appeared before.

"It's weird!"

Liu Chen collected himself, carefully looked around, and after making sure that no one was following him, he immediately flew in that direction.

This is also a palace, but there is no one in it, and it looks very empty.

The strange thing is that there are no other strong dragons around, it is empty, only Liu Chen is alone, very strange.

"This should be the restricted area of ​​the Dragon Clan, right?"

Liu Chen muttered to himself.

The palace where I live is already the most marginal area of ​​the Dragon Clan, but even so, I can still see a few strong Dragon Clans occasionally.

But this palace should be the central area of ​​the Dragon Clan's territory, and it's not considered remote. There should be many Dragon Clan powerhouses, but the strange thing is that no one can be seen.

But the more this happened, the more curious Liu Chen was about what secrets were hidden in the palace, perhaps it was related to Immortal Immortal Venerable.

I heard that the Immortal Immortal Venerable was suppressed by the elders of the Dragon Clan, but Liu Chen didn't know where the Immortal Immortal Venerable was suppressed.

It may or may not be in the Dragon Clan, but no matter what, Liu Chen has already entered the Dragon Clan. If he doesn't go in and have a look, Liu Chen will definitely feel regretful and pity.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen took a deep breath and immediately walked towards the palace.

This palace is very different, it is not as resplendent as other palaces, on the contrary it is very dark, when Liu Chen walked inside, only gemstones were emitting a faint light, very strange.

Not only that, there are dragon-shaped sculptures in many places in this palace, which look lifelike, but they don't have the arrogance of the dragon clan at all, and look very weird on the contrary.

Liu Chen's gaze swept across. There are 29 dragon statues in this hall, and each dragon-shaped sculpture has a different appearance.

Whenever Liu Chen looked intently, these dragon-shaped sculptures did not move, but Liu Chen had an intuition that after he retracted his gaze, these dragon-shaped sculptures seemed to be moving.

They are all alive!

Liu Chen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he didn't dare to go any further. God knows what secrets are hidden in the depths of this palace.

"Don't panic! Maybe the master was suppressed here by them."

Liu Chen took a deep breath, and then carefully looked around, but no matter what, the terrifying and weird atmosphere became more and more serious.

Liu Chen always felt a pair of eyes staring at him from behind, but when Liu Chen closed his eyes and felt carefully, he couldn't feel any existence at all.

The palace is still empty, except for these strange dragon-shaped sculptures, there is nothing else.

Don't panic!
Liu Chen bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, reminding himself, so he continued to move forward, with the spiritual power in his body running, ready to unleash a powerful attack at any time.

Suddenly, one of the dragon-shaped sculptures moved, moving in front of Liu Chen's eyes.

creak creak!

The sound of the sculpture rubbing against the ground made Liu Chen's skin crawl, and his heart was filled with fear.

Liu Chen is more willing to face a fifth-order peak powerhouse than to face the palace at this moment. After all, what is unknown is terrifying.


Liu Chen shouted, only Liu Chen's own response could be heard in the empty palace, and no one responded for a long time.

"I want to see what secrets are in this sculpture!"

Liu Chen plucked up his courage, and walked towards the dragon-shaped sculpture with vigilant eyes. In front of a dragon-shaped sculpture for disaster relief, he stretched out his hands and placed them on the head of the dragon-shaped sculpture.


In an instant, the dragon-shaped sculpture roared, and the original stone eyes opened, and the pupils exuded a strange color, full of danger.

The moment Liu Chen saw those eyes, he felt a sense of losing his mind, and as the eyes of the dragon-shaped sculpture stone closed, that feeling gradually disappeared, and everything recovered.


Liu Chen subconsciously let go of his hands, stepped back again and again, panted heavily, and looked at the dragon-shaped sculpture in front of him with lingering fear.

There are a total of 29 dragon-shaped sculptures here, and each dragon-shaped sculpture is different, and there must be weirdness.

As for what's weird, Liu Chen doesn't know yet, but Liu Chen will definitely figure it out.

"Before being discovered by the strong dragon clan, it is better to continue to go deeper."

Liu Chen was sure that there was a huge secret hidden in this palace, whether it was about Immortal Immortal Venerable or not, Liu Chen would go in to find out.

Otherwise, once the strong dragon clan found out his whereabouts, Liu Chen would have no chance, because they would not watch Liu Chen enter without doing anything.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen closed his eyes, took two deep breaths, collected himself, and immediately walked towards the palace.

At this moment, Liu Chen clearly felt that the 29 dragon-shaped sculptures moved, and the 29 dragon-shaped sculptures were moving.

Liu Chen simply stopped in his tracks, concentrated all his energy, and observed the 29 dragon-shaped sculptures to see what was the secret of their changing positions.

Maybe we can see through the secret of the dragon sculpture.

But as soon as Liu Chen stopped, the 29 dragon-shaped sculptures also stopped. They were no different from ordinary sculptures, and there was no weirdness at all.


The corner of Liu Chen's mouth let out a small sigh, and looked at the 29 dragon-shaped sculptures in the palace with puzzled eyes, and then walked towards another dragon-shaped sculpture.

This time, Liu Chen was fully prepared mentally, but he still carefully placed his hands on the dragon sculpture.


Almost instantly, the dragon-shaped sculpture roared, and a pair of stone eyes opened, bursting out with terrifying light. Even with Liu Chen's eyes closed, the appearance of the dragon-shaped sculpture appeared in his mind.

Especially those weird eyes are simply breathtaking.

Liu Chen had no doubt that if these dragon sculptures were alive and controlled by someone, he could definitely kill himself easily.


Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Liu Chen's mind, and he suddenly realized. Looking at the arrangement of the 29 dragon-shaped sculptures in front of him, he thought carefully in his mind.

It's a pity that Liu Chen has never studied formations and is not familiar with the way of formations. If Bing Feixue was here, he might be able to see some clues.

"It would be nice if Xue'er was here."

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Liu Chen's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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