
Chapter 915 Dragon Tomb

Chapter 915 Dragon Tomb
Concentrating all his energy, Liu Chen carefully looked at the dragon-shaped sculptures around him, and finally discovered the mystery of the formation.

Although Liu Chen was unable to break through the formation, Liu Chen also saw a clue.

That is, the 29 dragon-shaped sculptures all face the same direction, no matter what their orientation is, they all face the east of the palace.

In other words, the secret of the palace is hidden in the east.

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth raised slightly, showing a smug smile, and immediately walked along the east side. Because the light inside the palace was dim, the floor was basically not visible.

When Liu Chen walked to the east of the palace, a miraculous scene happened immediately.

I don't know if it was because Liu Chen stepped on the mechanism, or because it was the way it was, the floor on the ground turned black.

Liu Chen's heart rose to his throat, and then he landed lightly and walked forward, stepping on the black floor.

In an instant, the black floor turned over, and a strong suction burst out, sucking Liu Chen in directly.


Liu Chen said inwardly, and subconsciously wanted to hold on to the things next to him, but unfortunately there was nothing but smooth stone walls around, so Liu Chen could only keep falling.

Finally, with a bang, Liu Chen fell heavily to the ground.

"What is this place?"

Liu Chen can't find a way out at all now, and has no choice but to retreat, so he can only be forced to move forward.

Liu Chen stood up, patted the dust off his body, and immediately looked forward. With the dim light, Liu Chen could vaguely see that the front was a stone door.

The dragon-shaped pattern carved on the stone gate looks lifelike, full of majesty, and exudes a heavy dragon power.

Especially those eyes seemed to be staring at Liu Chen all the time, and it was incredible that they could even see through Liu Chen's thoughts.


Liu Chen took a deep breath and immediately walked forward.

Pushing open the gate and entering behind the gate, it is not as magnificent as imagined, but lifeless, with black mist floating in the air, which is very strange.

There is a long passage in front, the passage is high and wide, the top is black rock, and the stone walls on both sides are carved with various dragon-shaped sculptures, which are lifelike and real.

In front of the dragon-shaped sculpture, rows of stone coffins lie quietly. Looking forward, there are at least 100 coffins. If you continue to move forward, there will definitely be more!

Every stone coffin is carved with the same pattern, all of which are dragons, and in front of the coffin, there are stone statues of dragons inserted vertically, which is the same for every coffin.

Liu Chen took two steps forward, and approached the nearest coffin with strong curiosity. When he was about to open it, the dragon pattern on the coffin shone with a faint light, and then disappeared.

"This is, the coffin? Dragon-shaped pattern? Could it be that the dead strongman of the dragon clan is buried here?"

A shocking idea suddenly burst into Liu Chen's mind, so he immediately walked forward.

Looking at the miraculous sculptures and coffins around me, I was extremely shocked.

Indeed, many coffins were found inside, and several huge coffins exuded heavy dragon power, but they were all lifeless. Liu Chen never expected that such a place existed in the palace!

There are more than 100 coffins here, and the more you go, the more there will be.

Liu Chen became more and more sure that this was the cemetery of the Dragon Clan, otherwise, where would the dead Dragon Clan strongmen go?

You must know that the corpses of every dragon strongman are precious wealth, especially those super dragon strong men.

Their keels can be used to create real treasures, even virtual treasures, and their blood can be used to refine elixirs.

The most important thing is the Dragon Ball, which gathers all the strength of the dragon powerhouses during their lifetime, and can improve the cultivation of the dragon powerhouses of the younger generation.

At this moment, a giant came out from the dark part of the passage!
The reason why he is said to be a giant is because among all the people Liu Chen has met, no one has ever been able to compare with him. Even if the giant of black ice appears here, it is nothing more than an insignificant insignificance.

Every time the giant took a step forward, the passage would shake slightly, especially the black rock at the top, which stirred up faint dust.

Coupled with the black mist floating in the passage, the line of sight was immediately obstructed.

"Oops." Liu Chen muttered inwardly.

It must be because he broke into the dragon cemetery and alarmed the guardians here.

Liu Chen could feel a huge force approaching him.

Liu Chen took two steps back, and as the tremor became stronger and stronger, the giant got closer and closer.

"Moon-watching card!"

Liu Chen simply preempted the attack, his figure flashed, straightened instantly, and rushed out like a rocket. Almost at the same time, the moon-watching card turned into sharp claws, and sharp claws appeared out of thin air on the backs of both hands, about a third of them Forearm length.

The cold light is exposed, and the breath is frightening.


After the two claws passed, the shadow of the claws flashed in the air, only the sound of the flesh being cut open, followed by the splash of blood, Liu Chen's figure retreated from the darkness.

He frowned, his face was very ugly, the blood of the enemy remained on his body, but his sharp claws were exceptionally shiny.

After a while, the giant finally came out from the darkness and appeared in Liu Chen's line of sight. There were two deep claw marks on his shoulders, and blood was continuously flowing out.

But from a distance, the wound seemed a little tiny.


The giant roared angrily, and slammed down with both arms, directly smashing the celestial masters on both sides into meat paste, the passage trembled violently, as if it couldn't bear the majestic momentum of the giant.

Liu Chen frowned, gritted his teeth and rushed forward again, at an extremely fast speed, much faster than before!

Swish swish!
"Ho Ho!" The giant was really angry!

The huge binoculars burst out with a strong killing intent, raised his head and roared twice, swung his arms in all directions, and made a whirring sound of breaking through the air, full of strength.

A smile could not help but appear on the corner of Liu Chen's mouth, the giant is indeed very strong, but if it continues like this, defeat is only a matter of time.

Because the giant moves slowly, once the injury is too serious, it will undoubtedly die.

But at this moment, a change happened.

The giant stamped his right foot on the ground, and then, a miraculous scene happened.

Within five meters around him, everything was slowed down, and when Liu Chen rushed over, he suddenly found that his speed had slowed down.

"Roar!" The giant roared, raised his hand, and grabbed it fiercely with both hands.

not good!

Liu Chen yelled in his heart, if he was pinched by the giant like this, he would definitely die!

The giant stared at Liu Chen with cold eyes full of murderous intent, and slowly closed his hands, life and death were hanging by a thread.

At the critical moment, Liu Chen repeatedly made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers, and the moon-watching card instantly turned into a long sword. .

"Immortal art! Light curtain sword rain!"

Following Liu Chen's loud shout, the golden lightsaber flickered between his eyebrows, and immediately transformed into thousands of lightsabers, scattered in the air.

Immediately afterwards, countless lightsabers whizzed and charged at the giant with a thunderous force.

The giant's defense wasn't that terrifying, even the normal attack of Mochizuki could hurt him, and so many golden lightsabers could definitely cut him into pieces.

Puchi puchi.

The golden lightsaber quickly touched the giant's chest, and suddenly snowflakes the size of the giant's thumbnail splashed in all directions, wrapping the giant and turning into a blood man.

The heart-piercing pain stimulated the giant's whole body, and he couldn't help opening his hands, and immediately ran back.

"Roar!" The giant fell to the ground with a plop, and immediately felt a shaking sensation under his feet, and was cut into bloody flesh by the golden lightsaber that was chasing him.

It's like a mass of rotten meat that has been chopped countless times by a sharp knife, and the original appearance cannot be seen at all, it is simply disgusting.

Especially those internal organs in the giant's body, with a drop of blood, the passage was filled with a disgusting bloody smell.

"Kill it to avoid future troubles." Liu Chen raised his hand suddenly, his eyes showing murderous intent, and walked towards the flesh and blood giant.

Although he was chopped into meat paste, Liu Chen could still feel the faint breath of life from the giant.

How powerful this vitality is, it is unbelievable that he was able to survive after being injured like this.

Liu Chen asked himself that the vitality is very strong, and the vitality of the dragon clan is also very strong, but as long as the head is cut off, they will surely die.

But the giant in front of him had been chopped into a pulp, not to mention the head, and even the nail pieces could not be found, yet he survived.

Because Liu Chen really felt the faint breath of life, although it was very faint, it really existed.

In addition to its burly body, the giant is actually not very strong. It is only about the cultivation level of the middle stage of transformation, so naturally it cannot be Liu Chen's opponent.

"Jiuli Pot!"

Liu Chen made a gesture with both hands, and then flexed his fingers.

The Jiuli Pot appeared out of thin air, bursting out with a strong suction force, and devoured the giant who had turned into flesh. Since he was not dead, it shouldn't be a problem to be sucked into the Jiuli Pot and refined into a elixir.

These elixirs are all great tonics, just like the dragon balls of the dragon clan.

"Roar!" Suddenly, there was another roar from the dark part of the passage, and then two middle-aged men on horses appeared quickly.

"Roar." One of them waved his big sleeve, and a strong wind swept over the giant, and he retreated slowly, while the other looked at Liu Chen vigilantly, and gradually disappeared in the darkness.

Liu Chen originally wanted to stop him, but found that the two of them were both at the Great Perfection of the God Transformation Realm, so he had no choice but to give up and watched them take the giant away.

But a question popped up in Liu Chen's mind, this place is clearly a dragon cemetery, why there are giants and humans in it.

Since it is the cemetery of the dragon clan, even if someone strong is to be arranged to guard it, it should be a strong dragon clan. Even if there is no strong dragon clan, at least it must be a monster without intelligence.

But the two humans riding on the horses just now are obviously intelligent. It is absolutely impossible for the Dragon Clan to find two humans to guard the cemetery, and in fact it is.

Liu Chen couldn't believe it, and couldn't understand why the Dragon Clan would do this.

But since they exist, there must be a reason for their existence. As long as they continue to move forward, they will definitely be able to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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