
Chapter 916

Chapter 916
Curiosity always puts people in danger. In order to find out the real situation, Liu Chen went deep again. In fact, Liu Chen had no choice but to leave the original place.

Either continue to move forward, or stay where you are until you are discovered by the strong dragon clan.

Compared to the latter, Liu Chen is more willing to choose the former.

Suddenly, two knights came out side by side from the dark part of the passage. The horses under their crotches were fully armed, not like ordinary horses, and faint green fire danced in their eye sockets.

On the horseback, two men were holding Guan Dao, looking up, they looked exactly the same.

Bronze-colored skin, a resolute face, and sinewy arms exuding great strength.

"You hurt the giant just now?"

There is a black line on Liu Chen's forehead, you have all seen it, so there is nothing to doubt.

Liu Chen didn't change his expression when he heard the words, he just raised his head and glanced at him lightly.

"I asked you a question, why didn't you answer." The knight roared angrily, pointing his big knife at Liu Chen condescendingly.

"I don't want to answer." Liu Chen said lightly, and then the long sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out, bursting out with powerful force, making a whistling sound, and stabbing at the knight in front.

The sword light shoots out instantly, the speed is very fast, and it is as powerful as a bamboo, giving people an invincible and powerful feeling.

After one sword, another sword followed.

In an instant, the steeds under the crotch of the two knights felt the terrifying aura, and their legs softened and they knelt down. The terrifying sword light came in an instant, and ruthlessly bombarded the chests of the two of them!

not good!

The two knights were stunned, and after a while, they finally came back to their senses. Seeing the terrifying sword aura coming towards them, their hearts were filled with shock.

"It's not right." Liu Chen frowned slightly, and looked towards the dark part of the passage, where it was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

At that moment just now, Liu Chen clearly felt that there were other auras deep in the passage, and this feeling became stronger and stronger.

Liu Chen's figure flashed, taking advantage of the moment when the two knights fought against the sword light, the figure flashed and flew towards the passage, the passage gradually became brighter, and some sculptures could be vaguely seen.

The passage at the back is completely different from the front. The front of the stone wall is no longer a coffin, but a dragon-shaped stone statue.

The strange thing is that these dragon-shaped stone statues have human legs and legs, but the head is a dragon head, which is very weird.

These stone statues are carved with armor, standing straight, with their hands down naturally, leaning on a stone sword, which is deeply inserted into the ground.

There are such dragon-shaped stone statues everywhere on the left and right, which can't help but make people feel creepy, and the scalp is numb, as if they are being watched by countless people while walking on the road.

"These dragon-shaped stone statues seem a little weird." Liu Chen looked at the stone statue beside him and muttered to himself.

Liu Chen didn't turn his head back, he just felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find out what was wrong!

A strange voice suddenly sounded, Liu Chen was shocked, and he turned his head suddenly, only to find that there was no change behind him, it was still those dragon-shaped stone statues.

The atmosphere was quite strange, and the passage was shrouded in a veil of mystery.

"Jie Jie." Suddenly, a sly smile came from behind the stone statue in the distance, Liu Chen's eyes flashed, and he immediately ran after him.

"There's something wrong with the atmosphere." Liu Chen said cautiously.

Liu Chen stood on the spot, looking around vigilantly. These dragon-shaped stone statues did not change in any way, and the two knights did not chase after them either.

The atmosphere was quite eerie.

Looking at those cold dragon-shaped stone statues, especially when looking at the gray stone eyes, I always feel that the inside is extraordinary, as if staring at myself.

These dragon-shaped stone statues hold stone swords and stand motionless in place, majestic and majestic.

Liu Chen felt a little nervous, so he took two steps forward, and gently put his hand on the stone statue, and suddenly there was a burst of coldness, which was colder than ordinary stones and harder.


Worried about the hidden secrets in the stone statue, he exerted force suddenly, and only heard a click, and the cracks gradually spread downward from the head, and soon spread all over the body.

Along with the fragmented stone statue, smoke and dust rose up in an instant, and the sound of heavy stones falling to the ground formed an echo in the passage, and the atmosphere was strange, as if crying.

"Oops." Liu Chen took another two steps forward, approached another dragon-shaped stone statue, used his hand as a knife, and struck hard, the stone statue was instantly split in half.

It's all solid rock, and there's nothing weird about it.

In addition to the stones, there are also a pile of keel bones, but these keel bones are only a small part, like the least important part of the body of a dragon powerhouse.

Not even a dragon spine.

Why do these dragon-shaped stone statues have keel inside?So what's inside those coffins?Is it also a little keel?

Liu Chen was puzzled.

There are many dragon-shaped stone statues, more than 1000 of them, each of which has exactly the same specifications and is almost carved out of the same mold.

In front of the passage, there was another gate, but it turned into a stone gate, with pits and holes on it, without any strange lines or patterns.

The gate is nine meters high and five meters wide. Standing in front of the stone gate, it looks very small.

Looking at the stone gate, a heavy feeling and inexplicable coercion rushed over, making people's legs weak.


At this moment, a strange sound rang out, Liu Chen turned around preconditionally, his eyes swept, the stone statue was still a stone statue, without any change.

Suddenly, the farthest stone statue moved, and the sword in his hand turned around. When Liu Chen cast his gaze, he stopped immediately.

"Not good! You have to open that door quickly!" Liu Chen believed that his eyes were right, the dragon-shaped stone statue beside him was probably alive!

If that's the case, it's too dangerous!
Liu Chen cut out with a sword

The long sword slashed at the left shoulder of the stone statue, a crack appeared suddenly, and the entire left arm was shattered, but the stone statue didn't respond, but a few keel bones fell off.

A flash of light flashed in Liu Chen's mind, his back was straightened, and there was a chill coming from his back. This was a dangerous sign!

Liu Chen immediately turned around, only to see that the stone statue diagonally opposite had come to life, he raised the stone sword in his hand dully, and slashed down on his head.

The speed of the stone statue is not very fast, especially in Liu Chen's eyes, it is extremely slow, and it can be easily dodged by taking a breath.

Even so, Liu Chen didn't dare to be careless, he dodged the stone statue's attack with a flash, and then kicked the stone statue's waist hard.

Accompanied by a bang, the stone statue exploded in half, turned into two pieces, and lost its movement.

Suddenly, more than a dozen stone statues raised their heads, mechanically shook their bodies, shook off the dust on their bodies, and pulled out the stone swords from the ground. The movements were uniform and full of deterrence.


Seeing this scene, my heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and I felt a headache.

Swish swish!
Fortunately, the speed of the stone statues was not fast. Liu Chen dodged left and right to avoid the attacks of the stone statues, and he was still able to attack fiercely. He was still able to deal with more than a dozen stone statues with ease.


The stone statues came back to life one after another. Looking along the passage, all the stone statues raised their heads in unison, pulled out their stone swords, and made a buzzing sound.

Exuding an invincible aura, a neat team lined up, rushing like Liu Chen.

Shi Jian pointed out to Liu Chen and Iron Man, and the eight stone statues stood in a row, lined up one by one, and rushed forward without fear of death!
The heart that sank to the bottom of the valley was instantly frozen!
Thousands of stone statues, how can they beat it!
"This is terrible." Liu Chen smiled bitterly, and immediately rushed to the stone statue, swung his left fist and smashed it out, like a hundred-pound hammer, the stone statue's head was almost vulnerable to a blow.

The strength of these stone statues is very weak, about only in the middle stage of transformation, unable to cause harm to Liu Chen, but there are too many of them.

Moreover, Liu Chen didn't dare to make too much noise, and was timid, which made the battle more difficult.

Liu Chen took another two steps to the left, turned sideways and grabbed the ankles of the two stone statues at the same time, pulled them back violently, only to hear two bang bang bangs, the legs broke, the stone statues lost their center of gravity, and immediately fell to the ground.

This was not over yet, Liu Chen jumped up, overturned the two stone statues, landed firmly, stepped on the top of the two stone statues with broken legs, there was a click sound, and the stone statues lost their movement.

Liu Chen was sweating on his anxious forehead, and due to being too nervous, his hands gradually began to tremble, his lips trembled uncontrollably, his breathing became short of breath, and he wished he could cut open the stone gate with his sword.

Liu Chen was not afraid of these dragon-shaped stone statues, but worried about the unknown danger, God knows what else might be inside.

No matter what, you have to open the stone door first and leave this eerie place.

Liu Chen was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

"Huh?" Liu Chen smashed the stone statue close to him, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of a stone statue moving backwards.

All the stone statues are lined up neatly and move forward. Why do some stone statues destroy the formation and move backward?

"It seems that the key lies in the stone statue!"

"Look at the sword!" Liu Chen yelled, his feet hit the ground fiercely, his body immediately flew up, and went straight to the moving stone statue.

But after flying into the air, looking down, all the stone statues are exactly the same, and there is no difference at all.

Liu Chen cursed angrily in his heart, watching the group of stone statues change their attack direction, the point of the sword was aimed at him, and he had to retreat.

If it falls in the middle of the stone statue, it will be lost forever.

Liu Chen paused, glanced around, but there was still no special stone statue, and murmured, "Among these stone statues, there is a special stone statue with consciousness. It may be the core of these stone statues. As long as I kill him, the others will die." The stone statue should be destroyed by itself!"

After making up his mind, Liu Chen's figure flashed, and with his cultivation base of the late stage of becoming a god, he shuttled among the many dragon-shaped stone statues with ease.

The only difficulty was that the dragon-shaped stone statue was well hidden, and the aura was exactly the same, so Liu Chen couldn't find it for a while.

"You can't hide anymore."

Liu Chen's face darkened, he simply closed his eyes, and concentrated all his attention on sensing the existence of the special dragon-shaped stone statue.

After a while, Liu Chen suddenly opened his eyes, bursts of light erupted from the depths of his eyes, and immediately rushed towards one of the positions.

(End of this chapter)

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