
Chapter 917

Chapter 917
Just hearing a bang, the special dragon-shaped stone statue was directly smashed into pieces by the sword energy, and a large number of keel bones fell out.

In addition to those keel bones, there was also a weak dragon soul, but it was a pity that it collapsed and disappeared without even saying a word.

creak creak!

Immediately afterwards, the stone door slowly opened, revealing the world behind.

The wind is howling, and the eyes are wide open!
Outside the Shimen is a completely different world!
Following Liu Chen's gaze, there was a bottomless cliff right in front of him, with white clouds surrounding it, so he couldn't see clearly.

And he was standing on the rock extending from the cliff, and he might fall down at any time.

When I looked up and looked forward, there was also a protruding stone about ten meters in front of me, with a coffin floating on it.

The difference is that the coffin lid of the coffin has not been opened, and behind the coffin, there is a dark cave.

Liu Chen couldn't believe that there was such a place in the depths of the Dragon Clan's cemetery. It seemed that this was a world independently created by the strong Dragon Clan.

Now that he has come here, the strong dragon clan must have sensed it, and it is only a matter of time before they find him.

Since they are all going to be found, it is even more necessary to hurry up and learn more about the Dragon Clan Cemetery before they find it.


Liu Chen swallowed, a mere distance of more than ten meters was nothing, and he passed it in a single jump, but he had to pay attention to the floating coffin.

Liu Chen had felt a powerful aura before, but the aura disappeared all the way to this side, especially the cave on the opposite side, which seemed to be full of some kind of magical power, attracting Liu Chen to enter.

After hesitating for a while, he stared straight at the floating coffin not far away, praying in his heart not to open it suddenly when he jumped over it!

Even if a peerless powerhouse didn't pop out, just that blow would scare half his life away.

Liu Chen stared at the coffin, paced back and forth on the stone with both feet, suddenly gritted his teeth, bent his legs, and jumped out with a whoosh, a full height of more than ten meters.

Feeling nervous and uneasy, he landed steadily, and there was no movement in the coffin. Liu Chen patted his chest, let out a sigh of relief, and stepped into the cave.

After entering the cave, the inside is not as dark as imagined, because some bright gemstones are inlaid on the surrounding stone walls, emitting a soft light, which just illuminates the cave.

The cave is very large, and there are so many intersections that people have no choice.

Following Liu Chen's gaze, piles of raised stones half a person's height, with extremely sharp tops, and a little water on the ground, other than that, there is nothing worth noting.

"Twelve intersections!" Liu Chen counted carefully, there are a total of twelve different intersections here, all leading to different places, if you go wrong, you will be in trouble.

As time passed by, Liu Chen frowned into a big Sichuan character, bit his lips tightly, and showed a look of difficulty in making a decision in his eyes.

Suddenly, a strong breath came out from one of the intersections.

Liu Chen raised his brows, his eyes showed deep vigilance, and immediately walked cautiously towards the direction where the breath came from.

Liu Chen quickened his pace and walked straight along that road. Slowly, his vision gradually became wider.

This is a huge cave. The strange thing is that the top is not hung upside down with stalactites, but dragon sculptures, and the ground is bare.

There is also a dragon-shaped stone statue in the middle, but it is much bigger than the dragon-shaped stone statue in the passage.

With his eyes closed, he stood there with his back straight, with one hand hanging down naturally, and the other hand holding the keel sword, facing Liu Chen, giving people a sense of shock.

I have to say that Liu Chen was really shocked when he saw the dragon-shaped stone statue.

"Huh? What is that?"

There is a slightly beating red heart on the chest of the dragon-shaped stone statue!
Driven by curiosity, Liu Chen immediately walked a few steps and approached the dragon stone statue.

Dragon heart?

There are red blood vessels all over the surface of the heart. When you look carefully, you can see blood flowing inside.

Plop plop!
Liu Chen rubbed his eyes, he firmly believed that he was right, this heart was really beating!
Judging from the beating frequency of the heart, it didn't take long for the heart to run dry.

"Who is coming!"

An angry roar came from above, and then the dragon-shaped stone statues hanging upside down opened their eyes one after another, staring straight at Liu Chen.

not good!

Liu Chen was terrified, his face darkened and he quickly backed away. There were too many dragon-shaped stone statues flying over, and they were petite and flexible, so they were not easy to attack.

A dragon-shaped stone statue that broke away from the group of dragon-shaped stone statues bumped into Liu Chen's fist, and its body exploded immediately.

Tick ​​tock!

A magical scene happened!

These living dragon-shaped stone sculptures are not stones at all, they have flesh and blood bodies, and seeing the rain of blood falling all over the sky, Liu Chen's eyes were deeply stimulated.

The most important thing is that these dragon-shaped stone statues all possess the power of the Great Perfection of Transforming God Realm.

Coming here, Liu Chen felt that he was one step closer to the truth.


The dragon-shaped stone statue's claws were very sharp, and it slashed across Liu Chen's shoulder lightly. Suddenly, a hole was torn in the clothes, and the flesh and blood inside rolled up, and the clothes were dyed red all of a sudden.

Liu Chen took two steps back in pain, looked at the wound on his shoulder, with a painful expression.


He yelled twice in a row, and with a flash of his body, he immediately rushed towards the group of dragon-shaped stone statues. The attack of the dragon-shaped stone statues was very simple, but it was a pity that there were so many of them.

Liu Chen slashed out with a sword, blood mist sprayed out immediately, and five or six dragon-shaped stone statues died unexpectedly.

Liu Chen's attacks opened wide and wide, his domineering air leaked sideways, completely disregarding life and death, fighting all the way, and soon approached the dragon-shaped stone statue in the middle.

When he got here, Liu Chen looked down at himself, his whole body was stained red with his own blood, but more of it belonged to the dragon-shaped stone statue.

The number of wounds gradually increased, but fortunately there were no fatal injuries.

Despite this, Liu Chen looked embarrassed and frantic, rushing back and forth, roaring continuously.

"If only Xiaoqing had such a terrifying defense!" Liu Chen smiled bitterly.

The heart beat slightly for a while, and then the dragon-shaped stone statues all turned around, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, full of energy.

Liu Chen looked at the heart, then at the dragon-shaped stone statue flying over, immediately put his hand on the heart, and touched it lightly.

A warm current was released from the inside out, pouring into Liu Chen's body, blood qi surged up immediately, the wound outside his body healed quickly, and his energy and spirit were all restored to their peak state!
Not only that, but there seems to be a new force in the body that is about to move, and it may explode at any time!


Liu Chen was shocked and speechless, his cultivation was ready to move, as if he was about to break through to the Great Consummation of God Transformation Realm.

Liu Chen knew that the Demon God's Heart of the Demon God Clan was very powerful, otherwise the Immortal Clan would not try to snatch it. Could it be that the Dragon Clan also had the Dragon God's Heart?

But the heart in front of him seemed to be dying.

The moment Liu Chen's hand touched his heart, all the flying dragon-shaped stone statues stopped abruptly, and they froze in place quietly, not daring to move.

Looking at their pleading eyes, I was afraid that Liu Chen would pierce that fragile heart if he tried hard.

"Anyone who offends my Dragon Clan is unforgivable." The Dragon Stone Statue spoke.

Liu Chen was startled, and saw the dragon stone statue slowly turning its head, looking down at Liu Chen, the arm holding the dragon bone sword trembled, and moved mechanically.

"This heart shouldn't be simple!" Liu Chen immediately pulled the heart out of the dragon stone statue's chest.

Ka Ka Ka!
In an instant, the dragon stone statue made the sound of stones cracking, and then turned into stones and fell to the ground. Just as the dragon bone long sword was about to fall on Liu Chen's head, it collapsed and separated.

Seeing that the heart was torn off, the group of dragon-shaped stone statues did not dare to act rashly, and all stopped in place.

Liu Chen smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to shake the heart in his hand, and continued to walk inward. After following for a while, the group of dragon-shaped stone statues stopped as if they had encountered some kind of barrier.

Liu Chen walked forward for a long time, and when he looked back, the group of dragon-shaped stone statues had all turned into sculptures, hanging upside down on the top.

Holding the heart of the dragon in both hands, the warm current poured into the body continuously, and a powerful force was brewing.


Liu Chen could feel that as long as he completely refined this heart, his cultivation would definitely be able to reach the Great Consummation of the God Transformation Realm.

Gradually, the warm current gradually became thinner, but the power in the body became stronger and stronger. Finally, there was no warm current gushing out from the heart, and the blood vessels on the surface of the heart were slightly white, and it was almost impossible to see the blood flowing inside.

The heart vaguely doubled in size, and the beating frequency became lower and lower, and the beating became weaker and weaker. After a while, the heart only beat slightly once every 10 minutes.

Liu Chen let out a long breath, and the essence of the heart was absorbed by himself, which obviously accelerated the progress of its depletion, and within three moments, the heart would be depleted and necrotic.

Sure enough, the heart of the dragon stopped beating not long after, and all the blood vessels shriveled and lost their luster.

"I feel it!" Liu Chen was shocked suddenly, raised his head suddenly, and looked away from his heart.

He felt the breath of other cultivators, one of which seemed a little familiar, but this breath was very weak.

In addition, there are two other breaths, which are also very weak.

"Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother!" Liu Chen called out in a low voice, trying to get a response from them, but after a long time, his voice was almost hoarse, and no one answered.

Perception won't lie, they are indeed by their side, there must be a mechanism hidden somewhere!

"Here!" Liu Chen closed his eyes, tried his best to concentrate, carefully perceived their position, and finally determined their position.

So he walked over immediately, stretched out his hands, and gently placed them on the stone wall.


With both palms exerting force, the stone wall immediately heard the sound of cracking, and then a crack appeared, and as Liu Chen increased his strength, the crack became wider and wider.

(End of this chapter)

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