
Chapter 919 Refining Dragon God Pill

Chapter 919 Refining Dragon God Pill

"it is good!"

Liu Chen looked at Long Wuji seriously, and nodded slightly.

He never expected that when things got to this point, Long Wuji would only put Liu Chen under house arrest, not even house arrest, but only verbally threatened Liu Chen.

Long Wuji gave Liu Chen face, of course Liu Chen can't be arrogant, anyway, Long Wuji is also the second strongest of the Dragon Clan.

Watching Long Wuji leave, the expression on Liu Chen's face froze instantly, his mind was full of pictures inside the Dragon Tomb.

"Eldest brother, why is the second senior brother trapped in there? Could it be that Master is also locked in there?"

"But with the cultivation of the senior brother and the second senior brother, it is absolutely impossible to break into the Dragon Clan quietly without being discovered."

"They themselves should be very clear. Could it be that the strong dragon clan secretly captured the senior brother and the second senior brother?"

Liu Chen frowned and muttered to himself.

By now, Liu Chen was able to confirm that Xie Bing and Qi Yan were trapped among the Dragon Clan, and it would be very difficult to rescue them.

In addition, Long Wuji and others have noticed that Liu Chen entered the Dragon Tomb, so they will definitely prevent Liu Chen from entering the Dragon Tomb next time.

Therefore, it was even more difficult for Liu Chen to strike.

"What should I do?"

Liu Chen clenched his fists and paced up and down the palace, but he couldn't think of any useful method for a long time.

This is the Dragon Clan, with Long Zhantian personally sitting in the town, and Liu Chen doesn't have the strength to forcibly break into the Dragon's Tomb, otherwise Liu Chen would have done so long ago.

As for the idea of ​​asking Ye Jun and the Giant Spirit God for help, Liu Chen didn't even think about it, because Liu Chen had no chance to meet them at all.

Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, they will definitely not agree to meet them.

As for the other Immortal Venerables, even if they all add up, they are not Long Zhantian's opponents, and the relationship between Immortal Immortal Venerable and other Immortal Venerables is not good enough to fight against the Dragon Clan together.

All in all, if you want to get Xie Bing and others out, you can only rely on Liu Chen himself.

There is no good way right now, the only way is to wait for the refining of the Dragon God Pill to see if there is any suitable opportunity.


Three days later, Long Jiu flew to the palace where Liu Chen was located with an excited look on his face. He didn't mention Liu Chen's trespassing on the dragon's tomb before, but instead said respectfully: "Elder Mu, the Dragon God Pill is being refined soon, please come over for a while." trip."

"Oh? Is it finally time to start?"

Liu Chen frowned, and heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart. After waiting for three consecutive days, the invisible disillusionment pill in Liu Chen's hand was almost finished.

Originally, he was still thinking about rescuing Xie Bing and the others, but as the days passed, Liu Chen began to think about how to get out.

After all, once the invisible disillusionment pill is used up, Liu Chen will have nowhere to hide in the Dragon Clan. With so many Void Refining Realm experts and Fusion Realm experts, anyone can see through Liu Chen's true identity.

Once that time comes, Liu Chen will not be able to escape even if he has wings, not to mention rescuing Xie Bing and the others, Liu Chen may still die before them.

Finally, on the third day, Long Jiu came to discuss with Liu Chen about refining the Dragon God Pill.

"Well, several dragon elders are already waiting in the alchemy room, waiting for you to pass."

Long Jiu said respectfully with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, and immediately stepped out, left the palace, and followed Long Jiu to the Dragon Clan alchemy room.

The alchemy room of the Dragon Clan is resplendent and resplendent, even the outermost layer is inlaid with a layer of golden bricks, which looks golden, and the roof is inlaid with various orbs.

Maybe it's because it's daytime, these orbs can't see any color, but once it's night, these orbs are colorful, exuding soft brilliance, very beautiful.

Liu Chen looked up and down the alchemy room, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and immediately followed Long Jiu down.

In the past, the alchemy room was full of people, and there were people refining pills next to almost every cauldron alchemy furnace, but today is a big day for refining dragon god pills.

The alchemy room seemed empty, and all the redundant alchemy furnaces were removed, leaving only a huge alchemy furnace in the center.

This alchemy furnace has four faucets, which are located in the four directions of the alchemy furnace, and the wall of the alchemy furnace is carved with a dragon pattern, which is extraordinary.

From a distance, these dragons seem to be alive, swimming on them, exuding a faint dragon power.

This is the Dragon Clan's Shenlong Pill Furnace, which is stronger than the Shennong Cauldron in Liu Chen's hand, and it was built with the bodies of four seventh-rank Dragon Clan powerhouses.

You must know that a seventh-rank dragon clan powerhouse is equivalent to a body-fit state powerhouse, and it is even rumored that there is a dragon soul hidden in this cauldron god dragon pill furnace, but it has never been known whether it is true or not.

It is absolutely unheard of to use a seventh-level dragon soul to create a cauldron of alchemy. One must know that a seventh-level dragon soul is equivalent to the primordial spirit of a strong person in the combined state.

One side is the seventh-level powerhouse, and the other is the super-powerful alchemy furnace. I'm afraid you don't need to think about it, you already know which one you will choose, of course it is the seventh-level powerhouse.

There are only a handful of dragon clan powerhouses at the seventh level, and Long Wuji is naturally one of them. Even if you look at the entire fairy world, there are not many seventh-level powerhouses.

And beside the Shenlong Pill Stove, there were three white-haired old men, Liu Chen had never seen these three old men.

It wasn't the people who had seen Liu Chen make alchemy before, even if Liu Chen appeared here, the three white-haired old men didn't open their eyes.

As if he was adjusting his breathing, he was refining the Dragon God Pill in the best state.

The three of them were sitting in three directions of the Shenlong Pill Stove, leaving the last direction for Liu Chen. Looking in that direction, he saw the dragon head on the Shenlong Pill Stove staring at him, and a burst of dragon power erupted , unexpectedly shocked Liu Chen.

Besides, there were many people standing outside the Shenlong Pill Stove, the most conspicuous one was Long Wuji, and behind him was the person who saw Liu Chen making alchemy that day.

In addition to them, there are many strong dragons who almost completely surrounded the alchemy room.

Liu Chen also noticed that in the alchemy room, there was a very mysterious gaze, watching the alchemy room all the time.

But this gaze was very powerful, so powerful that no one could notice it, and Liu Chen could only feel it.

Because that gaze just now was sizing up Liu Chen, otherwise Liu Chen wouldn't be able to feel that gaze.

Almost all the strong dragons appeared in the alchemy room. If there is one stronger person who does not appear, it must be Long Zhantian.

"This Dragon God Pill is no small matter to the Dragon Clan. There are so many strong people dispatched. It seems that it is not an easy thing for the medicinal properties to tamper with it."

Liu Chen sighed in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm, walked slowly towards the Shenlong Pill Stove, and immediately sat down.

At this time, the three white-haired old men next to them opened their eyes at the same time, focused all their energy on the Shenlong Pill Stove in front of them, and immediately slapped out with a palm, only to hear a buzzing sound, and the Shenlong Pill Stove let out a loud dragon chant.

(End of this chapter)

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