
Chapter 920: Divine Dragon Pill Furnace

Chapter 920: Divine Dragon Pill Furnace
Immediately afterwards, a raging pill fire ignited in the Shenlong Dan furnace, and the fierce pill fire escaped directly from the Shenlong Dan furnace, turning into flower seedlings and scattered in all directions.

Especially at the position of the dragon's head, flames spewed out from the dragon's mouth. Fortunately, Liu Chen dodged in time, otherwise he might be injured by the flames.

As soon as the Shenlong Pill Stove was activated, the entire alchemy room became bright red, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet. Everyone around looked at the Shenlong Pill Stove intently, their eyes full of anticipation.

But Liu Chen still sat there, motionless.

At this time, an old man next to him frowned slightly, glared at Liu Chen with displeasure, and said angrily, "Elder Mu, if you don't do anything now, when will you wait?"

"it is good!"

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately struck out with a palm, crazily mobilizing the spiritual power in his body, and injecting it into the Shenlong Pill furnace.

There was only a buzzing sound, and in an instant, the Shenlong Pill Furnace was like a huge bottomless pit, endlessly devouring the spiritual power in Liu Chen's body, and it didn't stop for a moment.

It seemed as if he wanted to suck up the spiritual power in Liu Chen's body, which was unbelievable. The most important thing was that Liu Chen couldn't withdraw it yet.

Liu Chen's face changed drastically, and he tried his best to get out of the Shenlong Dan furnace.

Seemingly seeing the worry in Liu Chen's heart, the white-haired old man next to him said lightly, "Leave it alone, it takes a lot of spiritual power to warm up the Shenlong Pill Furnace, and everything will be fine after it's over."

Hearing this, Liu Chen looked at the white-haired old man, only to see that his complexion was not good-looking, and the same was true of the remaining two white-haired old men.

The experiences of the four people were exactly the same, a large amount of spiritual power was swallowed by the Shenlong Pill Furnace, but their cultivation was far higher than Liu Chen, so the spiritual power in their bodies was naturally thicker.

And Liu Chen only had the cultivation base of the Great Perfection of the God Transformation Realm, and his spiritual power was not as good as them. If the Shenlong Pill Furnace needed to devour more and more spiritual power, then Liu Chen would not be able to satisfy it at all.

The most important thing is that Liu Chen doesn't know how much spiritual power is needed to preheat the Shenlong pill furnace. Anyway, Liu Chen has never seen such a terrifying spiritual power for preheating a pill furnace.

Liu Chen, plus the spiritual power output by the three white-haired old men at this moment, add up to a terrifying amount. It is no exaggeration to say that it can even warm up a hundred Shennong cauldrons.

Preheating the alchemy furnace itself does not require much spiritual energy. It is only necessary to raise the alchemy fire, so that all aspects of the alchemy furnace can be improved to the extreme, that's all.

Some powerful alchemists can succeed in refining pills even if they don't preheat the pill furnace.

Even preheating a pill furnace is so serious and cautious, it can be seen that they are really bound to win the refining dragon god pill.

"Increase spiritual power output!"

Suddenly, one of the white-haired old men spoke slowly, and immediately frowned, his face was gloomy, and he suddenly pointed his finger. The spiritual power in his body was output crazily, and all of them were noticed in the Shenlong Dan furnace.

Everyone could see clearly that the dragon hair in front of him let out a dragon cry, and the pill fire was the most vigorous.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining two white-haired old men were not to be outdone, and increased their output of spiritual power one after another, making the sound of dragon chants continue.

The pill fire in the Shenlong pill furnace was even more exuberant to the extreme. The raging flames drifted away and rushed straight to the roof. From a distance, it looked like a fiery pillar of fire.

Only in the direction where Liu Chen was, the Pill Fire was never strong or weak, just maintaining a normal level would neither affect them nor consume their spiritual energy too quickly.

After all, they are all sixth-order powerhouses with strong spiritual power in their bodies, so it is not difficult to increase the output of spiritual power.

But Liu Chen is different. Liu Chen is only a Dzogchen cultivation base and has limited spiritual power in his body. Perhaps the output of spiritual power that maintains this state may not be able to persist until the end.

"What is Elder Mu doing? Why don't you increase the output of spiritual power?"

"The more spiritual power output, the faster the Shenlong Pill Furnace warms up. Elder Mu must also know, but why hasn't he increased the output of spiritual power for so long?"

"With Elder Mu's accomplishments in alchemy, he will definitely not do anything unreasonable. Since he did not increase the output of spiritual power, there must be his reason."

Everyone talked a lot, but they didn't doubt Liu Chen at all, but stood by Liu Chen's side.

Such a situation really surprised Liu Chen, and at the same time he secretly smiled.

The spiritual power required to preheat the Shenlong Pill Furnace has a fixed value. After reaching this value, the Shenlong Pill Furnace will automatically stop.

But before this value is exceeded, the Shenlong Pill Furnace will keep devouring the spiritual power in their bodies until it exceeds.

However, Liu Chen did not increase the output of spiritual power, which meant that the other three white-haired old men had to output more spiritual power.

"Elder Mu, why don't you increase the output of spiritual power?"

One of the white-haired old men was sweating profusely on his forehead, his clothes were soaked, and he was panting heavily. It seemed that the spiritual power in his body had almost been swallowed by the Shenlong Pill Furnace.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, he smiled lightly, and said flatly: "There is not only one way to preheat the alchemy furnace, but I don't understand why you all chose the most stupid way."

As soon as this remark came out, the three white-haired old men were immediately upset. They had already outputted so much spiritual power, and their bodies were almost drained. They were already very upset.

Hearing this sentence, he became even more upset, so his face darkened, he glared at Liu Chen, and said in a deep voice, "I've heard that Elder Mu is extremely skilled in refining elixirs!"

"Don't you know that using spiritual power to preheat the alchemy furnace has the best effect?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "Indeed, the effect of preheating the pill furnace with spiritual power is indeed the best, but the four of us are exhausted just to preheat a pill furnace, so who else can do it?" Can you refine the Dragon God Pill?"

"Could it be that refining a Dragon God Pill requires the lives of the four of us?"

Liu Chen raised his brows, with a deep sense of sarcasm in his eyes, he questioned.

Hearing this sentence, the other three were speechless.

In order to refine the Dragon God Pill, they wanted to pursue the ultimate in every aspect, and even prepared for serious injuries.

But Liu Chen was an outsider after all, and he would never be in any danger or do any dangerous things for the sake of refining the Dragon God Pill for the Dragon Clan.

"When the Shenlong Pill furnace warms up successfully, we will take the elixir, recover for a short time, and then devote ourselves to refining the Dragon Pill."

One of the white-haired old men spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and then stopped talking. Anyway, there was still half of the spiritual power left in his body, and the spiritual power in the bodies of the three white-haired old men was estimated to be less than one-fifth.

If it continues like this, I'm afraid they will be drained before the Shenlong Pill Furnace is fully warmed up.

(End of this chapter)

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