
Chapter 921

Chapter 921
Finally, Liu Chen felt that the terrifying suction of the Shenlong Dan furnace gradually disappeared, and he was slowly able to control the spiritual power in his body.


At this time, the three white-haired old men let out a long breath at the same time, with a difficult smile on their faces, pale, sweaty, and very weak.

In their current state, it is definitely not suitable to directly refine the Dragon God Pill, and it is very likely that the refining of the Dragon God Pill will fail.

And they were also aware of this, and they didn't immediately put in the pills to start refining the Dragon God Pill, but paid the pills first, and gradually recovered their spiritual and physical strength.

It took a huge price to preheat the Shenlong Dan Furnace, and it was impossible to maintain it forever. After a certain period of time, the preheating effect would be lost.

And once that time comes, it means that the previous efforts are in vain.

"Three Dragon Snow Pills, one for each of us."

At this moment, one of the elders took out three Longxue Pills from the void, and distributed them to the other two, one for each of the three, and immediately swallowed it, his pale face instantly improved a lot, and he looked extremely energetic.

You can't see the weak appearance before.

The three of them took the elixir, but they just left Liu Chen aside, showing nothing at all. After all, Liu Chen is not a strong Dragon Clan and cannot take Long Xue Dan.

And Liu Chen didn't take the initiative to take out the pill. In fact, Liu Chen still has Bai Xue Dan in his hand, the healing effect is far higher than Long Xue Dan, but Liu Chen doesn't want to take it out yet.

Because the Dragon Clan will definitely express something.

Sure enough, seeing that Liu Chen hadn't taken out the elixir for a long time, the strong dragon clan was worried that it would affect the refining of Shenlongdan, so he immediately took out a elixir from the void and said, "This is the earliest Baixue elixir. The strongest healing elixir."

"Take this Baixue Pill, and the spiritual power and hearing you just consumed will instantly recover."

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised his brows, a look of surprise flashed in the depths of his eyes, and immediately held the high-level Snow White Pill, he couldn't help but smile.

Because he was worried that the Dragon Clan would tamper with the White Snow Pill, Liu Chen didn't take it directly, but put it away, and took out a Flawless White Snow Pill from the Sumeru Ring.

"That's... Flawless Bai Xuedan..."

"I didn't expect that he also had Bai Xuedan's formula, it's incredible."

"It's unbelievable. Elder Mu is from the immortal clan. Since he is from the immortal clan, he must have a large number of early alchemy recipes."

"That is, it may be an early pill recipe in our eyes, but in the eyes of Elder Mu, the so-called early pill recipe is no different from ordinary pill recipes. It has long been a rotten street existence in the fairy clan."

Everyone was discussing, looking at Liu Chen full of reverence and envy.

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a meaningful smile, and immediately took Bai Xuedan, only feeling a warm current flow down his throat, and immediately spread it to his limbs.

In an instant, the spiritual power that had been consumed before was restored instantly, and the energy and spirit returned to the peak, and even the perception was enhanced several times.

"whispering sound!"

Seeing Liu Chen accepting the high-grade white snow pill given by the Dragon Clan and taking his own Flawless White Snow Pill instead, one of the white-haired old men snorted coldly, cast Liu Chen a glance, and then looked away.

However, the contempt and disdain in his eyes were obvious.

As for the other two white-haired old men, they also didn't look good on Liu Chen, and there was even a deep loathing deep in their eyes.

If it weren't for the great importance of refining the Dragon God Pill, the three of them would not have allowed an outsider to intervene in this matter.

"Three elders, refining the Dragon God Pill is a very important matter, so you don't have to think about it any more. Is there anything you are not prepared for?"

Liu Chen frowned, and said lightly.

Hearing this, the three elders replied without hesitation: "We have already prepared everything that should be prepared, and there is no need for you to remind."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, and he stopped talking immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the three elders waved their sleeves at the same time, and three black void cracks instantly appeared above the alchemy room.


The three elders said in unison, and immediately pointed their fingers, a large amount of medicinal herbs were spit out from the three black cracks, and each medicinal herb exuded a strong fragrance of dandelion, especially the one closest to Liu Chen.

It has existed for at least a thousand years, which is simply incredible.

And this thousand-year-old medicinal material is not only one, but more than ten. In addition to these thousand-year-old medicinal materials, there are also countless ones that are eight or nine hundred years old or six or seven hundred years old.

A large number of medicinal materials covered the sky above the alchemy room, and if you took a breath casually, you would feel the fragrance of the medicinals, refreshing.

You feel refreshed, as if every pore in your body has been opened.

If an ordinary person lived in such an atmosphere, he would probably live to be one or two hundred years old just by smelling the fragrance of these medicines without doing anything.

If a cultivator takes one of these herbs, his life span will be increased by at least 50 years, and the higher his cultivation level, the longer his life span will be.

It is hard to imagine whether the Dragon God Pill refined with such rare medicinal materials can really make people live longer.

The end of cultivating immortals is nothing more than the pursuit of longevity, and a Dragon God Pill can make people achieve longevity. Is there anything more shocking than this?
Liu Chen searched through all the early alchemy recipes in Lu Qingfeng's cave before, but he never saw a single alchemy recipe that could make people live forever.

At most, it will increase the lifespan of several decades, at most hundreds of years.

But this amount of time, for cultivators, is basically a flick of a finger, and many strong men retreat, and it takes hundreds of years at a time.

Liu Chen's eyes widened, his eyes swept over the medicinal materials above the alchemy room one by one, and finally fell on the Shenlong pill furnace.

"Do you want to refine all the medicinal materials?"

Liu Chen looked at the Shenlong alchemy furnace, then at the medicinal materials above the alchemy room, and muttered to himself.

Hearing this, the three white-haired old men nodded slightly at the same time.


Liu Chen thought inwardly that it was over, refining so many medicinal materials would definitely not be successful within ten days and half a month.

What's more, this is just refining, the most difficult thing is to make alchemy, and it will take longer.

But Liu Chen's Invisible Disillusionment Pill can only last for two days. After waiting for two days, Liu Chen must leave the Dragon Clan, otherwise his identity will definitely be discovered.

What should I do?
Once the alchemy starts, there will be no chance to take the invisible disillusionment pill during this period, because at this time, Liu Chen's every move will be seen by the dragon powerhouses around him.

The most important thing is that even Long Zhantian is also paying attention to this side.

But at this moment, the arrow is on the string, and he has no choice but to shoot. Liu Chen has no chance to retreat, so he can only bite the bullet and continue.


The three white-haired old men shouted in unison, and the lid of the Shenlong Pill Furnace immediately rose, and the golden pill fire inside was blazing, releasing a scorching light.

(End of this chapter)

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