
Chapter 922 Using the Power of Life Skillfully

Chapter 922 Using the Power of Life Skillfully

Without waiting for the three white-haired old men to make a move, Liu Chen immediately made a double-handed tactic, and immediately pointed his fingers, and the two medicinal materials flew into the pill furnace in an instant, and were immediately wrapped in golden pill fire.

These are hundreds or thousands of medicinal materials, and refining them takes a very long time.

So Liu Chen was not in a hurry, anyway, there were four people here, even if he made a mistake, the other three would make up for it together.

Therefore, Liu Chen's attention was not focused on the Shenlong Pill Stove, but was thinking about how to leave the Dragon Clan skillfully.

It was impossible to leave directly. If Liu Chen couldn't give them a convincing reason, no one here would let Liu Chen leave.

The others, Liu Chen, were not afraid, anyway, they couldn't see through the invisible disillusionment pill, but if even Long Zhantian was drawn out, then Liu Chen would really feel a little guilty.

After all, that is the strongest immortal emperor in the fairy world, maybe he can see through the true face of Liu Chen behind the invisible disillusionment pill.

Since you can't go directly, you must find a reliable reason.

It would be best if there was a problem with the Shenlong Pill Furnace, and the refining of the Dragon Pill would have to be stopped, but it would be easier said than done.

At this moment, so many pairs of eyes in the alchemy room were staring at Liu Chen, not to mention tampering, even if they were a little careless, they could be seen immediately.

Unless Liu Chen crazily injects vitality into the Shenlong Pill Furnace and strives to refine the Dragon Pill within two days, then Liu Chen will have a chance to escape.

But Liu Chen didn't have such a majestic life force, after all, it would take at least ten and a half months to successfully refine so many medicinal materials.

And it's still the strength of four people.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Chen's mind, but he had an idea.

Not only can he output the power of life, but he can also devour the power of life. The medicinal materials in front of him have existed for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, and the power of life in them can be imagined.

If the life force of these medicinal materials was devoured, it would not only increase Liu Chen's life force, but also create loopholes quietly.

As long as it can attract their attention, it will be fine, making them take the initiative to stop refining the Dragon God Pill.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen remained calm on the surface, but secretly laughed in his heart, and immediately concentrated all his energy to refine the two medicinal materials in the Shenlong Pill Furnace.

Because the Shenlong Pill Furnace is very large, the four people refine different medicinal materials. After all the medicinal materials are refined into pill powder, they then control the four piles of pill powder to fuse into pills.

This is the last step, and it is also the most difficult step, because it requires the four people to control the pill fire extremely precisely without any deviation.

The most important thing is that these four piles of pill powder will definitely be repelled, but the dragon clan has fusion holy water, so this is not a problem, the most important thing is to control the pill fire.

"Suck me!"

An imperceptible light flashed in the depths of Liu Chen's eyes. Immediately, he made a gesture with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers a little. His fingertips inadvertently landed on the Shenlong Pill Stove, and a touch of greenness poured into the Shenlong Pill Stove, covering the two holes. above the medicinal materials.

After a while, the two medicinal materials turned into powder and fell into the bottom of the Shenlong Dan furnace.

"what happened?"

One of the white-haired elders was taken aback. He watched the two hundred-year-old medicinal materials in front of him turn into powder, but he didn't know what happened. It was incredible.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't feel anything, but those two herbs turned into powder.

"Why is this happening? Is there something wrong with the medicinal materials?"

The rest of the alchemists stared at the white-haired old man with puzzled faces.

Hearing this, Liu Chen secretly laughed in his heart, and immediately bent his fingers again, and the medicinal materials that the two white-haired old men worked so hard to refine were all turned into powder.

"What's going on? Our medicinal materials have also been turned into powder?"

"We have checked these medicinal materials countless times before, why is this happening?"

The two looked at each other, their eyes were full of doubts, but they had no clue, no clue at all, and had no idea what happened.

Long Wuji stood beside him, squinting his eyes slightly, carefully observing everything that happened in the Shenlong Pill Stove, but with his cultivation level of the Fusion Realm, he still couldn't see the slightest clue.

At this time, Liu Chen bent his fingers again, and the two herbs in front of him were also turned into powder, so he pretended to be surprised, and said slowly, "Why is this happening?"

"I have practiced alchemy for so many years, and I have never encountered such a situation!"

The four alchemists have all encountered such a situation, and it is completely inexplicable to say that someone is playing tricks, because there are so many pairs of eyes watching, and Long Wuji is standing beside them.

Even if someone can play tricks under Long Wuji's nose, but there is still Long Zhantian paying attention here, no one can hide it from Long Zhantian, right?
However, the fact is that all the pills were turned into powder and fell into the bottom of the Shenlong pill furnace.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, there is a problem with these medicinal materials.

"Before I started, I asked you if you were ready. Is this your preparation?"

Liu Chen's face was gloomy, and he said lightly, sarcastically.

Hearing this, the three white-haired old men looked at each other, speechless. They really wanted to refute, but the facts were in front of them, and they didn't know what to say or what to explain.

"try again."

After the words fell, the three of them put in three more medicinal materials and started to refine them respectively.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen also put in a piece of medicinal material, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers a little, and the elixir fire in the Shenlong elixir furnace flourished.

At the same time, a touch of greenness poured into the Shenlong Dan furnace, but no one noticed it.

This power of life turned into four strands, covering the four medicinal materials respectively. As long as Liu Chen had a slight thought, these four medicinal materials would turn into powder.

When the medicinal materials were half refined, the three white-haired old men all had a satisfied smile on their faces, thinking that it was just an accident.

But at this moment, Liu Chen secretly laughed in his heart, his thoughts moved slightly, and the four herbs turned into powder at the same time, without any signs, it was simply unimaginable.

"This... why is it still like this?"

Liu Chen spread his hands, looked at the Shenlong Pill Furnace in shock, and then looked at the three white-haired old men.

Hearing this, the eyes of the three white-haired old men were full of doubts. They didn't even know what happened. They were fine just now, but why did they change in a blink of an eye.

Before, they tried three people to refine the Dragon God Pill, but it was a pity that they were unable to succeed, but this situation never happened.

Is it really a problem with this batch of medicinal materials?
One of the white-haired old men stretched out his hand to grab it, and then carefully looked at the medicinal materials in his hand, muttering to himself: "Strange, there is obviously no problem with the medicinal materials, but why is it like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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